

1-с 5 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 5
(1 Хуудас)
Beeovita дахь эрүүл мэнд, гоо сайхны бүтээгдэхүүнээр кальцийн хүчийг олж мэдээрэй. Бид ясны эрүүл мэндийг дэмжих, ясны сийрэгжилтээс урьдчилан сэргийлэх зорилгоор Кальци болон Магни, Витамин D3 болон бусад ижил төрлийн шим тэжээлт бодисоор шингээсэн олон төрлийн бүтээгдэхүүнийг санал болгож байна. Бидний сонголт бол биеийн арчилгааны болон массажны тос, биеийн сүү, ванны дараах бүтээгдэхүүн, эрүүл мэндийн бүтээгдэхүүнүүд бөгөөд тус бүр нь таны биед өвөрмөц байдлаар тустай. Мөн бид кальциар баяжуулсан хоолны дэглэм ба тураах бүтээгдэхүүнийг санал болгож байна, хоол боловсруулах болон бодисын солилцоо, эрдэс бодис, эрүүл мэнд, хоол тэжээл гэх мэт. Манай CALCIVIT төрөл нь хоол боловсруулах эрхтний нэмэлт бүтээгдэхүүнүүдийн хамт маш сайн курс/хоол тэжээлийн нэмэлт тэжээл болдог. Швейцарийн санал болгож буй хамгийн сайн хоол хүнсээс авахуулаад танд хэрэгтэй бүх шим тэжээлийг нэг дороос өгнө гэдэгт бид итгэдэг.
Allsan суурь эрдэс давс tbl ds 150 ширхэг

Allsan суурь эрдэс давс tbl ds 150 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 2384507

Tablets with basic minerals and spirulina algae, for dietary supplements with magnesium and calcium. Flavored with ginger and cloves. Supports the harmonization of the acid-base balance. Tablets with alkaline minerals and spirulina algae, for dietary supplementation with magnesium and calcium. Flavored with ginger and cloves.The balanced combination of basic minerals in allsan base mineral salt supports the harmonization of the acid-base balance.Application:2 tablets 3 times a day.Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.Composition:Base mineral salts (58% ) (magnesium citrate, potassium carbonate, calcium citrate, calcium carbonate), sweetener (sorbitol), spirulina algae (15%), maltodextrin, spices (ginger and clove powder), anti-caking agent (magnesium stearate). Nutritional information per 6 tablets:Energy 27 kJ / 6 kcalFat 0 gCarbohydrates 0.77 g- of which polyhydric alcohols 0.60 gprotein 0.33 gsalt 0 gcalcium 240 mg / 30% NRV*magnesium 112 mg / 30% NRV*potassium 299 mg / 15% NRV**%NRV: daily reference amount for adultsNotes:Contains sweeteners. Can have a laxative effect if consumed to excess. Store at room temperature and out of the reach of children. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. ..

96.22 USD

Calvit кальци ба витамин d шахмалууд

Calvit кальци ба витамин d шахмалууд

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7798884

CALCIVIT Calcium und Vitamin D Tablet The CALCIVIT Calcium und Vitamin D Tablet is a potent daily supplement designed to support bone health and overall wellness. It contains a combination of essential nutrients, including calcium and vitamin D, which are critical for maintaining strong bones and teeth. Key Features Contains 600mg of calcium, which is essential for developing and maintaining strong bones and teeth. 40 IU of vitamin D to help the body absorb calcium and maintain healthy bone density. Small, easy-to-swallow tablets for convenient daily use. Benefits Calcivit helps ensure that you are getting the essential calcium and vitamin D your body needs to build and maintain strong bones and teeth, which are critical for overall health and wellness. The benefits of taking Calcivit on a regular basis include: Improving bone density and reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Supporting healthy teeth and gums. Enhancing overall wellness and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. How to Use Take one Calcivit tablet daily with a meal. Do not exceed the recommended dose. Calcivit is suitable for adults and children over the age of Consult your healthcare provider before taking this supplement if you are pregnant or nursing. Ingredients Each Calcivit tablet contains: 600mg Calcium 40 IU Vitamin D Microcrystalline cellulose Magnesium stearate Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose Anhydrous colloidal silica Calcivit contains no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives, and is suitable for vegetarians. Conclusion If you are looking for a simple and effective way to support long-term bone health, Calcivit is an ideal supplement. Its unique combination of essential nutrients makes it a powerful tool to help maintain strong bones and teeth, improve overall wellness, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases...

42.75 USD

Naturstein calci/mag plus kaps glasfl 75 stk

Naturstein calci/mag plus kaps glasfl 75 stk

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7798875

Naturstein Calci/Mag plus Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk Naturstein Calci/Mag plus Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk is a dietary supplement made from natural minerals, including calcium, magnesium, and potassium. These essential minerals play a significant role in maintaining strong bones, healthy muscles, and a robust cardiovascular system. The product comes in an easy-to-swallow capsule form housed in a glass bottle containing 75 capsules. The use of a glass bottle ensures that the product's integrity is maintained, and the capsules remain fresh and potent for longer. The Naturstein Calci/Mag plus Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk supplement is formulated to provide the body with the much-needed nutrients to promote optimal health. The calcium and magnesium content help to strengthen bones and teeth, while potassium supports healthy blood pressure and a well-functioning nervous system. This supplement is ideal for individuals who are looking to supplement their daily nutrient intake or those who have an increased need for calcium, magnesium, and potassium due to factors such as age, lifestyle, and diet. With consistent use, Naturstein Calci/Mag plus Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk can provide a range of health benefits, including improved bone and muscle health, better cardiovascular function, and overall wellness. The product is free from artificial additives, making it a safe and natural way to maintain optimal health. Get your bottle of Naturstein Calci/Mag plus Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk today and start your journey towards optimal health! ..

42.25 USD

Padma digestin plus kaps 60 stk

Padma digestin plus kaps 60 stk

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7804186

PADMA DIGESTIN plus нь Төвдийн үндсэн хуулийн дагуу хоол боловсруулахад зориулагдсан кальци агуулсан хүнсний нэмэлт бүтээгдэхүүн юм. Дунд хэсгийг дулаацуулдаг.Өмчийн нэрКальци, ургамал бүхий хүнсний нэмэлт тэжээлБүтэцАнар үр, кальцийн сульфат, бага галангал, капсул бүрхүүл (гидроксипропилметилцеллюлоз), урт чинжүү, кардамон, кассиа > Properties PADMA DIGESTIN plus нь Төвдийн үндсэн хуульд үндэслэсэн кальци агуулсан хүнсний нэмэлт бүтээгдэхүүн юм. Анар жимсний үр, дулаарсан кардамон, шанцай, урт перец, галангал зэргийг нэмсэн. Кальци нь хоол боловсруулах эрхтний ферментийн хэвийн үйл ажиллагаа, энерги ялгаруулах бодисын солилцоог хэвийн болгоход хувь нэмэр оруулдаг.ХэрэглэхШаардлагатай бол 2 капсулаар өдөрт 2?3 удаа ууна. хоол, илүү их бүлээн усаар уух нь дээр. Санал болгож буй өдөр тутмын хэрэглээг хэтрүүлж болохгүй.Шим тэжээлийн үнэ цэнэШим тэжээлийн үнэ цэнэ хэмжээнэг%Хэмжилтийн нарийвчлал Кальци199 мг100 гТэмдэглэлХуурай, гэрлээс хамгаалагдсан газар хадгална. Бага насны хүүхдээс хол байлга.Хүнсний нэмэлт тэжээл нь олон төрлийн, тэнцвэртэй хоолны дэглэмийг орлохгүй бөгөөд энэ нь эрүүл амьдралын хэв маягтай хамт чухал юм. ..

45.46 USD

доктор жейкобын басентаблеттен 250 stk

доктор жейкобын басентаблеттен 250 stk

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5084579

Property name Dietary supplements. Rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and D3, with zinc and silicon. Composition Potassium citrate, calcium citrate, inulin (from chicory), magnesium citrate, magnesium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, separating agent cellulose and magnesium salts of fatty acids (vegetable), acerola extract (1%) , Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Silica, Zinc Citrate, Vitamin D3.. Properties Fruit and vegetables provide valuable organic minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium (in a ratio of about 3:2), but little sodium. Dr. Jacob's base tablets are based on nature's example and consist of nutrients that contribute to the following normal bodily functions: Acid-base metabolism: zinc. Nervous system, muscle function:: potassium, magnesium. Maintenance of bones and teeth:: calcium, magnesium, vitamin D. Maintenance of normal blood pressure: potassium. Reduction of fatigue, energy metabolism: magnesium, vitamin C. Maintenance of skin, hair and nails: zinc. Collagen formation for normal cartilage function: vitamin C. Immune system: zinc, vitamins C and D. Application Swallow 2 × 4 tablets daily with plenty of liquid. Best before end/lot no.: see bottom of can. Nutritional values Nutritional value Quantity per % Measurement accuracy Sodium 5 g 9.6 g Vitamin C 80 mg 9.6 g Potassium 1000 mg 9.6 g Calcium 500 mg 9 .6 g Magnesium 330 mg 9, 6 g Zinc 5 mg 9.6 g Allergens Contains div> Contains no allergens that must be declared Notes Store the can in a dry place and keep the lid closed. Only use after medical advice in the case of (medication-related) disorders of the potassium balance, hyperkalemia, alkalosis or kidney failure. The full daily dose (8 tablets) is suitable for people aged 15 and over. The specified recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of reach of children. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied, balanced diet. Included drying element not suitable for consumption. Property name Food supplements. Rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and D3, with zinc and silicon. Composition Potassium citrate, calcium citrate, inulin (from chicory), magnesium citrate, magnesium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, separating agent cellulose and magnesium salts of fatty acids (vegetable), acerola extract (1%) , Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Silica, Zinc Citrate, Vitamin D3.. Properties Fruit and vegetables provide valuable organic minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium (in a ratio of about 3:2), but little sodium. Dr. Jacob's base tablets are based on nature's example and consist of nutrients that contribute to the following normal bodily functions: Acid-base metabolism: zinc. Nervous system, muscle function:: potassium, magnesium. Maintenance of bones and teeth:: calcium, magnesium, vitamin D. Maintenance of normal blood pressure: potassium. Reduction of fatigue, energy metabolism: magnesium, vitamin C. Maintenance of skin, hair and nails: zinc. Collagen formation for normal cartilage function: vitamin C. Immune system: zinc, vitamins C and D. Application Swallow 2 × 4 tablets daily with plenty of liquid. Best before end/lot no.: see bottom of can. Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper%Measurement accuracy Sodium5 g9.6 gVitamin C80 mg9.6 gPotassium1000 mg 9.6 gCalcium500 mg9 .6 gMagnesium330 mg9, 6 gZinc5 mg9.6 g Allergens Contains div>Contains no allergens that must be declared Notes Store the can in a dry place and keep the lid closed. Only use after medical advice in the case of (medication-related) disorders of the potassium balance, hyperkalemia, alkalosis or kidney failure. The full daily dose (8 tablets) is suitable for people aged 15 and over. The specified recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of reach of children. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied, balanced diet. Included drying element not suitable for consumption. ..

57.78 USD

1-с 5 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 5
(1 Хуудас)
Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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