
антиоксидант томъёо

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Манай антиоксидант томъёоны хүчийг ALPINOMAND SPC LICOPENE CAPS-тай нээнэ үү. This exceptional dietary supplement combines and enhances the benefits of OPC from grape seed extract, natural lycopene derived from tomatoes, and vitamin C. Rich in vegetable polyphenols, OPC acts as a potent antioxidant and radical scavenger, helping to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body Байна уу. Lycopene, каротеноид ерөнхийдөө улаан лоолийн хувьд олддог бөгөөд энэ томъёо нь энэ томъёо нь энэ томъёоны анханульсиогийн чадварыг нэмэгдүүлдэг. Сорьцын стрессээс салгаж, коллагений хэлбэрийн эсийг хамгаалах, collagen үүсэх нь collagen үүсгэн байгуулагчид, алпинемийн форматыг дэмжиж, алпинед opc lycopene caps нь таны эрүүл мэндийг сайжруулах иж бүрэн шийдлийг гаргаж өгдөг. Капсул бүр нь өндөр чанартай, хатуу туршиж үзсэн найрлагаас гардаг, жимс, хүнсний ногооны чанартай хоол хүнсээр хангадаг. Энэхүү хүчирхэг антиоксидантын томъёогоор эрүүл мэндээ эрэмбэлэх.
Alpinamed opc ликопен хошуу 60 ширхэг

Alpinamed opc ликопен хошуу 60 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 4105380

Dietary supplements with OPC, lycopene and vitamin C OPC lycopene capsules contain a special extract from grape seeds, natural lycopene from the tomato and vitamin C. The grape seed extract is rich in vegetable polyphenols and in particular in OPC (oligomeric procyanidins). OPC are considered powerful antioxidants and radical scavengers. Lycopene belongs to the class of carotenoids and is found in high concentrations in tomatoes. Lycopene is also one of the antioxidants and is considered a radical scavenger, i.e. it can scavenge certain reactive molecules in the human body.Vitamin C helps protect cells from oxidative stress and contributes to normal collagen formation for a normal blood vessels, for normal cartilage function, for normal function of skin, teeth, gums, bones, and for normal function of the immune system. QualityRaw material selection and production of the  OPC lycopene capsules are subject to a demanding testing and quality assurance process. The high-quality raw materials are tested for harmful substances and environmental toxins in extensive laboratory analyses.DosageTake 1 capsule daily as a dietary supplement.Ingredients Grape seed dry extract 49.8%, tomato powder 19.9%, tomato extract 19.9%, capsule shell: hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, vitamin C, release agent: magnesium salts of fatty acids. Gluten-free, lactose-free, without preservatives.Keep out of the reach of small children, dry and at room temperature. A product with OPC does not replace a diet with fresh fruit and vegetables. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.Nutritional values ??/ average values1 daily portion (1 capsule) contains: Vitamin C 40 mg / 50% 1) Grape seed extract 275 mg- with OPC 124 mgTomato extract 110 mg- with lycopene 5 mg1) NRV (reference intake for adults) ..

90.47 USD

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