
Хүүхдийн усанд сэлэх

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Хүүхдийн усанд сэлэх хувцас өмсөх нь ая тух, хамгаалалт, хамгаалалт нь усанд ордог. Памперс GRAMPS Splaster Splashers Splashers Splashers Splashers Sparders-ийг тусгасан 11 тусгай зориулалттай, бассейн эсвэл далайн эргийн өдрүүдэд хүүхдүүдээ сайхан өнгөрүүлээрэй. Эдгээр сэлэлтийн живх нь идэвхтэй хүүхдүүдэд зориулсан идэвхтэй хүүхдүүдийг идэвхтэй болгож, хөдөлгөөнтэй бүсэлхийн тойрог, хөлний хавчаараар хангаж, хөлөг онгоцоор дамжуулж, тоглоход хүргэдэг. Хос гоожсон харуулууд, памперс гялалзсан нь зугаа цэнгэлийн үйл ажиллагааны үеэр, Нарийхан арьсны эсрэг зөөлөн материалаар хийсэн зөөлөн материалаар хийсэн, эдгээр сэлэлтийн живх нь таны хүүхдийн тайтгарлыг эрэмбэлэх, цочромтгой эсвэл тууралтыг арилгахад санаа зовдог. Тохиромжтой зөөврийн багц нь таны далайн эргийн уутанд нээх, аажмаар хийхэд хялбар байдаг. Хураангуй, Памперс Спрамп Грашверс Гриплерс Гулсарчууд функц, зөөлөн, зөөлөн хослолыг санал болгож, бяцхан хүүхдүүдэд тааламжгүй сонголт хийхэд хамгийн тохиромжтой сонголтууд юм.
Pampers splashers gr4-5 carrying pack 11 pcs

Pampers splashers gr4-5 carrying pack 11 pcs

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7321888

Pampers Splashers Gr4-5 carrying Pack 11 pcs Pampers Splashers Gr4-5 carrying Pack 11 pcs is the perfect choice for parents who don't want to worry about their kids getting their diapers wet while in the water. The diapers are specially designed for use in the water, ensuring that your child can play and have fun without any discomfort. The carrying pack contains 11 splashers, which are designed to fit children in size 4-They feature a unique 360-degree stretchy waistband and leg cuffs, which make it easy for your child to move and play freely in the water. The diapers are also equipped with dual-leak guards that prevent any leaks from occurring, which means there will be no embarrassing accidents while at the pool or beach. One of the best things about Pampers Splashers Gr4-5 carrying Pack 11 pcs is that they are made with soft material, which is gentle against your child's skin. Your child will feel comfortable and cozy in these swim diapers, and you won't have to worry about any irritation or rashes. The carrying pack is easy to open, making it simple to take out a diaper as needed. The compact size of the pack makes it easy to store in your beach bag, and it won't take up too much space. The carrying pack also has a convenient handle, so you can easily carry it with you wherever you go. In conclusion, Pampers Splashers Gr4-5 carrying Pack 11 pcs is an excellent choice for parents who want to ensure that their child is comfortable and protected while in the water. With its unique design, superior leak protection, and soft material, your child will be able to enjoy their time in the water without any worries or discomfort. ..

17.60 USD

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