
Чийгшүүлэгч гель

1-с 2 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 2
(1 Хуудас) сайтаас манай Швейцарийн эрүүл мэнд, гоо сайхны бүтээгдэхүүнүүдтэй танилцаж, чийгшүүлэгч гель сонгоход онцгой анхаарал хандуулаарай. Нүүрний бальзам, нүүрний тос, чийгшүүлэгч, чийгшүүлэгч тосыг багтаасан дээд зэрэглэлийн цуглуулгад бид таны арьс арчилгааны бүх талыг хамарч байна. Манай Aloe Vera арьс арчилгааны гель болон чийгшүүлэгч гелийг байнгын үйлчлүүлэгчид маань маш их санал болгодог. Эдгээр чийгшүүлэгч гель нь зөвхөн нүүрний арчилгааг хангаад зогсохгүй биеийн ерөнхий арчилгаа, хувийн ариун цэврийг сахихад төгс шийдэл болдог. Тусгай хэрэглээнд зориулагдсан гоо сайхны тос, түрхлэг, гель, оо зэргийг эрүүгээ унагах нөлөөг мэдрээрэй. Beeovita-ийн тусламжтайгаар арьс арчилгааны эцсийн зорилгод Швейцарийн боловсронгуй шийдэлд хүрээрэй.
Aloe vera hautpflege gel 100% naturrein 250 мл

Aloe vera hautpflege gel 100% naturrein 250 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 1929985

Aloe Vera Hautpflege Gel 100% naturrein 250 ml The Aloe Vera Hautpflege Gel 100% naturrein 250 ml is a natural, pure, and superior quality product that delivers exceptional skin care benefits. The gel is made from pure Aloe Vera extract, which is widely known for its outstanding rejuvenating, moisturizing, and nourishing properties. Natural and Pure Ingredients Our Aloe Vera Hautpflege Gel is made from 100% pure, natural ingredients that have been carefully extracted and processed to ensure that the potency and effectiveness of the product are fully preserved. The gel is free from parabens, sulfates, and other harmful chemicals, making it ideal for people with sensitive skin. Rejuvenating and Hydrating The Aloe Vera Hautpflege Gel deeply moisturizes and hydrates the skin, leaving it feeling soft, smooth, and supple. The gel penetrates deep into the skin layers to nourish and restore the skin's natural moisture barrier. It also helps to soothe and calm irritated skin, reducing redness and inflammation. Multi-Purpose The Aloe Vera Hautpflege Gel is an all-in-one product suitable for a wide range of skin care needs. It can be used as a daily moisturizer, to soothe sunburns, to reduce the appearance of scars and blemishes, and even as a makeup primer. Easy to Use The gel is easy to apply, absorbs quickly into the skin, and does not leave any sticky or greasy residue. Simply apply a small amount of the gel onto your skin and massage gently until absorbed. Conclusion The Aloe Vera Hautpflege Gel 100% naturrein 250 ml is a must-have product for anyone looking to achieve healthy, youthful, and radiant-looking skin. Its natural and pure ingredients, blended with rejuvenating and hydrating properties, make it a versatile and effective skin care essential that you can trust...

66.50 USD

Bioderma hydrabio тос

Bioderma hydrabio тос

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6703381

Intensive, rich moisturizing care for sensitive, dry to very dry skin that reduces feelings of tightness.Moisturizing thanks to Patent Aquagenium and hyaluronic acid. Vitamin E acts as cell protection (anti-aging). without parabenswith a fresh fragrance Application Apply twice a day after cleansing. Active ingredients Patent Aquagenium (Pyrus Malus+Vita min B3): Increases the aquaporin count in the skin, moisturizes and activates the skin's own lipid production.Sunflower and rapeseed oil: care for and promote the elasticity of the skin.Vitamin E: cell protection, anti-aging. ..

44.87 USD

1-с 2 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 2
(1 Хуудас)
Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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