
Үнэрт эмчилгээ

51-с 75 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 190
(8 Хуудас)
Beeovita брэндийн үнэрт эмчилгээний бүтээгдэхүүнүүдээр байгалийн эдгээх хүчийг олж мэдээрэй. Лаванда цэцэг, эвкалипт гэх мэт органик эфирийн тосноос эхлээд жүржийн хальс, цагаан гаа зэрэг түүхий эд хүртэл бид таны эрүүл мэнд, гоо сайхны хэрэгцээнд зориулан өндөр чанартай бүтээгдэхүүнүүдийг санал болгож байна. Манай бүтээгдэхүүнүүд нь мөн Goodsphere Beginners Elements гэх мэт raum-deo, диффузор, үнэртний холимог бүхий өрөө арчилгаанд тохиромжтой. Бид зөвхөн ургамлын мөн чанарыг цэвэр хэлбэрээр нь төдийгүй янз бүрийн өвчнийг эмчлэх шийдлийг хүргэх болно гэж амлаж байна. Арьсны батга, амьсгалын замын асуудал, шавьж үргээх эсэхээс үл хамааран бүгдэд зориулсан байгалийн гаралтай эм байдаг. Beeovita-н үнэрт эмчилгээний бүтээгдэхүүнээр эрүүл амьдралын хэв маяг руу үсрээрэй. Бүхэл бүтэн амьдрал одоо ердөө нэг товшилтын зайд байна!
Aromalife äth цайны модны тос / тос fl 10 мл

Aromalife äth цайны модны тос / тос fl 10 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4079725

Aromalife Äth цайны модны тосны шинж чанар/тос Fl 10 млБаглаа боодлын хэмжээ: 1 млЖин: 0.00000000г Урт: 0мм Өргөн: 0мм Өндөр: 0мм Aromalife Äth цайны модны тос / Fl 10 мл-ийн тосыг Швейцариас онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

23.17 USD

Aromalife lorbeer äth/öl bio 5 мл

Aromalife lorbeer äth/öl bio 5 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4079487

Aromalife laurel Äth-ийн шинж чанар / тос 5 млБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1 млЖин: 0.00000000г Урт: 0мм Өргөн: 0мм Өндөр: 0мм Aromalife laurel Äth / 5 мл тосыг Швейцараас онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

30.54 USD

Aromalife schnupfnase äth / тос 10 мл

Aromalife schnupfnase äth / тос 10 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4078476

Aromalife Schnupfnase Äth-ийн шинж чанар / тос 10 млБаглаа боодлын хэмжээ: 1 млЖин: 0.00000000г Урт: 0мм Өргөн: 0мм Өндөр: 0мм Aromalife Schnupfnase Äth / 10 мл тосыг Швейцариас онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

23.64 USD

Aromalife sweet dreams эфир/тос 10 мл

Aromalife sweet dreams эфир/тос 10 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 3983285

Aromalife Dreams Sweet Eth / Oil 10 млAromalife Dreams Sweet Eth / Oil 10 мл-ийн тусламжтайгаар сайхан зүүдний ертөнцөд зугтаарай. Энэхүү эфирийн тосыг байгалийн гаралтай орцын хольцоор хийсэн бөгөөд таны оюун санааг тайвшруулж, мэдрэхүйг тайвшруулж, тайвшрахад туслах болно. Aromalife Dreams Sweet Eth / Oil 10 мл нь үнэрт цацагч, шүршигч болон бусад хэрэглээнд хэрэглэхэд тохиромжтой. Энэ нь удаан хугацааны ажлын дараа алжаалаа тайлах эсвэл шөнөжингөө сайхан амрахад тохиромжтой, тааламжтай, тайвшруулах үнэртэй. Үүнд юу байгаа вэ?Aromalife Dreams Sweet Eth / Oil 10 мл нь лаванда, иланг-иланг, амтат жүрж, бергамот зэрэг байгалийн гаралтай эфирийн тосны холимог агуулсан. . Лаванда цэцгийн тос нь тайвшруулах, тайвшруулах үйлчилгээтэй гэдгээрээ алдартай бол иланг-иланг нь стрессийг тайлж, тайван унтахад тусалдаг. Амтат жүржийн тосыг мөн байгалийн антидепрессант гэж үздэг бол бергамот тос нь сэтгэлийн түгшүүрийг бууруулдаг шинж чанартай байдаг. Хэрхэн хэрэглэх вэ?Aromalife Dreams Sweet Eth / Oil 10 мл-ийг хэрэглэх олон арга бий. Тайвшруулах үнэрийг мэдрэхийн тулд сарниулагч эсвэл чийгшүүлэгчдээ хэдхэн дусал дуслаарай. Та мөн нэрмэл устай шүршигч саванд хэдэн дусал дуслаар нэмж тайвшруулах өрөөнд шүрших боломжтой. Мөн та бүлээн ваннд хэдэн дусал дусааж амрах, эсвэл хөвөн эсвэл алчуураар амьсгалж болно. Орон нутгийн хэрэглээний хувьд кокос эсвэл жожоба тос зэрэг зөөвөрлөгч тосоор шингэлж, амрах, тайвшруулах үйлчилгээ үзүүлэхийн тулд сүм эсвэл цээжиндээ түрхээрэй. Ашиг тус Сэтгэлийг тайвшруулж, тайвшралыг сайжруулна Амар амгалан нойрсдог Стресс, түгшүүр, сэтгэлийн хямралаас ангижрахад тусалдаг Илүү сайн тайвшрахын тулд тайван, тайвшруулах уур амьсгалыг бүрдүүлнэ Химийн хорт бодис агуулаагүй байгалийн орц ДүгнэлтХэрэв та алжаал тайлах, алжаал тайлах байгалийн аргыг хайж байгаа бол Aromalife Dreams Sweet Eth / Oil 10 мл бол төгс сонголт юм. Байгалийн гаралтай эфирийн тосны холимог нь тайвшруулах, тайвшруулах уур амьсгалыг бий болгож, стрессийг багасгаж, тайван, тасралтгүй унтахад тусалдаг. Үүнийг өнөөдөр туршаад, тайвшруулах нөлөөг нь мэдрээрэй!..

22.31 USD

Aromalife ylang ylang äth / тос 5 мл

Aromalife ylang ylang äth / тос 5 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4079978

Aromalife Ylang Ylang Äth-ийн шинж чанар / тос 5 млБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1 млЖин: 0.00000000г Урт: 0мм Өргөн: 0мм Өндөр: 0мм Aromalife Ylang Ylang Äth / 5 мл тосыг Швейцараас онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

28.37 USD

Aromalife zirbelkiefer arve äth / тос 10 мл

Aromalife zirbelkiefer arve äth / тос 10 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 3770431

Aromalife Zirbelkiefer Arve Äth-ийн шинж чанар / тос 10 млБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1 млЖин: 0.00000000г Урт: 0мм Өргөн: 0мм Өндөр: 0мм Aromalife Zirbelkiefer Arve Äth / тосыг 10 мл Швейцараас онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

29.25 USD

Aromalife ганга linalol äth / тос fl 5 мл

Aromalife ганга linalol äth / тос fl 5 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4079820

Aromalife Ганга linalol Äth-ийн шинж чанар / тос Fl 5 млБаглаа боодлын хэмжээ: 1 млЖин: 0.00000000г Урт: 0мм p>Өргөн: 0мм Өндөр: 0мм Aromalife Ганга linalol Äth / Fl 5 мл тосыг Швейцараас онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

25.00 USD

Aromalife ганга; тимол äth / тос 5 мл

Aromalife ганга; тимол äth / тос 5 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4079837

Aromalife ганга цэцгийн шинж чанар; тимол Äth / тос 5 млБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1 млЖин: 0.00000000г Урт: 0мм Өргөн: 0мм Өндөр: 0мм Aromalife Ганга худалдаж авах; thymol Äth / тос 5 мл Швейцараас онлайнаар..

23.28 USD

Aromalife гацуур зүү äth / тос 10 мл

Aromalife гацуур зүү äth / тос 10 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4078559

Aromalife гацуур зүүний шинж чанар Äth / тос 10 млБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1 млЖин: 0.00000000г Урт: 0мм Өргөн: 0мм Өндөр: 0мм Aromalife гацуур зүү Äth / 10 мл тосыг Швейцариас онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

14.84 USD

Aromalife жүржийн амтат äth / тос fl 10 мл

Aromalife жүржийн амтат äth / тос fl 10 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4079317

Aromalife-ийн шинж чанар Жүржийн амтат Äth / тос Fl 10 млБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1 млЖин: 0.00000000г Урт: 0мм p>Өргөн: 0мм Өндөр: 0мм Aromalife Orange амтат Äth / Fl 10 мл тосыг Швейцараас онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

15.91 USD

Aromalife лаванда нарийн болгар äth / тос fl 10 мл

Aromalife лаванда нарийн болгар äth / тос fl 10 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4079116

Aromalife лаванда цэцгийн шинж чанар нарийн Болгар Äth / тос Fl 10 млБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1 млЖин: 0.00000000г Урт: 0мм Өргөн: 0мм Өндөр: 0мм Aromalife лаванда цэцгийн нарийн ширхэгтэй Болгар Äth / тос Fl 10 мл Швейцараас онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

23.45 USD

Aromalife лаванда цэцгийн зэрлэг äth / тос 5мл

Aromalife лаванда цэцгийн зэрлэг äth / тос 5мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4079139

Aromalife лаванда цэцгийн шинж чанар Äth / тос 5млБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1 млЖин: 0.00000000г Урт: 0мм Өргөн: 0мм Өндөр: 0мм Aromalife лаванда цэцгийн зэрлэг Äth / 5мл тосыг Швейцараас онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

24.96 USD

Aromalife цагаан гаа äth / тос 5мл

Aromalife цагаан гаа äth / тос 5мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4078594

Aromalife цагаан гаа Äth-ийн шинж чанар / тос 5млБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1 млЖин: 0.00000000г Урт: 0мм p>Өргөн: 0мм Өндөр: 0мм Aromalife цагаан гаа Äth / 5мл тосыг Швейцараас онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

21.49 USD

Aromalife цусны улбар шар äth / тос 10 мл

Aromalife цусны улбар шар äth / тос 10 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4076626

Aromalife цусны жүржийн шинж чанар Äth / тос 10 млБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1 млЖин: 0.00000000г Урт: 0мм Өргөн: 0мм Өндөр: 0мм Aromalife цусны жүржийн Äth / тосыг 10 мл-ийг Швейцариас онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

17.58 USD

Aromasan ginger äth / oil bio 15ml

Aromasan ginger äth / oil bio 15ml

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 3671309

Аромасан-ийн органик цагаан гааны эфир/тосоор таны сайн сайхан байдлыг дээшлүүлээрэй. Байгалийн шилдэг орц найрлагаар нямбай урласан энэхүү 15 мл-ийн сав нь эрүүл мэндэд тустай. Мэдрэхүйгээ идэвхжүүлэхийн тулд үнэрт эмчилгээнд хэрэглээрэй, эсвэл булчин, үе мөчийг тайвшруулах зорилгоор түрхэхэд шингэлнэ. Цагаан гаа нь үрэвслийн эсрэг шинж чанараараа алдартай бөгөөд хоол боловсруулах үйл ажиллагааг дэмждэг тул таны байгалийн гаралтай эмийн цуглуулгад олон талын нэмэлт болдог. Органик цагаан гааны тайвшруулах охь шимийг амталж, Аромасантай фитотерапийн цогц үр ашгийг мэдрээрэй...

60.04 USD

Aromasan sweet orange äth / тос 15 мл

Aromasan sweet orange äth / тос 15 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4574287

This Aromasan Sweet Orange Äth / oil 15 ml is a pure and high-quality essential oil that captures the essence of fresh and juicy oranges. The oil is extracted from the peels of the citrus fruit, preserving the natural aroma and therapeutic properties of the fruit. It is a versatile and uplifting oil that can be used in aromatherapy, massage, and skincare. Its fresh, sweet, and tangy scent helps to uplift the mood, relieve stress, and promote relaxation. The oil is also known for its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, which make it an excellent addition to any skincare regimen. The Aromasan Sweet Orange Äth / oil 15 ml is packaged in a convenient glass bottle with a dropper for easy use. It is 100% pure and free from any additives or preservatives, ensuring that you get the best quality oil for all your needs. Here are some of the common uses of Aromasan Sweet Orange Äth / oil 15 ml: Diffuse the oil in a diffuser to uplift the mood and create a refreshing and energizing atmosphere. Add a few drops to your bath to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and soothe sore muscles. Mix with carrier oils like coconut, jojoba, or almond oil to create a massage oil that will stimulate circulation, relieve pain, and promote relaxation. Add a few drops to your skincare products like moisturizers and toners to enhance their effectiveness and promote healthy, glowing skin. Overall, Aromasan Sweet Orange Äth / oil 15 ml is an excellent addition to any wellness routine. Its bright and zesty scent and therapeutic properties make it a must-have for anyone who wants to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance their overall well-being. ..

14.69 USD

Aromasan wintergreen äth / тос 30 мл

Aromasan wintergreen äth / тос 30 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4730818

Aromasan Wintergreen Äth/Oil 30 mL If you're looking for a natural remedy for muscle pain and inflammation, look no further than Aromasan Wintergreen Äth/Oil 30 mL. Wintergreen essential oil, or Gaultheria procumbens, has been used for centuries to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation naturally. This oil is derived from the leaves of the wintergreen plant and has a minty scent that can help invigorate the mind and body. Benefits of Aromasan Wintergreen Äth/Oil Reduces muscle pain and inflammation Improves circulation Relieves tension and stress Alleviates headaches and migraines How to Use Aromasan Wintergreen Äth/Oil Wintergreen essential oil should never be used undiluted on the skin as it can cause irritation. To use this oil, dilute it with a carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba oil. Aromasan Wintergreen Äth/Oil can be used topically or in aromatherapy. To use topically, mix a few drops with a carrier oil and apply to the affected area. For aromatherapy, add a few drops to a diffuser or humidifier to fill your room with the scent. Why Choose Aromasan Wintergreen Äth/Oil Aromasan Wintergreen Äth/Oil is made from high-quality, pure wintergreen essential oil that is rigorously tested for purity and potency. This product is free from additives, fillers, and synthetic fragrances, making it a natural alternative to conventional pain relief medications. Plus, the convenient 30 mL bottle makes it easy to take with you on the go. Order Aromasan Wintergreen Äth/Oil Today If you're looking for a natural remedy for muscle pain and inflammation, Aromasan Wintergreen Äth/Oil 30 mL is the perfect solution. Order yours today and experience the natural healing power of wintergreen essential oil. ..

34.31 USD

Aromasan ylang ylang äth / тос 15 мл

Aromasan ylang ylang äth / тос 15 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4729560

Aromasan Ylang Ylang Äth / oil 15 ml The Aromasan Ylang Ylang Äth / oil 15 ml is an essential oil that is extracted from the flowers of the Ylang-Ylang tree. The oil has a sweet floral aroma that is known to have a calming effect on the mind and body. This pure and natural essential oil is extracted using steam distillation which ensures that all its natural properties are preserved. The Aromasan Ylang Ylang essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy because of its therapeutic properties. It is used to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve mood. This oil can be used in different ways such as adding a few drops to your bath water to uplift your spirits and soothe your body. You can also use it in a diffuser to create a calming and relaxing atmosphere in your home. The Aromasan Ylang Ylang essential oil can also be used for skin and hair care. Its natural properties help to hydrate and nourish the skin and hair, making it look healthy and beautiful. Overall, this Aromasan Ylang Ylang Äth / oil 15 ml is a versatile and natural essential oil that can be used for aromatherapy, skin and hair care, and to promote relaxation and wellbeing. ..

50.51 USD

Aromasan амтат fennel эфирийн тос органик 15 мл

Aromasan амтат fennel эфирийн тос органик 15 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4730793

Product Description: AROMASAN süsser Fenchel Äth/Öl Bio Experience the natural goodness of Fennel with AROMASAN süsser Fenchel Äth/Öl Bio. This pure and organic essential oil is extracted from the seeds of the Fennel plant through a steam distillation process, ensuring that you get the highest quality product. The sweet and fragrant aroma of Fennel has been used for centuries for its therapeutic properties, known to soothe the mind and body and promote overall well-being. Our AROMASAN süsser Fenchel Äth/Öl Bio is certified as organic by the European Union, ensuring that it is free from harmful chemicals and pesticides. This essential oil can be used in a variety of ways, including aromatherapy, massage, and as an ingredient in beauty and skincare products. AROMASAN süsser Fenchel Äth/Öl Bio is perfect for those looking for a natural solution to stress, anxiety, and other ailments. It is also an excellent choice for those who want to incorporate natural and organic products into their daily routine. Order your bottle of AROMASAN süsser Fenchel Äth/Öl Bio today and experience the refreshing and rejuvenating effects of this beautiful essential oil. ..

29.23 USD

Aromasan хар гацуур зүү äth / хайрцагт тос 15 мл

Aromasan хар гацуур зүү äth / хайрцагт тос 15 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4574301

Aromasan Black Spruce Needle Äth / Oil in Box 15 ml Experience the natural and therapeutic benefits of Aromasan Black Spruce Needle Äth / Oil - a powerful essential oil sourced from the young twigs and needles of black spruce trees in Canada. This rare and precious oil is extracted through steam distillation, ensuring that its natural properties and benefits are preserved for optimal use. Aromasan Black Spruce Needle Äth / Oil is known for its fresh and empowering scent that can improve mental clarity, relieve stress and anxiety, and promote relaxation. It can also help to soothe respiratory issues, such as blocked sinuses, coughs, and colds, making it an ideal oil to use during the winter months. The 15ml bottle comes in a convenient and travel-friendly box, making it easy to take with you wherever you go. The dropper cap allows for easy and precise application, allowing you to enjoy the full benefits of this powerful oil. Whether you are looking to improve your overall well-being, ease respiratory issues or simply enjoy the uplifting and fresh scent, Aromasan Black Spruce Needle Äth / Oil is a must-have addition to any aromatherapy kit. Ingredients: 100% Pure, Therapeutic-Grade Black Spruce Needle Essential Oil Directions for Use: Diffusion: Add 5-10 drops to your diffuser, following the manufacturer's instructions. Topical Use: Dilute 1-2 drops with a carrier oil of your choice before applying to the skin. Inhalation: Add a few drops to a bowl of hot water and inhale the steam, covering your head with a towel. Caution: Aromasan Black Spruce Needle Äth / Oil is for external use only. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. If you have sensitive skin, perform a patch test before using. Discontinue use if irritation occurs. If pregnant or nursing, consult your physician before use. ..

47.98 USD

Farfalla мандарин улаан äth / oil co fl 10 мл

Farfalla мандарин улаан äth / oil co fl 10 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4524639

farfalla Mandarin Red Äth/Oil CO Fl 10 ml farfalla Mandarin Red Äth/Oil CO Fl 10 ml is an essential oil produced from mandarin red. This essential oil is extracted from the fruit peel of the Mandarin tree, which is a member of the citrus family. It has a sweet, fruity scent that is sure to lift your mood and help you feel more energized. The Mandarin Red essential oil is certified organic which means that it was produced without the use of harmful synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. It is also vegan and cruelty-free. By using this essential oil, you can be assured that you are using a product that is safe for your health and the environment. This essential oil is perfect for aromatherapy, and it can be used in many different ways. You can add a few drops to a diffuser or a bowl of hot water to create a relaxing and refreshing atmosphere. You can also mix the essential oil with a carrier oil like coconut or almond oil and use it as a massage oil or a moisturizer for your skin. Additionally, you can add a few drops of the essential oil to your bathwater for a luxurious and rejuvenating soak. Each bottle of farfalla Mandarin Red Äth/Oil CO Fl 10 ml contains only pure, high-quality essential oil. The small size of the bottle makes it easy to carry with you wherever you go, so you can enjoy the benefits of this essential oil whenever you need them. Whether you use it for aromatherapy or as a natural beauty product, farfalla Mandarin Red Äth/Oil CO Fl 10 ml is a must-have for anyone who wants to promote their health and well-being. ..

19.09 USD

аромасан баяжуулалтын лаванда äth / хайрцагт тос bio 15 мл

аромасан баяжуулалтын лаванда äth / хайрцагт тос bio 15 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4730994

Aromasan Spike Lavender Äth/Oil BIO in Box 15mL Aromasan Spike Lavender Äth/Oil BIO is derived from 100% organic spike lavender plants. This essential oil comes in a convenient 15mL box and is known for its calming and soothing properties. Spike Lavender Essential Oil is often used in aromatherapy to help relieve stress and anxiety. It can also help to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. Additionally, it has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties making it useful for treating minor wounds and insect bites. This essential oil is produced through a steam distillation process, ensuring that the purest and highest quality oil is extracted from the plant. The oil is then bottled in a dark glass bottle to protect from light and air, ensuring that the oil maintains its potency and freshness. Our Aromasan Spike Lavender Äth/Oil BIO is certified organic by the European Union and is free from harmful chemicals and pesticides. It is also vegan and cruelty-free, making it an ethical and sustainable choice for conscientious consumers. Add a few drops of Aromasan Spike Lavender Äth/Oil BIO to your diffuser or mix with a carrier oil and apply topically to enjoy the calming and healing benefits of this essential oil. ..

37.59 USD

аромасан эстрагон äth / тос 15 мл

аромасан эстрагон äth / тос 15 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4729028

Aromasan Tarragon Äth / Oil 15 ml Experience the luxurious and calming benefits of Aromasan Tarragon Äth / Oil with this 15 ml bottle. This high-quality essential oil is carefully crafted using the leaves and stems of tarragon plants cultivated in the Mediterranean region. Tarragon essential oil is prized for its sweet, herbaceous, and mildly spicy aroma, making it perfect for aromatherapy and massage use. Key Features: 100% pure and natural tarragon essential oil 15 ml bottle with convenient dropper cap Perfect for aromatherapy, massage, and other uses Sourced from the Mediterranean region Premium quality and therapeutic grade Soothing and calming properties Benefits: Aromasan Tarragon Äth / Oil is widely used in aromatherapy and massage therapy to help soothe and calm nerves, ease stress and tension, and promote relaxation. This essential oil is also known to help improve digestion, relieve menstrual pain and discomfort, and reduce inflammation. Due to its antispasmodic and antiseptic properties, tarragon oil can also offer relief from muscle cramps, spasms, and poor circulation. Directions for Use: For aromatherapy, place a few drops of Aromasan Tarragon Äth / Oil into a diffuser or vaporizer, adding water if necessary. Alternatively, you can inhale the oil directly from the bottle or add a drop to a handkerchief or tissue. For massage, mix with a carrier oil and massage onto the skin. Do not apply directly to the skin or ingest without consulting a qualified aromatherapy practitioner. ..

54.60 USD

атомизаторт зориулсан анхилуун үнэртэн дорнын хаалганд 20мл

атомизаторт зориулсан анхилуун үнэртэн дорнын хаалганд 20мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4574459

Aromasan Fragrances for Atomizer At the Gates of the Orient 20ml Transport yourself to the exotic lands of the Orient with Aromasan Fragrances for Atomizer At the Gates of the Orient 20ml. This luxurious fragrance is the perfect blend of traditional Middle Eastern and contemporary scents, reflecting the ancient history and modern culture of the Orient. The scent is rich and intense, featuring notes of spicy saffron, warm amber, and smoky incense. These are beautifully layered with floral jasmine, mysterious rose, and fresh bergamot. The result is an unforgettable fragrance that is both captivating and alluring. The atomizer is an ideal way to enjoy this sensuous fragrance, as it provides a fine mist that gently envelops you in scent. Plus, the compact 20ml size makes it perfect for traveling or keeping with you throughout the day, so you can feel like you are at the gates of the Orient no matter where you go. Aromasan is known for creating high-quality fragrances using only the finest ingredients, and At the Gates of the Orient is certainly no exception. Each bottle is carefully crafted to ensure the perfect balance of scents, so you can enjoy a truly luxurious fragrance experience. Order your Aromasan Fragrances for Atomizer At the Gates of the Orient 20ml today and experience the captivating allure of the Oriental scents. ..

29.82 USD

эфирийн тосонд зориулсан aromasan lacto 1000 шахмал 50 ширхэг

эфирийн тосонд зориулсан aromasan lacto 1000 шахмал 50 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 3671775

Aromasan Lacto 1,000 Tablets for Essential Oils (50 Pcs) Introducing the Aromasan Lacto 1,000 Tablets for Essential Oils (50 Pcs), the perfect addition to your aromatherapy practice! These tablets are designed to be used with your favorite essential oils, providing an easy and convenient way to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy. Each tablet is made with high-quality lactose and measures 1,000 mg, ensuring that you get the most out of your essential oils. Features and Benefits 50 pcs per pack 1,000 mg per tablet Made with high-quality lactose Designed for use with essential oils Convenient and easy to use Perfect for on-the-go aromatherapy How to Use Simply drop a few drops of your favorite essential oil onto the tablet, and let the tablet absorb the oil. Once absorbed, the tablet can be placed in a diffuser, or carried with you for on-the-go aromatherapy. Alternatively, the tablet can be dissolved in water and used as a mouthwash to promote healthy gums and fresh breath. Order Your Aromasan Lacto 1,000 Tablets Today! If you're looking for an easy and convenient way to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy, look no further than the Aromasan Lacto 1,000 Tablets for Essential Oils (50 Pcs). Order yours today and experience the power of aromatherapy in a whole new way! ..

17.37 USD

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