
зөөлөн үстэй

1-с 22 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 22
(1 Хуудас)
Зөөлөн цэвэрлэгээ хийх зориулалттай, үр дүнтэй цэвэрлэгээ хийхэд зориулагдсан зөөлөн үстэй бүтээгдэхүүний тусламжтайгаар манай эмчилгээний хэрэгслийн хүрээг судлах. Мэдрэмтгий шүд, бохины хувьд хамгийн тохиромжтой нь манай сонголт нь инновацийн сойз, orthodontic and orthodontics, orthodontich-т, Эко-ээлжинд ээлтэй шүдний сойз агуулдаг. Бүтээгдэхүүн бүр амны хөндийн аман эрүүл ахуйг урьдчилан харахад уруу ургадаг. Швейцарийн нарийвчлал, чанарыг нь нээнэ, шүдээ хавирах, шүдээ хавирах, бохь нь сайн анхаарал тавьдаг. Өдөр тутмын арчилгааны горимд төгс тохирсон, эдгээр зөөлөн үстэй сонголтууд нь эрүүл, тайван, тайван инээмсэглэлийг дэмждэг.
6 настай хүүхдийн oral-b гарын авлагын шүдний сойз

6 настай хүүхдийн oral-b гарын авлагын шүдний сойз

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7758035

6 настай хүүхдийн Oral-B гарын авлагын шүдний сойз Амны хөндийн эрүүл ахуй, ялангуяа хүүхдэд чухал ач холбогдолтой. Хүүхдэдээ Oral-B Manual Toothbrush Junior-г танилцуулж, шүдээ угаахыг хөгжилтэй болго. Шүдний сойз нь 6 наснаас эхлэн хүүхдэд тохиромжтой. Онцлогууд ба давуу талууд Шүдний сойз нь жижиг ам, гарт зориулагдсан тул хүүхдэд хэрэглэхэд хялбар болгодог Үслэг нь зөөлөн бөгөөд зөөлөн тул самнахад эвтэйхэн Үс нь мөн олон түвшний тул шүд, буйлны цэвэрлэгээг бүрэн хангадаг Шүдний сойз нь гулсдаггүй бариултай тул таны хүүхдийг угааж байхдаа найдвартай атгах боломжтой Шүдний сойз нь янз бүрийн өнгө, загвартай тул хүүхдийн сонирхлыг татдаг Хэрэглээ Oral-B Manual Toothbrush Junior хэрэглэхийн тулд вандуйны хэмжээтэй шүдний оо түрхээд хүүхдийнхээ шүдийг дугуй хөдөлгөөнөөр угаана. Хүүхдээ өдөрт хоёр удаа, бүр хоёр минутын турш угаахыг дэмж. Шүдний сойзоо гурван сар тутамд эсвэл үс нь сэвэрсэн үед солихоо бүү мартаарай. Арчилгаа, засвар үйлчилгээ Хэрэглэх бүрийн дараа сойзоо усаар зайлж, илүүдэл чийгийг сэгсэрнэ. Шүдний сойзыг агаарт хатаахын тулд босоо байрлалд хадгална. Шүдний сойзыг таглаж болохгүй, эсвэл битүү саванд хийж болохгүй, учир нь энэ нь бактерийн өсөлтийг өдөөж болно. Дүгнэлт Oral-B Manual Toothbrush Junior ашиглан хүүхдийнхээ амны хөндийн эрүүл мэндэд хөрөнгө оруулаарай. Энэ нь таны хүүхдэд насан туршдаа авч явах амны хөндийн эрүүл ахуйн зөв дадал зуршлыг бий болгох гайхалтай арга юм. Өнөөдөр өөрийнхийгөө захиалаарай! ..

8.72 USD

Colgate шүдний сойз 6+

Colgate шүдний сойз 6+

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7737979

Colgate Toothbrush 6+ The Colgate Toothbrush 6+ is specially designed to meet the oral care needs of growing children. This toothbrush is suitable for children aged six years and above and is made with soft bristles that are gentle on their sensitive teeth and gums. Features Soft bristles that are gentle on teeth and gums Angled neck to reach hard-to-reach places Ergonomic handle for comfortable grip Built-in tongue cleaner to freshen breath Comes in different colors and designs to appeal to children's taste Benefits The Colgate Toothbrush 6+ helps to remove plaque, prevent cavities and promote healthy oral hygiene habits in children. The soft bristles are gentle on their teeth and gums, reducing the risk of injury while brushing. The angled neck and tongue cleaner help to clean hard-to-reach areas and freshen breath, while the comfortable grip makes it easy for children to brush their teeth for the recommended two minutes. How to Use To use the Colgate Toothbrush 6+, wet the brush head and apply toothpaste. Place the bristles at a 45-degree angle to the teeth and brush back and forth in short strokes. Brush the outer surfaces, inner surfaces, and the chewing surfaces of all teeth. Brush the tongue to freshen breath, and rinse thoroughly with water. With its kid-friendly design and features, the Colgate Toothbrush 6+ is the perfect toothbrush for children aged six years and above. It promotes healthy oral hygiene habits, reduces the risk of dental problems, and is an excellent addition to any child's dental care routine...

6.45 USD

Curaprox cps 508 soft implant шүд хоорондын сойз хар 5 ширхэг

Curaprox cps 508 soft implant шүд хоорондын сойз хар 5 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7804665

Curaprox CPS 508 Soft Implant Interdental Brush Black 5 pcs Keep your teeth and gums healthy with the Curaprox CPS 508 Soft Implant Interdental Brush. The set includes five high-quality brushes that are perfect for removing plaque and food particles from between your teeth and around your implants. Key Features: Soft bristles that are gentle on your gums and teeth Interdental size of 0.8mm that effectively removes plaque and food particles from between teeth and implants Premium bristle quality that ensures long-lasting durability Bendable neck that enables perfect access to all areas Hygienic and practical protective cap for keeping the brush clean and compact to carry around These interdental brushes have a sleek black design that looks stylish in your toiletry bag, and the set is the perfect size for travelling. The soft bristles and flexible neck make the brush comfortable and easy to use, ensuring an effective cleaning of even the most difficult to reach places. The interdental brushes are suitable for those who use implants, as well as people who have braces or bridges. They help to reduce the chance of gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath, giving you a healthy and confident smile. How to Use: Choose the appropriate size brush for your interdental gaps Slide the brush gently between your teeth, and along the gum line Move back and forth to remove any plaque or food particles Rinse the brush with water and replace the cap after use For optimal results, use the interdental brush at least once a day. Take care of your teeth and gums with the Curaprox CPS 508 Soft Implant Interdental Brush set. Order now and enjoy a healthy and beautiful smile! ..

15.68 USD

Curaprox cs 5460 duo тусгай хувилбар dana

Curaprox cs 5460 duo тусгай хувилбар dana

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7797640

CURAPROX CS 5460 Duo Special Edition DANA Introducing the CURAPROX CS 5460 Duo Special Edition DANA toothbrush ? a must-have for those who seek the best oral hygiene experience. This toothbrush is a premium, high-quality product that features advanced technology and design for optimal oral care. Whether you're a professional dentist or an individual looking for the best at-home dental hygiene routine, the CS 5460 Duo Special Edition DANA toothbrush is perfect for you. The ultra-soft bristles of this toothbrush are specifically designed to provide superior cleaning, removing up to 90% of plaque, while still being gentle on your gums. Features & Benefits: Extra gentle for sensitive teeth and gums. Provides thorough cleaning to remove up to 90% of plaque. Specially designed to promote healthy teeth and gums for an overall improved oral hygiene experience. Unique brush design ensures optimal reach to difficult-to-reach areas. Comes in an attractive special edition DANA design, making it easy to spot and ideal for display in your bathroom. When it comes to dental hygiene, the CURAPROX CS 5460 Duo Special Edition DANA toothbrush is the perfect choice. It?s gentle on your teeth, yet tough on plaque, ensuring your mouth stays healthy and fresh. With a unique, stylish design, this toothbrush is both functional and attractive, making it the perfect addition to any modern, stylish bathroom. Order yours today and experience the CURAPROX difference for yourself! ..

18.54 USD

Curaprox sensitive шүдний сойз компакт зөөлөн супер 3960

Curaprox sensitive шүдний сойз компакт зөөлөн супер 3960

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 2383100

This toothbrush provides a CURAPROX cleaning experience: 3960 CUREN® filaments are gentle on the gums - and offer excellent cleaning performance. 3960 CUREN® filaments, 0.12 mm diameter. Important: Colors vary CURAPROX toothbrushes not only prevent cleaning damage , but disorganize and remove plaque optimally. CUREN® bristles are stiffer than nylon and remain as stable in the mouth as they are when dry. These properties make it possible to produce toothbrushes with a large number of very fine bristles.CURAPROX CS toothbrushes remove and disorganize plaque much more thoroughly - thanks to the extremely dense bristle field. ..

8.72 USD

Curaprox хүүхдүүд zahnbürste

Curaprox хүүхдүүд zahnbürste

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7773671

Curaprox Kids Zahnbürste The Curaprox Kids Zahnbürste is the perfect toothbrush for your child's delicate teeth and gums. Designed specifically for children aged 2-6, it features soft bristles that gently and effectively clean away plaque and food particles while being gentle on tender gums. The small head size and comfortable grip make brushing easy for small hands. Features: Soft bristles that are gentle on teeth and gums. Small head size that is perfect for small mouths. Bright, fun colors that your child will love. Comfortable grip that makes brushing easy for small hands. Affordable price that parents will appreciate. Why choose Curaprox Kids Zahnbürste? Oral hygiene is important for children just as it is for adults. It's crucial for children to learn good oral hygiene habits from a young age, and the Curaprox Kids Zahnbürste is the perfect tool to help them do just that. The soft bristles ensure that your child's teeth and gums are properly cleaned, while the small head size and comfortable grip make brushing easy and comfortable for little hands. Plus, the bright, fun colors will make brushing more enjoyable for your child, encouraging them to develop healthy dental habits that will last a lifetime. ..

8.72 USD

Emoform шүд хоорондын багс 1.7мм цайвар цэнхэр 5ш

Emoform шүд хоорондын багс 1.7мм цайвар цэнхэр 5ш

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 3962981

Цайвар цэнхэр өнгийн Emoform 1.7 мм-ийн шүд хоорондын сойзоор амны хөндийн эрүүл ахуйг сайтар хянаж байгаарай. Энэхүү багцад шүдний завсрын хүрэхэд хэцүү хэсгийг үр дүнтэй цэвэрлэх зориулалттай 5 багс багтсан болно. Нарийхан 1.7мм сойз нь маневр хийхэд хялбар бөгөөд шүдний завсарыг сайтар цэвэрлэнэ. Эдгээр багснууд нь зөөлөн боловч бат бөх үстэй тул товруу, хог хаягдлыг зөөлөн арилгаж, буйлны эрүүл мэндийг дэмжиж, цооролт үүсэхээс сэргийлдэг. Emoform шүдний завсрын сойзны тусламжтайгаар шинэлэг, эрүүл инээмсэглэлийг хадгалах нь урьд өмнө хэзээ ч амар байгаагүй. Шүдний эрүүл мэндийг сайжруулахын тулд өдөр бүр амны хөндийн арчилгаа хийхэд тохиромжтой...

14.03 USD

Gum kids zahnbürste 2-6 jahre rosa

Gum kids zahnbürste 2-6 jahre rosa

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7823557

GUM Kids Zahnbürste 2-6 Jahre rosa The GUM Kids Zahnbürste in rosa is the perfect toothbrush for children aged 2-6 years. The brush head is designed with small children's mouths in mind, featuring soft bristles that are gentle on teeth and gums while effectively removing plaque and debris. The handle is also specially designed to fit comfortably in small hands and features a non-slip grip, ensuring that children can easily hold and control the brush while brushing. The fun and colorful design also helps to make brushing a more enjoyable experience for kids, encouraging good oral hygiene habits from an early age. GUM Kids Zahnbürste is also designed with safety in mind, with an integrated suction cup base that keeps the brush upright and away from dirty surfaces. It is made with high-quality materials, ensuring its durability and longevity. It is also easy to clean and maintain, making it the perfect choice for parents looking for a long-lasting and effective toothbrush for their children. Ensure your child's oral health and hygiene with GUM Kids Zahnbürste 2-6 Jahre rosa ? the perfect toothbrush for growing smiles!..

9.90 USD

Gum sunstar actital sonic replacement brush хар 2 ширхэг

Gum sunstar actital sonic replacement brush хар 2 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7777797

GUM SUNSTAR Activital Sonic Replacement Brush black 2 pcs Looking for a replacement brush that offers deep cleaning and maximum comfort? Look no further than the GUM SUNSTAR Activital Sonic Replacement Brush. Designed to fit the GUM SUNSTAR Activital Sonic Toothbrush, this brush head features advanced sonic technology that delivers up to 30,000 brush strokes per minute for powerful yet gentle cleaning. The GUM SUNSTAR Activital Sonic Replacement Brush is perfect for people with sensitive gums or teeth, as it features soft bristles that are gentle on your enamel and prevent gum irritation. These bristles are also specially designed to clean hard-to-reach areas, ensuring that your teeth and gums are thoroughly cleaned every time you brush. Each pack includes two replacement brushes, so you can easily replace your old brush head and continue enjoying the benefits of sonic technology. The black color is a sleek, modern look that will complement any bathroom decor. Invest in your oral health with the GUM SUNSTAR Activital Sonic Replacement Brush. Order now and experience a deep clean like never before!..

18.37 USD

Gum sunstar baby toothbrush 0-2 years light blue

Gum sunstar baby toothbrush 0-2 years light blue

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7836286

Бяцхан үрсийнхээ амны хөндийн зөв арчилгааг 0-2 насны хүүхдэд зориулсан GUM SUNSTAR хүүхдийн шүдний сойзоор танилцуулаарай. Зөөлөн буйл болон шинээр гарч ирж буй шүдэнд зориулагдсан энэхүү сойз нь хэт зөөлөн үстэй тул зөөлөн цэвэрлэх, буйлны хөдөлгөөнийг өдөөдөг. Авсаархан, атгахад хялбар бариул нь эцэг эхийн удирдан чиглүүлдэг сойз угаах үеийг тав тухтай, үр дүнтэй болгодог. Эрүүл дадал зуршлыг эрт бий болгоход тохиромжтой энэхүү сойз нь шүдний эрүүл ахуйг зугаатай, аюулгүй байлгахад тусалдаг. Хүүхдэдээ GUM SUNSTAR хүүхдийн шүдний сойзоор насан туршдаа гэрэл гэгээтэй инээмсэглэл бэлэглээрэй...

7.21 USD

Gum sunstar baby toothbrush 0-2 years yellow

Gum sunstar baby toothbrush 0-2 years yellow

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7836288

0-2 насны нярай хүүхдэд зориулсан GUM SUNSTAR хүүхдийн шүдний сойзыг танилцуулж байна. Энэхүү өхөөрдөм шар шүдний сойз нь эмзэг буйл болон шинээр гарч ирж буй шүдэнд зориулагдсан. Зөөлөн үс нь хүүхдийн буйлны ясыг зөөлөн цэвэрлэж, иллэг хийх ба амны хөндийн эрүүл ахуйг бага наснаас нь эхлэн сахих болно. Жижигхэн, эргономик бариул нь бяцхан гарт эвтэйхэн атгахад тохиромжтой бөгөөд эцэг эхчүүдэд сойз угаах арга техникийг зааж өгөхөд тусалдаг. Бяцхан үрсдээ шүднийхээ эрүүл дадал зуршлыг бий болгохын зэрэгцээ сойз угаахыг хөгжилтэй, сонирхолтой болго. Хүүхдийнхээ шүдийг эрт хөгжүүлэх чанартай амны хөндийн арчилгааны бүтээгдэхүүнийг GUM SUNSTAR-д итгээрэй...

6.93 USD

Herba хиймэл шүдний сойз

Herba хиймэл шүдний сойз

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 3103137

Herba Denture Brush - Keep Your Dentures Clean and Shiny Introducing Herba Denture Brush - the perfect tool to maintain the cleanliness and shine of your dentures. This denture brush is specially designed to clean all types of dentures, including partial dentures, full dentures, and orthodontic appliances. It is made from high-quality materials that are durable and effective in removing stains and bacteria from your dentures. Key Features of Herba Denture Brush: Made from high-quality materials that are gentle on your dentures Soft bristles effectively remove stains and bacteria from all types of dentures Easy-grip handle for a comfortable and secure grip Lightweight and compact design for easy handling and storage Recommended by dental professionals for maintaining optimal denture hygiene With regular use of Herba Denture Brush, you can effectively remove food particles, plaque, and bacteria from your dentures, ensuring that they remain shiny, clean, and odor-free. The soft bristles of the brush are gentle on your dentures, reducing the risk of damage, and the easy-grip handle allows for a comfortable and secure grip, ensuring smooth and efficient cleaning. Herba Denture Brush is recommended by dental professionals for maintaining optimal denture hygiene. It is an essential tool for anyone who wears dentures, and it also suitable for people with dental implants, braces, or other orthodontic appliances. With its lightweight and compact design, you can take it anywhere you go, ensuring that your dentures are always clean and fresh. So if you are looking for a reliable and effective denture brush, Herba Denture Brush is perfect for you. It is affordable, easy to use, and highly recommended by dental professionals. Order it today and keep your dentures sparkling clean and fresh!..

13.38 USD

Livsane total care zahnbürste

Livsane total care zahnbürste

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7793657

Livsane Total Care Zahnbürste The Livsane Total Care Zahnbürste is a high-quality toothbrush designed to provide optimal cleaning and care for your teeth and gums. It features unique bristle technology that has been specifically designed to remove more plaque than a traditional toothbrush, leaving your mouth feeling fresh and clean. Flexible Head: The flexible head of the Livsane Total Care Zahnbürste allows you to easily clean hard-to-reach areas, ensuring that you get a thorough clean every time. Soft Bristles: The soft bristles of the Livsane Total Care Zahnbürste are gentle on your gums yet tough on plaque, allowing for a comfortable cleaning experience. Ergonomic Design: The ergonomic design of the Livsane Total Care Zahnbürste ensures that it is easy to grip and use, making it ideal for people of all ages. Antimicrobial Protection: The Livsane Total Care Zahnbürste is designed with antimicrobial protection to help prevent the growth of harmful bacteria on your toothbrush, ensuring that it remains clean and hygienic. In addition to these benefits, the Livsane Total Care Zahnbürste is also designed to last for a long time, making it a cost-effective option for anyone who values good oral hygiene. Whether you're looking for a toothbrush for yourself or for your family, the Livsane Total Care Zahnbürste is the perfect choice for anyone looking for a high-quality toothbrush that offers superior cleaning and care. ..

7.31 USD

Mam baby's brush zahnbürste 6+ monate

Mam baby's brush zahnbürste 6+ monate

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7626530

Brush your teeth like the big ones! With the MAM Baby's Brush, babies can easily imitate the brushing movements of adults. This is how babies learn how to brush their teeth properly from the start! HANDLE Short and compact handle. Ergonomic shape and non-slip surface. BRISTLES The small, round brush head and soft bristles are perfect for gentle cleaning. SAFETY SHIELD The protective shield holds the Toothbrush at a safe distance from the back of the baby's mouth. Developed in cooperation with medical experts. °BPA/BPS free: All MAM products are made from BPA-free materials. Brush your teeth like the big ones! With the MAM Baby's Brush, babies can easily imitate the brushing movements of adults. This is how babies learn how to brush their teeth properly from the start!HANDLE Short and compact handle. Ergonomic shape and non-slip surface.BRISTLES The small, round brush head and soft bristles are perfect for gentle cleaning.SAFETY SHIELD The protective shield holds the Toothbrush at a safe distance from the back of the baby's mouth.Developed in collaboration with medical experts.°BPA/BPS free: All MAM products are made from BPA-free materials. ..

12.09 USD

Mint gum sunstar baby toothbrush 0-2 years

Mint gum sunstar baby toothbrush 0-2 years

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7836287

GUM SUNSTAR 0-2 насны хүүхдийн шүдний сойз нь гааны амтыг сэргээдэг бөгөөд нярай болон бага насны хүүхдийн амны хөндийн эмзэг хэрэгцээг хангах зорилгоор тусгайлан бүтээгдсэн. Хэт зөөлөн үстэй, жижиг сойзны толгойтой энэхүү зөөлөн шүдний сойз нь таны бяцхан үрсийн шүд, буйлны шүдийг эвтэйхэн, үр дүнтэй цэвэрлэх боломжийг олгоно. Эргономик бариул нь сойз угаах үеэр эцэг эхчүүдэд найдвартай бариул өгдөг. Насны онцлогт тохирсон өндөр чанартай шүдний сойзоор амны хөндийн эрүүл ахуйн зөв дадал зуршлыг багаасаа хэвшүүлээрэй. Хүүхдийнхээ шүдний эрүүл мэндэд зориулсан аюулгүй, найдвартай амны хөндийн арчилгааны бүтээгдэхүүнийг GUM SUNSTAR-д итгээрэй...

7.21 USD

Trisa clean байгалийн модон шүдний сойз young зөөлөн

Trisa clean байгалийн модон шүдний сойз young зөөлөн

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7767399

Trisa Clean Natural Wooden Toothbrush Young Soft The Trisa Clean Natural Wooden Toothbrush Young Soft is a high-quality toothbrush designed to provide effective and natural oral care. Made from sustainably sourced beech wood, this toothbrush is eco-friendly and biodegradable, making it an excellent choice for those seeking to reduce their environmental footprint. Features and Benefits: Young Soft Bristles: The bristles on this toothbrush are gentle and soft, making it suitable for individuals with sensitive teeth or gums. Natural Material: The beech wood handle is naturally antibacterial, ensuring a clean and hygienic brushing experience. Ergonomic Shape: The ergonomic shape of the toothbrush provides a comfortable grip and easy access to all areas of the mouth. Certified Environmental Standards: Trisa Clean Natural Wooden Toothbrush is certified by FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) that it comes from sustainably managed forests, ensuring minimal impact on the environment. Cost-effective: The toothbrush is affordable and durable, ensuring that it provides value for money. The Trisa Clean Natural Wooden Toothbrush Young Soft is a great option for individuals looking to switch to a more natural and environmentally friendly toothbrush option without compromising on quality. Order yours today and upgrade your oral care routine!..

7.89 USD

Trisa flexible white зөөлөн шүдний сойз

Trisa flexible white зөөлөн шүдний сойз

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7751415

Trisa Flexible White toothbrush soft The Trisa Flexible White toothbrush soft is a versatile and effective toothbrush designed to provide a gentle and efficient cleaning experience. With its soft bristles and flexible head, this toothbrush is ideal for those with sensitive gums and teeth. Features: Soft bristles: The bristles are soft and gentle on teeth and gums, making the brushing experience comfortable and effective. Flexible head: The flexible head adjusts to the contours of teeth and gums, ensuring that every nook and cranny is reached and cleaned thoroughly. Ergonomic handle: The handle is designed for maximum comfort and control during brushing, ensuring that you can reach every part of your mouth easily. Effective cleaning: The Trisa Flexible White toothbrush soft has been designed to provide effective cleaning, removing plaque and bacteria from teeth and gums for a healthy smile. Benefits: Gentle on teeth and gums: The soft bristles and flexible head make this toothbrush ideal for those with sensitive teeth and gums. Thorough cleaning: The flexible head and effective bristle design ensure that every part of your mouth is thoroughly cleaned, reducing the risk of cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. Comfortable and easy to use: The ergonomic handle and flexible head make this toothbrush comfortable and easy to use, even for those with limited mobility or dexterity. White teeth: Regular use of the Trisa Flexible White toothbrush soft can help to keep teeth looking white and bright. Conclusion: If you are looking for an effective, gentle, and easy-to-use toothbrush, the Trisa Flexible White toothbrush soft is an excellent choice. With its soft bristles, flexible head, and ergonomic handle, this toothbrush provides a comfortable and thorough cleaning experience every time. ..

6.57 USD

Trisa we care зөөлөн uno шүдний сойз

Trisa we care зөөлөн uno шүдний сойз

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7767026

Trisa We Care Toothbrush Soft UNO Take care of your teeth and gums with the Trisa We Care Toothbrush Soft UNO. This toothbrush is designed with the highest dental standards in mind to provide a comfortable brushing experience that supports oral health. It features a special bristle formation that is soft and gentle on teeth and gums while still effectively removing plaque and food particles. This toothbrush has a compact head that is perfect for cleaning hard-to-reach areas of your mouth. The Trisa We Care Toothbrush Soft UNO also has a durable, ergonomic handle for easy gripping and manipulation during brushing. The handle is made with environmentally-friendly materials for a more sustainable and responsible option. This toothbrush is also available in a variety of colors to match your personal style preference. Choosing the right toothbrush is crucial for an effective dental care routine. With the Trisa We Care Toothbrush Soft UNO, you can have a brushing experience that is gentle yet still effective in caring for your teeth and gums. It is the perfect addition to your dental care routine and a must-have for anyone who values their oral health. Product Features: Soft bristle formation for gentle yet effective cleaning Compact head for hard-to-reach areas Durable and eco-friendly handle Available in a variety of colors Invest in quality oral care with the Trisa We Care Toothbrush Soft UNO. Trust us to provide the best dental products for your teeth and gums...

6.57 USD

Trisa zahnbürste compact soft trio зөөлөн

Trisa zahnbürste compact soft trio зөөлөн

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7836845

TRISA Zahnbürste Compact Soft Trio soft The TRISA Zahnbürste Compact Soft Trio soft is the perfect solution for those looking for a toothbrush that is both gentle on their teeth and effective at cleaning them. This toothbrush is designed with soft bristles that are gentle on your teeth and gums while still doing an excellent job at removing plaque and other debris. One of the unique features of this toothbrush is its compact size. Its small head allows you to reach those hard-to-get places in your mouth, ensuring that every tooth gets the attention it needs. This toothbrush is also extremely lightweight, making it comfortable to use and reducing the strain on your wrist and hand muscles. The TRISA Zahnbürste Compact Soft Trio soft is not only gentle on your teeth and gums, but it also has an attractive design. It features three different colors, making it easy to identify which toothbrush belongs to which family member in your household. The toothbrush is also easy to clean, ensuring that it remains hygienic and free of bacteria after every use. Overall, the TRISA Zahnbürste Compact Soft Trio soft is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a toothbrush that is both gentle on their teeth and effective at cleaning them. Its soft bristles, small head, and lightweight design make it a great option for people of all ages and dental needs. Whether you are looking to improve your oral hygiene routine or simply need a new toothbrush, the TRISA Zahnbürste Compact Soft Trio soft is an excellent option to consider...

17.09 USD

Trisa zahnbürste gum protect зөөлөн

Trisa zahnbürste gum protect зөөлөн

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7834294

Introducing Trisa Zahnbürste Gum Protect Soft: Trisa Zahnbürste Gum Protect Soft is a high-quality toothbrush designed to provide gentle but thorough cleaning for your teeth and gums. This toothbrush features soft bristles that are gentle on sensitive gums, making it ideal for individuals who experience discomfort while brushing with firmer bristles. The flexible neck of the toothbrush allows for efficient access to difficult-to-reach areas of the mouth, ensuring a comprehensive clean every time. Features: Soft bristles: Trisa Zahnbürste Gum Protect Soft features soft bristles that provide gentle cleaning for sensitive gums. Flexible neck: The toothbrush's flexible neck allows for efficient access to difficult-to-reach areas of the mouth, ensuring a comprehensive clean every time. Ergonomic handle: The toothbrush's ergonomic handle allows for a comfortable grip during use, reducing strain on the hand and wrist. Durable construction: Trisa Zahnbürste Gum Protect Soft is constructed from high-quality materials that ensure long-lasting durability and performance. Protective cap: The toothbrush's protective cap helps to keep the bristles clean and hygienic between uses, ensuring optimal oral health. Benefits: Gentle and effective cleaning: Trisa Zahnbürste Gum Protect Soft provides effective cleaning while being gentle on sensitive teeth and gums. Easy access to hard-to-reach areas: The toothbrush's flexible neck allows for efficient cleaning of difficult-to-reach areas of the mouth, preventing plaque buildup and promoting optimal oral health. Comfortable grip: The toothbrush's ergonomic handle allows for a comfortable grip during use, reducing strain on the hand and wrist. Hygienic design: The toothbrush's protective cap keeps the bristles clean and hygienic between uses, promoting optimal oral health. Conclusion: Trisa Zahnbürste Gum Protect Soft is a high-quality toothbrush that provides gentle yet thorough cleaning for individuals with sensitive teeth and gums. With soft bristles, a flexible neck, an ergonomic handle, and a protective cap, this toothbrush promotes optimal oral health and ensures a comfortable and hygienic brushing experience every time...

9.36 USD

Trisa уян хатан толгойтой шүдний сойз duo зөөлөн

Trisa уян хатан толгойтой шүдний сойз duo зөөлөн

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 2972954

Триса уян хатан толгойтой шүдний сойз Duo Soft-ийн тусламжтайгаар амны хөндийн арчилгааны дээд талыг мэдрээрэй. Энэхүү шинэлэг шүдний сойз нь уян хатан толгойтой бөгөөд амны хөндийн өвөрмөц муруйлт, контурт дасан зохицож, сайтар, зөөлөн цэвэрлэх боломжийг олгодог. Зөөлөн үс нь буйланд зөөлөн ханддаг ч товруу, хог хаягдлыг арилгаж амны хөндийн эрүүл мэндийг сайжруулахад үр дүнтэй байдаг. Дээд зэргийн тав тух, нарийвчлалд зориулагдсан энэхүү шүдний сойз нь цэвэрлэгээний дээд зэргийн туршлагыг эрэлхийлдэг хүмүүст тохиромжтой. Trisa Flexible Head Toothbrush Duo Soft-ийн тусламжтайгаар шүдний эмчилгээний горимоо сайжруулж, илүү гэрэл гэгээтэй, эрүүл инээмсэглээрэй...

8.12 USD

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