
Baby Baroque Amber гинж

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Нялх Baroque Amber гинж нь нялх хүүхдэд тусгайлан зориулагдсан загварлаг, функциональ дагалдах хэрэгсэл юм. Энэ ангилалд нэг жишээт үйлдвэрлэсэн бүтээгдэхүүн бол Amberos Naturos BernsteIkette Baboque Counce бөгөөд 100% байгалийн гаралав. Энэхүү үзэсгэлэнтэй загвар зохион бүтээсэн хүзүүний зүүлт нь CONNACE өнгөөрөө гоёмсог зангиа нэмдэггүй боловч нялх хүүхдэд эелдэг зан чанарыг тайвшруулдаг. Гарын авлагын барьцааны хэлбэр нь өмссөн байхдаа тайтгарлыг тайвшруулдаг бөгөөд үүн нь аюулгүй байдлыг хангах үүднээс анхааралтай ажиглагддаг. Amber нь Succinic хүчил, арьсанд ялгарч болох байгалийн гаралтай шинж чанартай байдаг. Зүүлтийг хувцасны дор болгоомжтой өмсөх зориулалттай, энэ нь аюулгүй, тохиромжтой байдлаар хийх зориулалттай. Бэлэг авахад тохиромжтой, энэ нь ихэвчлэн хөөрхөн хайрцагт ирдэг, нялх хүүхэд, төрсөн өдөр гэх мэт тохиолдлуудад төгс байдаг. Нялх хүүхдийнхээ шүдэнд найдвартай, байгалийн уусмалыг эрэлхийлж, нялх хүүхдэд зориулсан байгалийн шийдлийг хайж, ялангуяа Amberos Amberos Amberlace, онцгой сонголт юм.
Amberos natur bernsteinkette baby baroque коньяк

Amberos natur bernsteinkette baby baroque коньяк

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7754535

AMBEROS Natur Bernsteinkette Baby Baroque Cognac AMBEROS Natur Bernsteinkette Baby Baroque Cognac is a beautiful and high-quality necklace that is specially designed for babies. Made with 100% natural Baltic amber beads, this necklace is an excellent choice for parents looking for a reliable, safe, and effective way to soothe their baby's teething discomfort. The necklace is available in a lovely cognac color, making it a stylish accessory for any baby outfit. The amber beads in this necklace have been handcrafted into a classic baroque shape, which not only looks elegant but also ensures that the necklace is comfortable for the baby to wear. The necklace is strung together with a sturdy thread, and each bead is knotted to ensure that the beads do not come off in case the necklace breaks. The amber beads of this necklace contain succinic acid, a natural substance that has been used for centuries as a pain reliever. When worn against the skin, the warmth of the baby's body releases the succinic acid, which is then absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream. This can help to reduce the pain and inflammation associated with teething, and also offer a calming effect to help your baby feel relaxed and comfortable. This necklace is designed to be worn under the baby's clothing, making it safe and comfortable for the baby to wear. It is also easy to put on and take off, and the size of the necklace can be adjusted to suit the baby's neck size. The AMBEROS Natur Bernsteinkette Baby Baroque Cognac is an ideal gift for new parents, and it comes in a lovely gift box that is perfect for special occasions such as baby showers, christenings, or birthdays. In conclusion, if you are looking for a safe, natural, and effective way to soothe your baby's teething discomfort, the AMBEROS Natur Bernsteinkette Baby Baroque Cognac necklace is an excellent choice. With its high-quality materials, elegant design, and soothing properties, it is a must-have accessory for any baby. ..

28.27 USD

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