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Хамгаалах, цочромтгой, халдварыг эмзэг газруудыг хамгаалах нь хамгаалалтын хаалтанд зайлшгүй шаардлагатай. Генгалелийн хайрт, бүтээгдэхүүн este ershne zhhnchen нь эдгэрэхийн тулд soothchen ubs-ийг боож, эдгэрэлтийг арилгахын тулд хаалганы хүчил, таагүй байдлыг арилгахын тулд самуун, таагүй байдал, эвгүй байдлыг арилгах. Амны хөндийн эрүүл мэнд, тайтгарлыг хадгалахад тохиромжтой, хамгаалалтын саад бэрхшээл нь эмзэг бохь, ялангуяа нялх хүүхдэд эелдэг зөөлөн ханддаг.
Gengigel baby gel erste zähnchen

Gengigel baby gel erste zähnchen

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7794159

GENGIGEL Baby Gel Erste Zähnchen Babies are a bundle of joy and bring endless happiness to the family. However, the teething phase can be a very uncomfortable and painful experience for them. Introducing GENGIGEL Baby Gel Erste Zähnchen, a specially formulated gel to help ease the discomfort associated with teething. What is GENGIGEL Baby Gel Erste Zähnchen? GENGIGEL Baby Gel Erste Zähnchen is a teething gel specially designed for babies over the age of four months. The gel is formulated with a blend of natural ingredients, including chamomile, which has a calming effect and can reduce pain and inflammation in the gums How does GENGIGEL Baby Gel Erste Zähnchen work? The gel is applied directly to the gums using a clean finger or cotton swab. The chamomile in the gel has a numbing effect, which relieves the pain and discomfort caused by teething. The gel also contains hyaluronic acid, which creates a protective barrier over the gums, preventing further irritation and infection. Why choose GENGIGEL Baby Gel Erste Zähnchen? Contains natural ingredients Calming effect on the gums Relieves pain and discomfort caused by teething Creates a protective barrier on the gums Easy to apply The teething phase can be a testing time for both parents and babies. However, with GENGIGEL Baby Gel Erste Zähnchen, a calm and soothing environment can be created for the baby, which makes the phase more bearable. ..

23.97 USD

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