
Хоол тэжээлийн нэмэлтүүд

251-с 259 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 259
(11 Хуудас)
Швейцарь улсын эрүүл мэнд, гоо сайхны өндөр чанартай бүтээгдэхүүн худалдан авах гол газар болох Beeovita-д тавтай морил. Хоол тэжээл, эрүүл мэндийн төлөөх хүсэл тэмүүллээр бид таны эрүүл мэндийг сайжруулж, гоо үзэсгэлэнгээ сайжруулахын тулд нарийн боловсруулсан олон төрлийн тэжээлийн нэмэлтүүдийг танд хүргэж байна. Ургамлын гаралтай уурагаас эхлээд булчингийн өсөлтийг сайжруулах, тархины эрүүл мэндэд зориулсан цэвэр усны замаг, дархлааг сайжруулах витамин зэрэг бүгд бидэнд бий. Манай нэмэлт тэжээлүүд нь веганд ээлтэй, цавуулаг агуулаагүй бөгөөд таны биед хэрэгцээтэй зүйлсийг хангах үүднээс маш болгоомжтой бүтээгдсэн. Манай ангилалд эрүүл мэндийн бүтээгдэхүүн, хоол боловсруулахад туслах, бодисын солилцоог сайжруулагч, хүүхдийн нэмэлт тэжээл зэргийг багтаасан цөөн хэдэн зүйлийг судлаарай. Та эрч хүчийг нэмэгдүүлэх, хоол боловсруулахад туслах эсвэл гоо үзэсгэлэнгээ сайжруулах ямар нэгэн зүйл хайж байгаа эсэхээс үл хамааран Beeovita-аас яг хэрэгтэй зүйлээ олох болно. Манай нэмэлт тэжээлээр эрүүл мэндийн ертөнцөд шумбаж, бие махбодоо шаардлагатай шим тэжээлээр нь тэжээгээрэй.
Chrisana pea kaps

Chrisana pea kaps

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7850617

Таны эрүүл мэнд, турах аялалд тань туслах нэмэлт тэжээл болох CHRISANA PEA капсулын хүчийг олж мэдээрэй. Жингээ барихад туслах зорилгоор бүтээгдсэн эдгээр капсулууд нь бодисын солилцоог сайжруулж, хоолны дуршилыг дарах чадвартай гэдгээрээ алдартай PEA-ийн байгалийн хандаар баяжуулсан. CHRISANA PEA-тай эрүүл бус зуушны зуршлаасаа салж, илүү тэнцвэртэй амьдралын хэв маягт мэндчилээрэй. Хоолны дэглэмээ сайжруулж, ерөнхий сайн сайхан байдлыг сайжруулахын тулд энэ бүтээгдэхүүнийг өдөр тутмынхаа хэвшилд оруулаарай. Өнөөдөр CHRISANA PEA капсулыг ашиглан эерэг өөрчлөлт хийцгээе...

59.76 USD

Dünner eisen-plus kaps

Dünner eisen-plus kaps

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7840172

DÜNNER Iron Plus малгайгаар эрч хүчээ нэмэгдүүлж, эрүүл төмрийн хэмжээг дэмжээрэй. Эдгээр хүнсний нэмэлт тэжээлүүд нь эрүүл мэндэд зайлшгүй шаардлагатай төмөр, витамин, эрдэс бодисын хүчтэй хослолыг хангах зорилгоор тусгайлан боловсруулсан болно. Оргил гүйцэтгэлийг хадгалах, ядаргаатай тэмцэх, эрч хүчийг дэмжихэд тохиромжтой. Та хоолны дэглэмээ сайжруулах, фитнессийн зорилгоо дэмжих эсвэл хоол тэжээлийн тодорхой хэрэгцээг хангахыг хүсч байгаа эсэхээс үл хамааран DÜNNER Iron Plus таг нь тохиромжтой шийдэл юм. Өдөр бүр танд хамгийн сайн сайхныг мэдрэхэд туслах зорилготой энэхүү өндөр чанартай нэмэлтээр эрүүл мэнд, сайн сайхан байдлаа дээшлүүлээрэй...

25.08 USD

Dünner eisen-plus stick 30 stk

Dünner eisen-plus stick 30 stk

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7840173

Dünner Eisen-Plus Stick 30 Stk Introducing the Dünner Eisen-Plus Stick, a box of 30 thin sticks that contain essential nutrients to support a healthy body. Each stick is packed with iron, folic acid, and Vitamin B12 to promote healthy red blood cell formation, increase energy levels, and boost overall well-being. The sticks come in a convenient, easy-to-use packaging that makes it easy to carry them around wherever you go. Simply take one stick and swallow it whole or combine it with water, and you'll get an immediate boost of energy to help you push through your busy day. Key Features: Contains 30 sticks in each box Thin sticks for easy consumption Packed with iron, folic acid, and Vitamin B12 Promotes healthy red blood cell formation Increases energy levels Convenient packaging for on-the-go use The Dünner Eisen-Plus Stick is perfect for anyone who needs an extra boost of energy in their daily routine. Whether you're a busy professional, a student, or an athlete, these sticks can help you enhance your performance and improve your physical and mental health. Order your box of Dünner Eisen-Plus Stick today and experience the difference it can make in your life!..

31.36 USD

Lactibiane imedia зөөгч

Lactibiane imedia зөөгч

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7851576

LACTIBIANE Imedia Sticks LACTIBIANE Imedia Sticks are a dietary supplement that provides a combination of probiotics and prebiotics to maintain the intestinal balance in the body. It is a blend of 4 specific strains of lactic acid bacteria that helps boost the digestive system's health and supports the immune mechanism. The LACTIBIANE Imedia Sticks contain 6 billion CFU (colony-forming units) of lactic acid bacteria per stick. The bacteria strains used here are Lactobacillus acidophilus LA 201, Lactococcus lactis LA 301, Bifidobacterium bifidum BL 804, and Streptococcus thermophilus STY All these strains are known for their potential health benefits and their ability to promote gut health. In addition to the probiotics, these sticks also contain prebiotics in the form of inulin, which acts as food for the bacteria strains, allowing them to grow and flourish more rapidly within the gut environment. The inclusion of prebiotics alongside probiotics helps form a beneficial synergy and provides a more significant outcome when it comes to improving digestive health. The LACTIBIANE Imedia Sticks come in a convenient, easy-to-use pack with 14 sachets per box. These sachets are easy to carry around and can be consumed directly without the need for water. They have a delicious orange flavor that appeals to people of all ages. So if you're looking for an effective and convenient way to support your digestive health, the LACTIBIANE Imedia Sticks are your go-to option. ..

62.53 USD

Nutrexin biom aktiv basic plv 250 гр

Nutrexin biom aktiv basic plv 250 гр

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7837393

Nutrexin Biom Aktiv Basic Plv 250 g Introducing the Nutrexin Biom Aktiv Basic Plv, a high-quality powdered supplement that is designed to support the body's natural functions and promote overall health and wellness. This product is made with carefully selected ingredients that work together to enhance the immune system, aid digestion, and improve energy levels. Benefits: Supports immune system: The Nutrexin Biom Aktiv Basic Plv contains key nutrients such as vitamin C, zinc, and beta-glucans that enhance the body's natural defense system. Aids digestion: This supplement contains fibers and enzymes that help with nutrient absorption and support digestive health. Improves energy levels: The product includes vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12, which are essential for energy production and help fight tiredness and fatigue. Rich in antioxidants: The Nutrexin Biom Aktiv Basic Plv is a great source of antioxidants that help protect the body from the damaging effects of free radicals. Ingredients: The Nutrexin Biom Aktiv Basic Plv is made of all-natural ingredients including: Apple pectin Bioflavonoids (from citrus fruits) Brewer's yeast Enzymes (from papaya, pineapple) Fiber (from chicory root) Inulin (from chicory root) Probiotics (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus casei, Bifidobacterium lactis) Vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E) Zinc Usage: The Nutrexin Biom Aktiv Basic Plv is easy to use. Simply mix 1-2 teaspoons of the powder with water or juice and drink once daily. The supplement can be taken with or without food. For optimal results, it is recommended to use the product regularly. Those who are pregnant, nursing, or have other medical conditions should consult with their doctor before use. Experience the benefits of Nutrexin Biom Aktiv Basic Plv and give your body the boost it needs to stay healthy and strong...

47.70 USD

Omni-biotic colonize plv 28 btl 3 гр

Omni-biotic colonize plv 28 btl 3 гр

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7841195

Composition Live lactic acid bacteria (CFU), corresp.:, ut Lactobacillus acidophilus W37, et Lactobacillus rhamnosus WGG, et Enterococcus faecium W54, et Lactococcus lactis W19, et Bifidobacterium lactis W51, et Bifidobacterium bifidum W23, Per daily dose (2 sachets). Application 2 x daily 1 sachet (= 3g) in a Stir in a glass of water (approx. 125ml), wait at least 1 minute for activation, stir again and then drink. It is recommended to take it on an empty stomach, e.g. B. in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before dinner or before bed. Nutritional values Nutritional value Quantity per % Measurement accuracy Energy 22 kcal Daily dose (6g) / dose journalière (6g) Energy 93 kcal Daily dose (6g) / Dose journalière (6g) Fat 0.01 g Daily dose (6g) / Dose journalière (6g) td> Smaller than () Fat, thereof saturated fatty acids 0.01 g Daily dose (6g) / can journalière (6g) Smaller than () Carbohydrates 5 g Daily dose (6g) / Dose journalière (6g) Carbohydrates, including sugar 0.1 g daily dose (6g) / dose journalière (6g) protein 0.5 g Daily dose (6g) / dose journalière (6g) Salt 0.01 g Daily dose (6g) / Dose journalière (6g) Smaller than () Additional info Vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free, yeast-free. Suitable for diabetics, children, pregnancy / lactation. Composition Live lactic acid bacteria (KBE), corresp.:, ut Lactobacillus acidophilus W37, et Lactobacillus rhamnosus WGG, et Enterococcus faecium W54, et Lactococcus lactis W19, et Bifidobacterium lactis W51, et Bifidobacterium bifidum W23, per daily dose (2 sachets). Application 2 x daily 1 sachet (= 3g) in a glass of water (approx. 125ml), wait at least 1 minute for activation, stir again and then drink. It is recommended to take it on an empty stomach, e.g. B. in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before dinner or before bed. Nutritional values Nutritional valueAmountper%Measuring accuracy Energy22 kcalDaily dose (6g) / dose journalière (6g) Energy93 kcalDaily dose (6g) / Dose journalière (6g) Fat0.01 gDaily dose (6g) / can journalière (6g) td>Smaller than ()Fat, thereof saturated fatty acids0.01 gDaily dose (6g) / can journalière (6g) Smaller than ()Carbohydrates5 g Daily dose (6g) / Dose journalière (6g) Carbohydrates, including sugar0.1 gdaily dose (6g) / can journalière (6g) protein 0.5 gDaily dose (6g) / can journalière (6g) Salt0.01 gDaily dose (6g) / jar journalière (6g) Smaller than () Additional info Vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free, yeast-free.Suitable for diabetics, children, pregnancy / lactation. ..

80.71 USD

Omni-biotic nove plv 30 btl 6 гр

Omni-biotic nove plv 30 btl 6 гр

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7841191

Food supplement with lactic acid bacteria. Composition Live lactic acid bacteria (KBE), corresp.:, ut Lactobacillus casei W56, et Lactobacillus acidophilus W37, et Lactobacillus brevis W63, et Lactococcus lactis W58, et Lactococcus lactis W19, et Bifidobacterium lactis W52, et Lactobacillus salivarius W24, et Bifidobacterium Bifbacterium lactis W51, et bifidum W23, per sachet (6g). Application Stir 1 sachet (=6g) into a glass of water (approx. 125 ml) once a day, Wait at least 1 minute for activation, stir again and then drink. We recommend taking it on an empty stomach. Nutritional values Nutritional valueAmountper%Measurement accuracy Energy td>22 kcal6g ptnEnergy93 kJ6g ptnfat0 g6g ptnFat, thereof saturated fatty acids 0g6g ptnCarbohydrates5.2 g6g ptnCarbohydrates, including sugar0.3 g6g ptnprotein0.3 g td>6g ptnSalt0 g6g ptn Additional info Vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free, yeast-free. ..

155.97 USD

Orthomol immun trinkamp

Orthomol immun trinkamp

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7842818

What is ORTHOMOL Immun Trinkamp? ORTHOMOL Immun Trinkamp is a dietary supplement that helps to support and strengthen the immune system. It contains a balanced combination of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and phytonutrients that are essential for the body's immune function. The product is specially formulated to provide immune support and improve overall health and wellbeing. What are the benefits of ORTHOMOL Immun Trinkamp? The product's unique blend of ingredients offers several benefits: Supports the immune system: ORTHOMOL Immun Trinkamp is designed to support and strengthen the body's natural defense mechanisms, which are vital for maintaining good health. Provides key nutrients: The dietary supplement contains essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are difficult to obtain through a typical diet. Improves overall wellbeing: The product's combination of ingredients can help to improve energy levels, reduce fatigue, and support overall health and wellbeing. Who should use ORTHOMOL Immun Trinkamp? ORTHOMOL Immun Trinkamp is suitable for anyone who wants to support their immune system and improve their overall health and wellbeing. It is particularly recommended for: People with weakened immune systems, such as the elderly, those undergoing chemotherapy, or with chronic diseases. Individuals with a high risk of infections, such as those working in healthcare or traveling to areas with high disease prevalence. People with a busy lifestyle or those exposed to high stress levels, as these can weaken the immune system. How to use ORTHOMOL Immun Trinkamp? The recommended dosage is one vial of ORTHOMOL Immun Trinkamp per day, preferably taken in the morning with breakfast. The product should be diluted with 150ml of water or juice and shaken well before use. It is important to use the product regularly to achieve the best results. Overall, ORTHOMOL Immun Trinkamp is a high-quality dietary supplement that provides essential immune support and improves overall health and wellbeing...

115.30 USD

Thirodium weichkapseln 100 мкг jod 30 stk

Thirodium weichkapseln 100 мкг jod 30 stk

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7845889

Thirodium Weichkapseln 100 mcg Jod 30 Stk Thirodium Weichkapseln are a dietary supplement containing 100mcg of iodine tosupport a healthy thyroid function. The thyroid plays a critical role in the body as it affects the metabolic rate, growth, and development. Iodine is an essential mineral required for the production of thyroid hormone. Ingredients Each Weichkapseln contains 100mcg of iodine as potassiumiodate. Other ingredients include soybean oil, beeswax, purified water, and glycerin. Thirodium is free from lactose, gluten, and artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. Directions for use Take one Weichkapseln per day with water, preferably in the morning. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Thirodium Weichkapseln are suitable for adults and children over 12 years of age. If you are pregnant, nursing, or taking medication, consult your healthcare provider before use. Benefits Thirodium Weichkapseln help support healthy thyroid function and iodine uptake in the body. The iodine in Thirodium supports the production of thyroid hormone, which plays an essential role in regulating the metabolic rate and supporting overall health and wellbeing. Warnings Do not exceed recommended daily dose Keep out of reach of children Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight If you are pregnant, nursing, or taking medication, consult your healthcare provider before use This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. ..

18.86 USD

251-с 259 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 259
(11 Хуудас)
Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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