
Үнэрт саваа

1-с 6 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 6
(1 Хуудас)
Beeovita-д бид Швейцарийн онгон дагшин байгалийн үзэсгэлэнт газруудаас гаргаж авсан үнэрт саваа, эфирийн тос болон бусад гоо сайхны бүтээгдэхүүний өргөн сонголтыг санал болгож байна. Бидний сонголт нь түүхий эдээс эхлээд өдөр тутмын биеийн болон арьс арчилгааны зориулалттай өндөр чанартай эфирийн тосыг санал болгодог олон төрлийн хими-техникийн бүтээгдэхүүнүүдийг хамардаг. Цэвэр, хүчтэй гэдгээрээ алдартай эдгээр эфирийн тос нь органик бүтээгдэхүүнд дурлагчдын дуртай байдаг. Манай Aroma Stick-ийг мэдрэхүйд хэрэглэх нь эдгээр эфирийн тосны ашигтай шинж чанарыг танд өгөх болно. Таны эрүүл мэнд, гоо сайхныг сайжруулахад зориулагдсан арьс арчилгааны бүтээгдэхүүн бүрээс байгалийн мөн чанарыг мэдрээрэй.
Aroma stick үнэрлэх зүү 100% органик focus bag

Aroma stick үнэрлэх зүү 100% органик focus bag

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7752989

The aroma stick contains 100% certified organic essential oils. The effect unfolds quickly, as fragrances are the fastest way to send signals to the brain. The smelling pen focus increases attention and creates clarity. Be ready for the next task. Ideal for on the roadFree from additives, carrier oils and artificial fragrances Application Open the pen, close one nostril, hold the pen under your nose and inhale. Repeat the same with the other nasal opening. Composition Organic peppermint oil, organic rosemary oil, organic cinnamon bark oil...

16.51 USD

Aroma stick үнэрлэх зүү 100% органик relax bag

Aroma stick үнэрлэх зүү 100% органик relax bag

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7752993

The aroma stick contains 100% certified organic essential oils. The effect unfolds quickly, as fragrances are the fastest way to send signals to the brain. The Aromastick Relax has relaxing properties and helps you to think positively. For inner peace. Ideal for on the wayFree from additives, carrier oils and artificial fragrances Application Open the pen, close one nostril, hold the pen under your nose and inhale. Repeat the same with the other nasal opening. Composition Organic lavender oil, organic mandarin oil, organic vetiver oil...

16.51 USD

Aroma stick үнэртүүлэгч зүү 100% bio balance bag

Aroma stick үнэртүүлэгч зүү 100% bio balance bag

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7752992

The aroma stick contains 100% certified organic essential oils. The effect unfolds quickly, as fragrances are the fastest way to send signals to the brain. The Aroma Stick Balance has stimulating and relaxing properties to help body and mind work in harmony again. To maintain inner balance. Ideal for on the wayFree from additives, carrier oils and artificial fragrances Application Open the pen, close one nostril, hold the pen under your nose and inhale. Repeat the same with the other nasal opening. Composition Organic peppermint oil, organic cypress oil, organic geranium oil, organic ginger oil...

16.51 USD

Aroma stick үнэртүүлэгч зүү 100% bio energy bag

Aroma stick үнэртүүлэгч зүү 100% bio energy bag

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7752988

The aroma stick contains 100% certified organic essential oils. The effect unfolds quickly, as fragrances are the fastest way to send signals to the brain. The smelling pen Energy revives mind and body. For an extra boost of energy. Ideal for on the roadFree from additives, carrier oils and artificial fragrances Application Open the pen, close one nostril, hold the pen under your nose and inhale. Repeat the same with the other nasal opening. Composition Organic peppermint oil, organic rosemary oil, organic grapefruit oil...

16.51 USD

Aroma stick үнэртүүлэгч зүү 100% органик calm bag

Aroma stick үнэртүүлэгч зүү 100% органик calm bag

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7752991

The aroma stick contains 100% certified organic essential oils. The effect unfolds quickly, as fragrances are the fastest way to send signals to the brain. The calm smelling stick calms mind and body. For more control and calmness in everyday life. Ideal for on the roadFree from additives, carrier oils and artificial fragrances Application Open the pen, close one nostril, hold the pen under your nose and inhale. Repeat the same with the other nasal opening. Composition Organic bergamot oil, organic lemon oil, organic cedar wood oil, organic clary sage oil, organic vetiver oil...

16.51 USD

Aroma stick үнэртүүлэгч зүү 100% органик сэргээгч bag

Aroma stick үнэртүүлэгч зүү 100% органик сэргээгч bag

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7752990

The aroma stick contains 100% certified organic essential oils. The effect unfolds quickly, as fragrances are the fastest way to send signals to the brain. The smelling pen Refresh refreshes the senses. Also ideal in stuffy environments or humid weather for cool, free and fresh breath. Ideal for on the roadFree from additives, carrier oils and artificial fragrances Application Open the pen, close one nostril, hold the pen under your nose and inhale. Repeat the same with the other nasal opening. Composition Organic menthol, organic eucalyptus..

15.05 USD

1-с 6 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 6
(1 Хуудас)
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