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Duniwell baby washcloth 40 pcs

Duniwell baby washcloth 40 pcs

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5463118

Duniwell Baby Washcloth 40 pcs The Duniwell Baby Washcloth 40 pcs set is designed to provide new parents with a high-quality, soft-touch product that is specifically made for the delicate skin of their newborns. The set is made of 100% pure cotton, which is renowned for its absorbent, breathable, and durable properties, making it the ideal material for a baby washcloth. The set includes 40 pieces of 8 x 8-inch washcloths, providing an abundant supply that will last through multiple diaper changes and baths. Gentle on Baby's Skin The Duniwell Baby Washcloth is crafted with baby's sensitive skin in mind, making it a perfect addition to your baby's first bath. The washcloths are free from harsh chemicals and dyes, making it ideal for sensitive skin and designed to keep your baby clean and comfortable. Highly Absorbent These washcloths are made with 100% pure cotton, which is known for its high absorbency that makes wiping food, drool or baby's bottom a breeze. They are also quick-drying and long-lasting, ensuring your baby's hygiene is top-notch while also providing you with the convenience you need. Easy to Use and Care For Each washcloth in the set is machine washable, making them easy to clean and maintain. They become softer with each wash and can be easily stored wherever you need them to be - in your bathroom or diaper bag. Being lightweight makes it easy to carry the Duniwell Baby Washcloth set with you wherever you go, providing you with a reliable and convenient solution for baby care. Final Verdict The Duniwell Baby Washcloth 40 pcs set is a great choice for new parents who want to provide their babies with a reliable and gentle washcloth that is both affordable and practical. The set is made of high-quality material, highly absorbent, easy to use, and care for, making it an excellent addition to your baby's essential care items...

16.25 USD

1-с 1 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 1
(1 Хуудас)
Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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