
Гипоаллергенийн боолт

1-с 21 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 21
(1 Хуудас)
Швейцарь улсад үйлдвэрлэсэн өндөр чанартай харшил үүсгэдэггүй боолтыг онлайнаар нэг дороос авах боломжтой сайтад тавтай морил. Бид шархны арчилгаа, сувилахуй, боолт, боолт, гипс болон бусад эмнэлгийн хэрэгсэл зэрэг олон төрлийн эмнэлгийн бүтээгдэхүүнийг нийлүүлдэг. Манай харшил үүсгэдэггүй боолт нь шархыг эдгээхэд туслах төдийгүй таны арьсанд дээд зэргийн тайтгарал, эмзэг арчилгаа өгөх зорилготой юм. Манай самбай боолт, уян боолт, өнхрөх боолт, харшил үүсгэдэггүй боолт болон бусад олон төрлийн шархны боолтыг худалдаж аваарай. Эрүүл мэндийн бүтээгдэхүүний найдвартай нэрийн хувьд бид үйлчлүүлэгчиддээ зөвхөн хамгийн сайн сайхныг өгөхийг хичээдэг. сайтаас харшил үүсгэдэггүй боолтоор шархны аюулгүй, зөөлөн, харшилгүй арчилгааг мэдрээрэй.
3m transpore heftpflaster 5мх25мм

3m transpore heftpflaster 5мх25мм

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 1313758

3M Transpore Heftpflaster 5mx25mm 3M Transpore Heftpflaster 5mx25mm is one of the most reliable and versatile surgical tapes used by healthcare professionals, sports trainers, and first-aid responders. The tape is made with a transparent plastic polyethylene film, which is easy to tear and use, adhering well to the skin and other surfaces. The tape is ideal for securing and holding dressings, tubes, catheters, and other medical devices in place. The 3M Transpore Heftpflaster 5mx25mm is non-woven and does not leave any residue on the skin after removal. The tape is waterproof, which means that it can be used in wet or humid environments, without compromising its performance. It is also latex-free, hypoallergenic, and microporous, allowing the skin to breathe and preventing irritation or maceration. The 5mx25mm size of the 3M Transpore Heftpflaster is perfect for covering large wounds or securing bulky bandages or dressings. The roll is lightweight, compact, and easy to carry, making it suitable for first-aid kits, medical bags, and emergency response kits. Overall, the 3M Transpore Heftpflaster 5mx25mm is a reliable and versatile surgical tape that ensures optimal performance in various environments and situations. Its transparent, lightweight, and easy-to-use design make it a favorite of healthcare professionals and first-aid responders alike. ..

9.36 USD

3m transpore үүрэг нөхөөс 25ммх9.14м тунгалаг 12 ширхэг

3m transpore үүрэг нөхөөс 25ммх9.14м тунгалаг 12 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7776251

This '3M Transpore Role Patch 25mmx9.14m Transparent 12 pcs' product is an innovative and high-quality medical product that is designed to help healthcare professionals in various medical applications. The product is an adhesive tape that is transparent, durable and hypoallergenic, making it perfect for use in sensitive skin applications. Each roll of this adhesive tape measures 25mmx9.14m and the pack contains 12 rolls of this transparent medical tape. The 3M Transpore Role Patch is a reliable and versatile tape that can be used for a wide range of applications. It can be used to secure dressings, catheters, and other medical equipment in place, making it ideal for use in hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities. It is made from high-quality materials that are strong and durable, ensuring that the tape stays in place and secures the medical equipment for the entire period needed. The product is manufactured by 3M, a renowned brand in the healthcare industry. The 3M Transpore Role Patch is a transparent tape that allows for easy monitoring of the skin and medical equipment underneath it. The tape is water-resistant and breathable, allowing the skin to breathe while ensuring that the tape remains securely in place. The hypoallergenic nature of the 3M Transpore Role Patch makes it perfect for use in sensitive areas like the face, where other medical tapes may cause skin irritation. The adhesive is gentle on the skin and does not cause any discomfort or skin damage. The product is latex-free, making it safe for individuals with latex allergies. The product is available in a pack of 12 rolls, making it economical to buy in bulk. Each roll is 25mmx9.14m, making it easy to use and versatile for various applications. The transparent nature of the tape ensures that the skin and medical equipment under the tape are visible, facilitating easy monitoring and inspection. In summary, the 3M Transpore Role Patch 25mmx9.14m Transparent 12 pcs pack is an excellent medical product that combines strength, transparency, and hypoallergenic properties. It is perfect for healthcare professionals looking for a reliable and versatile adhesive tape that can be used for various medical applications. Buy this product and experience its excellence in securing your dressings, catheters and other medical devices...

46.30 USD

Dermaplast active epi soft plus s3

Dermaplast active epi soft plus s3

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7822248

DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3: Шархаа итгэлтэйгээр хамгаалаарай DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 нь шархны эдгэрэлтийг дэмжихийн зэрэгцээ нян, нян болон бусад халдвараас хамгаалах зориулалттай олон талт шархны боолт юм. Шинэлэг S3 технологиор тусгайлан бүтээгдсэн энэхүү шархны боолт нь зөөлөн, харшил үүсгэдэггүй, амьсгалах материалтай тул шархыг оновчтой арчлах бөгөөд дээд зэргийн тав тух, хамгаалалтыг бий болгодог. Яагаад DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3-ийг сонгох хэрэгтэй вэ? DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 нь олон шалтгааны улмаас таны хэрэглэж болох шарх боолтны шийдэл юм: Шуурхай тайвшруулж, эдгээх орчинг бүрдүүлнэ. Халдвар, хортой бактериас хамгаална. Ус, хөлрөхөд тэсвэртэй тул шархыг хуурай байлгана. Харшил үүсгэдэггүй, амьсгалдаг материал нь шархны эргэн тойронд агаар эргэлддэг. Тохиромжтой, уян хатан, хэрэглэхэд хялбар, эвтэйхэн суулгах. Зүсэлт, үрэлт, хөхөрсөн, шарх, түлэгдэлт зэрэг янз бүрийн төрлийн шарханд зориулагдсан. DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3-г хэрхэн ашиглах вэ? DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 нь хэрэглэхэд хялбар: Шарх болон эргэн тойрны арьсыг зөөлөн саван, ус эсвэл ариутгасан давсны уусмалаар цэвэрлэнэ. Шархыг хатааж, чийг үлдэхгүй эсэхийг шалгаарай. DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 боолтны арын хэсгийг тайлж ав. Боолтыг шархны дээгүүр болгоомжтой байрлуулж, сайтар дарж бэхлээрэй. DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 нь насанд хүрэгчид болон хүүхдүүдэд хэрэглэхэд тохиромжтой. Хэрэглэхийн өмнө савлагааг үргэлж уншаарай. DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 худалдаж аваарай: Шархыг тань хамгийн сайн арчилгаагаар хангана уу Хэрэв та хамгийн дээд зэргийн тав тух, хамгаалалт өгөх хамгаалалтын боолт хайж байгаа бол DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 таны хамгийн сайн сонголт юм. Яг одоо захиалж, шархны арчилгаа, хамгаалалтыг өөртөө итгэлтэйгээр эдлээрэй...

100.90 USD

Dermaplast active epi soft plus s4

Dermaplast active epi soft plus s4

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7822249

DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 нь арьсанд ээлтэй шинэлэг наалдамхай наалдамхай наалдамхай, зөөлөн, амьсгалах дэвсгэртэй. Энэ нь идэвхтэй амьдралын хэв маягийг удирдаж буй хүмүүст шархыг оновчтой арчлах, хамгаалах зорилгоор тусгайлан бүтээгдсэн. DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4-ийн зөөлөн, уян хатан дэвсгэр нь шархны хэлбэрт тохирсон бөгөөд хурдан эдгэрч, сорви үүсэх эрсдлийг бууруулдаг. Нэмэлт бат бөх наалдамхай давхарга нь гипсийг найдвартай байрлуулж арьсыг амьсгалж, цочрол, таагүй байдлаас сэргийлнэ. DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 нь харшил үүсгэдэггүй бөгөөд латекс агуулаагүй тул хамгийн эмзэг арьсанд ч аюулгүй. Энэ нь мөн усанд тэсвэртэй тул гипсний бүрэн бүтэн байдлыг алдагдуулахгүйгээр шүршүүрт орох, усанд орох боломжтой. Та тамирчин ч бай, завгүй эцэг эх ч бай, эсвэл зүгээр л идэвхтэй амьдралын хэв маягийг эрхэмлэдэг хүн ч бай DermaPlast Active Epi Soft plus S4 бол шарх арчилгааны төгс шийдэл юм. Түүний дэвшилтэт технологи нь тав тух, бат бөх байдал, үр дүнтэй байдлыг хослуулж, бүх төрлийн шархыг оновчтой эдгээх, хамгаалах боломжийг олгодог. ..

100.90 USD

Dermaplast combifix körperverband 8cmx4m

Dermaplast combifix körperverband 8cmx4m

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7786994

DERMAPLAST COMBIFIX Körperverband 8cmx4m DERMAPLAST COMBIFIX is a high-quality body bandage that can be used for wound care and injury prevention in various body parts. The bandage is made up of elastic and adaptable materials that can be easily adjusted to the body contours, providing optimal comfort and security. The versatile nature of the bandage makes it ideal for use in areas that are exposed to motion and tension, providing additional support as needed. Features: 8cm x 4m size - suitable for various body parts Elastic and adaptable material - comfortable and secure fit Non-slip formula - maintains position during movement Easy application - fast and efficient use Hypoallergenic - gentle on the skin Breathable - prevents moisture buildup Uses: DERMAPLAST COMBIFIX bandage can be used to cover and protect wounds, as well as prevent injuries and provide additional support. The bandage is ideal for use during physical activities or sports, where the risk of injury is high. It can also be used for general wound care and post-operative recovery. The elastic and adaptable nature of the bandage ensures optimal comfort and security, making it a versatile and convenient wound care solution. Instructions for use: Clean and dry the affected area before applying the bandage Cut the required length of the bandage from the roll Apply the bandage to the affected area, ensuring a tight yet comfortable fit Secure the bandage in place by pressing down gently on the edges. Ensure that the bandage stays in place during movement Remove the bandage gently after use, and dispose of it according to the appropriate waste disposal regulations DERMAPLAST COMBIFIX is a high-quality, versatile bandage that provides optimal comfort and security during wound care and injury prevention. The bandage's elastic and adaptable materials make it suitable for use on various body parts, while its non-slip formula ensures that it maintains position during movement. The bandage is easy to apply, hypoallergenic, and breathable, making it an ideal wound care solution for general use and during physical activities or sports. ..

16.97 USD

Dermaplast gazebinde festkantig 8cmx10m

Dermaplast gazebinde festkantig 8cmx10m

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7775023

gauze bandage in white is non-elastic and is suitable for the practical fixation of wound dressings. It is hypoallergenic and can also be used on sensitive skin. For easy fixation of wound dressings. 100% cotton, breathable. This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

15.98 USD

Dermaplast medical skin+ 10смx2м

Dermaplast medical skin+ 10смx2м

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7830541

DermaPlast Medical Skin+ 10cmx2m DermaPlast Medical Skin+ 10cmx2m is a premium medical-grade adhesive dressing that is designed to protect and treat various types of wounds. It is a versatile and reliable wound care solution that can be used for a range of applications like covering cuts, blisters, grazes, and surgical incisions. DermaPlast Medical Skin+ is made from high-quality materials that are safe, durable, and gentle on the skin. Benefits Soft and breathable material allows the wound to breathe and heal faster. Water-resistant technology protects the wound from external moisture. Strong adhesive ensures that the dressing stays in place throughout the healing process. Stretchable and flexible material adapts to the contours of the skin, providing maximum comfort and mobility. Hypoallergenic and latex-free material reduces the risk of allergies and skin irritation. Instructions for use Clean and disinfect the wound before applying the dressing. Cut the dressing to the appropriate size and shape according to your wound. Peel off the protective layer and place the dressing firmly over the wound. Smooth out any wrinkles or bubbles to ensure proper adhesion. Replace the dressing as needed or as directed by a healthcare professional. DermaPlast Medical Skin+ 10cmx2m is an essential part of any first aid kit and is ideal for use at home, in the office, or on the go. Its high-quality construction ensures that your wounds are protected and healed quickly and efficiently. Order now and experience the benefits of DermaPlast Medical Skin+ 10cmx2m for yourself!..

23.69 USD

Dermaplast medical transparentverba 7.2x5cm

Dermaplast medical transparentverba 7.2x5cm

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 1001989

DERMAPLAST Medical Transparentverba 7.2x5cm DERMAPLAST Medical Transparentverba 7.2x5cm is a transparent wound dressing that provides a protective barrier to your wounds. It is ideal for use in post-surgical wounds, minor cuts, abrasions or burns. This wound dressing is made with a unique film that is lightweight and allows for better breathability, keeping the affected area clean and fresh. This wound dressing is easy to apply and can be customized to fit different wound sizes. The transparent design allows for easy visibility of the wound, so you can monitor the healing process without having to remove the dressing. This helps to reduce the risk of infection and promote faster healing. DERMAPLAST Medical Transparentverba 7.2x5cm is waterproof and can be worn while showering, swimming or doing other activities. It is also hypoallergenic and does not cause any irritation or discomfort to the skin. When applied correctly, this wound dressing creates a sterile environment that protects the wound from external contaminants, while still allowing for air circulation. This helps your wound to heal in a safe and controlled manner, without any complications. Overall, DERMAPLAST Medical Transparentverba 7.2x5cm is an excellent product for anyone seeking a convenient and effective way to protect their wounds from infection and promote faster healing. ..

12.14 USD

Dermaplast medical vliesverband 7.2x5cm

Dermaplast medical vliesverband 7.2x5cm

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7785889

DERMAPLAST Medical Vliesverband 7.2x5cm - Product Description DERMAPLAST Medical Vliesverband 7.2x5cm is a high-quality medical dressing that is made of non-woven fabric material. This product is designed to offer optimal protection, visibility, and comfort while helping to prevent infections around the wound. It is an ideal dressing for wounds, cuts, and abrasions that require padding and cushioning for fast and painless recovery. Features Non-woven fabric material Latex-free 7.2 x 5cm size Flexible, stretchable and comfortable Highly absorbent and breathable Easy to use and apply Hypoallergenic and gentle on the skin Special adhesive coating which ensures secure placement over the wound Benefits DERMAPLAST Medical Vliesverband 7.2x5cm is a reliable and easy to use dressing that offers several benefits. It is flexible, stretchable and conforms easily to the body's contours, making it comfortable to wear for extended periods. The non-adhesive dressing material is gentle on the skin, making it ideal for people with sensitive skin or allergies. It is also highly absorbent and breathable, making it perfect for wounds that require frequent dressing changes. The special adhesive coating ensures the dressing is securely attached over the wound, reducing the risk of it becoming dislodged. This helps to prevent further injury and minimizes the risk of infection. Additionally, the product's compact size makes it easy to carry and store it in a first aid kit for use in emergencies. Usage Instructions To use DERMAPLAST Medical Vliesverband 7.2x5cm, ensure the wound is clean and dry. Apply the dressing over the wound ensuring it is adequately padded and cushioned. Use the adhesive coating to secure the dressing in place. Change the dressing regularly or as directed by a medical professional. Overall, DERMAPLAST Medical Vliesverband 7.2x5cm is a reliable and effective dressing that is suitable for use at home, in medical facilities, and in outdoor settings. It is an affordable solution to wound care that offers comfort, protection, and speedy recovery...

5.39 USD

Dermaplast stretch gazebinde 8cmx10m weiss

Dermaplast stretch gazebinde 8cmx10m weiss

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7779562

DERMAPLAST STRETCH самбай боолт - Таны шарх арчилгааны найдвартай шийдэл Анхны тусламжийн хэрэгсэлдээ өндөр чанартай, сунадаг самбай боолт хайж байна уу? Манай DERMAPLAST STRETCH самбай боолт нь төгс сонголт юм. Зөөлөн, амьсгалах материалаар хийгдсэн тул бага зэргийн зүсэлт, хусах, түлэгдэх үед зөөлөн дэмжлэг үзүүлж, хамгаална. Уян хатан бүтэц нь хөдөлгөөнт холбоос дээр ч найдвартай, эвтэйхэн бэхлэх боломжийг олгодог. Гол онцлогууд: Аюулгүй бэхлэхийн тулд уян хатан, тохиромжтой Өдрийн турш тав тухыг хангах зөөлөн, амьсгалах материал Бага зэргийн зүсэлт, хусах, түлэгдэхэд тохиромжтой 8см х 10м урт нь олон талын хэрэглээнд зориулагдсан Эрүүл ахуйн үүднээс тус тусад нь ороосон Өнөөдөр DERMAPLAST STRETCH самбай боолтоо захиалаад ялгааг мэдрээрэй!..

13.66 USD

Dermaplast stretch уян самбай боолт 6смх10м цагаан

Dermaplast stretch уян самбай боолт 6смх10м цагаан

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7779561

Dermaplast STRETCH уян хатан самбай боолт Анхны тусламжийн хамгийн чухал зүйл Dermaplast STRETCH уян самбай боолтны дээд зэргийн чанар, олон талт байдлыг мэдрээрэй. Энэхүү 6смx10м хэмжээтэй цагаан боолт нь бага зэргийн зүсэлт, хусалтаас эхлээд хүнд бэртэл зэрэг олон төрлийн анхны тусламжийн хэрэгцээнд тохиромжтой. Үндсэн ашиг тус: Дээд зэргийн уян хатан чанар: Тав тухтай, найдвартай бэхэлгээг хангана. Арьсыг зөөлрүүлнэ: Зөөлөн, амьсгалах материалаар хийгдсэн. Олон талт: Олон төрлийн гэмтэл бэртэлд тохиромжтой. Удаан эдэлгээтэй: Хүчтэй, найдвартай, урт хугацааны дэмжлэг үзүүлэх. Яагаад Dermaplast STRETCH сонгох хэрэгтэй вэ? Манай уян самбай боолт санал болгож байна: Амьсгалах материалтай учир хурдан эдгэрнэ. Шахалт ба дэмжлэгийн улмаас өвдөлт багассан. Түргэн тусламж үзүүлэх хялбар хэрэглүүр. Хэтэрхий оройттол хүлээх хэрэггүй. Dermaplast STRETCH уян самбай боолтыг өнөөдөр нөөцөлж, аливаа яаралтай тусламжид бэлэн байгаарай...

11.43 USD

Dermaplast самбай боолт 6смx10м хэмжээтэй нягт ирмэгтэй

Dermaplast самбай боолт 6смx10м хэмжээтэй нягт ирмэгтэй

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7775022

gauze bandage in white is non-elastic and is suitable for the practical fixation of wound dressings. It is hypoallergenic and can also be used on sensitive skin. Composition 100% Cotton. Properties Hypoallergenic. ..

12.29 USD

Dermaplast эмнэлгийн арьс+ 7.2х5см

Dermaplast эмнэлгийн арьс+ 7.2х5см

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7827407

DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 7.2x5cm The DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 7.2x5cm is an innovative and highly effective medical product for treating minor skin injuries and wounds. It is specially designed to protect and promote healing of cuts, grazes, and other minor injuries, while preventing infections and scarring. This product is ideal for use in hospitals, clinics, sports centers, and homes. Key Features and Benefits Highly absorbent pad to soak up fluids and minimize wound stickiness Perforated, breathable film to allow skin to breathe and prevent maceration All-round adhesive strip to secure the dressing in place and resist stretching and tearing Non-stick coating to avoid damage to the wound and reduce pain during removal Hypoallergenic and latex-free formulation for compatibility with sensitive skin 7.2x5cm size to fit various wound types and sizes Instructions for Use To use the DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 7.2x5cm, follow these simple steps: Cleanse and dry the wound site properly, removing any debris or foreign objects Peel off the backing paper from the adhesive strip, exposing the absorbent pad Place the dressing over the wound, ensuring that the pad covers the entire wound area Smooth out any wrinkles or bubbles in the film, and press the adhesive strip firmly around the wound to seal it Replace the dressing as necessary, depending on the amount of fluid discharge and level of wound healing Warnings and Precautions Although DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 7.2x5cm is a safe and effective wound care product, certain warnings and precautions should be taken into account to avoid adverse reactions or complications, including: Avoid using on infected or weeping wounds, as this may spread the infection or delay healing Do not apply to burns, animal bites or puncture wounds, as these may require specialized treatment Do not use the product if the packaging is damaged or opened, or if the product is past its expiry date In case of persistent symptoms or adverse reactions, seek medical attention immediately For more information about the DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 7.2x5cm, consult the product label or contact your healthcare provider...

11.99 USD

Fiwa зөөлөн polsterwattbinde 10cmx2.7m unst

Fiwa зөөлөн polsterwattbinde 10cmx2.7m unst

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7813381

FIWA soft Polsterwattebinde 10cmx2.7m unst The FIWA soft Polsterwattebinde is a high-quality product designed to provide comfort and support to injured or sensitive areas of the body. This roll of unstretched bandage is made from a soft and cushioned material that is perfect for providing gentle padding and protection to injured areas. Measuring 10cm in width and 2.7m in length, this roll of Polsterwattebinde is suitable for a wide range of applications. The unstretched design allows it to be easily trimmed to size, making it a versatile product that can be used for a range of different injuries and medical conditions. The soft and cushioned material of this Polsterwattebinde is hypoallergenic, making it suitable for use on all skin types, even those that are sensitive or prone to irritation. It is also highly absorbent, making it ideal for use in wound care and other medical applications where moisture management is important. Overall, the FIWA soft Polsterwattebinde is a reliable and effective product that provides excellent support and comfort to injured or sensitive areas of the body. Its soft and cushioned material, hypoallergenic properties, and high absorbency make it a versatile and valuable addition to any first aid kit or medical facility...

27.47 USD

Flawa forte plast 2.5cmx7.6cm 20 ширхэг

Flawa forte plast 2.5cmx7.6cm 20 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7679118

Product Description: Flawa Forte Plast 2.5cmx7.6cm 20 pcs Flawa Forte Plast is a premium quality adhesive bandage that is designed to offer exceptional protection to open wounds, cuts, and injuries. The bandages are made of high-quality materials that are strong, durable, and flexible, making them perfect for everyday use in homes, hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare settings. The bandages come in a pack of 20 and measure 2.5cmx7.6cm each, making them ideal for covering small to medium-sized wounds. The bandages are easy to apply and stay securely in place, thanks to their strong adhesive backing. The bandages also feature a non-stick pad that helps to absorb fluids and promote quick healing. Flawa Forte Plast bandages are hypoallergenic, meaning that they are unlikely to cause allergic reactions or skin irritations, making them suitable for use by people with sensitive skin. The bandages are also latex-free, making them safe to use by people with latex allergies. The bandages are perfect for use on various parts of the body, including the hands, feet, arms, and legs. They are also ideal for use on children, thanks to their gentle and non-irritating formula. The bandages are easy to carry around in your bag or first aid kit, making them perfect for emergencies, travel, and outdoor activities. When you choose Flawa Forte Plast bandages, you can be sure that you are getting a safe, reliable, and effective product that you can count on to keep your wounds clean and protected until they heal completely. ..

7.61 USD

Homed nasenverband unsteril universal 20 stk

Homed nasenverband unsteril universal 20 stk

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7735479

Homed Nasenverband unsteril universal 20 Stk The Homed Nasenverband is a high-quality, non-sterile universal nose bandage. This product is designed to provide maximum comfort and protection for nasal injuries and surgeries. The universal size fits any nose shape and size, making it perfect for use by adults and children alike. The Homed Nasenverband is made from soft and reliable fabric that delivers superior comfort and protection. The material used is breathable, allowing for airflow and reducing the risk of sweating, which helps to prevent infection. Additionally, the adhesive used in the bandage is hypoallergenic, making it perfect for use by people with sensitive skin. The bandage is ideal for use after surgeries such as septoplasty, rhinoplasty, and nasal bone fracture reduction surgery. It can also be used for people who suffer from nasal allergies, providing much-needed relief for symptoms like sneezing and a runny nose. The Homed Nasenverband comes in a pack of 20, ensuring that you always have a fresh bandage ready when you need it. It is easy to apply and remove and is designed to stay in place for extended periods without causing skin irritation or discomfort. Overall, if you or anyone you know is in need of a high-quality, non-sterile nasal bandage, then the Homed Nasenverband unsteril universal 20 Stk is the perfect solution. Order yours today and experience the comfort and protection your nose deserves. ..

86.26 USD

Ivf idealcrepe binding 4mx6cm 10 ширхэг

Ivf idealcrepe binding 4mx6cm 10 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4522103

IVF Idealcrepe Binding 4mx6cm 10 pcs The IVF Idealcrepe Binding 4mx6cm 10 pcs is an essential product when it comes to IVF procedures. Made from high-quality, surgical-grade material, these bindings are designed to provide maximum support and protection for the patient during the IVF process. The product is designed to fit snugly and securely, providing excellent coverage and ensuring that the patient is comfortable during the procedure. With a length of 4m and a width of 6cm, these bindings are easy to use and can be cut to the desired length, making them suitable for a range of different procedures. The IVF Idealcrepe Binding 4mx6cm 10 pcs is also latex-free and hypoallergenic, making it suitable for those who may have sensitive skin or allergies. The bindings are also sterile and individually packaged, ensuring that they are safe and easy to use. Overall, the IVF Idealcrepe Binding 4mx6cm 10 pcs is a high-quality, reliable product that is essential for IVF procedures. With its excellent coverage, ease of use and hypoallergenic properties, it is the perfect choice for any IVF practitioner looking for a reliable and effective product. ..

40.00 USD

Livsane premium fixierpflaster 2.5cmx5m

Livsane premium fixierpflaster 2.5cmx5m

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7846281

Looking for a reliable and high-quality fixative patch for your wounds and injuries? Look no further than LIVSANE Premium Fixierpflaster 2.5cmx5m, the ultimate solution for all your medical needs. Made with premium quality materials, this fixative patch has been designed to provide exceptional durability and maximum comfort for all users, making it the perfect choice for healthcare professionals and individuals alike. The LIVSANE Premium Fixierpflaster 2.5cmx5m is made from a soft, breathable and hypoallergenic material that is gentle on the skin and leaves no marks or residue upon removal. The patch is waterproof and can be used for extended periods, making it ideal for all kinds of activities, including swimming, showering, and sports activities. The highly adhesive nature of the patch ensures that it will remain securely in place, preventing any skin irritation, and enabling you to get back to your routine activities without any hassle. Whether you're dealing with cuts, abrasions, or even surgical wounds, this fixative patch provides the perfect means to support wound healing and promote recovery. The LIVSANE Premium Fixierpflaster 2.5cmx5m is an excellent choice for securing wound dressings, cannulas, and other medical devices, thanks to its strong and reliable adhesive properties. Plus, with its easy-to-use packaging, you can cut the patch to your desired length and apply it to your skin within seconds. At one of the most affordable prices in the market, the LIVSANE Premium Fixierpflaster 2.5cmx5m offers unbeatable value and quality for all your medical needs. Whether you're looking for a reliable fixative patch for use at home or at work, this product is sure to meet all your needs with ease. ..

8.22 USD

Mepore wundverband 15x9cm wundkissen 10x5cm 50 stk

Mepore wundverband 15x9cm wundkissen 10x5cm 50 stk

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7789655

Mepore Wundverband 15x9cm Wundkissen 10x5cm 50 Stk The Mepore Wundverband is a high-quality wound dressing which consists of a soft and non-woven fabric with an absorbent wound pad made from viscose. The sterile dressing is designed to protect minor wounds, cuts, and grazes against bacteria, dirt, and impurities. The Wundverband comes in a convenient size of 15x9cm with a Wundkissen of 10x5cm which provides a perfect fit for most types of injuries. The dressing is self-adhesive, easy to apply, and can be re-positioned if needed. It is also hypoallergenic and latex-free, making it safe for individuals who are allergic to natural rubber latex. The Mepore Wundverband is waterproof and breathable, allowing the skin to breathe while protecting the wound from external moisture, which reduces the risk of infection and speeds up the healing process. The wound dressing is suitable for use on sensitive skin, including children and patients with compromised immune systems. Each pack contains 50 sterile dressings, making it an excellent choice for clinics, hospitals, and first aid kits. The Mepore Wundverband is a reliable and effective solution for wound care, helping to ensure that minor injuries can be treated quickly and efficiently. ..

71.19 USD

Tensoplast sport уян хатан тууз 3смх2.5м

Tensoplast sport уян хатан тууз 3смх2.5м

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 1518058

TENSOPLAST SPORT Elastic Tape 3cmx2.5m The TENSOPLAST SPORT Elastic Tape is a high-quality sports tape designed to provide support and compression to joints and muscles during high-intensity activities such as sports, exercises, and workouts. It is made of a blend of cotton and spandex that provides both strength and stretchability to the tape, making it ideal for use on various parts of the body such as the ankles, knees, shoulders, and wrists. Measuring 3cm in width and 2.5m in length, the tape is pre-cut and easy to use. It can be applied directly to the skin or on top of a pre-wrap, depending on personal preference. The adhesive used in the tape is hypoallergenic and latex-free, making it safe to use even for those with sensitive skin. It is also water-resistant, allowing it to stay in place even during activities that involve sweat or water exposure. The TENSOPLAST SPORT Elastic Tape provides both support and compression to the applied area, helping to reduce pain, inflammation, and soreness. Its elastic properties also allow for comfortable movement, without restricting mobility or causing discomfort. The tape can be used for both injury prevention and rehabilitation, making it an essential tool for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone who leads an active lifestyle. Overall, the TENSOPLAST SPORT Elastic Tape is a versatile and reliable sports tape that provides the necessary support and protection for your body during high-impact activities. It is easy to use, comfortable to wear, and effective in reducing pain and soreness. Get yours today and experience the benefits of this top-quality sports tape...

10.77 USD

лейкопласт саад 3 grössen 20 stk

лейкопласт саад 3 grössen 20 stk

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7784696

Leukoplast Barrier Leukoplast Barrier is an innovative wound dressing product that provides ultimate protection to wounds with maximum comfort. It comes in three different sizes and contains 20 pieces in each package, making it a cost-effective and convenient solution for wound care. Product Features Waterproof: The Leukoplast Barrier is completely waterproof, which protects the wound from any external moisture and prevents bacterial infection. Breathable: The breathable feature of the product allows the wound to receive oxygen, which helps in faster healing. Flexible: The product has an excellent flexibility feature, which ensures maximum comfort for the wearer. It moves with the body, avoiding any discomfort that could arise from a rigid dressing. Adhesive: The adhesive layer of the product is gentle on the skin, non-irritating even with extended use, and has hypoallergenic properties that further prevent any type of skin irritation. Easy to Apply: The Leukoplast Barrier has an easy-to-use application system that does not require any special training, which makes it suitable for use at home. Usage The Leukoplast Barrier is designed for various types of wounds, from minor scrapes to post-surgery incisions. It is a perfect solution for people who require waterproof dressing, especially those with active lifestyles or jobs which involve water contact. The product is also suitable for people with sensitive skin due to its hypoallergenic properties. Conclusion Leukoplast Barrier is a versatile and cost-effective wound dressing solution that provides maximum protection with minimal discomfort. With its waterproof, breathable, flexible, and adhesive features, the product ensures fast and effective healing. So whether you are an athlete or office worker, you can confidently rely on this product for wound care...

7.94 USD

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