
Биотиний капсулууд

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Биотиний капсул нь эрүүл үс, хумсны өсөлтийг сурталчлахад чухал үүрэг гүйцэтгэдэг. Нэг нь өндөр санал болгож буй бүтээгдэхүүн бол Forcapil-ийг Forcapil kaps kaps бөгөөд дотор нь үс, хумсыг тэжээх зориулалттай 180 капсул юм. Капсул бүр нь биотин, бие махбодид, хумс, арьс, арьсны уураг үүсгэдэг амин чухал амин гаралтай витаминыг баяжуулдаг. Салбарил нь цайр, Витамин, Витамин, Витамин, Витамин, бакаминик гэх мэт бусад ашигтай орцыг zincistics-тэй хамт бэхжүүлж, эсвэл хумсыг бэхжүүлэх. Эдгээр капсулыг тогтмол ашиглах нь өсөлт, бүтэц, гялалзаж, гялалзаж, гялалзсан, гялалзсан, эвдрэлээс урьдчилан сэргийлэх болно. Оновчтой үр дүнгийн хувьд өдөр бүр хоёр капсулыг хоолоор авахыг зөвлөж байна. Хэрэв та үс, хумсаа бэхжүүлэх гэж байгаа бол BiotCapil kaps kaps kaps kapcaule-ийг нэмж авч үзье.
Forcapil kaps 180 ширхэг

Forcapil kaps 180 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5883257

Forcapil Kaps 180 pcs Forcapil Kaps is a dietary supplement designed to strengthen and nourish hair and nails from within. It contains a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that work together to promote healthy hair and nail growth. Each pack contains 180 capsules, providing a three-month supply. Key Ingredients Biotin: Also known as vitamin H, biotin plays a key role in promoting healthy hair and nail growth. It helps the body produce keratin, a protein that makes up hair, nails, and skin. Zinc: This essential mineral is involved in many cellular processes, including the growth and repair of tissues. It is important for maintaining strong and healthy hair and nails. Vitamins B5 and B6: These vitamins are important for healthy hair growth and can help prevent hair loss. They also contribute to the production of keratin and collagen, which are essential for healthy hair and nails. L-cystine: An amino acid that is a building block of keratin, L-cystine helps improve hair texture and strength. Benefits of Forcapil Kaps Regular use of Forcapil Kaps can help improve the quality and appearance of hair and nails. The key benefits of this product include: Stimulates hair and nail growth Strengthens hair and nails Improves hair texture and shine Helps prevent hair loss and breakage Improves the overall health of hair and nails Usage Instructions Forcapil Kaps should be taken orally, with water, preferably during a meal. The recommended dose is two capsules per day, taken with breakfast or lunch. It is important to use this product regularly for best results. Note: Forcapil Kaps is a dietary supplement and should not be used as a substitute for a healthy and balanced diet...

117.60 USD

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