
Мэдрэмтгий арьс

51-с 75 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 163
(7 Хуудас)
Эмзэг арьс нь онцгой анхаарал халамж шаарддаг тул сайтаас хуурай, эмзэг арьсанд тусгайлан зориулсан эрүүл мэнд, гоо сайхны олон төрлийн бүтээгдэхүүнийг санал болгож байна. Бид арьс арчилгаа, нүүр будалт, шүршүүр, ванны бүтээгдэхүүнээс эхлээд шарх, хүүхдийн гоо сайхны бүтээгдэхүүнээс эхлээд төрөл бүрийн бүтээгдэхүүнийг санал болгож, таны хэрэгцээг хангах хамгийн сайн шийдлийг олох боломжийг танд олгоно. Танд тайвшруулах нүүрний тос, үр дүнтэй нүдний будалт арилгагч, эсвэл зөөлөн гарын тос хэрэгтэй эсэхээс үл хамааран бид таныг хамгаалах болно. Үүнээс гадна Vogt, Eubos, Vichy, Avene, La Roche-Posay, Eucerin зэрэг шилдэг брэндүүдээс авахуулаад манай бүх бүтээгдэхүүнүүд нь байгалийн гаралтай орц найрлагаар хийгдсэн бөгөөд таны арьсанд зөөлөн тусч, шаардлагатай тэжээл, хамгаалалтаар хангана. Өнөөдөр бидэнтэй дэлгүүр хэсч, мэдрэмтгий арьсанд тань тохирсон дээд зэргийн чанартай, Швейцарь улсад үйлдвэрлэсэн бүтээгдэхүүнийг мэдрээрэй.
3m nexcare гар ариутгагч гель 25 мл

3m nexcare гар ариутгагч гель 25 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6546059

Гар халдваргүйжүүлэх зориулалттай спиртэн суурьтай гель нь гэртээ болон явж байхдаа гарыг үр дүнтэй цэвэрлэхэд тохиромжтой. Үүний тулд саван, ус хэрэггүй. Энэ нь 30 секундын дотор ажиллах ба бактери, мөөгөнцөр, вирусээс 99,9% хамгаална. Гель нь мэдрэмтгий арьсанд тохиромжтой, гараа хуурайшуулдаггүй.ХДХВ-1, Рота, Норовирүс (вируст гастроэнтерит), герпес вирус, H1N1 гахайн ханиадны эсрэг үр дүнтэй. шувууны ханиадны H5N1 вирус, түүнчлэн SARS буюу гепатит В, С-ийг өдөөдөг вирусууд. Левуроцид (EN 1275, EN1650), нян устгах, фунгицид.Ямар багцууд байдаг вэ?3M Nexcare гар ариутгагч гель 25 мл..

7.25 USD

Aldanex шарх ба арьс хамгаалах 115 гр

Aldanex шарх ба арьс хамгаалах 115 гр

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7836482

Aldanex шарх, арьс хамгаалах 115гр Aldanex шарх ба арьсны хамгаалалт нь арьсыг хамгаалж, арьсны шархыг эдгээхэд тусалдаг сэдэвчилсэн хамгаалалтын тос юм. Энэхүү тос нь мэдрэмтгий арьстай хүмүүст тусгайлан зориулагдсан бөгөөд шээс ялгаруулах чадваргүй эсвэл арьсны цочролын бусад асуудалтай хүмүүст тохиромжтой. Онцлогууд: Арьсанд хамгаалалтын хаалт үүсгэнэ Арьсны шархыг эдгээхэд тусалдаг Мэдрэмтгий арьстай хүмүүст зориулан тусгайлан боловсруулсан Шээс ялгаруулах чадваргүй болон бусад арьсны цочролтой хүмүүст тохиромжтой Тослоггүй, түрхэхэд хялбар Арьс гэмтэхээс сэргийлнэ Бүрэн бүтэн буюу гэмтсэн арьсанд хэрэглэж болно Ашиг тус: Aldanex-ийн шарх, арьсны хамгаалалтын тусламжтайгаар арьсыг цаашид арьсыг гэмтээж болох хортой цочроох хүчин зүйлээс хамгаална. Энэхүү тос нь арьсны эвдрэлээс урьдчилан сэргийлэх, арьсны ерөнхий байдлыг сайжруулахад тусалдаг үр дүнтэй саад тотгорыг өгдөг. Цөцгийн тослоггүй найрлага нь түрхэхэд хялбар, хэрэглэхэд эвтэйхэн болгодог. Үүнийг бүрэн бүтэн болон гэмтсэн арьсанд хэрэглэж болох тул арьсны янз бүрийн асуудлыг шийдвэрлэх хамгийн тохиромжтой шийдэл болно. Ашиглах заавар: Алданекс тосыг арьсны гэмтсэн хэсэгт нимгэн давхаргаар түрхэнэ. Шаардлагатай бол эсвэл эрүүл мэндийн мэргэжилтний зааврын дагуу дахин өргөдөл гаргах. Нээлттэй шарханд түрхэж болохгүй. Орц: Полидиметилсилоксан 10% Диметикон 1% Цагаан вазелин 65% Метилпарабен 0.25% Пропилпарабен 0.125% Ус EDTA Анхааруулга: Зөвхөн гадны хэрэглээнд зориулагдсан. Нүдэнд хүрэхээс зайлсхий. Хэрэв хүрэлцсэн бол усаар сайтар зайлна. Нээлттэй шарханд түрхэж болохгүй. Хэрэв цочрол гарвал хэрэглэхээ зогсоож, эрүүл мэндийн мэргэжилтэнтэй зөвлөлдөх хэрэгтэй. Хүүхдийн гар хүрэхгүй газар хадгална уу...

46.79 USD

Ambre solaire kids сүү sensitive expert + sf50 200 мл

Ambre solaire kids сүү sensitive expert + sf50 200 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 1003445

Ambre Solaire Kids Milk Sensitive Expert + SPF50 200ml This sunscreen is specially designed for the sensitive skin of kids, providing maximum sun protection with a high SPF of The hypoallergenic and fragrance-free formula ensures that it is gentle on the skin, preventing any irritation that may be caused by regular sunblocks. The Advanced UV Sun Protection technology of Ambre Solaire Kids Milk Sensitive Expert + SPF50 200ml provides broad- spectrum protection against both UVA and UVB rays, keeping the skin safe from sunburn, skin damage, and premature aging. The formula is lightweight and easily absorbed by the skin, leaving no greasy or sticky residue. The milk-like texture makes it easy to apply and helps to ensure even coverage, making sure your child is fully protected from the sun's UV rays. This product is dermatologically tested and is suitable for all skin types. Its compact size of 200ml is perfect for on-the-go use, and the easy-squeeze bottle provides for quick and convenient application. Ensure that your child's adventures under the sun are safe and worry-free with Ambre Solaire Kids Milk Sensitive Expert + SPF50 200ml. ..

36.72 USD

Avene tolér hydra-10 feuchtigkeitsflu

Avene tolér hydra-10 feuchtigkeitsflu

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7838317

AVENE Tolér Hydra-10 Feuchtigkeitsflu The AVENE Tolér Hydra-10 Feuchtigkeitsflu is a gentle and soothing moisturizer that is specially formulated for those with very sensitive skin. It is perfect for those who suffer from skin irritation or allergies, as it is free from common irritants such as preservatives, fragrance, and alcohol. This moisturizer is rich in Avene's unique thermal spring water, which is known for its soothing and hydrating properties. The formula is also enriched with glycerin and squalene, which help to restore the skin's natural moisture barrier and prevent moisture loss. The Avene Tolérance extrême Emuls 50 ml absorbs quickly into the skin, leaving it feeling soft and supple without any greasy or oily residue. It provides long-lasting hydration, making it perfect for use both morning and night. It is also hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic, making it suitable for all skin types, even those prone to acne. With regular use, the AVENE Tolér Hydra-10 Feuchtigkeitsflu helps to improve skin texture and tone, leaving it looking healthy and radiant. It is also perfect for use as a makeup base, as it helps to smooth and even out the skin's texture. Order your AVENE Tolér Hydra-10 Feuchtigkeitsflu today and experience the gentle and soothing benefits of Avene's thermal spring water. ..

55.83 USD

Avene xeracalm бальзам 200 мл

Avene xeracalm бальзам 200 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5733262


50.23 USD

Börlind нүдний үрчлээний тос 20мл

Börlind нүдний үрчлээний тос 20мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6753692

Rich eye wrinkle cream for all skin types, even sensitive skin. Composition Aqua [water], ethylhexyl stearate, squalane, glycerin, polyglyceryl-3 oleate, sorbitol, zea mays oil [corn], triticum vulgare germ oil [wheat], polyglyceryl-3 polyricinoleate, glycine soja oil [soybean], tribehenin, sesamum indicum seed oil [sesame], cera alba [beeswax], phenoxyethanol, hypericum perforatum extract, magnesium sulfate, panthenol, daucus carota sativa root extract [carot], tocopheryl acetate, zinc oxide, brassica campestris sterols [ rapeseed], oryzanol, retinyl palmitate, ascorbyl palmitate, tocopherol, lecithin, beta-carotene, hydrogenated palm glycerides citrate.. Properties The rich cream cares for the sensitive eye area with carrot extract. Valuable organic sesame oil preserves the skin's own moisture and compensates for dryness and expression lines. The skin is demonstrably smoothed and gains new elasticity.Tolerability and effectiveness scientifically confirmed by modern analytical methods. VegetarianWithout genetically modified plantsConfirmed effect and tolerabilityWithout parabensWithout siliconesWithout mineral oil derivatives Application Apply mornings and evenings to the cleansed eye area and massage in gently. ..

42.96 USD

Bioderma cicabio нарнаас хамгаалах хүчин зүйл 50 + 30 мл

Bioderma cicabio нарнаас хамгаалах хүчин зүйл 50 + 30 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6281997

Bioderma Cicabio Sun Protection Factor 50 + 30 ml Bioderma Cicabio Sun Protection Factor 50 + is a multipurpose cream that protects the skin from the harmful effects of the sun while repairing and soothing the skin damaged by it. It is specially formulated for sensitive and damaged skin. Features: High sun protection (SPF 50+) Repairs and regenerates damaged skin Soothes and calms skin irritation Nourishes and moisturizes the skin Light and non-greasy texture Paraben-free Benefits: The Cicabio Sun Protection cream creates a protective barrier on the skin that prevents sunburns, photoaging, and other skin damage caused by UV rays. It also helps to regenerate damaged skin cells and tissues, reducing the appearance of scars and hyperpigmentation. The formula contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that soothe and calm irritated skin, reducing redness and discomfort. It is also enriched with hydrating and nourishing ingredients that keep the skin moisturized and supple throughout the day. How to use: Bioderma Cicabio Sun Protection Factor 50 + should be applied generously and evenly to the face and body before sun exposure. Reapply every 2 hours or after swimming or sweating. It should not be used on skin lesions or on children under 6 months of age. With Bioderma Cicabio Sun Protection Factor 50 +, you can enjoy the sun without compromising the health and beauty of your skin. Try it today and experience the benefits of high-quality sun protection combined with skin repair and nourishment...

28.25 USD

Daylong sensitive face гель шингэн spf30 30 мл

Daylong sensitive face гель шингэн spf30 30 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5848597

Daylong Sensitive Face Gel Fluid SPF30 30ml - Product Description Daylong Sensitive Face Gel Fluid SPF30 30ml - Product Description If you're looking for a facial sunscreen that will protect your skin from harmful UV rays, while being gentle and nourishing enough for sensitive skin, then Daylong Sensitive Face Gel Fluid SPF30 30ml is the perfect product for you. Made with a unique gel-fluid formula, this sunscreen absorbs quickly into the skin, leaving no residue or greasiness. The lightweight texture of the product also ensures that it does not clog pores or cause breakouts, making it ideal for acne-prone or oily skin. The SPF30 protection provided by this sunscreen is perfect for daily use, and provides effective protection against both UVA and UVB rays. The product is also dermatologically tested, hypoallergenic, and fragrance-free, making it suitable for even the most sensitive skin types. With 30ml of product in each tube, this facial sunscreen is also highly portable, making it perfect for use on the go or as a travel essential. The convenient size also means you can easily keep it in your handbag or makeup bag for quick and easy application throughout the day. In summary, if you're looking for a lightweight, nourishing, and highly effective facial sunscreen that caters to sensitive skin, Daylong Sensitive Face Gel Fluid SPF30 30ml is the perfect product for you. Order now and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your skin is effectively protected against the harmful effects of UV radiation...

37.73 USD

Daylong sensitive gel cream spf30 tb 100 мл

Daylong sensitive gel cream spf30 tb 100 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7846889

Daylong Sensitive Gel кремний шинж чанар SPF30 Tb 100 млБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1 млЖин: 0.00000000г Урт: 44мм Өргөн: 45мм Өндөр: 170мм Швейцараас Daylong Sensitive Gel крем SPF30 Tb 100 мл-ийг онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

45.11 USD

Daylong sensitive gel cream spf30 tb 200 мл

Daylong sensitive gel cream spf30 tb 200 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5848551

Daylong Sensitive Gel cream SPF30 Tb 200 ml Daylong Sensitive Gel cream SPF30 Tb 200 ml is a high-quality sunscreen lotion that is enriched with natural ingredients to provide complete protection to the skin from the harmful UV rays. This sunscreen is specially formulated to suit the needs of sensitive skin types. It contains no fragrances, emulsifiers, or preservatives that can cause irritation to the skin. The ultra-light texture of the lotion glides smoothly on the skin and is quickly absorbed without leaving any greasy residue. The Daylong Sensitive Gel cream SPF30 Tb 200 ml promises an all-day protection against UVA and UVB rays that can cause premature ageing, sunburns, and skin damage. The lotion is designed to provide an optimal balance of high protection and gentle care for sensitive skin. This sunscreen lotion is enriched with Vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps in protecting the skin from environmental stress and skin ageing. It is also water-resistant and can withstand water and sweat for up to 4 hours. The convenient tube packaging of the lotion makes it easy to carry and use on the go, and its large size ensures that it lasts for a long time. Use Daylong Sensitive Gel cream SPF30 Tb 200 ml to keep your skin protected and healthy, no matter where you go, and enjoy complete peace of mind with this high-quality sunscreen lotion. ..

57.95 USD

Daylong sensitive gel spf50 + tb 200 мл

Daylong sensitive gel spf50 + tb 200 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5848580

Daylong Sensitive Gel SPF50 + Tb 200 ml Protect your skin from harmful UV rays with Daylong Sensitive Gel SPF50 + Tb 200 ml. This advanced sunscreen provides reliable and long-lasting protection for sensitive skin types. The gel formula spreads seamlessly and is quickly absorbed, leaving no residue or sticky feeling behind. This sunscreen offers high UVB and UVA protection with broad-spectrum coverage. It's enriched with vitamin E and dexpanthenol, which help to nourish and soothe your skin while protecting it from damaging effects of the sun. The formula also contains antioxidants that help to fight free radicals and reduce the signs of aging. Daylong Sensitive Gel SPF50 + Tb 200 ml is water-resistant, making it an ideal sunscreen for water activities and outdoor sports. The tube design makes it convenient to take with you on-the-go, and the 200ml capacity ensures that you have plenty of sunscreen available to protect your skin throughout the day. This sunscreen is dermatologically tested and is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. It's free from fragrances, parabens, and PEG emulsifiers, making it gentle and non-irritating. Order Daylong Sensitive Gel SPF50 + Tb 200 ml today to keep your skin protected from the sun's harmful rays. ..

67.87 USD

Dline ncr nutrientcream tb 200 мл

Dline ncr nutrientcream tb 200 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5498335

Water-in-oil cream with a lipid content of 40% (w/o) Stabilizes the lipid and moisture balance of dry to very dry, sensitive, irritated and scaly skinReduces dehydration of the skin through natural moisturizing factorsHigh-quality ingredients: aloe vera, ceramide, panthenol, Urea, vitamin complex, almond oil and zincWithout colourants, without typical preservatives ..

51.15 USD

La roche posay toleriane арьс цэвэрлэх шингэн 400 мл

La roche posay toleriane арьс цэвэрлэх шингэн 400 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6379578


48.46 USD

La roche posay физиологийн цэвэрлэгээний хөөс 150мл

La roche posay физиологийн цэвэрлэгээний хөөс 150мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6200208


40.09 USD

Lactacyd derma зөөлөн цэвэрлэгээний эмульс 500 мл

Lactacyd derma зөөлөн цэвэрлэгээний эмульс 500 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6161684

Мэдрэмтгий арьстай өдөр тутмын биеийн арчилгаанд тохиромжтой. Угаалгын эмульсийг шүршүүрийн гель шиг ашиглах ёстой.Properties Шүлтлэг ба саван агуулаагүй ...

35.82 USD

Lavera 24h deo spray органик шохой ба органик вербена 75мл

Lavera 24h deo spray органик шохой ба органик вербена 75мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7799133

Lavera 24h deo spray organic lime & organic verbena 75ml Experience long-lasting freshness with Lavera 24h deo spray organic lime and organic verbena. This deodorant offers reliable protection against body odor for up to 24 hours while being gentle on your skin. The natural formula is free from aluminum salts, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances, making it perfect for those with sensitive skin. The fresh citrus scent of organic lime and organic verbena provides a refreshing aroma that lasts all day. The deodorant spray is quick-drying and non-sticky, making it easy and convenient to use. Its compact size makes it perfect for traveling, sports, or any other on-the-go activities. Lavera is a well-known brand for their natural and organic skincare products. They are committed to sustainability, using only organic and natural ingredients, and never testing on animals. This deodorant spray is certified organic, vegan, and made with non-GMO ingredients. Experience the benefits of natural deodorant with Lavera 24h deo spray organic lime and organic verbena. Keep your underarms fresh and protected with a gentle formula that's kind to your skin and the environment. ..

23.74 USD

Mum deo sensitive aloe vera 50 мл

Mum deo sensitive aloe vera 50 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5980003

Mum Deo Sensitive Aloe Vera 50 ml Introducing Mum Deo Sensitive, formulated with the goodness of Aloe Vera, perfect for those with sensitive skin. This 50ml roll-on deodorant provides all-day protection against sweat and odor, while being gentle on the skin. Benefits Gentle formula with Aloe Vera Provides long-lasting protection against sweat and odor Alcohol-free Does not irritate sensitive skin How it works Mum Deo Sensitive works by creating a protective barrier on the skin that effectively blocks sweat and odor. The formula is designed to be gentle on sensitive skin, thanks to the inclusion of Aloe Vera, a natural ingredient known for its soothing and cooling properties. Unlike other deodorants, Mum Deo Sensitive does not contain alcohol, making it perfect for those who suffer from skin irritation or allergic reactions when using traditional deodorants. So, whether you're hitting the gym, running errands or just need protection throughout the day, Mum Deo Sensitive has got you covered. How to use Apply Mum Deo Sensitive to clean, dry underarms for all-day protection against sweat and odor. Keep your sensitive skin happy and free from irritation with Mum Deo Sensitive with Aloe Vera!..

11.33 USD

Mum deo үнэргүй 50 мл

Mum deo үнэргүй 50 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5979997

Mum Deo unperfumed 50 ml Mum Deo unperfumed 50 ml This is the perfect deodorant for mums who want to stay fresh and confident all day long. Mum Deo unperfumed 50 ml gives you powerful protection against sweat and odour without any added fragrance, so it's gentle enough for even the most sensitive skin. Its unique formula contains natural ingredients that soothe and protect your skin, while keeping you dry and comfortable. Features: Provides long-lasting, 24-hour protection Contains no added fragrance Formulated with natural ingredients to soothe and protect skin Leaves skin feeling soft and smooth Non-sticky and non-greasy formula Ideal for use on sensitive skin Directions for use: Apply Mum Deo unperfumed 50 ml to clean, dry skin in the morning or as needed throughout the day. For best results, use daily. Caution: For external use only. Do not apply to broken or irritated skin. Discontinue use if rash or irritation develops. Keep out of reach of children. With Mum Deo unperfumed 50 ml, you can feel confident and stay fresh all day long. Try it today and experience the difference!..

11.33 USD

Phytopharma зуун настын шүршигч 50мл

Phytopharma зуун настын шүршигч 50мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5986572

Phytopharma Aloe Vera Spray 50ml If you are looking for an all-natural and effective solution to soothe and moisturize your skin, Phytopharma's Aloe Vera Spray is the perfect product for you. Made with 100% pure and organic Aloe Vera, this spray provides multiple benefits, including anti-inflammatory, anti-itch, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. Key Features: 100% pure and organic Aloe Vera Soothes and moisturizes skin Anti-inflammatory and anti-itch properties Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties Easy to apply ? comes in a convenient spray bottle Phytopharma's Aloe Vera Spray is perfect for those with sensitive or irritated skin, sunburns, insect bites, rashes, or allergies. This gentle formula hydrates and nourishes your skin, leaving it feeling soft and smooth. The spray bottle makes it easy to apply, and it gets absorbed quickly, leaving no sticky residue. Directions for use: Shake well before use Hold the bottle 5-10 cm away from the affected area Spray evenly and gently Allow it to absorb and dry Use as needed With this 50ml Aloe Vera Spray, you can take care of your skin anytime, anywhere. Keep it in your bag or purse and use it whenever your skin needs a quick boost of hydration and soothing. Order now and experience the wonders of Phytopharma's Aloe Vera Spray! ..

26.98 USD

Tena нойтон угаалгын бээлий үнэргүй 8 ширхэг

Tena нойтон угаалгын бээлий үнэргүй 8 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5882766

TENA Wet Wash Glove unscented 8 pcs The TENA Wet Wash Glove unscented 8 pcs is a premium quality wet glove that is perfect for cleansing the skin and providing a refreshing feeling. The glove is made from high-quality material and is unscented, making it ideal for individuals with sensitive skin. The TENA Wet Wash Glove unscented 8 pcs is cut to fit your hand perfectly, allowing you to cleanse your skin with ease. The glove contains a special formula that is gentle on the skin, making it perfect for elderly individuals, patients with restricted mobility, and individuals with sensitive skin. The glove is convenient to use and can be used without water, making it ideal for users who cannot use regular bathing methods. The TENA Wet Wash Glove unscented 8 pcs is perfect for use at home, in hospitals, care homes, and other healthcare facilities. The glove is easy to use and can be disposed of after use, ensuring optimal hygiene and cleanliness. The glove is also cost-effective and time-saving, making it ideal for busy individuals and healthcare facilities. Overall, the TENA Wet Wash Glove unscented 8 pcs is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a convenient, gentle, and effective way to cleanse and refresh their skin. ..

13.28 USD

Veet үс арилгах тос эмзэг арьсанд 100мл

Veet үс арилгах тос эмзэг арьсанд 100мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6520315

Veet-ийн үс арилгагч тос Эмзэг арьсанд 100мл.Хадгалах температур мин/макс 15/25 хэмБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1 млЖин : 140г Урт: 41мм Өргөн: 53мм Өндөр: 169мм Швейцараас Veet үс арилгагч мэдрэмтгий арьс 100мл-ийг онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай. ..

27.12 USD

Vichy pureté дулаан цэвэрлэгч сүү 3-ын 1 300 мл

Vichy pureté дулаан цэвэрлэгч сүү 3-ын 1 300 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6544540

3in1 cleansing milk with Vichy thermal water. Suitable for sensitive skin and contact lens wearers. Properties Application Apply the cleansing milk to the skin with a cotton pad, rinsing off is not necessary. The milk leaves no greasy film. ..

47.21 USD

Weleda baby derma white mallow нүүрний тос 50 мл

Weleda baby derma white mallow нүүрний тос 50 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5486036

The unscented Weleda Baby Derma White Mallow Face Cream cares for and soothes highly sensitive skin with purely natural substances.Extracts from the white organic mallow and pansy regulate the moisture content of the skin and have a soothing effect, while precious organic coconut oil and sesame oil provide intensive care and cover the irritable skin with a soothing protective coat...

26.27 USD

хэт нарны нүүрний spf 50+ 50 мл

хэт нарны нүүрний spf 50+ 50 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6527205

Ultrasun Face SPF 50+ 50 ml Protect your skin from harmful UV rays with Ultrasun Face SPF 50+ 50 ml. This premium sunscreen is specially formulated for the delicate skin on your face and is perfect for everyday use. With its high SPF factor, you can feel confident that your skin is well-protected from the sun's harsh rays. What makes Ultrasun Face SPF 50+ 50 ml different? Features advanced UVA and UVB filters for broad spectrum protection Water-resistant, making it ideal for outdoor activities Contains antioxidants to help protect your skin from environmental damage Non-greasy and easily absorbed by the skin Free from oils, perfumes, and emulsifiers, making it ideal for sensitive skin 50 ml tube is travel-friendly and easy to use on-the-go Ultrasun Face SPF 50+ 50 ml is perfect for anyone looking for an advanced sunscreen that provides superior protection and is easy to use. Its lightweight formula is quickly absorbed by the skin, leaving no sticky or greasy residue. This product is ideal for those with sensitive skin and can be used on both the face and neck. With Ultrasun Face SPF 50+ 50 ml, you can enjoy the sun without worrying about damaging your skin. Order now and start protecting your face from harmful UV rays today!..

51.17 USD

эмульгаторгүй sensolar after sun lotion spray 100 мл

эмульгаторгүй sensolar after sun lotion spray 100 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5647924

Sensolar After Sun Lotion without Emulsifier Spray 100ml Sensolar After Sun Lotion without Emulsifier Spray 100ml is the perfect solution for your sun-kissed skin after a long day in the sun. This lotion is specially formulated without emulsifiers and is ideal for use on sensitive or sunburnt skin. The Sensolar After Sun Lotion contains a variety of natural ingredients that will soothe and moisturize your skin, helping to reduce redness, inflammation and irritation. Aloe Vera and panthenol work together to soothe and repair the skin, while glycerin and allantoin help to moisturize and hydrate the skin. The lotion is lightweight and can be easily absorbed into the skin, allowing for a refreshing and cooling sensation that will leave your skin feeling smooth and soft. The lotion can be applied to any part of the body, including the face, and is suitable for all skin types. The Sensolar After Sun Lotion is packaged in a convenient 100ml spray bottle, making it easy to apply and store. The lotion is also free from harmful chemicals, parabens and fragrances, making it perfect for those with sensitive skin or allergies. Overall, Sensolar After Sun Lotion without Emulsifier Spray 100ml is a highly effective solution for sun-damaged skin. Its natural ingredients and lightweight formula make it a must-have for anyone who enjoys spending time outdoors...

39.86 USD

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