
Хүүхдийн шүдний сойз

1-с 17 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 17
(1 Хуудас)
Beeovita дахь манай хүүхдийн шүдний сойзоор хүүхдийнхээ шүдний эрүүл мэндийг баталгаажуулаарай. Бид хүүхдүүдэд тусгайлан зориулсан төрөл бүрийн шүдний сойзоор хангадаг бөгөөд энэ нь нарийн боловч зөөлөн цэвэрлэх боломжийг олгодог. Манай бүтээгдэхүүний төрөлд нялх, бага насны хүүхдэд тохиромжтой зөөлөн шүдний сойз, цахилгаан шүдний сойз, GUM Kids Zahnbürste зэрэг алдартай брэндүүд багтсан болно. Манай хүүхдийн шүдний сойз нь 0-4 насны бүх насныханд зориулагдсан тул таны хүүхдийн амны хөндийн эрүүл ахуйг сахихад тусална. Шүдний завсрын цэвэрлэгээ, арын араа шүд зэрэг тодорхой хэсэгт анхаарлаа төвлөрүүлж, бяцхан үрсдээ цэвэрхэн, эрүүл инээмсэглэхэд хялбар шүдний сойз бий. Хүүхдийн амны хөндийн арчилгааны бүх хэрэгцээг сайтаас худалдаж аваарай.
6 настай хүүхдийн oral-b гарын авлагын шүдний сойз

6 настай хүүхдийн oral-b гарын авлагын шүдний сойз

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7758035

6 настай хүүхдийн Oral-B гарын авлагын шүдний сойз Амны хөндийн эрүүл ахуй, ялангуяа хүүхдэд чухал ач холбогдолтой. Хүүхдэдээ Oral-B Manual Toothbrush Junior-г танилцуулж, шүдээ угаахыг хөгжилтэй болго. Шүдний сойз нь 6 наснаас эхлэн хүүхдэд тохиромжтой. Онцлогууд ба давуу талууд Шүдний сойз нь жижиг ам, гарт зориулагдсан тул хүүхдэд хэрэглэхэд хялбар болгодог Үслэг нь зөөлөн бөгөөд зөөлөн тул самнахад эвтэйхэн Үс нь мөн олон түвшний тул шүд, буйлны цэвэрлэгээг бүрэн хангадаг Шүдний сойз нь гулсдаггүй бариултай тул таны хүүхдийг угааж байхдаа найдвартай атгах боломжтой Шүдний сойз нь янз бүрийн өнгө, загвартай тул хүүхдийн сонирхлыг татдаг Хэрэглээ Oral-B Manual Toothbrush Junior хэрэглэхийн тулд вандуйны хэмжээтэй шүдний оо түрхээд хүүхдийнхээ шүдийг дугуй хөдөлгөөнөөр угаана. Хүүхдээ өдөрт хоёр удаа, бүр хоёр минутын турш угаахыг дэмж. Шүдний сойзоо гурван сар тутамд эсвэл үс нь сэвэрсэн үед солихоо бүү мартаарай. Арчилгаа, засвар үйлчилгээ Хэрэглэх бүрийн дараа сойзоо усаар зайлж, илүүдэл чийгийг сэгсэрнэ. Шүдний сойзыг агаарт хатаахын тулд босоо байрлалд хадгална. Шүдний сойзыг таглаж болохгүй, эсвэл битүү саванд хийж болохгүй, учир нь энэ нь бактерийн өсөлтийг өдөөж болно. Дүгнэлт Oral-B Manual Toothbrush Junior ашиглан хүүхдийнхээ амны хөндийн эрүүл мэндэд хөрөнгө оруулаарай. Энэ нь таны хүүхдэд насан туршдаа авч явах амны хөндийн эрүүл ахуйн зөв дадал зуршлыг бий болгох гайхалтай арга юм. Өнөөдөр өөрийнхийгөө захиалаарай! ..

8.72 USD

Curaprox ck 4260 супер зөөлөн хүүхдийн шүдний сойз

Curaprox ck 4260 супер зөөлөн хүүхдийн шүдний сойз

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7774392

Toothbrush for children 0-4 years old Properties Right from the start.The cuddly toy among toothbrushes: Unbelievably fine filaments make the difference: the brush head removes plaque as thoroughly as it is densely populated. Gentle and efficient.Now every child looks forward to brushing their teeth, even with the first tooth: The bristles ? very fine and with a lot of Curen® filaments ? are so gentle that there is no risk of injuring the delicate oral mucosa. With stand and rubberized brush head. Effective and incredibly gentle: This toothbrush for babies and toddlers is the cuddly toy among toothbrushes. Developed by Prof. Dr. medical dent. Adrian Lussi, this toothbrush is perfectly thought out. The round handle helps to get the right grip on the brush right from the start and to avoid pressure. Also pleasant for adult hands. Extra-fine Curen® bristles caress your teeth: only 0.09 mm in diameterThe rubberized brush head protects the oral mucosa: injuries are impossible With maximum cleaning efficiency: 4260 Curen® bristles form a gentle, extremely effective surfaceLets you enjoy brushing your teeth: when brushing your teeth is so gentle, it's not brushing your teeth at all The cuddly toy among toothbrushes: biofunctional and therefore naturally conducive to growth Free from harmful substances such as bisphenol A (BPA), phthalates or azo dyes, completely harmless. p> Application For children: 0-4 years old. ..

8.75 USD

Curaprox хүүхдийн багц gr0 ягаан

Curaprox хүүхдийн багц gr0 ягаан

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7850477

CURAPROX Baby Set Gr0 pink The CURAPROX Baby Set Gr0 pink is a fantastic dental care set designed specifically for young children. It is specially designed to teach children proper dental hygiene habits at an early age, making it an essential tool for parents who want to ensure their child's good dental health. Key Features Gently cleans baby's teeth and gums Made from extra-soft bristles Comes with an ergonomically designed handle for easy use Includes a training toothbrush to teach children to brush their teeth The CURAPROX Baby Set Gr0 pink includes a baby toothbrush, training toothbrush, and a toothpaste. The baby toothbrush is designed for infants and features soft bristles that gently clean your baby's teeth and gums. The training toothbrush is perfect for teaching young children to brush their teeth properly. It is fitted with extra-soft bristles to protect your child's sensitive teeth and gums. The toothpaste is specially formulated for young children and comes in a mild, pleasant flavor. It contains fluoride to help prevent tooth decay and is safe for children to use. The set comes with an ergonomically designed handle that makes it easy for parents to use, even when brushing their child's teeth. The Benefits of Using the CURAPROX Baby Set Gr0 pink By introducing your child to the CURAPROX Baby Set Gr0 pink at an early age, you can help them develop healthy dental hygiene habits that will stay with them for life. Regular brushing with the gentle bristles will remove food particles and prevent plaque buildup, reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. The CURAPROX Baby Set Gr0 pink is also an excellent way to bond with your child. You can make brushing a fun and enjoyable experience by singing songs, telling stories, or playing games while they brush their teeth. The CURAPROX Baby Set Gr0 pink is a must-have for parents who want to ensure their child's dental health. It is safe, effective, and easy to use, making it the perfect dental hygiene tool for young children...

55.11 USD

Curaprox хүүхдүүд schulzahnbürste тусгай хэвлэл

Curaprox хүүхдүүд schulzahnbürste тусгай хэвлэл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7773672

Curaprox Хүүхдийн сургуулийн шүдний сойз тусгай хувилбарын онцлогХадгалах температур мин/макс 15/25 хэмБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1 ширхэгЖин: 52г Урт: 22мм Өргөн: 59мм Өндөр: 224мм Швейцараас Curaprox хүүхдийн сургуулийн шүдний сойз тусгай хувилбарыг онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай p>..

18.54 USD

Curaprox хүүхдүүд zahnbürste

Curaprox хүүхдүүд zahnbürste

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7773671

Curaprox Kids Zahnbürste The Curaprox Kids Zahnbürste is the perfect toothbrush for your child's delicate teeth and gums. Designed specifically for children aged 2-6, it features soft bristles that gently and effectively clean away plaque and food particles while being gentle on tender gums. The small head size and comfortable grip make brushing easy for small hands. Features: Soft bristles that are gentle on teeth and gums. Small head size that is perfect for small mouths. Bright, fun colors that your child will love. Comfortable grip that makes brushing easy for small hands. Affordable price that parents will appreciate. Why choose Curaprox Kids Zahnbürste? Oral hygiene is important for children just as it is for adults. It's crucial for children to learn good oral hygiene habits from a young age, and the Curaprox Kids Zahnbürste is the perfect tool to help them do just that. The soft bristles ensure that your child's teeth and gums are properly cleaned, while the small head size and comfortable grip make brushing easy and comfortable for little hands. Plus, the bright, fun colors will make brushing more enjoyable for your child, encouraging them to develop healthy dental habits that will last a lifetime. ..

8.72 USD

Elmex junior шүдний сойз (6-12)

Elmex junior шүдний сойз (6-12)

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4725384

? Especially for children aged 6-12 years ? Soft, rounded bristles clean the teeth thoroughly and gently ? Higher X-bristles clean far into the interdental spaces ? Small brush head especially for cleaning the back molars ? Ergonomically shaped handle Features The elmex Junior children's toothbrush was developed for the care of permanent teeth. The children's toothbrush has specially developed bristles to gently clean the teeth, including in between the teeth. The small brush head of the children's toothbrush also makes it easier to brush the back teeth - for a healthy smile.The variant that you receive with your order may vary and is not freely selectable. Application Dental professionals recommend replacing the toothbrush every 3 months and after infectious diseases, as well as after wear and tear. Notes Not suitable for children under 3 years of age. Children under 8 years only use under supervision. DO NOT CHEW OR BIT. Use only for brushing teeth. Do not use as a toy. Composition ..

7.69 USD

Elmex хүүхдийн шүдний сойз (2-6 нас)

Elmex хүүхдийн шүдний сойз (2-6 нас)

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4725378

? Small brush head ? Ergonomically shaped handle ? Soft, rounded bristles ? Dosing aid thanks to blue bristle field ? Playful learning of brushing your teeth ? Special for children aged 2-6 years Properties The elmex children's toothbrush helps children learn how to care for their teeth. Soft bristles, dosing aid, handle with suction cup and integrated guide lines help you brush your teeth thoroughly.The version you receive with your order may vary and cannot be freely selected. Application Dental professionals recommend replacing the toothbrush every 3 months and after infectious diseases, as well as after wear and tear. Notes Not suitable for children under 2 years of age. Children under 8 years only use under supervision. DO NOT CHEW OR BIT. Use only for brushing teeth. Do not use as a toy. Composition ..

7.69 USD

Elmex шүдний сойз (0-2 нас)

Elmex шүдний сойз (0-2 нас)

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4725355

? Small, softly coated brush head ? Soft, rounded bristles ? Specially developed for children's hands and for parents to brush their teeth ? Learning to brush teeth in a playful way ? Gentle cleaning and care of the first teeth ? Carries protection for milk teeth Properties The elmex learning Toothbrush 0-2 years has been specially developed for the gentle cleaning and care of the first teeth. The small brush head is especially suitable for small children. The blue bristle field makes it easier to dose the pea-sized amount of children's toothpaste. Soft, rounded bristles ensure gentle cleaning of milk teeth. The handle is ergonomically shaped and specially developed for children's hands and for parents to brush their teeth. Comes with a suction cup for easy, fun and upright storage. The variant that you receive with your order may vary and cannot be freely selected. Application Dental specialists recommend replacing the toothbrush every 3 months and after infectious diseases, as well as after wear . Notes Dental professionals recommend replacing the toothbrush every 3 months and after infectious diseases, as well as after wear and tear. Children under the age of 8 should only be used under supervision. DO NOT CHEW OR BIT. Use only for brushing teeth. Do not use as a toy. Composition ..

7.69 USD

Gum kids zahnbürste 2-6 jahre rosa

Gum kids zahnbürste 2-6 jahre rosa

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7823557

GUM Kids Zahnbürste 2-6 Jahre rosa The GUM Kids Zahnbürste in rosa is the perfect toothbrush for children aged 2-6 years. The brush head is designed with small children's mouths in mind, featuring soft bristles that are gentle on teeth and gums while effectively removing plaque and debris. The handle is also specially designed to fit comfortably in small hands and features a non-slip grip, ensuring that children can easily hold and control the brush while brushing. The fun and colorful design also helps to make brushing a more enjoyable experience for kids, encouraging good oral hygiene habits from an early age. GUM Kids Zahnbürste is also designed with safety in mind, with an integrated suction cup base that keeps the brush upright and away from dirty surfaces. It is made with high-quality materials, ensuring its durability and longevity. It is also easy to clean and maintain, making it the perfect choice for parents looking for a long-lasting and effective toothbrush for their children. Ensure your child's oral health and hygiene with GUM Kids Zahnbürste 2-6 Jahre rosa ? the perfect toothbrush for growing smiles!..

9.90 USD

Lactona шүдний сойз нэмэлт зөөлөн 19xs

Lactona шүдний сойз нэмэлт зөөлөн 19xs

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 1374429

Lactona шүдний сойзны шинж чанар нэмэлт зөөлөн 19XSБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1шЖин: 16г Урт: 17мм Өргөн: 183мм Өндөр: 26мм Швейцараас онлайнаар Lactona нэмэлт зөөлөн 19XS шүдний сойз худалдаж аваарай..

8.09 USD

Mam baby's brush zahnbürste 6+ monate

Mam baby's brush zahnbürste 6+ monate

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7626530

Brush your teeth like the big ones! With the MAM Baby's Brush, babies can easily imitate the brushing movements of adults. This is how babies learn how to brush their teeth properly from the start! HANDLE Short and compact handle. Ergonomic shape and non-slip surface. BRISTLES The small, round brush head and soft bristles are perfect for gentle cleaning. SAFETY SHIELD The protective shield holds the Toothbrush at a safe distance from the back of the baby's mouth. Developed in cooperation with medical experts. °BPA/BPS free: All MAM products are made from BPA-free materials. Brush your teeth like the big ones! With the MAM Baby's Brush, babies can easily imitate the brushing movements of adults. This is how babies learn how to brush their teeth properly from the start!HANDLE Short and compact handle. Ergonomic shape and non-slip surface.BRISTLES The small, round brush head and soft bristles are perfect for gentle cleaning.SAFETY SHIELD The protective shield holds the Toothbrush at a safe distance from the back of the baby's mouth.Developed in collaboration with medical experts.°BPA/BPS free: All MAM products are made from BPA-free materials. ..

12.09 USD

Tepe шүдний сойз good mini extra soft

Tepe шүдний сойз good mini extra soft

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7741063

This toothbrush is part of the TePe GOOD? product line, which is made almost entirely of bio-based plastic and is therefore 95% carbon neutral. It is made entirely from sugar cane using green energy. The sustainable GOOD Mini Extra Soft toothbrush is suitable for use from the time you care for your first tooth until you are 3 years old. It has an extra small conical brush head for easy access. The extra soft bristles ensure a particularly gentle and careful cleaning. The small handle provides the best possible hold for children, but also for parents.The neck of the brush can be bent, which allows ergonomic individualisation. For even better handling and cleaning of difficult to reach tooth surfaces...

10.14 USD

Trisa young хүүхдийн шүдний сойз

Trisa young хүүхдийн шүдний сойз

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6868314

Trisa Young хүүхдийн шүдний сойзны онцлогБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1шЖин: 30г Урт: 30мм Өргөн : 40мм Өндөр: 225мм Швейцараас Trisa Young хүүхдийн шүдний сойз онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

5.06 USD

Trisa хүүхдийн шүдний сойз 0-3 насны хүүхдийн

Trisa хүүхдийн шүдний сойз 0-3 насны хүүхдийн

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4421951

Триса хүүхдийн 0-3 насны хүүхдийн шүдний сойзны онцлогБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1шЖин: 30г Урт: 20мм Өргөн: 40мм Өндөр: 220мм Швейцараас Trisa хүүхдийн 0-3 насны Baby шүдний сойз онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

4.86 USD

Trisa хүүхдийн шүдний сойз 3-6 насны хүүхэд

Trisa хүүхдийн шүдний сойз 3-6 насны хүүхэд

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 3653949

3-6 насны Trisa хүүхдийн шүдний сойзны шинж чанарБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1шЖин: 30г Урт: 30мм Өргөн: 40мм Өндөр: 220мм Швейцараас 3-6 настай Trisa Kid хүүхдийн шүдний сойз онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

4.68 USD

Trisa хүүхдийн шүдний сойз kid duo 2 ширхэг

Trisa хүүхдийн шүдний сойз kid duo 2 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5418744

Триса хүүхдийн шүдний сойз Kid Duo-ийн онцлог 2шБагц дахь хэмжээ: 2шЖин: 60г Урт: 20мм Өргөн: 70мм Өндөр: 250мм Швейцараас Trisa хүүхдийн шүдний сойз Kid Duo 2 ширхэгийг онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

7.46 USD

аман-b aufsteckbürsten хүүхдүүд хөлдөөсөн ii 3 stk

аман-b aufsteckbürsten хүүхдүүд хөлдөөсөн ii 3 stk

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 1025719

Oral-B Aufsteckbürsten Kids Frozen II 3 Stk The Oral-B Aufsteckbürsten Kids Frozen II 3 Stk are specially designed to provide effective and gentle cleaning for children?s teeth. These brush heads fit onto Oral-B electric toothbrush handles, providing a fun and easy way to maintain oral hygiene for children. The brush head features soft, rounded bristles that are gentle on sensitive teeth and gums, and the small size makes it easy to maneuver around all areas of the mouth. The Frozen II design is sure to delight kids and motivate them to brush their teeth regularly, promoting healthy habits that will last a lifetime. The pack comes with 3 brush heads, which makes it easy to replace the brush head every 3 months as recommended by dental professionals. The brush heads are also compatible with a range of Oral-B electric toothbrush handles, ensuring that parents can choose the model that best suits their child?s needs. The Oral-B Aufsteckbürsten Kids Frozen II 3 Stk is the perfect addition to any child?s brushing routine. It is effective, gentle, and fun, making it the ideal way to encourage good oral hygiene habits in children...

62.03 USD

1-с 17 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 17
(1 Хуудас)
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