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(1 Хуудас)
Curaprox cps 410 perio interdentalbürsten дүүргэлт гүн тэнгэрийн цэнхэр 5 stk
CURAPROX CPS 410 Perio Interdent ref de sky нь амны хөндийн эрүүл ахуй, шүдний арчилгааг үр дүнтэй байлгахад зориулагдсан дээд зэрэглэлийн шүд хоорондын сойз юм. Энэхүү шинэлэг бүтээгдэхүүн нь нарийн хийцтэй, зөөлөн, зөөлөн үстэй тул шүд, буйлны хоорондох зайд хүрч, товруу, хог хаягдлыг амархан арилгадаг. Амны хөндийн иж бүрэн, нямбай арчилгааг эрэлхийлж буй хүмүүст тохиромжтой энэхүү шүд хоорондын сойз нь буйлны эрүүл байдлыг дэмжиж, цоорохоос сэргийлж, амны хөндийн эрүүл ахуйг сайжруулдаг. CURAPROX-ийн чанар, нарийвчлалыг эрхэмлэдэг CPS 410 Perio Interdent ref de sky нь гэрэлтсэн инээмсэглэл, шүдний эрүүл мэндийг сайжруулахын тулд тав тухтай, нарийн цэвэрлэх туршлагыг санал болгодог...
15.68 USD
Curaprox df 834 шүдний утас 50м лавласан гаа
Curaprox DF 834 dental floss 50m waxed mint If you are looking for an effective dental floss that helps keep your teeth and gums healthy and free from bacteria, then look no further than the Curaprox DF 834 dental floss. This high-quality dental floss comes in a 50m pack, and is mint-flavoured, making it refreshing to use and leaving the mouth with a clean, fresh taste. The Curaprox DF 834 dental floss is made using a special waxed fibre material, which gently and effectively removes plaque and bacteria from hard-to-reach areas of the mouth, such as between the teeth and along the gumline. The floss is soft and gentle on the gums and teeth, making it perfect for those with sensitive teeth or gums. It glides smoothly between the teeth, ensuring that plaque and debris are removed without irritating the gums or causing discomfort. The mint flavour not only makes the floss more enjoyable to use, but also freshens breath and leaves the mouth feeling clean and refreshed. The Curaprox DF 834 dental floss comes in a compact and easy-to-use container, making it perfect for travel or when you are on the go. The container also has an easy-to-use cutter, so you can cut the floss to the desired length with ease. Regular use of the Curaprox DF 834 dental floss can help prevent cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. This simple yet effective tool can be used in addition to brushing and mouthwash for a complete oral hygiene routine. So why wait? Try the Curaprox DF 834 dental floss today and experience cleaner, healthier teeth and fresher breath! ..
10.12 USD
Curaprox hydrosonic power pro brush heads duo pack 2 ширхэг
Toothbrush head Hydrosonic Pro «power», duo pack Properties The powerful one ? a blessing for the gums. The "power" brush head stands for intensive yet caring tooth cleaning: perfect for effective oral hygiene with healthy gums. Powerful and yet soft. With proven soft CUREN® filaments. With normal gums or simply because you like it that way. Drop-shaped head, extra small, for high-precision cleaning, tooth by tooth. Supports the hydrodynamic effect. Developed with Prof. Dr. medical dent. Ueli P. Saxer. Made in Switzerland. Gentle and effective: fine CUREN® bristles with a diameter of 0.15 millimetersReaches every spot very easily: CURACURVE® ergonomics, that's the perfect one KnickDrop shape for high-precision cleaning, tooth by toothExtra comfortable: rubberized backsideSupports the hydrodynamic effectDeveloped with Prof. dr medical dent. Ulrich P. SaxerFits all CURAPROX sonic toothbrushes Recommendation: replace after three months at the latest; for braces and brackets after six to eight weeks. Application For adults. ..
32.61 USD
Curaprox perio plus support chx 0.09% - tube 75 мл
Composition 0.09% chlorhexidine, CITROX®, sodium fluoride, hyaluronic acid, xylitol, PVP-VA, polylysine. Properties Without sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). Composition 0.09% chlorhexidine, CITROX®, sodium fluoride, hyaluronic acid, xylitol, PVP-VA, polylysine. Properties Without sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). ..
19.04 USD
Emoform pure and fresh tube 75 мл
Emoform Pure & Fresh Tb 75 ml Emoform Pure & Fresh toothpaste is specially designed to provide long-lasting freshness and protection against cavities and dental caries. Enriched with natural herbal extracts such as chamomile, clove, and sage, this toothpaste offers gentle cleaning and promotes healthy gum and teeth. Features: Removes plaque and stains Prevents cavities and dental caries Enriched with natural herbal extracts Gentle and effective cleaning Promotes healthy gum and teeth Long-lasting freshness Safe for daily use Benefits: Emoform Pure & Fresh toothpaste helps to maintain good oral hygiene and promotes healthy teeth and gums. Its unique formula with natural herbal extracts helps to remove plaque and stains and prevents cavities and dental caries. This toothpaste offers gentle and effective cleaning, leaving your mouth feeling fresh and clean throughout the day. How to use: Brush your teeth twice daily with Emoform Pure & Fresh toothpaste. Squeeze a pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto your toothbrush. Brush your teeth for at least two minutes, paying extra attention to the areas between your teeth and along the gumline. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. For best results, use with Emoform Mouthwash and Emoform Toothbrush. Caution: Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact, rinse immediately with water. This product is not suitable for children under six years old. Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Take care not to swallow the toothpaste. Keep out of reach of children. If you experience any adverse reactions, discontinue use and seek medical advice. ..
15.68 USD
Emoform sensitive zahnpaste tube 75 мл
Emoform Sensitive Zahnpaste Tb 75 ml Emoform Sensitive Zahnpaste Tb 75 ml is an excellent toothpaste specifically designed to cater to people with sensitive teeth. This toothpaste is the perfect solution for anyone who experiences pain or discomfort while brushing their teeth due to sensitivity issues. It is a clinically-tested and scientifically-proven toothpaste that effectively and gently cleans the teeth without causing any discomfort or irritation. Benefits Relieves tooth sensitivity Maintains healthy gums Provides gentle and effective cleaning of teeth Prevents tooth decay and cavities Gives a refreshing and minty taste Ingredients Emoform Sensitive Zahnpaste Tb 75 ml contains potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride. Potassium nitrate helps to desensitize the teeth, while sodium fluoride builds strong, healthy teeth and prevents tooth decay. This toothpaste is free from harsh chemicals such as SLS, parabens and triclosan. Usage For best results, brush your teeth thoroughly with Emoform Sensitive Zahnpaste Tb 75 ml twice daily, ideally after meals. Squeeze a pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto your toothbrush and brush your teeth gently in circular motions for at least two minutes. Spit out the toothpaste and rinse your mouth with water. Avoid swallowing the toothpaste. Conclusion Emoform Sensitive Zahnpaste Tb 75 ml is an excellent choice for people with sensitive teeth. It provides gentle cleaning, relief from pain and discomfort and promotes healthy teeth and gums. So, what are you waiting for? Get your hands on this toothpaste today and take the first step towards a healthier and brighter smile!..
15.68 USD
Emoform шүд хоорондын багс 1.7мм цайвар цэнхэр 5ш
Цайвар цэнхэр өнгийн Emoform 1.7 мм-ийн шүд хоорондын сойзоор амны хөндийн эрүүл ахуйг сайтар хянаж байгаарай. Энэхүү багцад шүдний завсрын хүрэхэд хэцүү хэсгийг үр дүнтэй цэвэрлэх зориулалттай 5 багс багтсан болно. Нарийхан 1.7мм сойз нь маневр хийхэд хялбар бөгөөд шүдний завсарыг сайтар цэвэрлэнэ. Эдгээр багснууд нь зөөлөн боловч бат бөх үстэй тул товруу, хог хаягдлыг зөөлөн арилгаж, буйлны эрүүл мэндийг дэмжиж, цооролт үүсэхээс сэргийлдэг. Emoform шүдний завсрын сойзны тусламжтайгаар шинэлэг, эрүүл инээмсэглэлийг хадгалах нь урьд өмнө хэзээ ч амар байгаагүй. Шүдний эрүүл мэндийг сайжруулахын тулд өдөр бүр амны хөндийн арчилгаа хийхэд тохиромжтой...
14.03 USD
Sensodyne repair and protect цайруулах шүдний оо 75 мл
Sensodyne Repair & Protect Whitening Toothpaste 75 ml If you're looking for toothpaste that can provide relief for your sensitive teeth while also whitening them, look no further than Sensodyne Repair & Protect Whitening Toothpaste. This toothpaste has been specially formulated with a blend of ingredients that are designed to repair and protect sensitive teeth. It contains an active ingredient called NovaMin, which acts to build a protective layer over the exposed dentine of your teeth, helping to prevent pain caused by sensitivity. But that's not all. Sensodyne Repair & Protect Whitening Toothpaste also contains ingredients that gently whiten your teeth, giving you a brighter smile without causing any sensitivity. And because it has a low abrasion formula, you can be sure that it won't damage your tooth enamel in the process. In addition to its tooth-sensitivity reducing and whitening properties, this toothpaste also fights tooth decay and promotes healthy gums. Regular use of this toothpaste can help to prevent cavities and keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong. So if you're looking for toothpaste that can help to alleviate your tooth sensitivity while also giving you a brighter, healthier smile, try Sensodyne Repair & Protect Whitening Toothpaste today...
14.84 USD
Smilepen hylocare гиалуроны бохь арчилгааны серум
Бохьны эрүүл мэнд, шүд цайруулах чиглэлээр мэргэшсэн амны хөндийн арчилгааны хамгийн сүүлийн үеийн шинэлэг зүйл болох SMILEPEN Hylocare гиалуроны бохь арчилгааны ийлдсийг танилцуулж байна. Энэхүү дэвшилтэт серум нь гиалуроны хүчлээр бүтээгдсэн бөгөөд онцгой чийгшүүлэгч, үрэвслийн эсрэг үйлчилгээтэй, буйлны эрүүл байдлыг дэмжиж, мэдрэмтгий байдлыг эсэргүүцдэг. Өвөрмөц хольц нь товруу болон толбо руу гүн нэвтэрч, шүдийг зөөлөн гэрэлтүүлж, инээмсэглэл тодруулна. Тогтмол хэрэглэснээр буйлны эрүүл мэнд сайжирч, мэдрэмтгий чанар буурч, цайруулах нөлөө мэдэгдэхүйц болно. SMILEPEN Hylocare гиалуроны бохь арчилгааны ийлдсээр амны хөндийн арчилгаагаа сайжруулж, эрүүл, тод инээмсэглэлийг хялбархан нээгээрэй...
32.31 USD
Trisa feelgood smartclean шүдний сойз дунд
Trisa Feelgood SmartClean Toothbrush ? Medium Get a healthy and happy smile with the Trisa Feelgood SmartClean Toothbrush ? Medium. This toothbrush combines innovative technology with high-quality materials to deliver a superior cleaning experience with every brush. Features: Provides an exceptional cleaning experience with superior plaque removal thanks to its unique brush head design and bristle configuration Maintains a healthy gum through regular stimulation with its medium bristle stiffness Features a comfortable handle grip that has a non-slip surface for better control during brushing Comes with an automatic shut-off mechanism for the right brushing time Has a rechargeable battery that provides up to 4 weeks of cleaning on a single charge. The toothbrush has a smart indicator that flashes red when it's time to recharge the battery Trisa Feelgood SmartClean Toothbrush is waterproof and can be used safely in the shower Benefits: The Trisa Feelgood SmartClean Toothbrush helps you achieve optimal oral health in the following ways: Gently yet effectively removes up to 100% more plaque than manual brushing alone The toothbrush's medium stiffness bristles design provides a deep clean for healthier gums and teeth Automatic shut-off timer ensures the recommended two minutes of brushing time is achieved Regular use of this electronic toothbrush reduces the risk of gum disease and cavities, preventing more significant dental problems Experience healthy and happy teeth with Trisa Feelgood SmartClean Toothbrush ? Medium. Get yours today and enjoy a superior cleaning experience that leaves your mouth feeling fresh and clean...
6.57 USD
орафлого гель tube 10 мл
Oraflogo gel Tb 10 мл-ийн шинж чанарЕвропод CE баталгаажуулсанБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1 млЖин: 22г >Урт: 31мм Өргөн: 106мм Өндөр: 41мм Швейцараас Oraflogo gel Tb 10 мл-ийг онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..
20.40 USD
(1 Хуудас)