Trigo sarraceno
(1 páginas)
Jentschura morgenstund'
JENTSCHURA MorgenStund' Mingau de milho e trigo sarraceno com frutas e sementes. Composição Painço*; Trigo sarraceno*, frutos secos 13,5% (abacaxi*, maçã*), sementes oleaginosas 8,5% (sementes de abóbora*, sementes de girassol*, amêndoas doces*), amaranto*. *Da agricultura orgânica... Propriedades Vegano. Sem adição de açúcar (contém naturalmente açúcar). Aplicativo MorgenStund' Misture 3 colheres de sopa (aprox. 35g) com aprox. 120-140ml de água fervente e deixe inchar por 1 a 2 minutos. Ou misture o MorgenStund em aprox. 160-180 ml de água com um batedor. Deixe ferver mexendo sempre e cozinhe em fogo baixo por 1-2 minutos. Valores nutricionais Valor nutricionalQuantitypro%precisão de medição energia 1606 kJ100 gEnergia381 kcal100 gGordura7;30 g td>100 gGordura; dos quais ácidos graxos saturados0;95 g100 gCarboidratos62;50 g100 g carboidratos; dos quais açúcar12;82 g100 g Fibra6;80 g100 gProteína 12;90 g100 gSal0;04 g100 gTiamina (vitamina B1)0;32 mg100 g Piridoxina (vitamina B6)0;28 mg100 g Biotina12,00 µg100 gNiacina4;66 mg100 gPotássio380 mg100 gMagnésio170 mg100 gZinco 2;70 mg100 gFerro2;50 mg100 g AlérgenosIsento de Cereais contendo glúten e produtos de cereais contendo glútenAçúcar do leite (lactose) Notas Após aberto, armazenar em local seco e fechado. Fabricado: Na Alemanha. ..
20,74 USD
Pão de sementes de trigo sarraceno biológico sem glúten (12 pocket packs) 150 g
Seed Bread Buckwheat Organic Gluten-Free (12 Pocket Packs) 150 g Introducing our Seed Bread Buckwheat Organic Gluten-Free, a delicious and healthy option for those who are looking for gluten-free bread. Made with organic buckwheat and nutrient-dense seeds, this bread is perfect for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Our Seed Bread Buckwheat Organic Gluten-Free is made with wholesome ingredients that are good for you and the environment. It is free from gluten, preservatives, and artificial flavors, making it an ideal choice for health-conscious consumers who want to enjoy bread without the worry of allergic reactions or digestive issues. Each pack contains 12 pocket packs of 150g each, making it convenient to take with you on-the-go. You can enjoy our Seed Bread Buckwheat Organic Gluten-Free as a sandwich or toast it for breakfast. It is also perfect for making croutons, breadcrumbs, or as a gluten-free alternative to traditional bread in recipes. Our Seed Bread Buckwheat Organic Gluten-Free is high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats, providing you with sustained energy and essential nutrients to support your body. The combination of buckwheat, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds creates a unique flavor and texture that will delight your taste buds. If you're looking for a gluten-free bread that is healthy, tasty, and eco-friendly, our Seed Bread Buckwheat Organic Gluten-Free is the perfect choice for you. You can order it online and it will be delivered to your doorstep in no time. Try it out and experience the goodness of gluten-free bread. ..
7,66 USD
(1 páginas)