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(1 Хуудас)
Biotta bio essence цагаан гаа 6 fl 2.5 дл
Biotta Bio Essence цагаан гаагийн шинж чанар 6 Fl 2.5 длХадгалах температур мин/макс 15/25 хэмБагц дахь хэмжээ: 6 дл Жин: 2700г Урт: 180мм Өргөн: 125мм Өндөр: 197мм Биотта Bio Essence цагаан гаа 6 Fl 2.5 дл онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай Швейцарьаас..
92.94 USD
Biotta bio mango mix 6 fl 5 dl
Biotta Bio Mango Mix-ийн шинж чанар 6 Fl 5 dlХадгалах температур мин/макс 15/25 хэмБагц дахь хэмжээ: 6 дл Жин: 5050г Урт: 230мм Өргөн: 150мм Өндөр: 255мм Biotta Bio Mango Mix 6 Fl 5 dl-г онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай Швейцарьаас..
35.36 USD
Biotta superfruits bio fl 6 5 dl
Biotta superfruits-ийн шинж чанар Bio Fl 6 5 dlХадгалах температур мин/макс 15/25 хэмБаглаа боодлын хэмжээ: 6 длЖин : 5050гр Урт: 230мм Өргөн: 150мм Өндөр: 255мм Швейцараас Biotta superfruits Bio Fl 6 5 dl онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай ..
50.34 USD
Biotta амин чухал антиоксидант 6 fl 5 dl
Organic fruit juice with high vitamin C content of grape juice, apple juice, acerola puree, black currant juice, elderberry juice, blueberry juice, aronia juice and rose hip puree. One glass (200ml) covers the whole daily requirement of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps to protect the cells from oxidative stress and has a positive effect on iron absorption. 6 bottles of 5dlvegan Ingredients Organic grape juice, organic apple juice, organic acerola puree (6%), organic black currant juice, organic elderberry juice, organic blueberry juice, organic aronia juice, organic rose hip puree. nutritional values Per 100ml: energy 238kj (57kcal), fat 0.2g (of which saturated fatty acids 0g), carbohydrates 13g (of which sugar 12g), protein 0.3g, salt 0.01g, vitamin C 40mg (50% NRV)..
48.79 USD
Biotta ананас био
Biotta Pineapple Bio Fl-ийн шинж чанар 6 5 длХадгалах температур мин/макс 15/25 хэмБаглаа боодлын хэмжээ: 6 длЖин : 5050г Урт: 230мм Өргөн: 150мм Өндөр: 255мм Швейцараас Biotta Pineapple Bio Fl 6 5 dl онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай ..
49.70 USD
Morga graviola juice bio fl 500 ml
Characteristics of Morga Graviola juice Bio Fl 500 mlAmount in pack : 1 mlWeight: 791g Length: 76mm Width: 76mm Height: 190mm Buy Morga Graviola juice Bio Fl 500 ml online from Switzerland..
37.79 USD
Rabenhorst пфлауми
RABENHORST Pflaumi RABENHORST Pflaumi is a delicious and healthy fruit juice made from the finest plums. Produced by Rabenhorst in Germany, this juice is made using only carefully selected, sun-ripened plums which are gently squeezed to preserve their natural goodness and sweetness. As a fruit juice, RABENHORST Pflaumi provides a wealth of health benefits. Plums are known for their high antioxidant content, which can help support the immune system and protect the body against damage caused by free radicals. They are also a good source of fiber and contain essential nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium. RABENHORST Pflaumi is perfect for those looking for a refreshing and healthy drink option. It can be enjoyed on its own or mixed with other juices to create your own unique blend. The bottle size of 750ml makes it perfect for sharing with friends and family. This product is non-alcoholic, vegan-friendly, gluten-free, and does not contain any artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives. It is also free from added sugars, making it a great choice for those watching their sugar intake or looking for a healthier alternative to sugary drinks. Order your bottle of RABENHORST Pflaumi today and experience the delicious taste and numerous health benefits of this pure fruit juice. ..
10.82 USD
Rabenhorst цангис жимсний шүүс ээж fl 750 мл
Rabenhorst цангис жимсний шүүсний шинж чанар эх Fl 750 млБаглаа боодлын хэмжээ: 1 млЖин: 1230гр Урт: 76мм p>Өргөн: 76мм Өндөр: 284мм Швейцараас Rabenhorst цангис жимсний шүүс эх Fl 750 мл-ийг онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..
15.30 USD
Zuccari bouleau compl birke stick-pack
ZUCCARI BOULEAU Complex BIRCH stick-ийн багцыг ашиглан сэргэг, эрч хүчтэй байгаарай. Хусны хандны байгалийн хүчийг шингээсэн энэхүү шинэлэг ундааны хольц нь эрүүл мэндэд тустай. Антиоксидант болон чухал тэжээллэг бодисоор баялаг энэ нь хоргүйжүүлэх, чийгшүүлэх, ерөнхий сайн сайхан байдлыг дэмждэг. Тохиромжтой савх бүрийг зам дээр ашиглахад хялбар тул завгүй амьдралын хэв маягийг сонгоход тохиромжтой. Энэхүү өвөрмөц ундааны сэтгэл сэргээсэн амтыг мэдэрч, сэргээгч нөлөөг мэдрээрэй. ZUCCARI BOULEAU Complex BIRCH stick-ийн багцаар эрүүл мэндээ дээшлүүлж, бие махбодоо тэжээгээрэй...
65.88 USD
биотта био тэнцвэрийн долоо хоног
Stress, lack of exercise and an unbalanced diet throw our body's acid-base balance out of balance. The Biotta Balance Week encourages you to switch to a balanced diet with eleven natural juices.In the package you will find numerous recipe ideas that should inspire and, above all, encourage you to eat healthily. In addition, various Biotta juices and the specially developed organic herbal fruit tea round off the Balance Week. The result is a pleasure package that helps with the change in diet and is simply fun. The package includes 11 organic fruit and organic vegetable juices: 3 x 5 dl Biotta Balance2 x 5 dl Biotta Vita 72 x 5 dl Biotta Mango Mix2 x 5 dl Biotta Artichoke1 x 5 dl Biotta Powerberry1 x 5 dl Biotta Cassis 75 g Balance organic herbal fruit teaBalance primer with recipes from the seasonal kitchen..
98.27 USD
(1 Хуудас)