
difrax nuggi

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Difrax Nuggi Байгалийн 6 + M силикон Пакерс бол зургаагаас есөн сарын туршид тэдний байгалийн хөгжлийг дэмжих хамгийн тохиромжтой сонголт юм. Өндөр чанартай силиконоос хийсэн, энэ нь хөхүүлдэг, ортодонтик хөхний хэлбэртэй, өв залгамжлалаас болж төгс төгөлдөр юм. Түүний өвөрмөц загвар нь зөвхөн эрүүл шүдний болон амны өсөлтийг дэмждэггүй боловч арьсны цочролыг багасгахын тулд жижиг агаарын нүхтэй, мөн жижиг агаарын нүхтэй тайвшруулдаг. Эцэг нь эцэг эх нь түүнийг цэвэрлэх, ариутгахад хялбар, хортой бодисуудаас ангид байдаг. Дифракс Нагери байгалийн Пакерс нялх хүүхдүүдийг тайвшруулж, шинэ эцэг эхчүүдэд зориулсан бодлын үр дүнг эерэг санал хүлээж авсан.
Difrax nuggi natural 6 + m силикон

Difrax nuggi natural 6 + m силикон

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5576348

Experience the Difrax Nuggi Natural 6 + M Silicone The Difrax Nuggi Natural 6 + M Silicone is a natural-looking pacifier that is specifically designed to meet the needs of babies between the ages of six and nine months. Made from high-quality silicone, this pacifier features a round, orthodontic nipple shape that mimics breastfeeding, making it the perfect choice for babies who are transitioning from nursing to pacifiers. The pacifier's unique shape and design are intended to support a baby's dental and oral development, promoting healthy teeth and gums. The nipple shield is made from a soft and resilient material which can withstand several months of use without losing its shape. The pacifier's design incorporates small air holes, which allow air to circulate freely, minimizing skin irritation and other discomforts that may arise from prolonged use. The Difrax Nuggi Natural 6 + M Silicone pacifier is designed with hygiene in mind. It is easy to clean and sterilize, and its material is safe for use with dishwashers and steam sterilizers. The pacifier is also BPA-free and safe for babies to use without posing any health risks. Parents who have tried this pacifier commend its overall effectiveness in soothing cranky babies, as well as its ease of use and cleaning. It makes a perfect gift for parents who have just welcomed a new baby or who are looking to transition their baby from nursing to using pacifiers. ..

12.11 USD

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