Зөөврийн тэжээл
(1 Хуудас)
Nutramino nutra-go уурагтай вафер шоколад 39 гр
NUTRAMINO Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Chocolate 39 g The NUTRAMINO Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Chocolate 39 g is a delicious and nutritious snack that's perfect for those who lead an active lifestyle. Each wafer is packed with high-quality protein, making it a great choice for anyone looking to increase their protein intake while indulging in something sweet. Great Taste and Texture The Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Chocolate 39 g has a delicious chocolate flavor that's sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. The crunchy wafer layers are combined with a creamy chocolate filling, making for a truly delightful texture that you won't be able to resist. High-Quality Protein The Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Chocolate 39 g is packed with high-quality protein, giving you the energy and nutrients you need to power through your workout or busy day. Each serving contains 7 grams of protein, making it an excellent snack for anyone looking to build and maintain lean muscle mass. Convenient and Portable The Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Chocolate 39 g is the perfect snack to take with you on the go. Its compact size makes it easy to pack in your bag or pocket, so you can enjoy a protein-packed snack whenever you need it. Healthy Snack Option Unlike many other sweets, the Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Chocolate 39 g is a healthy snack option that won't sabotage your diet or fitness goals. It contains no added sugar and is low in calories, making it a guilt-free indulgence that you can enjoy any time of day. Overall, the Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Chocolate 39 g is the perfect snack for anyone looking for a delicious and nutritious way to satisfy their sweet tooth. Whether you're looking to increase your protein intake, fuel your workout, or simply indulge in a guilt-free treat, this protein wafer is sure to hit the spot...
4.50 USD
Sinergy traubenzucker zitrone 15 x 40 гр
Sinergy Glucose Lemon 15 x 40g нь таны энергийн түвшинг нэмэгдүүлэх амттай бөгөөд тохиромжтой аргыг санал болгож байна. Энэхүү нарийн боовны бүтээгдэхүүн нь глюкозын хурдан эх үүсвэрээр хангах зорилгоор бүтээгдсэн бөгөөд бие махбодийн ачаалал, ядрах үед эрчим хүчний түвшинг нөхөхөд тусалдаг. Нимбэгний анхилуун амт нь уламжлалт глюкозын найрлагад сэтгэл сэргээсэн амтыг нэмж өгдөг бөгөөд үүнийг явж байхдаа ч амтлах амттай амттан болгодог. Багц бүрд 15 ширхэг тус тусад нь ороосон 40 гр порц агуулагддаг бөгөөд энэ нь хэсгийг хянах, зөөвөрлөхөд хялбар болгодог. Та дасгал сургуулилтын үеэр, гадаа дасгал хийх үед эсвэл өдрийн турш машин авах шаардлагатай эсэхээс үл хамааран Sinergy Glucose Lemon нь эрч хүч, тэсвэр тэвчээрийг хадгалахад тохиромжтой, амттай шийдэл юм...
46.86 USD
(1 Хуудас)