
Нялх хүүхдэд зориулсан сүүний будаа

1-с 1 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 1
(1 Хуудас)
Нярай хүүхдэд зориулсан сүүний будаа нь бяцхан, бага зэргийн өсөлт, хөгжлийг дэмжих зориулалттай тэжээллэг, тохиромжтой хоол юм. 5 сар, Дээрх нялх хүүхдэд зориулсан төгс сонголт, Дээрх Сүүтэй сүү нь органик органик органик органик нь эрч хүчтэй органик, Энэхүү амархан бэлтгэх будаа нь нялх хүүхдэд таалагдах сайхан амттай амтат амтыг санал болгодог. Зүгээр л будааыг халуун усаар холино, мөчид, цаг мөчтэй болоход бэлэн байдаг өтгөн хоолтой. Кальци, витамин, витамин, витамин, А витамин d, and jitamin d-ийг багтаасан. Энэ нь таны хүүхдийн хэрэгцээг хангаж өгдөг. Нэмэгдсэн тиамин (Витамин B1) Мөн эрүүл өсөлтийг дэмждэг. Холле сүү будаа нь зөвхөн амттай биш боловч нялх хүүхдийнхээ эрүүл мэндэд зориулан бүтээсэн. Энэ нь байгалийн гаралтай элсэн чихэр агуулдаг бөгөөд хиймэл нэмэлтийг агуулдаг бөгөөд хиймэл дагуулаас чөлөөлөгдөнө. Үргэлж шинэхэн бэлтгэж, жижигхэн туршлага хуримтлуулахын тулд хамгийн сайн туршлагыг хангахын тулд дулаанаар үйлчил. Та хүүхдээ хатуу хоол хүнсээр аялахдаа аяллаар явж байгаагаа мэдэж байгаадаа сайхан өнгөрүүлээрэй.
Holle будаа spelled bio 250 гр

Holle будаа spelled bio 250 гр

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 3998387

Property name Organic cereal milk porridge for infants from the 5th month Composition Wholemeal SPELLED FLOUR³ 37%, skimmed milk powder* 20%, maltodextrin*, vegetable oils* (palm oil*, sunflower oil*, rapeseed oil*), WHEY PRODUCT* (partially demineralised WHEY POWDER*) 6 %, SWEET WHEY POWDER* 6%, calcium carbonate, vitamin A, vitamin D, thiamine (vitamin B1) * from organic farming ** Demeter (from biodynamic farming) ³an ancient WHEAT SPECIES. Properties If you need something quick, Holle organic milk cereal porridge is ideal: simply prepare it with water and the baby porridge is ready.Spelt has a slightly nutty flavor Taste. contains naturally occurring sugars Application 1. Heat 130 ml of water to approx. 50 °C. 2. Add 6 tbsp (40 g) milk porridge powder. 3. Mix everything well, let the porridge swell briefly and pay attention to the correct serving temperature (37 °C). Bon appetit! Nutritional values Nutritional value Quantity per % Measurement Accuracy Energy 1793 kJ 100 g Approximate value (~ ) Energy 426 kcal 100 g Approximate value (~) tr> Fat 12.9 g 100 g Approximate value (~) tr> Fat, of which saturated fatty acids 4.4 g 100 g Approximate value (~) td> Carbohydrates 61.4 g 100 g Approximate value (~) tr> Carbohydrates, including sugar 21.3 g 100 g Approximate value (~) Protein 14.4 g 100 g Approximate value (~) tr> Salt 0.31 g 100 g Approximate value (~) tr> Calcium 472 mg 100 g Approximate value (~) tr> Thiamine (vitamin B1) 0.70 mg 100 g Approximate value (~) td> Vitamin D 7.1 µg 100 g Approximate value (~) Vitamin A 586 µg 100 g Approximate value (~) Sodium 0.12 g 100 g Approximate value (~) tr> Allergens Contains Spelt and spelled products (cereals containing gluten) Milk and milk products Milk sugar (lactose) Notes Contains gluten For your baby's health, it is important to follow the preparation recommendations . Always prepare the food fresh. Please do not reuse food leftovers and do not heat the porridge in the microwave (risk of overheating). Pay attention to a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle and thorough dental care right from your baby's first tooth. Please store in a dry place and protect from heat. Best before: seebottom embossing. Use up opened sachet within 3 weeks. Property name Organic cereal milk porridge for infants from the 5th month p> Composition Wholemeal SPELLED FLOUR³ 37%, skimmed milk powder* 20%, maltodextrin*, vegetable oils* (palm oil*, sunflower oil*, rapeseed oil*), WHEY PRODUCT* (partially demineralized WHEY POWDER*) 6 %, SWEET WHEY POWDER* 6%, calcium carbonate, vitamin A, vitamin D, thiamine (vitamin B1) * from organic farming ** Demeter (from biodynamic farming) ³an ancient WHEAT SPECIES. Properties If you need something quick, Holle organic milk cereal porridge is ideal: simply prepare it with water and the baby porridge is ready.Spelt has a slightly nutty flavor Taste. contains naturally occurring sugars Application 1. Heat 130 ml of water to approx. 50 °C. 2. Add 6 tbsp (40 g) milk porridge powder. 3. Mix everything well, let the porridge swell briefly and pay attention to the correct serving temperature (37 °C). Bon appetit! Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper%Measurement accuracy Energy1793 kJ100 gApproximate value (~ ) Energy426 kcal100 gApproximate value (~) tr>Fat12.9 g100 gApproximate value (~) tr>Fat, thereof saturated fatty acids4.4 g100 gApproximate value (~) td> Carbohydrates61.4 g100 gApproximate value (~) tr>Carbohydrates, including sugar21.3 g100 gApproximate value (~) Protein14.4 g100 gApproximate value (~) tr>Salt0.31 g100 gApproximate value (~) tr>Calcium472 mg100 gApproximate value (~) tr>Thiamine (vitamin B1)0.70 mg100 gApproximate value (~) td> Vitamin D7.1 µg100 gApproximate value (~) Vitamin A586 µg100 gApproximate value (~) Sodium0.12 g100 gApproximate value (~) tr> Allergens Contains Spelt and spelled products (cereals containing gluten)Milk and milk productsMilk sugar (lactose) Notes Contains gluten For your baby's health, it is important to follow the preparation recommendations . Always prepare the food fresh. Please do not reuse food leftovers and do not heat the porridge in the microwave (risk of overheating). Pay attention to a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle and thorough dental care right from your baby's first tooth. Please store in a dry place and protect from heat. Best before: seebottom embossing. Use up opened sachet within 3 weeks. ..

16.43 USD

1-с 1 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 1
(1 Хуудас)
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