
Gengigel spray

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Transform your oral care routine with the power of Gengigel Spray, one of Switzerland's leading health and beauty products - now available at Known for its effective treatment of gum diseases, Gengigel Spray offers rapid relief from the discomfort of conditions such as gingivitis and periodontitis. Expertly crafted, Gengigel Spray forms part of our premium range in Body Care & Cosmetics, Nursing Articles, and Oral and Dental Care. Discover the benefits of using Gengigel Spray and why it's a must-have for enriched oral care. Explore Beeovita's extensive range today.
Gengigel spray 20 ml

Gengigel spray 20 ml

Product code: 7794158

Gengigel Spray 20 ml is a unique oral care solution that is specially designed for the treatment of gingivitis, periodontitis and other oral issues. It is a convenient, easy-to-use spray that helps combat the symptoms of gum disease and provides relief from discomfort, inflammation and sensitivity. The active ingredient in this spray is hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in the body known for its ability to promote tissue regeneration and healing. Gengigel Spray contains high concentrations of hyaluronic acid, which helps to soothe and protect the gums, reduce inflammation and promote healthy tissue growth. This product is suitable for use by adults and children, and is ideal for those who are prone to gum problems or who are undergoing dental treatment. It can also be used as a preventive measure to maintain good oral health and prevent the onset of gum disease. Gengigel Spray is easy to use – simply spray directly onto the affected area of the gums or teeth. The spray bottle allows for precise targeting of the affected area, which helps to ensure that the active ingredients are delivered exactly where they are needed. The formula is gentle and is unlikely to cause any irritation or discomfort. What’s more, Gengigel Spray has a pleasant taste and is free from alcohol, sugar and artificial colours, making it a safe and effective choice for all those who want to improve their oral health and prevent gum problems. Whether you are experiencing discomfort, inflammation or sensitivity, Gengigel Spray can help to relieve your symptoms and get you back to health in no time!..

26.23 USD

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