Антисептик гель
(1 Хуудас)
Merfen septoclean гель
MERFEN Septoclean Gel MERFEN Septoclean Gel is a multipurpose antiseptic gel packed with powerful ingredients such as Benzalkonium chloride and Triclosan which helps to kill germs, bacteria and viruses effectively. This gel is specially formulated to clean, disinfect and heal minor cuts, burns, and wounds effectively. Key Features: Antiseptic gel for minor cuts, burns, and wounds Effective against viruses, bacteria and germs Specially formulated with Benzalkonium chloride and Triclosan Quick-healing properties Non-staining formula Directions for Use: Clean the affected area and apply a small amount of MERFEN Septoclean Gel onto it. Gently rub it onto the affected area ensuring the full coverage of the infected area. Apply it twice or thrice a day, or as per the guidance of a medical professional. Safety Information: For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes, mouth or any sensitive areas. Do not use on deep cuts, puncture wounds or serious burns. Keep it away from children's reach. If there is any allergic reaction or discomfort, discontinue its use and consult your doctor. MERFEN Septoclean Gel is a must-have product for every household to disinfect and heal minor wounds quickly and effectively. It is a reliable and affordable solution to ensure germ-free protection for the entire family. ..
9.03 USD
Plakact гель 0.2% хлоргексидин tube 33 гр
PlakACT Gel 0.2% Chlorhexidine Tb 33g нь товрууны үр дүнтэй тэмцэх, амны хөндийн эрүүл ахуйг сахихад зориулагдсан амны хөндийн болон шүдний тусгай бүтээгдэхүүн юм. Энэхүү гель нь амны хөндийн хортой бактерийг устгах чадвартай гэдгээрээ алдартай антисептик хүчтэй найрлага болох 0.2% хлоргексидин агуулдаг. Өдөр бүр хэрэглэхэд нэн тохиромжтой энэхүү бүтээгдэхүүн нь товруу үүсэх, буйлны үрэвсэл, амнаас эвгүй үнэр гарахаас сэргийлж амны хөндийн орчныг эрүүлжүүлнэ. Тохиромжтой хоолойн савлагаа нь гелийг шүд, буйланд шууд түрхэхэд хялбар болгож, оновчтой үр дүнд хүрэхийн тулд зорилтот түрхлэгийг баталгаажуулдаг. Амны хөндийн эрүүл мэндийн асуудлаас хамгаалсан амны хөндийг цэвэр, цэвэр байлгахын тулд PlakACT гель-ийг өдөр тутмын шүдний арчилгааандаа оруулаарай...
21.82 USD
Sterillium® гель цэвэр гар халдваргүйжүүлэх fl 475 мл
Sterillium® гелийн цэвэр гар халдваргүйжүүлэлтийн шинж чанар Fl 475 млХадгалах температур мин/макс 15/25 хэмБаглаа боодлын хэмжээ: 1 мл >Жин: 442г Урт: 70мм Өргөн: 70мм Өндөр: 170мм Sterillium® гель цэвэр гар ариутгагч Fl 475 худалдаж аваарай мл онлайнаар Швейцарь..
29.21 USD
Wiesenberg hand desinf gel classic clear
Get Clean and Fresh Hands Anytime with WIESENBERG Hand Desinf Gel Classic Clear WIESENBERG Hand Desinf Gel Classic Clear is a must-have disinfectant hand gel that provides effective protection against germs and bacteria. It is an alcohol-based antiseptic gel that is perfect for use when water and soap are not readily available, making it ideal for use when you are out and about, in public areas, or when traveling. The Classic Clear variant of the WIESENBERG Hand Desinf Gel is specially formulated to keep your hands clean, fresh and moisturized, without damaging or irritating your skin. It is made with 70% alcohol, which is clinically proven to kill 99.9% of germs and bacteria. The non-sticky formula of the gel ensures that it is easily absorbed by your skin and does not leave behind any residue, so that you can go about your day with fresh, clean hands. WIESENBERG Hand Desinf Gel Classic Clear comes in a convenient and easy to use packaging, designed to fit into your pocket, purse, or travel bag, so you can always stay protected, no matter where you are. The gel comes in a large 500ml bottle, which is perfect for home or office use, as well as a smaller 100ml bottle which is perfect for on-the-go use. WIESENBERG Hand Desinf Gel Classic Clear is a reliable disinfectant hand gel that is suitable for everyday use, and for use anytime you need to protect your hands from germs and bacteria. It is a high-quality product, manufactured according to strict standards, and is safe for use by adults and children of all ages. So, keep your hands clean, fresh, and protected with WIESENBERG Hand Desinf Gel Classic Clear...
5.21 USD
(1 Хуудас)