
Амны хөндийн арчилгаа

101-с 125 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 142
(6 Хуудас) дээр бид Швейцарийн нэр хүндтэй брэндүүдээс чанартай амны хөндийн эрүүл мэнд, шүд арчилгааны бүтээгдэхүүнийг нийлүүлж байгаагаараа бахархдаг. Манай сонголт нь буйлны өвчин, амнаас эвгүй үнэр, мэдрэмтгий шүд гэх мэт амны хөндийн эрүүл мэндийн янз бүрийн асуудлын шийдлийг агуулдаг. Бид шүдний оо, ам зайлагч, гарын авлагын болон цахилгаан шүдний сойз зэрэг өдөр тутмын амны хөндийн эрүүл ахуйн дээд зэргийн сонголтыг санал болгож байна. Мөн бид шүдний завсрын сойз, шүдний утас, тэр ч байтугай витамин В12 агуулсан амны хөндийн арчилгааны бүтээгдэхүүнүүдээр илүү тодорхой хэрэгцээг хангадаг. Таны буйл эрүүл байх нь бидний тэргүүлэх жагсаалтад багтдаг. Тиймээс бид GUM SUNSTAR Softpicks Comfortflex зэрэг тусгай бүтээгдэхүүн, буйлны үрэвсэл, пародонтит эмчилгээний шийдлүүдээр хангадаг. Манай бүх бүтээгдэхүүн нь буйланд зөөлөн ханддаг бөгөөд үр дүнтэй цэвэрлэх, хамгаалах үйлчилгээ үзүүлдэг. Бид амны хөндийн арчилгааг илүү байгалийн аргаар илүүд үздэг хүмүүст зориулж фтор агуулаагүй, шүдээ цайруулах боломжтой. Амны хөндийн арчилгааны хэрэгцээнд зориулж сайтаас худалдан авалт хийж, зөвхөн Швейцарийн чанартай бүтээгдэхүүнээр амны хөндийн эрүүл мэндийг мэдрээрэй.
Alpine white whitening kit

Alpine white whitening kit

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7781296

Alpine White Whitening Kit-ийн тусламжтайгаар гэрэлтсэн, илүү тод инээмсэглэлийг мэдрээрэй. Энэхүү гэрийн нөхцөлд шүд цайруулах цогц шийдэл нь таны гэртээ тав тухтай орчинд мэргэжлийн чанартай үр дүнг санал болгодог. Энэхүү иж бүрдэлд зөөлөн боловч үр дүнтэй цайруулах гель багтсан бөгөөд амны хөндийд төгс тохирох тавиуртай. Паалангаас хамгаалсан найрлагатай тул мэдрэмтгий байдалгүйгээр хэдхэн удаа хэрэглэхэд мэдэгдэхүйц үр дүнд хүрнэ. Илүү цагаан, өөртөө итгэлтэй инээмсэглэлийг нээснээр шүдний толбо болон өнгө алдалттай баяртай гэж хэлээрэй. Амны хөндийн арчилгаагаа Alpine White Whitening иж бүрдэлээр сайжруулж, гялалзсан инээмсэглэл тодруулаарай...

118.65 USD

Bionik repair zahncreme plus tb 75 мл

Bionik repair zahncreme plus tb 75 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7803853

Bioniq Repair Zahncreme Plus Tb 75 ml The Bioniq Repair Zahncreme Plus Tb 75 ml is a unique dental care product designed to deliver advanced oral care benefits. Formulated with a potent blend of active ingredients such as calcium, fluoride, and hydroxyapatite, this toothpaste offers targeted repair for tooth enamel, restoration of minerals, reduction of dental sensitivity, and deep cleaning. The natural ingredients, including sage and chamomile extract, help fight bad breath, inflammation, and gum disease, promoting overall oral health. The innovative formula provides long-lasting freshness and leaves your teeth feeling smooth and polished. The Bioniq Repair Zahncreme Plus Tb 75 ml tube is compact and convenient to use, making it ideal for travel or everyday use at home. It is recommended to brush teeth twice daily for effective cleaning and care. Trust Bioniq Repair Zahncreme Plus Tb 75 ml to deliver reliable, high-quality dental care for strong, healthy teeth and gums. ..

13.58 USD

Curaprox be you apfel+aloe grün karton 60 мл

Curaprox be you apfel+aloe grün karton 60 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7801027

Curaprox Be you Apfel+Aloe grün Karton 60 ml Curaprox Be you Apfel+Aloe grün Karton 60 ml is a toothpaste that is designed to provide long-lasting freshness and protection for your teeth and gums. This toothpaste has a delicious apple and aloe vera flavor that leaves your mouth feeling clean and refreshed, and it contains fluoride to help prevent tooth decay. Curaprox Be you Apfel+Aloe grün Karton 60 ml comes in a convenient 60 ml tube that is easy to take with you on the go, and it is packaged in a stylish green box that adds a touch of elegance to your bathroom. This toothpaste is free from harmful chemicals and harsh abrasives, making it gentle enough for everyday use, and it is suitable for all ages. Curaprox Be you Apfel+Aloe grün Karton 60 ml is made with high-quality ingredients that are selected for their effectiveness in fighting dental problems. This toothpaste is formulated with a unique blend of natural flavors, plant extracts, and essential oils that work together to maintain healthy teeth and gums. It also contains xylitol, a natural sweetener that helps to prevent plaque and tartar buildup. If you are looking for a toothpaste that is both effective and delicious, choose Curaprox Be you Apfel+Aloe grün Karton 60 ml. With its refreshing apple and aloe vera flavor, this toothpaste will leave your mouth feeling clean and fresh all day long, while its gentle formula protects your teeth and gums from cavities, decay, and other dental problems. Buy your tube today and start enjoying the benefits of this high-quality toothpaste! ..

16.97 USD

Curaprox black бол цагаан цайвар багц юм

Curaprox black бол цагаан цайвар багц юм

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7089351

CURAPROX Black is White Light-Pack The CURAPROX Black is White Light-Pack is the ultimate teeth whitening solution for anyone who wants a brighter, healthier-looking smile. This innovative product uses activated carbon and hydroxyapatite to effectively remove surface stains and impurities from your teeth, giving you a brighter, more youthful appearance. The powerful cleansing properties of this toothpaste are paired with the CURAPROX Black is White toothbrush, which features extra-soft bristles that gently brush away plaque and debris. Together, these products create a comprehensive oral care regimen that will help you maintain long-lasting oral health and beauty. This pack also includes a convenient travel case, making it easy to take your oral care on-the-go. With regular use, you'll notice a significant improvement in the appearance of your teeth, as well as a fresher, cleaner mouthfeel. Key Features: Uses activated carbon and hydroxyapatite to remove surface stains and impurities Includes CURAPROX Black is White toothbrush with extra-soft bristles Comes with a convenient travel case Improves the appearance of teeth and promotes long-lasting oral health Upgrade your oral care routine with the CURAPROX Black is White Light-Pack and achieve a brighter, more radiant smile!..

13.25 USD

Curaprox cs 5460 duo travel refill bürstenkopfe

Curaprox cs 5460 duo travel refill bürstenkopfe

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7780505

Travel brush heads "CS5460 duo refill" Properties Put together briefly, clean gently - and off you go to the Curaprox Travel Set. The 5460 ultra-fine Curen® filaments (0.10 mm?) are everywhere. Made in Switzerland. ..

17.52 USD

Curaprox hydrosonic black нь цагаан дуу авианы шүдний сойз юм

Curaprox hydrosonic black нь цагаан дуу авианы шүдний сойз юм

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7740962

"Black is white" sonic toothbrush with whitening threads Properties WHITENINGThe CUREN® filaments of the ?Carbon? whitening brush head contain activated carbon. The advantage: Discolorations are removed very gently and efficiently, and the tooth enamel remains healthy.HYDRODYNAMICThree levels: 22,000, 32,000 and even 42,000 movements per minute ? with a hydrodynamic effect for increased effectiveness . This is powerful cleaning, efficient and gentle.CURACURVEThe "Carbon" brush head has CURACURVE®, the perfect bend. This means that all critical points are ergonomic and easy to reach - and perfectly cleaned.DESIGNThe eye cleans too: design motivates, beauty attracts. It's about your joy, your success, your smile. ? That is ?Black is White?.Swiss premium Oral Care. ..

194.63 USD

Curaprox travel set blau

Curaprox travel set blau

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7802062

CURAPROX Travel Set blau The CURAPROX Travel Set blau is the ultimate solution for maintaining your oral health on the go. It's compact, lightweight, and easy to carry, making it perfect for travel, work, and everyday use. This travel set includes: 1 CURAPROX toothbrush (CS 5460 ultra soft bristles) 1 CURAPROX interdental brush (Prime 07) 1 CURAPROX toothpaste (Black Is White Whitening) 1 CURAPROX mouthwash (Enzycal) The toothbrush features ultra soft bristles that are gentle on your teeth and gums, yet effectively remove plaque and other debris. The interdental brush is designed to reach difficult-to-clean areas between your teeth, keeping them free from food particles and other debris that can lead to tooth decay and cavities. The Black Is White Whitening toothpaste whitens your teeth without damaging the enamel or causing sensitivity. It's also free from abrasive and harsh chemicals, making it safe for daily use. The Enzycal mouthwash helps to further clean and freshen your breath, leaving you feeling fresh and confident. The CURAPROX Travel Set blau is an excellent investment for those who value their oral health and want to maintain it even when they're on the move. Shop now and experience the benefits of healthy teeth and gums, wherever life takes you!..

19.09 USD

Eludrilcare ам зайлах уусмал

Eludrilcare ам зайлах уусмал

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 1002377

ELUDRILCARE ам зайлагч ELUDRILCARE ам зайлагч нь амны хөндий, шүдийг арчлахад үр дүнтэй, зөөлөн шийдэл юм. Нянгийн эсрэг ба бактерийн эсрэг найрлага нь буйлны үрэвслээс үр дүнтэй хамгаалж, шүдийг гялалзуулна. Энэхүү ам зайлагч нь өдөр тутмын шүдээ угаах нэмэлт хэрэгсэл бөгөөд өдөр бүр хэрэглэхэд тохиромжтой. Амны эвгүй үнэрийг багасгах Бактерийг бууруулах Шүдний үрэвсэлээс хамгаалах Шүд болон буйлны арчилгаа Зөөлөн томъёо ELUDRILCARE ам зайлагч нь байгалийн идэвхтэй орцын хослолоос бүрдэх ба хиймэл амт, будагч бодис агуулаагүй. Зөөлөн найрлага нь амны хөндийг цочроохгүйгээр өдөр бүр хэрэглэх боломжийг олгодог. Үүнийг хэрэглэхэд хялбар бөгөөд ойлгомжтой - санал болгож буй хэмжээг амандаа хийж, сайтар зайлж, дараа нь нулимахад л хангалттай. Програм ELUDRILCARE ам зайлагчийг өдөрт хоёр удаа шүдээ угаасны дараа хэрэглээрэй. 10-15 мл уусмалыг амандаа асгаж, дор хаяж 30 секундын турш зайлна. Залгиж болохгүй! Бүтэц ELUDRILCARE ам зайлагчийн найрлага нь: Aqua, пропилен гликол, PEG-40 устөрөгчжүүлсэн касторын тос, хлоргексидин диглюконат, ментол, тимол, натрийн бензоат, натрийн фторид, үнэрт...

34.18 USD

Emofluor twin care zahnpaste

Emofluor twin care zahnpaste

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7737156

EMOFLUOR Twin Care Zahnpaste EMOFLUOR Twin Care Zahnpaste is a German-made toothpaste that is designed to provide complete oral care for people of all ages. It is a fluoride-rich toothpaste that works effectively in preventing tooth decay and promoting healthy teeth. Benefits Prevents tooth decay: EMOFLUOR Twin Care Zahnpaste is rich in fluoride, a natural mineral that helps strengthen the teeth by protecting the enamel from acid attacks that cause cavities. Cleans teeth thoroughly: This toothpaste contains active ingredients that help remove surface stains, leaving your teeth looking whiter and brighter. Fights bad breath: EMOFLUOR Twin Care Zahnpaste contains powerful active agents that fight the bacteria that cause bad breath, leaving your mouth with a fresh and pleasant scent. Strengthens tooth enamel: This toothpaste contains essential minerals that help strengthen the teeth and protect them from damage caused by acid attacks. Suitable for all ages: Whether you are a child or an adult, EMOFLUOR Twin Care Zahnpaste has been specially formulated to meet your oral care needs. Ingredients EMOFLUOR Twin Care Zahnpaste contains a variety of natural and synthetic ingredients that work together to promote oral health. Some of the key ingredients include: Fluoride: This is the main active ingredient in EMOFLUOR Twin Care Zahnpaste. Fluoride works by strengthening the tooth enamel and preventing tooth decay. Xylitol: This is a natural sweetener that helps to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth. Cetylpyridinium Chloride: This is an antiseptic ingredient that helps to fight against bad breath and gum disease. Sodium Hyaluronate: This is a natural moisturizer that helps to keep the gums healthy and hydrated. How to Use To get the best results from EMOFLUOR Twin Care Zahnpaste, follow these simple steps: Squeeze a pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto your toothbrush. Brush your teeth thoroughly for at least two minutes. Spit out the toothpaste and rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. For best results, use EMOFLUOR Twin Care Zahnpaste twice daily, in the morning and before bedtime. Overall, EMOFLUOR Twin Care Zahnpaste is a high-quality toothpaste that provides complete oral care for people of all ages. Try it today and experience the benefits for yourself! ..

21.07 USD

Emoform brush'n clean xl familienpackung

Emoform brush'n clean xl familienpackung

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5667507

The EMOFORM Brush'n Clean XL Familienpackung is the perfect solution for oral care for the entire family. This pack includes two large-sized toothbrushes and a tube of toothpaste, making it ideal for shared use. The toothbrushes feature a comfortable grip handle to ensure a secure grip during use. The bristles of the toothbrush are soft and gentle to ensure that even those with sensitive teeth and gums can use them comfortably. The EMOFORM toothpaste included in this pack is formulated to protect against tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath. It contains active fluoride to help strengthen tooth enamel and protect against cavities. The toothpaste also contains a unique combination of active ingredients that work together to freshen breath, prevent plaque formation and soothe sensitive teeth and gums. EMOFORM Brush'n Clean XL Familienpackung is a product that has been designed specifically with the family in mind. It is great value for money and perfect for those wanting to save on oral care expenses. The toothpaste included in this pack has a minty fresh flavor that is sure to leave your mouth feeling clean and refreshed. The toothbrushes are durable and easy to clean, making them perfect for daily use. If you're looking for an affordable, high-quality oral care solution for the entire family, then the EMOFORM Brush'n Clean XL Familienpackung is the ideal choice. With two toothbrushes and a tube of toothpaste, it has everything you need to maintain healthy teeth and gums. So order yours online today and start taking the first step towards maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile!..

26.61 USD

Emoform protect шүдний оо tb 75 мл

Emoform protect шүдний оо tb 75 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7767042

Emoform Protect Toothpaste Tb 75 ml Emoform Protect Toothpaste is a highly effective toothpaste that has been designed to provide exceptional oral care for sensitive teeth. This fluoride-free toothpaste is perfect for those who suffer from cavities, gum diseases, tooth sensitivity, and other oral health conditions that require gentle and effective dental care. Features and Benefits Emoform Protect Toothpaste is a specialty toothpaste that provides several unique features and benefits that make it an ideal choice for sensitive teeth: Gentle formula: The toothpaste has been formulated to be gentle on sensitive teeth and gums, providing the effective care your teeth and gums require without causing any discomfort. Fluoride-free: The toothpaste is fluoride-free, which makes it a great option for those who are looking for natural oral care solutions. Effective cavity protection: The toothpaste contains hydroxyapatite, a natural mineral that remineralizes teeth and strengthens tooth enamel, providing effective protection against cavities. Reduces tooth sensitivity: The toothpaste's gentle formula helps to reduce tooth sensitivity and discomfort, making it easier to enjoy hot and cold foods and beverages. Promotes healthy gums: The toothpaste contains natural ingredients that help to promote healthy gums and prevent gum disease, helping to keep your mouth healthy and clean. Fresh breath: The toothpaste contains natural mint and menthol, which provide a refreshing and long-lasting breath freshening effect. How to Use To use Emoform Protect Toothpaste, simply wet your toothbrush and apply a pea-sized amount of the toothpaste to the bristles. Brush your teeth thoroughly for at least two minutes, making sure to pay attention to all areas of your mouth. For best results, use Emoform Protect Toothpaste twice daily, preferably in the morning and evening, alongside regular flossing and professional dental check-ups. About Emoform Established in 1987, Emoform is a leading oral care brand that is committed to providing high-quality toothpastes and mouthwashes that are effective and safe for use. All Emoform products are made using the finest natural ingredients and are manufactured to the highest standards to ensure the best possible results for your oral health. Choose Emoform Protect Toothpaste for a gentle and natural way to care for your sensitive teeth, and enjoy a healthy and happy smile!..

14.74 USD

Gengigel spray 20 мл

Gengigel spray 20 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7794158

Gengigel Spray 20 ml is a unique oral care solution that is specially designed for the treatment of gingivitis, periodontitis and other oral issues. It is a convenient, easy-to-use spray that helps combat the symptoms of gum disease and provides relief from discomfort, inflammation and sensitivity. The active ingredient in this spray is hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in the body known for its ability to promote tissue regeneration and healing. Gengigel Spray contains high concentrations of hyaluronic acid, which helps to soothe and protect the gums, reduce inflammation and promote healthy tissue growth. This product is suitable for use by adults and children, and is ideal for those who are prone to gum problems or who are undergoing dental treatment. It can also be used as a preventive measure to maintain good oral health and prevent the onset of gum disease. Gengigel Spray is easy to use ? simply spray directly onto the affected area of the gums or teeth. The spray bottle allows for precise targeting of the affected area, which helps to ensure that the active ingredients are delivered exactly where they are needed. The formula is gentle and is unlikely to cause any irritation or discomfort. What?s more, Gengigel Spray has a pleasant taste and is free from alcohol, sugar and artificial colours, making it a safe and effective choice for all those who want to improve their oral health and prevent gum problems. Whether you are experiencing discomfort, inflammation or sensitivity, Gengigel Spray can help to relieve your symptoms and get you back to health in no time!..

21.24 USD

Gum sunstar actital sonic replacement brush хар 2 ширхэг

Gum sunstar actital sonic replacement brush хар 2 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7777797

GUM SUNSTAR Activital Sonic Replacement Brush black 2 pcs Looking for a replacement brush that offers deep cleaning and maximum comfort? Look no further than the GUM SUNSTAR Activital Sonic Replacement Brush. Designed to fit the GUM SUNSTAR Activital Sonic Toothbrush, this brush head features advanced sonic technology that delivers up to 30,000 brush strokes per minute for powerful yet gentle cleaning. The GUM SUNSTAR Activital Sonic Replacement Brush is perfect for people with sensitive gums or teeth, as it features soft bristles that are gentle on your enamel and prevent gum irritation. These bristles are also specially designed to clean hard-to-reach areas, ensuring that your teeth and gums are thoroughly cleaned every time you brush. Each pack includes two replacement brushes, so you can easily replace your old brush head and continue enjoying the benefits of sonic technology. The black color is a sleek, modern look that will complement any bathroom decor. Invest in your oral health with the GUM SUNSTAR Activital Sonic Replacement Brush. Order now and experience a deep clean like never before!..

18.37 USD

Gum sunstar baby toothbrush 0-2 years light blue

Gum sunstar baby toothbrush 0-2 years light blue

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7836286

Бяцхан үрсийнхээ амны хөндийн зөв арчилгааг 0-2 насны хүүхдэд зориулсан GUM SUNSTAR хүүхдийн шүдний сойзоор танилцуулаарай. Зөөлөн буйл болон шинээр гарч ирж буй шүдэнд зориулагдсан энэхүү сойз нь хэт зөөлөн үстэй тул зөөлөн цэвэрлэх, буйлны хөдөлгөөнийг өдөөдөг. Авсаархан, атгахад хялбар бариул нь эцэг эхийн удирдан чиглүүлдэг сойз угаах үеийг тав тухтай, үр дүнтэй болгодог. Эрүүл дадал зуршлыг эрт бий болгоход тохиромжтой энэхүү сойз нь шүдний эрүүл ахуйг зугаатай, аюулгүй байлгахад тусалдаг. Хүүхдэдээ GUM SUNSTAR хүүхдийн шүдний сойзоор насан туршдаа гэрэл гэгээтэй инээмсэглэл бэлэглээрэй...

7.21 USD

Livsane zahnseide gewachst 30м

Livsane zahnseide gewachst 30м

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7720424

Livsane Zahnseide gewachst 30m is a premium dental floss from Livsane. This floss is perfect for people who are looking for an effective way to remove plaque and food particles from their teeth, especially in areas that are hard to reach with a toothbrush. This dental floss is made from high-quality materials that are specially designed to provide maximum protection and care for your gums and teeth. The floss is waxed to facilitate easy insertion and smooth gliding between your teeth, making it easy to remove debris and plaque. One of the unique features of this product is its long length of 30 meters, which makes it last for a long time. This is important for people who use floss regularly and want to avoid having to buy a new pack frequently. Livsane Zahnseide gewachst 30m comes in a compact and convenient pack that makes it easy to carry around. You can easily slip it into your bag or pocket and use it whenever you want, making it perfect for people who are always on the go. This dental floss is suitable for people of all ages and is perfect for those with sensitive gums or teeth. It is safe to use and gentle on your gums, making it a great option for those who are prone to gum sensitivity. Overall, Livsane Zahnseide gewachst 30m is a high-quality dental floss that is reliable, effective, and convenient to use. Try it today and experience the difference for yourself! ..

7.41 USD

Swissdent crystal шүдний оо 10 мл

Swissdent crystal шүдний оо 10 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7768953

Swissdent Crystal шүдний оо 10 мл-ийн гайхалтай чанарыг мэдрээрэй Swissdent нь үр дүнтэй, өндөр чанартай шүдний эрүүл ахуйн бүтээгдэхүүн үйлдвэрлэдэгээрээ алдартай. Swissdent Crystal шүдний оо 10 мл бол энэ чанарын онцгой жишээ юм. Энэхүү тансаг шүдний оо нь таны шүд, буйлны эрүүл, цэвэрхэн, гялалзсан гялалзсан байхын тулд дэвшилтэт технологи, хамгийн сайн найрлагаар бүтээгдсэн. Швейцарийн Кристал шүдний ооны ашиг тус Swissdent Crystal шүдний ооны томъёо нь бичил цэвэрлэгээний талстуудыг фермент, фтортой хослуулан хүн бүрт зориулсан шүдний эрүүл ахуйн үр дүнтэй бүтээгдэхүүнийг бий болгодог. Тогтмол хэрэглэснээр энэхүү шүдний оо нь дараах давуу талыг өгдөг. Шүдний байгалийн гялбааг хадгалахын зэрэгцээ гадаргуугийн толбо болон өнгө алдалтыг арилгана Фторыг бэхжүүлдэг шүдний паалангаар хөндийг үр дүнтэй хамгаална Шүдний шинэ товруу үүсэхээс үр дүнтэй сэргийлнэ Бохьны өвчин, буйлны үрэвсэл, амнаас эвгүй үнэр болон амны хөндийн бусад халдварын магадлалыг бууруулдаг Амыг сэргээж, цэвэрхэн, сэргээсэн мэдрэмж төрүүлнэ Швейцарийн Кристал шүдний ооны цаад шинжлэх ухаан Swissdent шүдний эрүүл ахуйн бүтээгдэхүүнээ бүтээхдээ хамгийн шилдэг технологийг ашигладаг бөгөөд Swissdent Crystal шүдний оо ч үл хамаарах зүйл биш юм. Энэхүү шүдний оо нь шинэлэг бичил цэвэрлэгээний талстуудаар тоноглогдсон бөгөөд шүдний товруу болон шүдний өнгө, толбо үүсгэдэг бусад бодисыг задлахад тусалдаг. Түүгээр ч зогсохгүй энэхүү ооны өвөрмөц найрлага нь шүдэнд агуулагдах органик бодисуудын үлдэгдлийг үр дүнтэй уусгаж, амны хөндийг цэвэр, шинэлэг болгодог ферментийг ашигладаг. Халаасны хэмжээтэй төгс шүдний оо Swissdent Crystal шүдний оо нь 10 мл-ийн савлагаатай бөгөөд аялалд явахад тохиромжтой бөгөөд энэ нь явж байгаа хүмүүст тохиромжтой сонголт юм. Энэхүү шүдний оо нь бүрэн хэмжээний бүтээгдэхүүн авахаас өмнө шинэ бүтээгдэхүүн туршиж үзэхийг илүүд үздэг хүмүүст тохиромжтой. Амны хөндийн онцгой эрүүл ахуйд хүрэх аялалаа Swissdent Crystal шүдний оо 10 мл-ээр өнөөдөр эхлүүлээрэй! ..

5.94 USD

Trisa clean байгалийн модон шүдний сойз

Trisa clean байгалийн модон шүдний сойз

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7770909

Trisa Clean Natural Wooden Toothbrush Medium Introducing the Trisa Clean Natural Wooden Toothbrush - your perfect partner for sustainable oral care. This toothbrush is crafted with a biodegradable bamboo handle, which makes it an ideal choice for reducing plastic waste. The handle has a stunning natural finish that adds a natural feel to your oral care routine. The premium bristles of this toothbrush are medium-soft, which is perfect for maintaining oral hygiene. The bristles are crafted from nylon-6, which is BPA-free and provides maximum cleaning power. The Trisa Clean Natural Wooden Toothbrush - Medium is ideal for those who prefer medium to soft bristles. It is perfect for daily use and helps you maintain a healthy oral hygiene routine. This wooden toothbrush is ideal for eco-conscious individuals who want to make a positive impact on the environment. Get sustainable oral care and add the Trisa Clean Natural Wooden Toothbrush - Medium to your oral care routine today. ..

9.58 USD

Trisa environment display assorted 23 pieces

Trisa environment display assorted 23 pieces

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7781756

Биеийн арчилгаа, гоо сайхны салбарт амны хөндийн болон шүдний эмчилгээнд тусгайлан зориулсан 23 ширхэгээс бүрдсэн Trisa ENVIRONMENT дэлгэцийн багцыг танилцуулж байна. Энэхүү сувилахуйн нийтлэлүүдийн цуглуулга нь эрүүл мэнд, хүрээлэн буй орчны ухамсарыг чухалчилдаг байгалийн гаралтай шүдний сойзуудыг санал болгодог. Нарийвчлалтай, удаан эдэлгээтэй байдлаар урласан энэ төрлийн сойз бүр нь гүйцэтгэлийг алдагдуулахгүйгээр тогтвортой байдлыг илэрхийлдэг. Trisa ENVIRONMENT дэлгэцийн иж бүрдэлээр амны хөндийн арчилгаагаа дээшлүүлээрэй. Энэ нь өдөр тутмын арчилгаагаа байгальд ээлтэй сонголт хайж байгаа хүмүүст зориулсан ухамсартай сонголт юм...

182.11 USD

Trisa sonic performance schallzahnbürste

Trisa sonic performance schallzahnbürste

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7736425

Introducing the Trisa Sonic Performance Schallzahnbürste The Trisa Sonic Performance Schallzahnbürste is the ultimate dental hygiene tool for achieving a clean, healthy and beautiful smile. Its unique sonic technology delivers up to 40,000 vibrations per minute, removing up to 10 times more plaque than a regular manual toothbrush. This toothbrush features three different modes for customized oral care: Clean, Soft and Massage. The Clean mode is perfect for removing surface stains and providing an overall deep clean, while the Soft mode is ideal for sensitive teeth and gums. The Massage mode offers a gentle gum massage, promoting healthy circulation and stimulating tissue regeneration. The ergonomic handle is designed for comfort and ease of use. The brush head is angled at 16 degrees, ensuring optimal cleaning and penetration of hard-to-reach areas. The bristles are also specially designed to be gentle on enamel while still providing a powerful clean. The Trisa Sonic Performance Schallzahnbürste comes with a long-lasting lithium-ion battery and a convenient travel case, making it the perfect tool for on-the-go dental hygiene. Its sleek and modern design also makes it an attractive addition to any bathroom. Investing in the Trisa Sonic Performance Schallzahnbürste is investing in your dental health. Start experiencing the benefits of sonic technology today and achieve a brighter, healthier smile!..

114.18 USD

Trisa sonic power бүрэн хамгаалалт duo

Trisa sonic power бүрэн хамгаалалт duo

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7779192

Trisa Sonic Power Complete Protection DUO The Trisa Sonic Power Complete Protection DUO is a high-quality electric toothbrush that is designed to provide complete protection for your teeth and gums. This toothbrush has everything you need for a thorough and effective cleaning experience, including: A powerful motor that produces 40,000 sonic strokes per minute, allowing you to remove plaque and bacteria from even the hardest-to-reach areas of your mouth with ease. Two brushing modes: Normal mode for everyday cleaning and Sensitive mode for those who have more sensitive teeth and gums. A Smart Timer that ensures you brush for the recommended two minutes per session to achieve optimal cleaning results. A Pressure Sensor that alerts you when you're brushing too hard, helping you avoid damaging your teeth and gums. Two brush heads: one with soft bristles for gentle cleaning and one with medium bristles for a more thorough cleaning experience. A travel case that makes it easy to take your toothbrush with you on-the-go. With its advanced features and high-quality construction, the Trisa Sonic Power Complete Protection DUO is the perfect toothbrush for anyone who wants to achieve a healthier, happier smile. Whether you're looking to improve your oral health or simply want to enjoy a more satisfying brushing experience, this toothbrush has everything you need to get the job done...

56.51 USD

Trisa we care зөөлөн uno шүдний сойз

Trisa we care зөөлөн uno шүдний сойз

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7767026

Trisa We Care Toothbrush Soft UNO Take care of your teeth and gums with the Trisa We Care Toothbrush Soft UNO. This toothbrush is designed with the highest dental standards in mind to provide a comfortable brushing experience that supports oral health. It features a special bristle formation that is soft and gentle on teeth and gums while still effectively removing plaque and food particles. This toothbrush has a compact head that is perfect for cleaning hard-to-reach areas of your mouth. The Trisa We Care Toothbrush Soft UNO also has a durable, ergonomic handle for easy gripping and manipulation during brushing. The handle is made with environmentally-friendly materials for a more sustainable and responsible option. This toothbrush is also available in a variety of colors to match your personal style preference. Choosing the right toothbrush is crucial for an effective dental care routine. With the Trisa We Care Toothbrush Soft UNO, you can have a brushing experience that is gentle yet still effective in caring for your teeth and gums. It is the perfect addition to your dental care routine and a must-have for anyone who values their oral health. Product Features: Soft bristle formation for gentle yet effective cleaning Compact head for hard-to-reach areas Durable and eco-friendly handle Available in a variety of colors Invest in quality oral care with the Trisa We Care Toothbrush Soft UNO. Trust us to provide the best dental products for your teeth and gums...

6.57 USD

Trisa zahnpasta revital sens швейцарийн ургамал

Trisa zahnpasta revital sens швейцарийн ургамал

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7322994

TRISA Zahnpasta Revital Sens Swiss Herbs TRISA Zahnpasta Revital Sens Swiss Herbs is a refreshing toothpaste that combines the natural benefits of Swiss herbs for a refreshing and clean feeling. This toothpaste is perfect for those who want to maintain healthy and strong teeth and gums. Key Features: Swiss herbs: TRISA Zahnpasta Revital Sens Swiss Herbs is infused with natural Swiss mountain herbs extracts that provide a refreshing and invigorating sensation. Triple action formula: This toothpaste has a unique triple action formula that provides effective protection against tooth decay, plaque, and tartar. Fluoride: TRISA Zahnpasta Revital Sens Swiss Herbs contains fluoride, which is essential for healthy teeth and provides effective protection against tooth decay. Gentle on teeth: This toothpaste is gentle on teeth and gums, making it suitable for those with sensitive teeth or gums. Directions for Use: Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day, preferably after meals. For best results, use TRISA Zahnpasta Revital Sens Swiss Herbs with a TRISA toothbrush. Ingredients: Swiss herb extracts Fluoride (1450 ppm) Glycerin Aqua Hydrated silica Sorbitol Cellulose gum Sodium lauryl sulfate Aroma Sodium fluoride Sodium saccharin Citric acid CI 42051 TRISA Zahnpasta Revital Sens Swiss Herbs is a refreshing toothpaste that combines the natural benefits of Swiss herbs for a refreshing and clean feeling. This toothpaste is perfect for those who want to maintain healthy and strong teeth and gums. With Swiss herb extracts and a unique triple action formula, this toothpaste provides effective protection against tooth decay, plaque, and tartar. In addition to its natural Swiss herb extracts, TRISA Zahnpasta Revital Sens Swiss Herbs contains fluoride, which is essential for healthy teeth and provides effective protection against tooth decay. The toothpaste is also gentle on teeth and gums, making it suitable for those with sensitive teeth or gums. To use TRISA Zahnpasta Revital Sens Swiss Herbs, simply brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day, preferably after meals. For best results, use with a TRISA toothbrush. The toothpaste contains a variety of ingredients, including Swiss herb extracts, fluoride, glycerin, and more. Overall, TRISA Zahnpasta Revital Sens Swiss Herbs is the ideal toothpaste for those who want a natural, refreshing, and effective way to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Try it today and experience the refreshing sensation of Swiss herbs!..

2.73 USD

Trisa ам зайлагч revital sensitive fl 100 мл

Trisa ам зайлагч revital sensitive fl 100 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7768134

Trisa Mouthwash Revital Sensitive Fl 100 ml Trisa Mouthwash Revital Sensitive Fl 100 ml is a specially designed product for people with sensitive teeth and gums. This mouthwash is formulated to protect your teeth and gums from sensitivity and provide long-lasting freshness. Features and Benefits Gentle Formula: The Trisa Mouthwash Revital Sensitive Fl 100 ml is designed with a gentle formula that is suitable for sensitive teeth and gums. Soothes Sensitive Teeth: The mouthwash contains active ingredients that help to soothe and protect sensitive teeth and gums from irritation. Prevents Cavities: With regular use, this mouthwash helps to prevent cavities and tooth decay by eliminating harmful bacteria that cause them. Controls Bad Breath: Trisa Mouthwash Revital Sensitive Fl 100 ml effectively controls bad breath and leaves your mouth feeling fresh and clean. Easy to Use: The mouthwash comes in a convenient 100 ml bottle with a flip-top cap for easy use. Directions for Use To use Trisa Mouthwash Revital Sensitive Fl 100 ml, fill the bottle cap with mouthwash and swish in your mouth for 30 seconds. Do not swallow the mouthwash. Use 2 times daily after brushing your teeth for best results. Conclusion If you have sensitive teeth and gums, Trisa Mouthwash Revital Sensitive Fl 100 ml is an excellent choice to help protect and soothe your teeth and gums while providing long-lasting freshness. This gentle and effective mouthwash is easy to use and can help prevent cavities and bad breath...

3.16 USD

Zahnheld zahncreme mit vitamin b12 fluoridfrei tb 75 мл

Zahnheld zahncreme mit vitamin b12 fluoridfrei tb 75 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7793436

Zahnheld Zahncreme mit VITAMIN B12 fluoridfrei Tb 75 ml Get ready to experience a refreshing and nourishing oral care routine with the Zahnheld Zahncreme mit VITAMIN B12 fluoridfrei Tb 75 ml. This toothpaste is specially designed to support your dental hygiene needs without containing harmful fluoride. The Zahnheld Zahncreme uses a thoughtful blend of natural ingredients to leave your mouth feeling clean and healthy. The star ingredient is vitamin B12; a nutrient that not only supports nerve and blood cell health, but also helps prevent tooth decay and gum disease. This toothpaste is perfect for those seeking a more natural and gentle approach to dental care. With a 75 ml tube, the Zahnheld Zahncreme lasts for an extended period, giving you more time to experience the benefits of its unique formula. It has a mild and fresh minty flavor, which leaves a refreshing taste in the mouth after each use. The toothpaste also contains natural abrasive agents, which gently clean and remove any stains on your teeth, revealing a brighter and healthier smile. The Zahnheld Zahncreme is suitable for all ages and is easy to use. Simply apply a pea-sized amount to your toothbrush, brush your teeth and gums for two minutes, and rinse your mouth with water. Use twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, for optimal oral health results. Take care of your teeth the natural way with the Zahnheld Zahncreme mit VITAMIN B12 fluoridfrei Tb 75 ml. Order now and experience a refreshing and gentle approach to oral care that your mouth will thank you for! ..

10.14 USD

флоридгүй шүдний ооо tebodont 75 мл

флоридгүй шүдний ооо tebodont 75 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6702341

Фторгүй Тебодонт шүдний оо 75 мл Фторгүй 75 мл-ийн Tebodont шүдний оо нь өдөр тутмын хэрэглээнд зориулагдсан зөөлөн шүдний оо юм. Энэ нь ялангуяа фторгүй шүдийг цэвэрлэхийг илүүд үздэг эсвэл фторыг үл тэвчих хүмүүст тохиромжтой. Шүдний оо нь хиймэл чихэрлэгч, будагч бодис, хадгалалтын бодис агуулаагүй тул шүдний эрүүл ахуйд зориулсан байгалийн сонголт юм. Tebodont шүдний оо нь эмнэлзүйн туршилтанд хамрагдсан бөгөөд товруу болон шүдний чулууг арилгахад тусалдаг chamomile ханд, эфирийн мэргэн тос, ксилит зэрэг байгалийн идэвхтэй найрлагатай өвөрмөц найрлагатай. Энэ нь шүд, буйланд зөөлөн бөгөөд амны хөндийн эрүүл байдлыг дэмжихийн тулд амны хөндийн байгалийн ургамлын колоничлолыг дэмждэг. Шүдний оо нь зөөлөн амттай, түрхэхэд хялбар сайхан бүтэцтэй. Хэрэглэсний дараа таны амыг шинэлэг, цэвэрхэн болгоно. 75 мл-ийн багтаамжтай хоолой нь гэртээ эсвэл явж байхдаа хэрэглэхэд тохиромжтой. Фторгүй 75 мл-ийн Tebodont шүдний оогаар та амны хөндийн эрүүл ахуйг сахиж, шүд, буйлны эрүүл мэндийг дэмжих зөөлөн бөгөөд байгалийн гаралтай шүдний оо авах болно. ..

15.68 USD

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