
Ариутгагч гель

1-с 5 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 5
(1 Хуудас)
Beeovita-д бид таны эрүүл мэнд, гоо сайхныг нэн тэргүүнд тавьж, Швейцарийн дээд зэргийн чанартай бүтээгдэхүүнийг танд санал болгож байна. Манай "Ариутгагч гель"-ийн ангиллыг арьс арчилгаа, гар халдваргүйжүүлэлтийн ач холбогдлыг харгалзан мэргэжилтнүүдийн хяналтан дор тусгайлан боловсруулсан болно. Энэхүү гель нь Шарх, Сувилахуй, Эмнэлгийн хангамжийн хүрээнд онцгой ач холбогдолтой. Бид зөвхөн халдваргүйжүүлэх зорилготой төдийгүй арьс арчилгааны үйлчилгээнд тустай бүтээгдэхүүнүүдийг хүргэхээр зорьж байна. Эдгээр талуудын төгс хослол нь манай ариутгагч гелийг бий болгож, арьс, шарх арчилгааны сонирхогч, мэргэжлийн хүмүүсийн аль алинд нь илүүд үздэг. Эрүүл мэнд, гоо сайхны бүтээгдэхүүний хувьд Beeovita-г сонгоорой.
Desderman care gel fl 100 ml

Desderman care gel fl 100 ml

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7750306

Desderman care gel bottle 100 ml The Desderman care gel bottle 100 ml is a disinfecting hand gel suitable for daily use in healthcare settings and other high-risk environments. This product is formulated with effective ingredients including ethanol and propanol to effectively kill bacteria and viruses on your hands. Features Contains high-quality ethanol and propanol to kill germs Hydrating formula to prevent dryness and irritation Quick drying formula leaves no residue 100 ml bottle size is easy to carry with you on-the-go Uses The Desderman care gel bottle 100 ml is perfect for use in healthcare, educational, and other high-risk settings to keep your hands safe and clean from germs. It's ideal for use in between hand washing or when soap and water are not available. Directions of use Apply a small amount of the gel to the palms of your hands. Rub your hands together, making sure to cover all surfaces including your fingers and wrists. Allow the gel to dry completely, without wiping or rinsing. With this Desderman care gel bottle 100 ml, you can protect yourself and others from the spread of germs and bacteria. So, make sure this part of your daily routine for health and safety!..

10.44 USD

Desderman арчилгааны гель fl 1000 мл

Desderman арчилгааны гель fl 1000 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7750308

Desderman Care Gel Fl 1000 ml The Desderman Care Gel is a high-quality disinfectant gel that provides optimal protection against germs and bacteria. It comes in a 1000 ml bottle that is perfect for a variety of settings such as hospitals, clinics, schools, and homes. This gel is highly effective in killing germs and providing long-lasting protection against viruses and bacteria. Features: Effective against bacteria, fungi, enveloped viruses, and norovirus. Contains moisturizing agents to avoid skin dryness and irritation. Fragrance-free, ensuring it can be used by people with fragrance allergies. Rapidly effective for hygienic and surgical hand disinfection. Convenient for workstations, sensitive production areas, and general areas. Suitable for all skin types. Dermatologically tested. Easy to use, simply apply a small amount of gel to your hands and rub together until it is completely dry. Application: The Desderman Care Gel is suitable for use in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, schools, and other public areas. It can be used for both hygienic and surgical hand disinfection, providing the perfect defense against germs and bacteria. It is ideal for all skin types, as it contains moisturizing agents that help prevent dryness and irritation. Instructions for Use: To use Desderman Care Gel, simply apply a small amount of the gel to the palms of your hands and rub together until it is completely dry. Do not rinse your hands after using the gel. Cautions and Warnings: For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Keep out of reach of children. Flammable ? keep away from flames and sparks. Store in a cool, dry place. Use within 12 months of opening. Desderman Care Gel Fl 1000 ml is the perfect solution for anyone looking for an effective, easy-to-use, high-quality disinfectant. With its long-lasting protection and skin-friendly formula, it provides optimal protection against germs and bacteria. Try it today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you?re protected against germs and bacteria...

32.76 USD

Sterillium protectandcare гель fl 50 мл

Sterillium protectandcare гель fl 50 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7736049

Disinfectant gel that works against bacteria, fungi and viruses (including noroviruses). Contains additional skin care ingredients. Dermatologically tested. Sterillium Protect and Care: The proven disinfectant gel for hands. Practical and comprehensively effective hand disinfection gel with moisturizing care components. Ready-to-use alcoholic rub preparation - independent of water and sink - for hygienic hand disinfection at home and on the go - removes 99.99% of germs - short exposure time 30 seconds, norovirus from 15 seconds - very good skin tolerance - increases skin moisture - drip-proof dosage - dries fast - leaves no sticky residue - dermatologically tested - ethanol 850 mg/g - thanks to its formulation with 85g ethanol, it is quickly effective against bacteria, fungi and enveloped viruses (including coronavirus), as well as norovirus and rotavirus. ? the right size for every need (35 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml, 475 ml) . Use disinfectants carefully. Always read the label and product information before use. ..

8.42 USD

Wiesenberg hand desinf gel classic clear

Wiesenberg hand desinf gel classic clear

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7831416

Get Clean and Fresh Hands Anytime with WIESENBERG Hand Desinf Gel Classic Clear WIESENBERG Hand Desinf Gel Classic Clear is a must-have disinfectant hand gel that provides effective protection against germs and bacteria. It is an alcohol-based antiseptic gel that is perfect for use when water and soap are not readily available, making it ideal for use when you are out and about, in public areas, or when traveling. The Classic Clear variant of the WIESENBERG Hand Desinf Gel is specially formulated to keep your hands clean, fresh and moisturized, without damaging or irritating your skin. It is made with 70% alcohol, which is clinically proven to kill 99.9% of germs and bacteria. The non-sticky formula of the gel ensures that it is easily absorbed by your skin and does not leave behind any residue, so that you can go about your day with fresh, clean hands. WIESENBERG Hand Desinf Gel Classic Clear comes in a convenient and easy to use packaging, designed to fit into your pocket, purse, or travel bag, so you can always stay protected, no matter where you are. The gel comes in a large 500ml bottle, which is perfect for home or office use, as well as a smaller 100ml bottle which is perfect for on-the-go use. WIESENBERG Hand Desinf Gel Classic Clear is a reliable disinfectant hand gel that is suitable for everyday use, and for use anytime you need to protect your hands from germs and bacteria. It is a high-quality product, manufactured according to strict standards, and is safe for use by adults and children of all ages. So, keep your hands clean, fresh, and protected with WIESENBERG Hand Desinf Gel Classic Clear...

5.21 USD

Wiesenberg hand desinfektionsgel зэрлэг мэлрэг цэцэг 500 мл

Wiesenberg hand desinfektionsgel зэрлэг мэлрэг цэцэг 500 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7831414

Wiesenberg Hand Desinfektionsgel Wild Jasmine 500 млWiesenberg Hand Desinfektionsgel Wild Jasmine 500 мл нь таныг болон таны гэр бүлийг хортой нян, бактериас хамгаалахад тусалдаг хүчтэй бөгөөд үр дүнтэй гар ариутгагч юм. Өвөрмөц, сэтгэл сэргээсэн зэрлэг мэлрэг цэцгийн анхилуун үнэрээр хийгдсэн энэхүү ариутгагч гель нь таны гарыг өдрийн турш цэвэрхэн, шинэхэн үнэртэй байлгахад тусалдаг.Энэ Wiesenberg Hand Dezinfektionsgel-ийг хэрэглэх нь хялбар бөгөөд тохиромжтой бөгөөд хурдан хатаах найрлагатай. Та ямар ч үзэмжгүй үлдэгдэлгүйгээр өдрийг өнгөрөөх боломжтой. 500 мл-ийн том формат нь үүнийг гэр болон албан тасалгааны аль алинд нь тохиромжтой болгодог бол авсаархан лонхны загвар нь таныг хаана ч явсан авч явах боломжийг олгоно. Уг лонхны шахуургатай диспенсер нь хэрэглэхэд хялбар, эрүүл ахуйн шаардлага хангасан бөгөөд ямар ч нэмэлт хэрэгсэл шаардлагагүй.Wiesenberg Hand Desinfektionsgel Wild Jasmine 500 мл-ийг 70%-ийн спиртээр тусгайлан боловсруулсан бөгөөд энэ нь нян ба нянг 99.9%-ийг устгадаг. . Согтууруулах ундааны өндөр концентраци нь таны гарыг хурдан ариутгадаг тул гараа савантай усаар угаах хооронд хэрэглэхэд тохиромжтой шийдэл юм. Нэмж дурдахад, энэхүү бүтээгдэхүүн нь глицерин, зуун настын ханд агуулсан тул таны арьсыг чийгшүүлж, хамгаалж, байнга хэрэглэсэн ч гар тань эрүүл, уян хатан байлгахад тусалдаг.Хэрэв та өөртөө тохиромжтой, тохиромжтой бүтээгдэхүүн хайж байгаа бол Гараа цэвэр, эрүүл байлгах үр дүнтэй арга бол Wiesenberg Hand Desinfektionsgel Wild Jasmine 500 мл бол таны төгс шийдэл юм. Яг одоо худалдаж аваад түүний шинэ сэргэг үнэр, үр хөврөлтэй тэмцэх хүчтэй үйлдлийг эдлээрэй!..

18.06 USD

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