
Ханиад, ханиадыг намдаана

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Phytopharma халуун ундаа 10 уут

Phytopharma халуун ундаа 10 уут

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7183015

Introduction Phytopharma Hot Drink 10 sachets is a perfect blend of natural ingredients that help in boosting the body's immunity. This hot drink is a perfect way to soothe your throat, especially during cold weather or after a long day of work. With its unique formula, it meets the nutritional needs of your body while providing you with a great taste. Benefits Boosts immunity: The Phytopharma Hot Drink 10 sachets help boost your immune system by providing essential nutrients to your body. It helps your body to fight off diseases and infections. Relieves cough and cold: The hot drink is a natural remedy for cough and cold. It helps to soothe the throat, reduces inflammation and clears the nasal passages. Improves digestion: The natural ingredients present in the Phytopharma Hot Drink 10 sachets help in improving digestion. It aids in the absorption of nutrients and promotes healthy digestion. Reduces stress: The hot drink is also known to reduce stress and anxiety levels in the body. It calms the nerves, reduces tension and helps in achieving better sleep. Ingredients The Phytopharma Hot Drink 10 sachets is made up of natural ingredients, such as: Green tea extract Ginger root extract Liquorice root extract Lemon balm extract Echinacea purpurea extract Peppermint leaf extract How to use Place one sachet of Phytopharma Hot Drink in a cup and pour boiling water over it. Let it steep for 3-5 minutes, stir and consume. It is recommended to consume 1-2 sachets per day, depending on your requirement. Conclusion The Phytopharma Hot Drink 10 sachets is a perfect way to provide your body with essential nutrients while enjoying a great-tasting hot drink. With its unique blend of natural ingredients, it helps to boost your immunity, relieve cough and cold, improve digestion, and reduce stress levels. Give your body the care it deserves with Phytopharma Hot Drink. ..

29.49 USD

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(1 Хуудас)
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