
нэг удаагийн усанд сэлэх живх

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Нэг удаагийн усанд сэлэх живх нь усны үйл ажиллагаанд бага зэрэг тав тухтай байлгахын тулд эцэг эхчүүдэд тааламжтай байх шаардлагатай. Усан бассейн, усан сан, усан паркт ашиглахад зориулагдсан бөгөөд эдгээр живх нь хүүхдүүдийг асааж, хүүхдүүдийн цацраг, тоглоход хүргэдэг. Бяцхан усан сэлэлтийн бяцхан сэлэгч живх 2-3, тохиромжтой боодол 12-ыг ашиглах боломжтой, тохиромжтой 12 сэлэлтийн живхийг илтгэнэ. Эдгээр живх нь таны хүүхдэд халалтад хавагнахаас сэргийлдэг өндөр чанартай материалуудаас үүсдэг. Хөгжилтэй, өнгөлөг дизайн бүхий эдгээр сэлэлтийн живхийг хүүхдүүдэд хайрлаж, усан санг цэвэрлэж, цэвэр, хуурай байлгахыг санал болгодог. Зуны гаднах аяллуудаас хамааралтай, найдвартай сэлэлтийн живхтэй харьцуулахад бага зэрэг усанд сэлэгчдийг тэвэрдэг.
Huggies little swimmers живх gr2-3 12 ширхэг

Huggies little swimmers живх gr2-3 12 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5536136

Huggies Little Swimmers Diaper Gr2-3 12 Pcs Make your child's pool time more comfortable with the Huggies Little Swimmers Diaper. This unique diaper is designed for use in the water to keep your child protected and comfortable, while also preventing any embarrassing accidents from occurring while swimming or playing in the pool. These Little Swimmers Diapers come in size two to three, and come in a pack of 12, making them perfect for all your summer outings or trips to the water park. The unique design ensures that the diaper stays securely in place, even when your child is swimming and playing in the water. The Little Swimmers Diapers are made using high-quality materials that won't swell or become heavy in the water, ensuring that your child stays comfortable and protected throughout their swim. These diapers are specially designed to offer leak protection, keeping the pool and surrounding area clean and dry. Thanks to their fun and colorful designs, these Huggies Little Swimmers Diapers are sure to be a hit with kids of all ages. Whether your child is just learning to swim or is already an experienced swimmer, these Little Swimmers Diapers will help make their pool time more enjoyable and comfortable. Trust the Huggies brand to provide your child with the best possible protection and comfort while swimming or playing in the water. Order your Little Swimmers Diapers today and get ready for a fun-filled summer full of pool time adventures. ..

22.72 USD

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