
Хүйтэн ба дулааны эмчилгээ

1-с 15 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 15
(1 Хуудас) дээрээс Хүйтэн, Дулааны эмчилгээний шилдэг бүтээгдэхүүнүүдийг олж мэдээрэй. Манай өргөн хүрээний бүтээгдэхүүнүүд нь нурууны өвдөлт, сарын тэмдгийн өвдөлт, булчингийн агшилтаас ангижрах боломжтой. Биеийн арчилгааны хэрэгцээнд тохирсон зөв шийдлийг авахын тулд шарх, сувилахуй, эмнэлгийн хэрэгсэл, хүйтэн/дулаан гэх мэт ангиллаас сонго. Тохируулах ханцуйвчаас авахуулаад хэт улаан туяаны эмчилгээний наалт хүртэл бид эрүүл мэнд, гоо сайхны бүтээгдэхүүний онцгой цуглуулгатай. Манай төрөлжсөн гоо сайхны бүтээгдэхүүн, эфирийн тос, арьс арчилгааны бүтээгдэхүүн болон бусад бүтээгдэхүүнүүд нь өвдөлтийг намдаах, булчингаа тайвшруулах, эрүүл мэндийг сайжруулах цогц шийдлийг өгдөг. Манай гель макси, гель компресс, дулааны наалт гэх мэтийг туршиж үзээрэй. Швейцарийн чанар, функциональ байдал, гоёмсог дизайныг тайвшруулах холимогоор өөгшүүлээрэй. Бидэнтэй дэлгүүр хэсч, сайн сайханд хүрэх аялалаа өнөөдрөөс эхлүүлээрэй.
3m nexcare coldh bio gel flex 23.5 x 11 см thinsulate

3m nexcare coldh bio gel flex 23.5 x 11 см thinsulate

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7413225

3M Nexcare ColdHot Therapy Pack Gel Flexible Thinsulate, 23.5 cm x 11 cm Nexcare? ColdHot Therapy Pack Flexible is intended for superficial application of cold or heat. Cold helps reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. Heat reduces pain, soothes and relaxes. The gel is non-toxic and safe for the whole family. The natural therapeutic power of heat and cold. The compress is suitable for the supply of heat and cold and is a practical solution for those who prefer natural therapy without medication. Can be chilled in the freezer or refrigerator. Can be heated in hot water or in the microwave. Distribute the heat evenly by kneading! Always place the gel pad in the protective pouch provided or wrap it in a clean towel before placing it on the skin. Place a compress on the affected area as long as it feels comfortable. Once the gel pack has reached room temperature, rewarm. The protective cover provided with the gel pack makes it easy, comfortable and safe to use on the skin. Use cold for a sprained ankle, strained muscles on legs/arms after sports activities, contusion swelling e.g. B. on the knee and ligament strains. Use the heated product for muscle spasms in the arm/hand caused by repetitive movements, e.g. B. caused by playing tennis or golf, knee or general leg muscle tension and arthritis / rheumatoid arthritis (without acute inflammation) such. B. for wrist osteoarthritis.BENEFITS: - Natural therapy without medication- Cold helps to relieve swelling, inflammation and pain. - Heat reduces pain, soothes and relaxes.- Reusable gel pack with non-toxic gel - safe for the whole family.- Contains no natural rubber latex- Includes protective cover and strap with Thinsulate? fabric for hands-free use- Eco-friendly - made with 99% biodegradable gel- Natural pain relief: The blue gel is non-toxic and safe for the skin. The product is 99.9% biodegradable and therefore particularly environmentally friendly.- Dimensions: approx. 235 mm x 110 mm This product is CE marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

30.54 USD

3m nexcare coldhot bio gel mini

3m nexcare coldhot bio gel mini

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5889509

Which packs are available? 3M Nexcare Coldhot Bio Gel Mini ..

29.15 USD

3m nexcare coldhot happy kids 12 х 11 см 2 ширхэг

3m nexcare coldhot happy kids 12 х 11 см 2 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7467422

The reusable ColdHot Happy Kids gel compresses from Nexcare can be used both cold and warm. It uses the natural power of cold and warmth and uses it as an alternative therapy.As a heat compress, it helps to relieve muscle spasms, relieve pain, soothe and relax.As a cold compress, it helps Relief of pain, inflammation and swelling.A protective cover is supplied with the gel compresses, which ensures safety and enables easy and comfortable use.The gel contained is non-toxic and 99% of the time biodegradable (99% of the active ingredients are according to 84/449 / EEC). This makes it particularly environmentally friendly and safe for the whole family.ApplicationCold therapy :Use for: toothache, acute injuries (bruises, sprains, small bumps), nosebleeds, swelling after infections or insect bites, fever (not intended to lower body temperature).Keep the gel compress in the refrigerator or freezer so that it is always ready to use. It must be refrigerated or frozen (in the refrigerator or freezer) for more than 2 hours before the compress can be used.Always use the gel compress with the protective cover provided or in a towel when you place the compress on the skin.Do not use the compress for more than 20 minutes to avoid burns and frostbite. Wait 20 minutes before using again, meanwhile put again in the refrigerator or freezer.Heat therapy:Use for: Growing pains, stomach pains (only due to tense muscles), warming the hands.Water bath:Boil water and remove from the heat source. Put the gel compress in the water for 60 seconds and then carefully remove it from the hot water. Knead the compress to distribute the heat evenly.Microwave:Place the gel compress flat in the microwave for 20 seconds at 640 W and then carefully remove it from the microwave. Knead the compress to distribute the heat evenly.Always use the gel compress with the enclosed protective cover or in a towel when you place the compress on the skin. If the compress is too hot, let it cool down before use.The compresses can be washed by hand with mild soap.No alcohol or use other solvents for cleaning.ColdHot Happy Kids gel compresses can be disposed of with normal household waste.NoteFor external use only.Discontinue use if you experience discomfort.If discomfort or discomfort persists Consult a doctor.Do not use on injured or sensitive skin areas.People who are known or suspected of having nervous or circulatory problems should only use these compresses Use with a doctor's prescription.Use on children or people with intellectual disabilities only under supervision.ColdHot Happy Kids gel compress not to be used as a toy ends.Never heat the compress if it is folded, kinked or frozen. This can lead to leakage.Damage to the compresses due to overheating.Do not heat in the oven or grill.Do not sit on the gel compress, lean against it or excessively Apply pressure as this can cause damage and / or leakage. Do not use while sleeping.Check the tightness before use.Never use damaged compresses. Discard if leaks.Use caution to avoid frostbite or damage to the nerves.The heat can cause local burns due to its analgesic effect.?Which packs are available?3M Nexcare coldhot Happy Kids 12 x 11cm 2 pcs?????..

28.74 USD

3m nexcare coldhot therapy pack gel maxi 20 x 30 см

3m nexcare coldhot therapy pack gel maxi 20 x 30 см

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7413194

Nexcare? ColdHot Therapy Pack Maxi, 20 cm x 30 cm Nexcare? ColdHot Therapy Pack Maxi is intended for superficial application of cold or heat. Cold helps reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. Heat reduces pain, soothes and relaxes. The gel is non-toxic and safe for the whole family. The natural therapeutic power of heat and cold. The compress is suitable for the supply of heat and cold and is a practical solution for those who prefer natural therapy without medication. Can be chilled in the freezer or refrigerator. Can be heated in hot water or in the microwave. Distribute the heat evenly by kneading! Always place the gel pad in the protective pouch provided or wrap it in a clean towel before placing it on the skin. Place a compress on the affected area as long as it feels comfortable. Once the gel pack has reached room temperature, rewarm. The protective cover provided with the gel pack makes it easy, comfortable and safe to use on the skin. Use cold for swelling from bruises/injuries (major leg bruises e.g. thigh) and acute injuries (bruises, sprains, small bumps). Use the heated product for lower back pain, e.g. B. during pregnancy, menstrual pain or abdominal pain (only if this is due to muscle tension) as well as chronic pain in the musculoskeletal system as a result of previous bruises or a general feeling of cold (use as a hot water bottle).? Natural therapy without medication- Cold helps reduce swelling, inflammation and pain.- Heat reduces pain, soothes and relaxes.- Reusable gel pack with non-toxic gel - safe for the whole family.- Contains no natural rubber latex- Eco-friendly - made with 99% biodegradable gel- Comes with a convenient protective case- Natural pain relief: The blue gel is non-toxic and safe for the skin. The product is 99.9% biodegradable and therefore particularly environmentally friendly.- Dimensions: 30 x 20 cm This product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

51.70 USD

3m nexcare coldhot эмчилгээний багц s/m rückengurt

3m nexcare coldhot эмчилгээний багц s/m rückengurt

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7843813

3M Nexcare ColdHot Therapy Pack S/M Rückengurt The 3M Nexcare ColdHot Therapy Pack S/M Rückengurt is designed to provide fast relief from pain and discomfort associated with muscle strains, sprains, arthritis, and other types of injuries. This product is a must-have for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone who wants to recover from an injury quickly. Features and Benefits Comes with a reusable therapy pack that can be used for cold or hot therapy, depending on your needs The therapy pack is made of high-quality materials that are soft, flexible, and comfortable to wear The S/M Rückengurt is designed to fit most people and is adjustable for a custom fit The therapy pack can be heated in the microwave or immersed in hot water for hot therapy, or placed in the freezer for cold therapy Provides fast relief from pain and discomfort How to Use For cold therapy, place the therapy pack in the freezer for at least 2 hours before use. For hot therapy, heat the therapy pack in the microwave or in hot water according to the instructions on the packaging. Place the therapy pack in the S/M Rückengurt and adjust the straps for a comfortable and secure fit. Apply the therapy pack to the affected area for 20 minutes at a time, and repeat as necessary. Conclusion The 3M Nexcare ColdHot Therapy Pack S/M Rückengurt is an effective and versatile product that can help you recover from injuries quickly and reduce pain and discomfort. With its easy-to-use design and high-quality materials, this product is an excellent investment for anyone who wants to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle...

76.97 USD

3m nexcare coldhot эмчилгээний багц гель тав тухтай термоиндикатор 26x1

3m nexcare coldhot эмчилгээний багц гель тав тухтай термоиндикатор 26x1

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7749312

3M Nexcare ColdHot эмчилгээний савлагаатай гель ая тухтай байдлын термоиндикаторыг ашиглан түргэн тусламж, тав тухыг мэдрээрэй. Энэхүү олон талт эмчилгээний багц нь янз бүрийн өвдөлт, өвдөлт, гэмтлийг эдгээх, тайвшруулах үр дүнтэй хүйтэн эсвэл дулаан эмчилгээ хийх зориулалттай. 26x1 инч хэмжээтэй энэ нь биеийн янз бүрийн хэсэгт зорилтот хэрэглээнд зориулсан өргөн хүрээг хамардаг. Thermoindicator-ийн шинэлэг шинж чанар нь температурыг хянах, аюулгүй, оновчтой эмчилгээний хэрэглээг хангахад тусалдаг. Хүйтэн эмчилгээний тусламжтайгаар хавдар, үрэвслийг багасгах эсвэл дулааны эмчилгээний тусламжтайгаар булчингийн хурцадмал байдлыг намдааж, цусны эргэлтийг сайжруулах шаардлагатай эсэхээс үл хамааран энэхүү багц нь таны эрүүл мэндийн тусламж үйлчилгээний найдвартай хамтрагч болно. Анхны тусламжийн иж бүрдэл, спортын гэмтэл, мэс заслын дараах эдгэрэлт, өдөр тутмын тав тухыг арчлахад нэн тохиромжтой 3M Nexcare ColdHot эмчилгээний багц гель нь таны эрүүл мэндийн дэглэмд үнэ цэнэтэй нэмэлт юм. Энэхүү тохиромжтой бөгөөд үр дүнтэй шийдлээр температурын эмчилгээний хүчийг мэдрээрэй...

29.23 USD

3m nexcare дулааны нөхөөс 9.5 х 13 см 5 ширхэг

3m nexcare дулааны нөхөөс 9.5 х 13 см 5 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6518264

Which packs are available? 3M Nexcare Heat Patch 9.5 x 13 cm 5 pcs ..

29.25 USD

Himmelgruen traubenkernkissen 18x14cm хонь

Himmelgruen traubenkernkissen 18x14cm хонь

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6672338

Himmelgruen Traubenkernkissen 18х14см хонины шинж чанарБагцанд байгаа хэмжээ: 1шЖин: 429г Урт: 29мм Өргөн : 219мм Өндөр: 122мм Швейцараас Himmelgruen Traubenkernkissen 18x14cm хонийг онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

28.09 USD

Puressentiel® наалт дулаацуулах 14 чухал тос 3 ширхэг

Puressentiel® наалт дулаацуулах 14 чухал тос 3 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5924594

Puressentiel® наалт дулаацуулах шинж чанар 14 эфирийн тос 3шХадгалах температур мин/макс 15/25 хэмБагц дахь хэмжээ: 3 ширхэг >Жин: 45г Урт: 20мм Өргөн: 135мм Өндөр: 195мм Puressentiel® patch warming 14 эфирийн тос худалдаж аваарай 3 Швейцараас онлайнаар ширхэг..

30.67 USD

Similasan blephacura халуун хүйтэн маск

Similasan blephacura халуун хүйтэн маск

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5796216

Properties Heating: mask for about 6 minutes in about 38-45°C warm water; (not boiling water). Chill: Place mask in refrigerator for 60 minutes or more, or freezer for 15 minutes for quick chilling. When putting it on, place a moistened compress/cotton pad between the skin of the face/eyelid and the mask to avoid direct skin contact. (frostbite/ burns) Properties Heating: Mask for approx. 6 minutes in approx. 38-45°C warm water; (not boiling water). Chill: Place mask in refrigerator for 60 minutes or more, or freezer for 15 minutes for quick chilling. When putting it on, place a moistened compress/cotton pad between the skin of the face/eyelid and the mask to avoid direct skin contact. (frostbite/ burns) ..

23.14 USD

Thermacare® хүзүү мөрний түшлэг 9 ширхэг

Thermacare® хүзүү мөрний түшлэг 9 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6692878

The ThermaCare Neck, Shoulder and Arm Rest with 9 pads, which are specially tailored for these areas, helps to relieve tension in the neck, shoulder and arm. All ThermaCare patches contain natural ingredients that react with air to produce heat (when the airtight packaging is opened). The self-heating plaster can be used for chronic and occasional pain caused by muscle tension, strains or arthritis. After a half-hour warm-up time, the patch warms the affected area reliably for 12 hours at around 40 degrees, all the way down. The warmth improves the blood supply to the muscle and provides it with sufficient nutrients, thus relieving tension and cramps. The plaster contains no medicines and is odorless. Deep heat relieves tensionHeats for 12 hoursWithout medicinal substancesOdourlessThin, inconspicuous under clothing Application As neededThe patch should be worn continuously for at least 3 hours and up to 12 hours for ideal effect. Instructions Do not open airtight packaging until shortly before useFrom the age of about 55, wear the patch over thin clothing and not while sleeping.Do not combine the patch with liniment, other patches or other sources of heat. Use only on healthy, intact skin.Do not use on bruises or swelling.In the presence of diabetes, circulatory disorders, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis or during pregnancy, consult a doctor before use. Ingredients Iron powder, salt, activated charcoal and water. ..

83.68 USD

Thermacare® өвдөлт ихтэй хэсэг 2 ширхэг

Thermacare® өвдөлт ихтэй хэсэг 2 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6774292

Thanks to its special shape, the ThermaCare heat plaster for flexible use XL can be used individually on larger affected areas. All ThermaCare patches contain natural ingredients that react with air and generate heat (when the airtight packaging is opened). The self-heating plaster can be used for chronic and occasional pain caused by muscle tension, strains or arthrosis. After a half-hour warm-up time, the patch warms the affected area reliably for 8 hours at around 40 degrees, deep down. The warmth improves blood circulation in the muscles and supplies them with sufficient nutrients, thereby relieving tension and cramps. The plaster does not contain any medicinal substances and is odourless. Deep heat relieves tensionWarms for 8 hoursWithout medicinal substancesOdorlessThin, inconspicuous under clothing Application As requiredThe plaster should be left on for at least 3 hours worn continuously and for an ideal effect of up to 8 hours. Notes Only open the airtight packaging just before useFrom the age of approx. 55 wear the plaster over thin clothing and not while sleeping.Do not combine the plaster with liniments, other plasters or other heat sources.Use only on healthy, intact skin.Do not use on bruises or swelling.If you have diabetes, circulatory disorders, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis or are pregnant, you should consult your doctor before use. Ingredients Iron powder, salt, activated charcoal and water..

27.11 USD

Tummzy эрэгтэй pflaster 10x13cm selbstwärm nat

Tummzy эрэгтэй pflaster 10x13cm selbstwärm nat

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7778416

Composition Iron, Activated Carbon, Water. Properties Donate by up to 12 hours of fast and long-lasting deep heat for menstrual cramps. Application Apply the heat patch with the adhesive side to the clothing over the painful area. Do not stick directly to skin. Composition Iron , activated charcoal, water. Properties Provides fast and long-lasting deep heat for menstrual cramps for up to 12 hours. Application Apply the heat patch with the adhesive side to the clothing over the painful area. Do not stick directly to the skin.This product is CE marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

37.84 USD

Warmies minis дулаан зөөлөн тоглоом оцон шувууны хүүхдийн лаванда цэцгийн дүүргэлт

Warmies minis дулаан зөөлөн тоглоом оцон шувууны хүүхдийн лаванда цэцгийн дүүргэлт

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7447856

Warmies Minis-ийн шинж чанар Халуун зөөлөн тоглоом оцон шувууны хүүхэд Лаванда цэцгийн дүүргэлтЕвропын CE гэрчилгээтэйБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1шЖин: 240гр p>Урт: 220мм Өргөн: 100мм Өндөр: 170мм Швейцарь улсаас Warmies Minis дулаан зөөлөн тоглоом оцон шувууны лаванда цэцгийн дүүргэлтийг онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай. p>..

34.97 USD

бар бальзам эмийн хагалах 10х14см 3 ширхэг

бар бальзам эмийн хагалах 10х14см 3 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 3036375

Барын бальзамын шинж чанар Эмийн хагалах 10х14см 3шЕвроп CE гэрчилгээтэйХадгалах температур мин/макс 15/25 хэмБаглаа боодлын хэмжээ : 3 ширхэгЖин: 0.00000000г Урт: 0мм Өргөн: 0мм Өндөр: 0мм Швейцараас 10х14см хэмжээтэй 3 ширхэг Tiger гаварыг онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

15.78 USD

1-с 15 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 15
(1 Хуудас)
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