
Булчинг сэргээх

1-с 25 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 25
(1 Хуудас)
Швейцарийн эрүүл мэнд, гоо сайхны бүтээгдэхүүний найдвартай эх сурвалж болох Beeovita-д тавтай морил. "Булчин сэргээх" шошготой манай бүтээгдэхүүнүүд нь таны эрүүл мэндийн хэрэгцээг хангах зорилгоор тусгайлан боловсруулсан болно. Гомеопатик эм, магнийн дутагдлыг арилгахад тусалдаг эмүүдээс эхлээд шар сүүний уураг, уураг, нунтаг зэрэг уургийн нэмэлтүүд хүртэл бид таны булчинг сэргээх, эрүүл мэндэд тустай олон төрлийн сонголтыг санал болгож байна. Манай бүтээгдэхүүнүүд мөн идэвхтэй амьдралын хэв маягтай хүмүүст зайлшгүй шаардлагатай алжаал тайлах, стрессийг багасгах амлалт өгдөг. Нэмж дурдахад бид янз бүрийн үрэвслийн эсрэг бүтээгдэхүүн, сувилахуйн бүтээгдэхүүн, гэмтэл, эдгэрэлтэнд тусалдаг эмнэлгийн хэрэгсэлтэй. Жирэмслэлт гэх мэт онцгой нөхцөл байдалд тохирсон хөнгөн зуушны спортын баар, массажны бүтээгдэхүүн ч бай, бид таныг хамгаалах болно. Манай каталогтой танилцаж, булчингаа сэргээх, эрүүл мэндийг сайжруулах зорилгоор тусгайлан бүтээгдсэн бүтээгдэхүүнээс ашиг тус хүртээрэй.
Chi energy cold emulgel 75 мл

Chi energy cold emulgel 75 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7782246

Relaxing for muscles and joints after exercise. Cooling effect and instant refreshment. Helps with overheating. Properties The Chi Energy Cold Emulgel is used for relaxation and muscle and joint recovery, especially after exercise. The body-energy flow is promoted and helps to find harmony between body and mind. The emulgel can be used as a substitute for an ice pack or ice spray and refreshes muscles and joints that are overheated.Chi Energy Cold Emulgel also helps to cool down swollen, heavy legs and thus reduce swelling. Cooling effectRelaxes and recovers muscles and jointsInstant refreshment Instructions Do not ingestAvoid eye contact Ingredients Aqua, Alcohol Denat., Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Glycerin, Menthol, Simmondsia Chinensis Seed Oil, Ammonium Polyacryloyldimethyl Taurate, Centella Asiatica Extract, Menthyl Lactate, Mentha Haplocalix Extract, Prunus Persica Kernel Extract, Phenoxyethanol, Rheum Palmatum Root Extract, Panax Notoginseng Root Extract, Liquidambar Formosana Fruit Extract, Gardenia Jasminoides Fruit Extract, Angelica Dahurica Root Extract, Borneol, Carthamus Tinctorius Flower Extract, Ethylhexylglycerin, Commiphora Myrrha Resin Extract, Phellodendron Chinense Bark Extract, Rehmannia Glutinosa Root Extract Application If necessary, apply Chi Energy Cold Emulgel to the affected areas massage in. Notes ..

35.60 USD

Dermaplast идэвхтэй халуун, хүйтэн

Dermaplast идэвхтэй халуун, хүйтэн

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7145428

DermaPlast Active Hot & Cold-ийн шинж чанарЕвроп CE гэрчилгээтэйБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1 ширхэгЖин: 450г >Урт: 40мм Өргөн: 125мм Өндөр: 190мм Швейцараас DermaPlast Active Hot & Cold онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

35.85 USD

Dymatize elite whey chocolat 907 g

Dymatize elite whey chocolat 907 g

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7838138

Dymatize Elite Whey Chocolate 907g Looking for a delicious and high-quality protein powder? Look no further than Dymatize Elite Whey Chocolate 907g. This protein powder is the perfect solution for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone who wants to optimize their protein intake. With a chocolate flavor that's sure to please, this powder mixes effortlessly into water, milk, or any other beverage that you prefer. But it's not just about taste ? Dymatize Elite Whey Chocolate 907g is also packed with high-quality protein to help you achieve your fitness goals. Each serving contains 25 grams of protein, along with a full spectrum of amino acids to support muscle growth and recovery. Plus, Dymatize Elite Whey Chocolate 907g is easy to digest and absorb, so you can get the most out of every scoop. Whether you're looking to build muscle, recover from intense workouts, or simply maintain a healthy lifestyle, this protein powder is a smart choice. So why wait? Order your Dymatize Elite Whey Chocolate 907g today and discover the difference that high-quality protein can make in your fitness journey...

78.93 USD

Isostar whey protein plv vanilla bag 570 g

Isostar whey protein plv vanilla bag 570 g

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7740358

Амттай ванилийн амттай Isostar Whey Protein Powder-ээр фитнесс аялалаа цэнэглээрэй. Энэхүү дээд зэрэглэлийн уургийн нэмэлт нь булчингийн нөхөн сэргэлт, өсөлтийг дэмжих өндөр чанарын шар сүүний уурагаар савласан, тохиромжтой 570 гр уутанд ирдэг. Тамирчид болон фитнесс сонирхогчдод тохиромжтой энэхүү томъёо нь фитнессийн зорилгодоо хүрэхэд тань туслах зорилготой юм. Танд дасгалын дараах нэмэлт тэжээл эсвэл уургаар баялаг хөнгөн зууш хэрэгтэй эсэхээс үл хамааран Isostar Whey Protein Powder нь олон талын сонголт юм. Амттай, тэжээллэг амттан авахын тулд зүгээр л ус эсвэл дуртай ундаатайгаа холь. Ванилийн амттай Isostar Whey Protein Powder ашиглан дасгал сургуулилт болон нөхөн сэргээх дасгалаа сайжруулаарай...

61.05 USD

Isostar whey protein powder chocolate battalion 570 g

Isostar whey protein powder chocolate battalion 570 g

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7740359

Идэвхтэй хүмүүст зориулсан өндөр чанартай уургийн дээд зэргийн эх үүсвэр болох шоколадны амттай Isostar Whey Protein Powder-ээр биеээ цэнэглээрэй. 570 гр уут бүр нь дасгал хийсний дараа булчингийн нөхөн сэргэлт, өсөлтийг дэмжих тохиромжтой, олон талын аргыг санал болгодог. Энэхүү амттай нунтаг нь ус эсвэл сүүтэй амархан холилдож, дасгалын дараах амттай ундаа эсвэл өдрийн турш уургийг нэмэгдүүлнэ. Та биеийн тамирын зааланд хичээллэх, гүйлт хийх эсвэл уургийн хэрэглээгээ нэмэгдүүлэхийг зорьж байгаа эсэхээс үл хамааран Isostar Whey Protein in Chocolate нь таны эрүүл мэнд, фитнессийн зорилгод нийцсэн амттай бөгөөд үр дүнтэй сонголт юм...

61.05 USD

Metacare l-glutamin kaps

Metacare l-glutamin kaps

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7809625

METACARE L-Glutamin Kaps METACARE L-Glutamin Kaps is a dietary supplement that contains 100% pure L-Glutamine in the form of vegetarian capsules. L-Glutamine is an amino acid that is naturally produced in the body and plays a vital role in protein synthesis and muscle recovery. As a dietary supplement, METACARE L-Glutamin Kaps is designed to support a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. It may be beneficial for people who are looking to enhance their muscle recovery, reduce muscle breakdown, and improve their immune function. Key Benefits of METACARE L-Glutamin Kaps: Promotes muscle recovery and growth Reduces muscle breakdown during exercise Supports a healthy immune system Boosts digestive health Improves gut barrier function Enhances cognitive function METACARE L-Glutamin Kaps is suitable for athletes, bodybuilders, people who lead an active lifestyle, and anyone who wants to support their overall health and well-being. It's easy to include this supplement in your daily routine - simply take two capsules daily, either with food or as directed by your healthcare professional. At METACARE, we prioritize quality and purity, which is why all of our products are third-party tested to ensure they meet strict standards. METACARE L-Glutamin Kaps is made in a GMP certified facility and is free from harmful additives, fillers, and preservatives. ..

48.13 USD

Nutramino уураг vanilla caramel and 64 гр

Nutramino уураг vanilla caramel and 64 гр

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7833201

Нутрамино уургийн бар ваниль карамель ба 64 гр Nutramino Protein Bar Vanilla Caramel & 64g нь таны идэвхтэй амьдралын хэв маягийг дэмжих амттай, тэжээллэг зууш юм. 20 гр өндөр чанартай уургаар савласан энэхүү уураг нь дасгалын дараах түргэн зууш эсвэл эрүүл мэндэд тустай хөнгөн зууш хэрэглэхэд тохиромжтой. Баар бүр нь гликогенийн нөөцийг нөхөж, булчинг нөхөн сэргээхэд тусалдаг нүүрс ус, уургийн төгс хольцыг агуулдаг. 20 гр уураг: Nutramino Protein Bar Vanilla Caramel & 64g нь булчингийн өсөлт, нөхөн сэргэлтийг дэмждэг 20 гр өндөр чанартай уурагаар дүүрэн байдаг. Амттай амт: Энэхүү уураг нь хэт их илчлэг агуулаагүй таны амтат амтанд нийцсэн ванилийн карамель амттай. Сахар багатай: Нэг бааранд ердөө 1.4 гр элсэн чихэр, 197 калори агуулагддаг тул фитнесс зорилгодоо хүрэхийг хүссэн хэн бүхэнд эрүүл хөнгөн зууш болдог. Тохиромжтой: Nutramino Protein Bar Vanilla Caramel & 64g нь хаана ч, хэзээ ч идэж болох төгс зууш юм. Өлсгөлөн зарлахад хурдан бөгөөд хялбар зууш идэхийн тулд биеийн тамирын цүнх, цүнх, эсвэл ширээндээ нэгийг нь хадгалаарай. Nutramino Protein Bar Vanilla Caramel & 64g нь таны идэвхтэй амьдралын хэв маягийг дэмжих амттай бөгөөд тохиромжтой арга юм. Танд дасгалын дараах түргэн зууш эсвэл эрүүл мэндэд тустай хөнгөн зууш хэрэгтэй эсэхээс үл хамааран энэхүү уураг нь таныг хамгаалах болно. ..

6.40 USD

Optimum 100% whey gold standard chocolate double rich battalion 450 гр

Optimum 100% whey gold standard chocolate double rich battalion 450 гр

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7131917

OPTIMUM 100% Whey Gold Standard Chocolate Double Rich Battalion 450 g If you're looking for a delicious and high-quality protein powder, the OPTIMUM 100% Whey Gold Standard Chocolate Double Rich Battalion 450 g is the perfect supplement for you. This protein powder is made from pure whey protein isolate, the highest quality form of whey protein available. It is an excellent source of protein, providing 24 grams of protein per serving and only 1 gram of fat and 3 grams of carbs. With its double rich chocolate flavor, it makes for a great post-workout shake, a quick snack, or a tasty add-on to your recipes! Benefits: 24 grams of high-quality whey protein per serving Only 1 gram of fat and 3 grams of carbs Double rich chocolate flavor Instantized formula for easy mixing and absorption Supports muscle growth and recovery Ingredients: Whey Protein Isolate Whey Protein Concentrate Cocoa Powder Natural and Artificial Flavors Lecithin Acesulfame Potassium Sucralose How to use: Mix one scoop of OPTIMUM 100% Whey Gold Standard Chocolate Double Rich Battalion 450 g protein powder with 6-8 ounces of cold water, milk, or your favorite beverage in a shaker cup or blender. Shake or blend until the powder is fully dissolved. You can consume it at any time of the day, but it is ideal as a post-workout shake to help your muscles recover and grow. ..

49.55 USD

Optimum 100% whey gold standard strawberry bag 450 гр

Optimum 100% whey gold standard strawberry bag 450 гр

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7131946

OPTIMUM 100% Whey Gold Standard Strawberry Btl 450 g The OPTIMUM 100% Whey Gold Standard Strawberry Btl 450 g is a high-quality whey protein supplement designed to help you build muscle, boost recovery, and support your overall health and fitness goals. This supplement is made from 100% whey protein isolate, which is considered the gold standard in the industry due to its purity and fast absorption rate. The OPTIMUM 100% Whey Gold Standard Strawberry Btl 450 g contains 24 grams of protein per serving, along with 5.5 grams of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and over 4 grams of glutamine and glutamic acid. This powerful combination of nutrients works together to deliver a range of benefits, including: Supports Muscle Growth and Repair: The high-quality whey protein in this supplement is rich in amino acids, which are essential for muscle growth and repair. By incorporating this supplement into your diet, you can support your body's natural muscle-building and repair processes. Boosts Recovery: The BCAAs in this supplement can help reduce soreness and fatigue after exercise, allowing you to recover faster and get back to training sooner. Promotes Overall Health: Whey protein is also rich in antioxidants and other nutrients that can support overall health and wellness, such as immune function, cardiovascular health, and more. The OPTIMUM 100% Whey Gold Standard Strawberry Btl 450 g is also incredibly easy to use. Simply mix one scoop with water, milk, or your favorite beverage, and enjoy a delicious and refreshing shake that will help you stay fueled and energized throughout the day. With its high-quality formula, delicious taste, and easy mixability, the OPTIMUM 100% Whey Gold Standard Strawberry Btl 450 g is the perfect supplement for anyone looking to build muscle, boost recovery, and support their overall health and fitness goals...

49.55 USD

Optimum 100% whey gold standard vanilla ice 2lb can 900 гр

Optimum 100% whey gold standard vanilla ice 2lb can 900 гр

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7779474

The OPTIMUM 100% Whey Gold Standard Vanilla Ice 2lb Ds 900 g is a premium quality protein powder that is perfect for those who want to meet their daily protein requirements while indulging in a delicious and creamy vanilla flavor. Each serving of this protein powder delivers 24 grams of high-quality, fast-digesting whey protein with low levels of fat, cholesterol, and lactose. This makes it an ideal supplement for individuals who want to build lean muscle, recover faster after workouts, and improve their overall athletic performance. The protein used in this powder comes from whey protein isolates, which are considered the purest form of whey protein available. It is blended with ultra-filtered whey protein concentrate to provide a perfect balance of quality and taste. Additionally, this protein powder also contains 5.5 grams of naturally occurring BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) that help to promote muscle synthesis and improve recovery after intense physical activity. This makes it an excellent choice for athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts. The OPTIMUM 100% Whey Gold Standard Vanilla Ice 2lb Ds 900 g is easy to mix with water or milk, and it is perfect for use post-workout or as a meal replacement. It comes with a scoop for easy measuring and makes a delicious and satisfying shake that can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere. With its exceptional quality, great taste, and superior nutritional profile, the OPTIMUM 100% Whey Gold Standard Vanilla Ice 2lb Ds 900 g is a must-have for anyone who wants to achieve their fitness goals and improve their overall health and wellbeing...

82.65 USD

Optimum 100% whey gold standard vanilla ice bag 450 гр

Optimum 100% whey gold standard vanilla ice bag 450 гр

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7783692

OPTIMUM 100% Whey Gold Standard Vanilla Ice Btl 450 g Looking for a protein powder that delivers quality, taste and value? Look no further than OPTIMUM 100% Whey Gold Standard Vanilla Ice Btl 450 g! This premium protein powder is made using only the highest quality whey protein isolates, which are the purest form of protein available. With each serving, you'll get 24 grams of protein, 5.5 grams of BCAAs, and just 1 gram of fat and sugar. But OPTIMUM 100% Whey Gold Standard Vanilla Ice Btl 450 g is more than just a great source of protein. It also tastes fantastic! The rich, creamy vanilla ice flavor makes it the perfect addition to your morning smoothie or post-workout shake. And with 29 servings per container, you'll have plenty to last you through weeks of training. Benefits of OPTIMUM 100% Whey Gold Standard Vanilla Ice Btl 450 g: Provides 24 grams of pure whey protein isolate per serving Contains 5.5 grams of BCAAs to support muscle recovery and growth Only 1 gram of sugar and fat per serving, making it a low-calorie protein source Delicious vanilla ice flavor that mixes easily with water, milk or your favorite beverage 29 servings per container, providing great value for your money If you're looking for a protein powder that delivers results and tastes great, give OPTIMUM 100% Whey Gold Standard Vanilla Ice Btl 450 g a try. Whether you're a professional athlete or just someone trying to stay in shape, this premium protein powder is the perfect addition to your supplement regimen. Order yours today!..

49.65 USD

Qnt 36% protein bar joy low sugar cookie and cream 12 x 60 g

Qnt 36% protein bar joy low sugar cookie and cream 12 x 60 g

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7481014

QNT 36% Protein Bar Joy Low Sugar Cookie & Cream 12 x 60g Product Description: The QNT 36% Protein Bar Joy Low Sugar Cookie & Cream is a high quality dietary supplement which is perfect for people who want to build muscles and improve recovery after heavy workouts. This protein bar is made of high-quality whey protein concentrate which contains all nine essential amino acids that are important for tissue repair and growth. This supplement is perfect for people who are looking for a low sugar diet as it only contains 0.8g of sugar per bar. It also contains fibre which ensures that you stay full and satisfied for longer, making it the perfect snack for people who are always on the go. Key features: 36% protein per bar (21.6g of protein) Low sugar (0.8g of sugar per bar) Contains fibre which helps you stay full and satisfied for longer Perfect for people who are looking to build muscles and improve recovery after heavy workouts Convenient snack for people who are always on the go Comes in a pack of 12 x 60g bars Delicious cookie & cream flavour Directions for Use: The QNT 36% Protein Bar Joy Low Sugar Cookie & Cream is perfect for people who are always on the go and need a quick protein fix. Simply have one bar after your workout or as a snack between meals. Make sure to drink plenty of water to ensure proper hydration. Ingredients: Protein blend (36%) (whey protein concentrate, milk protein isolate) Sweeteners (maltitol, xylitol, sucralose) (hydrolysed collagen, soy protein isolate) Cocoa coating (16,7%) (cocoa butter, dairy protein, whole milk powder, soy lecithins) Hydrolysed collagen Humectant (glycerol) Water Soy crispies (4,3%) (soy protein isolate, cocoa powder) Fibre (fructooligosaccharides, inulin) Cocoa powder Flavourings Soy lecithins Salt Sweetener (sucralose) Contains milk, soy, gluten Disclaimer: The QNT 36% Protein Bar Joy Low Sugar Cookie & Cream should not be used as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place...

70.35 USD

Qnt 38% уураг joy bar бага сахар ваниль шаржигнуур 60 гр

Qnt 38% уураг joy bar бага сахар ваниль шаржигнуур 60 гр

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7481066

QNT 38% Protein Joy Bar Low Sugar Vanilla Crisp 60 g QNT 38% Protein Joy Bar Low Sugar Vanilla Crisp 60 g is a delicious and nutritious snack bar that is loaded with high-quality protein and essential nutrients. This protein bar is perfect for gym goers, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts who want to fuel their workout and support muscle growth and recovery. Each bar contains 38% high-quality protein, which provides your body with essential amino acids to support muscle growth and recovery. The vanilla crisp flavor and texture is perfect for satisfying your sweet cravings without compromising your health and fitness goals. The low sugar content makes this protein bar an ideal choice for those who are looking for a healthier snack option. Each bar is 60 g, which makes it a perfect snack option for those who are always on-the-go. This protein bar is made from premium quality ingredients, which makes it a healthy and nutritious snack option for everyone. QNT 38% Protein Joy Bar Low Sugar Vanilla Crisp 60 g is a perfect snack option for those who want to stay healthy and fit while indulging in delicious and nutritious snacks. So, grab your pack today and enjoy the goodness of this protein-packed snack bar! ..

6.98 USD

Qnt bcaa + витамин в6 капсул 100ш

Qnt bcaa + витамин в6 капсул 100ш

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6340470

QNT BCAA + витамин В6 капс 100ш QNT BCAA + витамин В6 Kaps 100 ширхэг нь булчингийн өсөлт, нөхөн сэргэлтийг дэмжих зориулалттай тусгай нэмэлт бүтээгдэхүүн юм. Энэ нь булчин барих, нөхөн сэргээх, нөхөн сэргээх үйл явцад зайлшгүй шаардлагатай өндөр чанартай салаалсан гинжин амин хүчлүүдийн (BCAAs) маш сайн эх үүсвэр юм. Энэ бүтээгдэхүүн нь булчингийн хөгжлийг сайжруулж, дасгалын дараах нөхөн сэргэлтийг дэмжих үндсэн бүрэлдэхүүн хэсэг болох лейцин, изолейцин, валины өндөр агууламжтай. Энэхүү нэмэлт тэжээлийн нэг порц нь 3 гр BCAA агуулсан бөгөөд 2:1:1 харьцаатай лейцин, изолейцин, валин, витамин В6-г агуулдаг. В6 витамин нь уургийн солилцоонд чухал үүрэг гүйцэтгэдэг бие махбод дахь гол витамин юм. Энэ нь амин хүчлийг шингээх, ашиглахад тусалдаг ба булчингийн ядаргааг багасгаж, дархлааны системийг дэмждэг. В6 витаминыг хангалттай хэмжээгээр хэрэглэх нь булчин гэмтэхээс сэргийлж, булчингийн нөхөн сэргэлтийг сайжруулна. Энэ бүтээгдэхүүн нь BCAA-ийн ашиг тусыг хүртэх хүсэлтэй бүх төрлийн спорт сонирхогч, тамирчид, фитнесс сонирхогчдод зориулагдсан бөгөөд BIt витамин нь идэвхтэй амьдралын хэв маягтай, бэлтгэлээ сайжруулахад тохиромжтой арга хайж буй хүмүүст тохиромжтой. болон сэргээх үйл явц. QNT BCAA + витамин В6 Kaps 100 ширхэг нь хэрэглэхэд хялбар, хэрэглэхэд тохиромжтой өндөр чанартай нэмэлт бүтээгдэхүүн юм. Энэ нь 100 капсултай савлагаатай бөгөөд энэ нь BCAA болон В6 витаминыг удаан хугацаагаар авахыг хүсдэг хүмүүст тохиромжтой сонголт юм. Тиймээс, хэрэв та булчингаа хурдан барьж, нөхөн сэргээх үйл явцаа сайжруулж, ерөнхий гүйцэтгэлээ сайжруулахыг хүсэж байгаа бол өнөөдөр QNT BCAA + витамин В6 Kaps 100 ширхэгийг хэрэглээд үзээрэй! ..

38.80 USD

Qnt creatine tabs 200 ширхэг

Qnt creatine tabs 200 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5025335

QNT Creatine Tabs 200 pcs The QNT Creatine Tabs 200 pcs is the ultimate solution for people who desire to enhance their workout performance and get the maximum results from their training. This creatine supplement is made of high-quality creatine monohydrate that is specially designed to support strength, endurance, and muscle growth effectively. How can QNT Creatine Tabs 200 pcs help you? QNT Creatine Tabs 200 pcs works by increasing the amount of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in the muscle cells, which is essential for providing energy during high-intensity workouts. This supplement also helps to improve muscle recovery time and reduces muscle fatigue, allowing you to train harder and longer. Why choose QNT Creatine Tabs 200 pcs? 200 tablet container provides a 66-day supply of high-quality creatine Supports strength, endurance, and muscle growth effectively Increases ATP production for more explosive workouts Improves muscle recovery time and reduces muscle fatigue Easy to swallow tablets Free from artificial sweeteners, colors, and preservatives How to use QNT Creatine Tabs 200 pcs? Take six tablets of QNT Creatine Tabs 200 pcs per day for eight weeks, followed by a four-week break. For best results, take three tablets 30 minutes before exercise and three tablets immediately after exercise. Overall, QNT Creatine Tabs 200 pcs is the perfect solution for those who want to take their athletic performance to the next level, and it is an excellent supplement for athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts. Try it today and experience the benefits of better workout performance, increased energy, and faster recovery times...

62.14 USD

Qnt light digest whey protein banana 500 гр

Qnt light digest whey protein banana 500 гр

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6936501

QNT Light Digest Whey Protein Gadil-ийн шинж чанар 500 грХадгалах температур мин/макс 15/25 хэмБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1 г Жин: 600гр Урт: 70мм Өргөн: 140мм Өндөр: 280мм QNT Light Digest Whey Protein Banana 500 гр онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай Швейцарьаас..

32.87 USD

Qnt light digest whey protein belgian chocolate bag 40 g

Qnt light digest whey protein belgian chocolate bag 40 g

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7580124

Бельгийн шоколадны баялаг амтыг QNT Light Digest шар сүүний уургийн уутаар мэдрээрэй. Энэхүү 40 гр порц нь уургийн хэрэглээгээ нэмэгдүүлэхийг хүсч буй эрүүл мэнддээ анхаардаг хүмүүст тохиромжтой сонголт юм. Булчингийн нөхөн төлжилт, өсөлтийг дэмжих зорилгоор тусгайлан боловсруулсан шар сүүний уураг нь амархан шингэцтэй тул дасгалын дараах түлш эсвэл замд тохиромжтой зууш хийхэд тохиромжтой. Чухал шим тэжээл, амтат шоколадны амтыг агуулсан QNT Light Digest Whey Protein нь таны фитнесс хийхэд маш сайн нэмэлт юм. Энэхүү тохиромжтой, амттай уургийн сонголтоор хоол тэжээлийн зорилгодоо хүрээрэй...

4.86 USD

Qnt light digest whey protein chocolate hazelnut 500 g

Qnt light digest whey protein chocolate hazelnut 500 g

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6936493

QNT Light Digest Whey Protein Chocolate Hazelnut 500g The QNT Light Digest Whey Protein Chocolate Hazelnut is a high-quality protein supplement that helps in muscle growth and recovery. This protein powder is designed for individuals who follow a low-calorie and low-carbohydrate diet and want to achieve their fitness goals without compromising on taste. Key Features 22 grams of protein per serving Low in fat and carbs Contains digestive enzymes for easy absorption Rich chocolate hazelnut flavor Easy to mix with water, milk, or other beverages The QNT Light Digest Whey Protein Chocolate Hazelnut contains highly pure whey protein isolate, which is an essential nutrient for muscle growth and repair. It is low in fat and carbs, making it an ideal choice for individuals who are on a weight loss or low-carb diet. Additionally, this protein powder contains digestive enzymes that aid in the absorption of amino acids, promoting faster muscle recovery after workouts. This whey protein supplement has a rich chocolate hazelnut flavor that makes it a delicious treat for fitness enthusiasts. It is easy to mix with water, milk, or other beverages, and can be consumed before or after workouts to promote muscle building and recovery. Benefits Helps in muscle growth and recovery Low in calories, fat, and carbs Assists in weight loss and management Boosts energy and endurance Improves immune function The QNT Light Digest Whey Protein Chocolate Hazelnut is a great way to supplement your diet with high-quality protein, which is essential for building and repairing muscles. It is low in calories, fat, and carbs, making it an ideal choice for individuals who are looking to manage their weight. The protein powder also boosts energy and endurance, allowing you to perform better during workouts. Additionally, it supports immune function, helping you stay healthy and fit. Overall, the QNT Light Digest Whey Protein Chocolate Hazelnut is a fantastic protein supplement that offers great taste, high-quality protein, and numerous health benefits. It is a must-have for anyone who is serious about fitness and wants to achieve their fitness goals with ease...

34.63 USD

Qnt light digest whey protein creme brulee 500g

Qnt light digest whey protein creme brulee 500g

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6936524

QNT Light Digest Whey Protein Creme Brulee 500g QNT Light Digest Whey Protein Creme Brulee 500g is a premium quality whey protein supplement that is specially designed to help you build lean muscle mass and support muscle recovery after intense workouts. This whey protein supplement is great for athletes, bodybuilders, and anyone who is looking to get in shape and achieve their fitness goals. Key Features and Benefits 25g of high-quality whey protein per serving Low carb - only 1.9g per serving Low fat - only 2.5g per serving Gluten-free and Aspartame-free Delicious Creme Brulee flavour Easy to digest and absorb Helps build and repair muscle High-Quality Whey Protein QNT Light Digest Whey Protein Creme Brulee 500g is made from high-quality whey protein, which is rich in essential amino acids that are vital for building and repairing muscle tissue. It is a complete protein, which means it contains all nine essential amino acids that your body cannot produce on its own. Low in Carbs and Fat This whey protein supplement is low in carbs and fat, making it ideal for those who are looking to build lean muscle mass while also maintaining a healthy body weight. Each serving contains only 1.9g of carbs and 2.5g of fat, which means you can enjoy this delicious protein supplement without worrying about consuming excess calories. Easy to Digest and Absorb QNT Light Digest Whey Protein Creme Brulee 500g is easy to digest and absorb, thanks to its advanced formula that contains digestive enzymes. These enzymes help break down the protein into smaller components, making it easier for your body to absorb and utilize the nutrients. Delicious Creme Brulee Flavour This protein supplement is available in a delicious creme brulee flavour that is sure to satisfy your taste buds. Whether you mix it with water, milk, or your favourite smoothie, this whey protein supplement makes a great tasting and convenient way to meet your daily protein needs. Final Thoughts QNT Light Digest Whey Protein Creme Brulee 500g is an excellent protein supplement that provides you with high-quality whey protein, low carbs and fat, easy digestion, and a delicious taste. It is ideal for anyone who wants to build muscle, recover faster after workouts, and achieve their fitness goals...

32.87 USD

Qnt light digest whey protein creme brulee bag 40 g

Qnt light digest whey protein creme brulee bag 40 g

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7580147

QNT Light Digest Whey Protein Crème Brûlée-тэй амт ба шим тэжээлийг гайхалтай хослуулан мэдрээрэй. Энэхүү 40 гр уут шар сүүний уураг нь амтат Crème Brûlée амтыг санал болгож, таны өдөр тутмын хоолны дэглэмд амттай нэмэлт болно. Чанартай шар сүүний уураг агуулсан энэхүү бүтээгдэхүүн нь булчингийн нөхөн сэргэлт, өсөлтийг дэмждэг тул фитнесс сонирхогч, тамирчдад нэн тохиромжтой. Хөнгөн шингэцтэй тул ходоодонд амархан шингэж, шим тэжээлийн оновчтой шингээлтийг дэмждэг. Дасгалын дараа цэнэглэх шаардлагатай эсэхээс үл хамааран энэ шар сүүний уураг Crème Brûlée нь амттай бөгөөд үр дүнтэй сонголт юм. QNT Light Digest Whey Protein Crème Brûlée-ээр өдөртөө чихэрлэг, тэжээллэг нэмээрэй...

4.86 USD

Resource ultra + erdbeere

Resource ultra + erdbeere

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7849650

RESOURCE Ultra + Erdbeere Энэ нь таны идэвхтэй амьдралын хэв маягийг дэмжих зорилготой дээд зэргийн уургийн нунтаг юм. Өндөр чанарын шар сүүний уургийн тусгаарлалтаар савласан нь булчинг барих, нөхөн сэргээхэд тусалдаг, нөхөн сэргэлтийг дэмжиж, энергийн түвшинг нэмэгдүүлдэг. Гүзээлзгэний амттай амт нь үүнийг дасгалын дараах амттай амттан болгодог. Үр дүнгээ нэмэгдүүлэхийг эрмэлздэг тамирчид, бодибилдингчид, фитнесс сонирхогчдод тохиромжтой...

56.30 USD

Resource ultra + vanille

Resource ultra + vanille

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 1046865

RESOURCE Ultra + Vanilla: Таны гүйцэтгэлийн дээд зэргийн нэмэгдэл RESOURCE Ultra + Vanilla-ийн тусламжтайгаар дасгалуудаа дараагийн түвшинд гаргаарай. Энэхүү дээд зэрэглэлийн томъёо нь таны биеийг дээд цэгтээ хүрэхэд шаардлагатай шим тэжээлээр хангах зорилготой юм. Та туршлагатай тамирчин ч бай эсвэл зүгээр л эрүүл мэндээ сайжруулахыг хүсч байгаа эсэхээс үл хамааран RESOURCE Ultra бол төгс сонголт юм. Үндсэн ашиг тус: Эрчим хүч, тэсвэр тэвчээр нэмэгдсэн Булчинг хурдан сэргээх Ерөнхийдөө эрүүл мэнд, сайн сайхан байдал сайжирсан Амттай ванилийн амт Өнөөдөр RESOURCE Ultra + Vanilla-аа захиалаад ялгааг нь мэдрээрэй!..

48.00 USD

Shaolin muscle fluid sprayay 100 ml

Shaolin muscle fluid sprayay 100 ml

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7785382

Shaolin Muskel Fluid Spray 100 ml: A soothing recovery aid for athletes Shaolin Muskel Fluid Spray is a specialized recovery aid designed for athletes, especially those who participate in high-intensity sports. Suitable for both novice and professional athletes, this spray is designed to help soothe tired muscles and reduce inflammation resulting from intense physical activity. It provides quick relief from muscle soreness that can slow one down and prevent optimal performance. What is Shaolin Muskel Fluid Spray? Shaolin Muskel Fluid Spray is a highly effective blend of traditional Chinese herbal extracts, combined with modern scientific knowledge to provide a deep penetrating and soothing effect on sore muscles. The spray contains vital components, such as camphor, peppermint oil, and menthol, which are known for their anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. How to use Shaolin Muskel Fluid Spray? To use Shaolin Muskel Fluid Spray, simply apply a small amount to the affected area, and massage gently for a few minutes. The non-greasy formula allows for quick absorption and delivers fast relief to the sore areas. For best results, use daily or as required to keep the muscles supple and conditioned. Benefits of using Shaolin Muskel Fluid Spray Reduces inflammation and swelling in muscles and joints Soothes muscle soreness and stiffness Improves mobility and flexibility Helps to prevent injuries and improve recovery time Non-greasy formula that is easy to apply Shaolin Muskel Fluid Spray is a must-have for every athlete looking to improve their performance and maintain optimal health. Order yours today and experience the benefits of traditional Chinese herbal medicine, combined with modern scientific methods for total muscle recovery and conditioning. ..

34.61 USD

Soufrol булчингийн магнийн тос cool tube 120 гр

Soufrol булчингийн магнийн тос cool tube 120 гр

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7352133

The new magnesium cream is absorbed immediately and can be applied selectively. Quickly effective against cramps and sore muscles. Properties The new magnesium cream draws absorbs quickly and can be applied selectively. Menthol ensures a pleasant, light cooling. The cream contains highly effective magnesium to relax the muscles and sulfur (MSM) to regenerate the muscles. Soufrol Muscle Magnesium Crème is pleasant to use, nourishes and provides long-term moisture.This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

31.45 USD

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