
хар гипс хальс

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Хар гипс тууз гэдэг нь тамирч, үе мөч, булчинг хайж буй найдвартай дэмжлэг, идэвхтэй хүмүүст чухал хэрэгсэл юм. Леназо сонгодог сонгодог хавчаар, 10мx3.75C-ийг хэмжих, хамгийн дээд зэргийн наалдамхай наалдамхай, бат бөх, ус нэвтэрдэггүй шинж чанаруудтай холбоотой байдаг. Амьсгалах боломжтой сүвэрхэг даавуунаас гар урлал, арьсыг чийглэг нөхцөлд байлгахад хүргэдэг. Энэхүү өндөр гүйцэтгэлийн соронзон хальс нь цайрын исэлдсэн хүчийг онцгой наалддаг бөгөөд сагсан бөмбөг, хөл бөмбөг, хөл бөмбөг гэх мэт янз бүрийн спортод ашиглахад тохиромжтой. Та гэмтэл бэртлээс эдгэрч байгаа эсэхээс урьдчилан сэргийлэх, эсвэл нэг нь хар өнгөтэй, хар өнгө нь уралдааны хувьд мэргэжлийн дүр төрхийг л өгдөг боловч мэдрэмтгий арьсны аюулгүй байдлыг хангаж өгдөг. Олон програмын урттай, leukotape сонгодог гипс Сонгодог гипс Сонгодог.
Leukotape сонгодог гипсэн тууз 10мх3.75см хар

Leukotape сонгодог гипсэн тууз 10мх3.75см хар

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5698821

Leukotape Classic Plaster Tape 10mx3.75cm Black The Leukotape Classic Plaster Tape 10mx3.75cm Black is a high-quality athletic tape that has been designed to offer superior adhesion and durability for athletes and active individuals. This tape is made from a porous fabric which allows the skin to breathe, and has a zinc oxide adhesive which provides excellent sticking power even in humid and wet conditions. The tape is also waterproof and can be worn during swimming or showering without losing its adhesive properties. This tape is ideal for use in sports, such as basketball, football, or soccer, where athletes need extra support and protection for their joints and muscles. Whether you are recovering from an injury, or want to prevent one from occurring, this tape can give you the support you need to perform at your best. The black color of the tape provides a sleek and professional look, making it suitable for use during competitions or events. Each roll is 10m in length and 3.75cm in width, providing sufficient coverage for multiple applications. This tape is ideal for taping ankles, knees, shoulders, and other areas of the body that require extra support. It is also hypoallergenic, making it safe for individuals with sensitive skin. In conclusion, the Leukotape Classic Plaster Tape 10mx3.75cm Black is a reliable and durable athletic tape that is designed to offer superior adhesion and support to athletes and active individuals. Its waterproof and breathable properties, along with its black color and hypoallergenic nature, make it an ideal choice for anyone looking for a top-quality athletic tape. So go ahead and order your roll today and experience the difference that Leukotape can make in your athletic performance! ..

18.49 USD

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