
Дуу чимээг бууруулах

1-с 14 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 14
(1 Хуудас)
Beeovita-д бид хүүхдэд зориулсан чихний бөглөө, хөөсөн чихний бөглөө, чихэвч зэрэг дуу чимээг бууруулах гайхалтай олон төрлийн бүтээгдэхүүнийг санал болгож байна. Манай сонголтонд мөн манай Дизайн ба Загварын ангилалд багтсан уснаас хамгаалах хэрэгслүүд болон үсний лакууд багтсан болно. Та сонсголоо хамгаалах, чимээгүй цагийг өнгөрөөх эсвэл усанд сэлэхийг илүү тохь тухтай байлгахыг хүсч байгаа эсэхээс үл хамааран бидний дуу чимээг бууруулах үйлчилгээ танд туслах болно. Швейцарь улсад нямбай, нарийвчлалтайгаар урласан манай бүтээгдэхүүн нь дээд зэргийн чанар, өөгүй дизайнтай ижил утгатай. Өнөөдөр манай төрөлтэй танилцаж, Швейцарийн чанараар ороосон нам гүм байдлын аз жаргалыг мэдрээрэй.
3m peltor kapselgehörschutz für kinder 87-98 db blau

3m peltor kapselgehörschutz für kinder 87-98 db blau

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7838301

3M Peltor Kapselgehörschutz für Kinder 87-98 dB blau Protect your child?s hearing from loud noises with the 3M Peltor Kapselgehörschutz für Kinder. This earmuff is specially designed for children and has a noise reduction rating of 22 decibels, effectively blocking out noises in the 87-98 dB range. The bright blue color and cute design make it a fun accessory for your child to wear, while still providing the necessary protection. The earmuff features a comfortable padded headband and ear cups that fit snugly but not too tightly on your child?s head. The ear cups are designed to effectively reduce noise without completely blocking out all sounds. This allows your child to still hear important information, such as someone calling their name or warning them of potential danger. Perfect for use in noisy environments such as concerts, sporting events, and fireworks displays, the 3M Peltor Kapselgehörschutz für Kinder provides peace of mind for parents and caregivers. It?s also great for children with sensitive hearing who may become overwhelmed by loud sounds in their everyday environment. The earmuff is easy to transport and store, folding up compactly when not in use. It?s also easy to clean, simply wiping down the ear cups with a damp cloth. Protect your child?s hearing with the 3M Peltor Kapselgehörschutz für Kinder...

57.43 USD

Alpine flyfit чихний бөглөө 1

Alpine flyfit чихний бөглөө 1

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4845467

The soft Alpine FlyFit earplugs contain special yellow filters that block out unpleasant ambient noise. In addition, you will have fewer problems with the pressure differences during climbs and descents. With Alpine FlyFit earplugs you can finally travel relaxed and arrive at your destination much more efficiently.The earplugs are made of durable, flexible thermoplastic material. Due to the warmth of the ears, the earplugs adapt perfectly to the auditory canal in a few minutes and are therefore very comfortable in the ear. If necessary, the earplugs can also be adjusted to the size of the ear. Read the instructions for use carefully for more information...

22.27 USD

Alpine pluggies хүүхдийн чихний бөглөө цэнхэр

Alpine pluggies хүүхдийн чихний бөглөө цэнхэр

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4964226

Features Suitable for children aged 3 to 12 years. SNR value: 25dB. Properties Suitable for Children from 3 to 12 years. SNR value: 25dB. ..

22.27 USD

Alpine swimsafe чихний бөглөө 1

Alpine swimsafe чихний бөглөө 1

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4845438

ALPINE SwimSafe Earplug Pair 1 The ALPINE SwimSafe Earplug Pair 1 is an essential accessory for anyone who loves spending time in the water. Whether you're swimming, diving, or snorkelling, these earplugs will keep your ears protected and prevent water from entering. Designed and crafted by ALPINE, a renowned manufacturer of high-quality earplugs, this pair is made with precision to ensure maximum effectiveness and comfort. Features Prevents water from entering ears Soft and comfortable fit Reusable and washable Highly effective noise reduction Durable and long-lasting Why use the ALPINE SwimSafe Earplug Pair 1? The ALPINE SwimSafe Earplug Pair 1 is a must-have for anyone who wants to protect their ears from water damage. Water in the ear can lead to ear infections, swimmer's ear, and other painful conditions. These earplugs are designed to keep water out of your ears and prevent these problems from occurring. The earplugs are soft and comfortable to wear, and they fit securely in your ears, ensuring that they won't fall out during swimming or other water-based activities. Additionally, the ALPINE SwimSafe Earplug Pair 1 is highly effective at reducing noise. If you have sensitive ears or are easily affected by loud noises, these earplugs can help. They are also great for ensuring a good night's sleep in noisy environments such as hotels or campgrounds. Usage tips Clean the earplugs with warm water and soap after use. Store the earplugs in the provided case to prevent damage or loss. Replace the earplugs after 12 months of use to ensure maximum effectiveness. Quality you can trust ALPINE is a trusted and respected brand in the earplug industry. The ALPINE SwimSafe Earplug Pair 1 is crafted with the highest quality materials and designed with precision to provide maximum effectivity and comfort. With these earplugs, you can be confident that you are getting a product that is durable, effective and long-lasting. The ALPINE SwimSafe Earplug Pair 1 is the perfect accessory for anyone who loves swimming or other water-based activities. With its soft and comfortable fit, high effectiveness and durability, you can be sure that these earplugs will provide you with the maximum protection you need, allowing you to enjoy your favourite water sports with confidence...

22.27 USD

Minisoft чихний бөглөө 10 ширхэг

Minisoft чихний бөглөө 10 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6310948

Чихний бөглөөний шинж чанар Minisoft 10шЕвропод CE гэрчилгээтэйБагц дахь хэмжээ: 10 ширхэгЖин: 30г Урт: 19мм Өргөн: 84мм Өндөр: 123мм Швейцараас Minisoft 10 ширхэг чихний бөглөө онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

10.60 USD

Noton ear classic 5 хос

Noton ear classic 5 хос

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4520653

Noton Ear Classic 5 хосын онцлогХадгалах температур мин/макс 15/30 хэмБагц дахь хэмжээ: 5 паарЖин: 8г Урт: 22мм Өргөн: 56мм Өндөр: 89мм Noton Ear Classic 5 хосыг Швейцариас онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

9.23 USD

Ohropax хос нислэг 1

Ohropax хос нислэг 1

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7713499

The Ohropax Flight earplugs have been specially developed for quietness and pressure equalization during a flight. The earplugs have a pleasant, medium sound insulation (SNR 16 dB) and the pressure compensation is regulated by insertable special filters. However, speech communication is still possible. The earplugs with soft, anatomically shaped lamellae can be washed off and reused. Soft, anatomically shaped lamellaeMedium sound attenuationPressure equalisationSpeech communication still possibleWashable and reusableMedium and small earplugs for different sized ear canals are included in the pack li>Recommended by flight attendants ..

27.60 USD

Quies lärmschutz aus schaumstoff neon

Quies lärmschutz aus schaumstoff neon

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 1000299

QUIES Lärmschutz aus Schaumstoff NEON QUIES Lärmschutz aus Schaumstoff NEON is a high-quality earplug that is specifically designed to provide superior noise protection for your ears. Made from soft foam material, these earplugs conform to the shape of your ear canal for a perfect fit, ensuring that they stay in place while you move around or sleep. The vibrant neon color of these earplugs makes them easy to spot, so you won't have to worry about losing them. They come in a convenient storage case that can be easily carried in your pocket or purse, so you can take them with you wherever you go. Whether you're trying to get some rest in a noisy environment or need to protect your hearing from loud music or machinery, these earplugs are the perfect solution. They have an impressive noise reduction rating of 35 dB, which means they can help reduce the noise level by up to 35 decibels, making them ideal for use in a variety of noisy situations. QUIES Lärmschutz aus Schaumstoff NEON earplugs are easy to use. Simply roll them between your fingers to compress the foam, insert them into your ear canal, and wait a few seconds for them to expand and conform to the shape of your ear. Once you're done using them, simply remove them and dispose of them properly. Don't let noise interfere with your life. Protect your hearing and enjoy some peace and quiet with QUIES Lärmschutz aus Schaumstoff NEON earplugs...

14.84 USD

Quies noise чих хамгаалах хөөс бөмбөлөг 6 ширхэг

Quies noise чих хамгаалах хөөс бөмбөлөг 6 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 2213993

Ear muffs made of foam for very loud noise situations. Features The box contains 3 foam earmuffs, which protect the hearing from very loud noises.35dBThis product is CE marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

9.81 USD

чихний бөглөө силикон aqua 6 ширхэг

чихний бөглөө силикон aqua 6 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5787312

Ohropax силикон Aqua-ийн шинж чанар 6 ширхэгЕвроп CE гэрчилгээтэйБагц дахь хэмжээ: 6 ширхэгЖин: 23г >Урт: 19мм Өргөн: 65мм Өндөр: 106мм Швейцараас Ohropax силикон Aqua 6 ширхэгийг онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

16.06 USD

чихний бөглөө сонгодог лав бөмбөлөг 20 ширхэг

чихний бөглөө сонгодог лав бөмбөлөг 20 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 1870513

Ohropax сонгодог лав бөмбөг 20 ширхэг Зохих нэр Чихний бөглөө Бүтэц Орц: вазелин, парафин лав, хөвөн ноос. EN. Онцлогууд Ohropax Classic 20STOHROPAX Classic чихний бөглөө нь тааламжтай зөөлөн лав болон хөвөн даавуугаар хийгдсэн. Бөмбөлөг хэлбэртэй, чихний сувгийн нээлхийг гаднаас нь нягт хаадаг (урд талын чихний бөглөөний зарчим). Бүх төрлийн чихэнд тохиромжтой. Ажлын чимээ шуугиан, чанга хөгжимтэй унтаж амарч байхад нэн тохиромжтой. Мөн чийг, салхи зэргийг чихнээс хол байлгана. Чихэнд зориулсан Ohropax тансаг. 1907 оноос хойш. Програм Хөвөнг цэвэр хуруугаараа бүрэн арилгана. Шаардлагатай бол залгуурыг таслах замаар бага зэрэг багасгана. Тусгаарлагдсан хэсгүүдийг цаашид бүү ашигла! Зөөлөн болтол зуурч, нягт уялдаатай, хангалттай том бөмбөлөг болгоно. Үүнийг чихний сувгийн өмнө байрлуулж, зөөлөн дар. Гүн оруулах хэрэггүй! Хэрэглэсний дараа зөвхөн хуруугаараа арилгана. Хатуу зүйл бүү ашигла! Бага насны хүүхдээс хол байлга (амьсгал боогдох аюултай). Тэмдэглэл ..

16.66 USD

чихний бөглөө сонгодог лав бөмбөрцөг 12 ширхэг

чихний бөглөө сонгодог лав бөмбөрцөг 12 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7769741

Чихний бөглөө Сонгодог лав бөмбөлөг 12 ширхэг Зохих нэр Чихний бөглөө Бүтэц Орц: вазелин, парафин лав, хөвөн ноос. EN. Онцлогууд Ohropax Classic 20STOHROPAX Classic чихний бөглөө нь тааламжтай зөөлөн лав болон хөвөн даавуугаар хийгдсэн. Бөмбөлөг хэлбэртэй, чихний сувгийн нээлхийг гаднаас нь нягт хаадаг (урд чихний бөглөөний зарчим). Бүх төрлийн чихэнд тохиромжтой. Ажлын чимээ шуугиан, чанга хөгжимтэй унтаж амарч байхад тохиромжтой. Мөн чийг, салхи зэргийг чихнээс хол байлгана. Чихэнд зориулсан Ohropax тансаг. 1907 оноос хойш. Програм Хөвөнг цэвэр хуруугаараа бүрэн арилгана. Шаардлагатай бол залгуурыг таслах замаар бага зэрэг багасгана. Тусгаарлагдсан хэсгүүдийг цаашид бүү ашигла! Зөөлөн болтол зуурч, нягт уялдаатай, хангалттай том бөмбөлөг болгоно. Үүнийг чихний сувгийн өмнө байрлуулж, зөөлөн дар. Гүн оруулах хэрэггүй! Хэрэглэсний дараа зөвхөн хуруугаараа арилгана. Хатуу зүйл бүү ашигла! Бага насны хүүхдээс хол байлга (амьсгал боогдох аюултай). Тэмдэглэл ..

11.18 USD

үсний шүршигч дуу чимээ flexible non-aerosol fl 50 мл

үсний шүршигч дуу чимээ flexible non-aerosol fl 50 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6940566

Hairspray noise Flexible Non-Aerosol Fl 50 ml Our Hairspray noise Flexible Non-Aerosol Fl 50 ml is the perfect choice for those who want to maintain their hairstyle for an extended period. It is an innovative hair styling product designed to meet the needs of modern styling demands. This hairspray provides hold and control while preventing frizz and flyaways, ensuring hair remains in perfect shape throughout the day. Flexible Hold This hairspray offers a flexible and secure hold that lasts throughout the day, ensuring your hair stays intact even in harsh environmental conditions. The formulation allows you to reshape your hair without compromising the hold, giving you the freedom to customize your hairstyle as you wish. Non-Aerosol Unlike traditional aerosol sprays that are not environmentally-friendly, our hairspray comes in a non-aerosol bottle, which is biodegradable, and recyclable. This makes our product not only effective in styling your hair but also eco-friendly, leaving minimal carbon footprint on the environment. Noise Reduction What sets our hairspray apart from the competition is the unique noise reduction technology. This feature ensures a silent and smooth hairspray operation, which makes our hairspray an ideal choice for use in salons, photo studios, and other noise-sensitive environments. Volume The 50 ml bottle is perfect for people who want to carry their hairspray wherever they go. It easily fits in your purse, handbag or carry-on bag, and is ideal for on-the-go styling or touch-ups throughout the day. Experience the freedom, flexibility, and convenience that our Hairspray noise Flexible Non-Aerosol Fl 50 ml offers. Order your bottle today and transform your hair styling game to the next level. ..

11.13 USD

1-с 14 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 14
(1 Хуудас)
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