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Cellacare genu comfort plus gr7

Cellacare genu comfort plus gr7

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7734403

Cellacare Genu Comfort Plus Gr7 The Cellacare Genu Comfort Plus Gr7 is a high-quality knee brace specifically designed to provide maximum support and stability to individuals suffering from knee-related injuries or conditions. The brace is made using lightweight, flexible, and soft materials that provide excellent comfort and breathability for all-day wear. The brace has an anatomical design that ensures a perfect fit while providing compression and support to the knee and patella region. The Cellacare Genu Comfort Plus Gr7 features a patella stabilization system that helps reduce pain and swelling around the patella region. The brace provides lateral support to reduce the risk of knee instability, and it is ideal for individuals with knee ligament injuries, cartilage injuries, and knee osteoarthritis. The brace offers a customizable fit with its adjustable straps that allow for a secure and comfortable fit. The Cellacare Genu Comfort Plus Gr7 is easy to use and is suitable for both active and inactive individuals. The brace is ideal for individuals who engage in sports activities and those who engage in activities that put stress on the knee area. The brace is also suitable for individuals who have undergone knee surgery or have knee injuries that require immobilization and stability. The Cellacare Genu Comfort Plus Gr7 is a high-quality knee brace that offers exceptional support, stability, and comfort. The brace is designed to provide a perfect fit and is suitable for use by individuals of all ages and levels of activity. Invest in a Cellacare Genu Comfort Plus Gr7 today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your knee is well protected and supported. ..

125.21 USD

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