TAOASIS Lavendel Äth/Öl Bio/demeter
TAOASIS Lavendel Äth/Öl Bio/demeter

TAOASIS Lavendel Äth/Öl Bio/demeter

TAOASIS Lavendel Äth/Öl Bio/demeter

  • 30.06 USD

    Та 0 / 0% хэмнэдэг
Нөөцөд байгаа
Cat. Z
33 ширхэг боломжтой
Илүү их хөнгөлөлт үзүүлэхийн тулд илүү ихийг нэмээрэй!

2 худалдаж аваад 9.57 USD / -17% хэмнээрэй

Буцааж олгохгүй / солих боломжгүй.
Safe payments
Төрөл Äth/Öl
Багц дахь дүн. 1
Хадгалах температур min 15 / max 25 ℃
Лаванда цэцгийн эфирийн тос Үнэрт эмчилгээ


TAOASIS Lavendel Äth/Öl Bio/demeter

TAOASIS Lavendel Äth/Öl Bio/demeter is a high-quality essential oil made from organic and Demeter-certified lavender plants. The lavender plants are grown without the use of any synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, ensuring that the resulting essential oil is 100% natural, gentle, and safe.

Lavender essential oil is one of the most popular and versatile essential oils, loved for its calming and relaxing properties. It has a sweet, floral aroma that can help promote feelings of tranquility and ease tension when diffused in the air or applied topically to the skin.

TAOASIS Lavendel Äth/Öl Bio/demeter can be used in a variety of ways, making it a must-have in any aromatherapy collection. Some of the most common uses include:

  • Diffusing in a room to promote relaxation and a calm environment
  • Add to bathwater for a relaxing soak
  • Apply topically to the skin to soothe and moisturize
  • Use in massage to help ease tension and promote relaxation
  • Add a few drops to your pillow before bed to help promote a restful night's sleep

TAOASIS Lavendel Äth/Öl Bio/demeter is a high-quality essential oil that is safe, effective, and easy to use. It is a great addition to any aromatherapy practice and can help promote relaxation, soothe tense muscles, and improve sleep quality.

Order your TAOASIS Lavendel Äth/Öl Bio/demeter today and experience the calming and relaxing benefits of this amazing essential oil!

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