
Пателла тогтворжуулагч өвдөгний оосор

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ActiLe Strior knie knie kops-ийг дагаж мөрдөхийн тулд ActiLe Condove Speed ​​Bood knee knee-ийг тогтвортой байлгах. Тамирчин, фитнес сонирхогчдод тохиромжтой бөгөөд энэ бүтээгдэхүүн нь patellofemoral өвдөлтийн синдром, пателларын синдринтийг үр дүнтэй байлгахад тохиромжтой тогтвортой тогтвортой байдлыг хангаж өгдөг. Өндөр чанартай, чийгтэй материалаар хийсэн, эдгээр өвдөгний оосор нь таны хөдөлгөөнийг хязгаарлахгүйгээр тайтгарал, дэмжлэг үзүүлдэг. Таныг идэвхтэй, гэмтэлгүй байлгахын тулд боолт, өвдөгний дэмжлэг, өвдөгний дэмжлэгийг судлаарай. Таны идэвхтэй амьдралын хэв маягаар эрүүл мэнд, гоо сайхны бүтээгдэхүүнийг эрүүл мэнд, гоо сайхны бүтээгдэхүүнийг туршиж үзэх.
Actimove sport knee support l дэвсгэр тогтворжуулах баар

Actimove sport knee support l дэвсгэр тогтворжуулах баар

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7753548

Actimove Sport Knee Support L Pad Stabilizing Bars The Actimove Sport Knee Support L Pad Stabilizing Bars is a must-have accessory for athletes and fitness enthusiasts who are prone to knee injuries. This product is designed to provide maximum support to your knee joint, ensuring maximum stability, and reducing the risk of injury during physical activities. The L Pad stabilizing bars of this knee support help in keeping the patella in its proper position, ensuring that it tracks properly within the femoral groove. This helps in reducing the wear and tear of the joint, thereby preventing injuries like patellofemoral pain syndrome, runner's knee, and patellar tendinitis. The knee support is made using high-quality materials that are durable and comfortable. It is designed to wick away moisture and heat, providing you with a cool and dry experience during long hours of physical activity. The support is designed to fit securely on your knee, providing you with maximum support without restricting motion or movement. This product is perfect for anyone who plays sports like basketball, football, soccer, tennis, or supports activities such as running or cycling. It can also be used by people who are recovering from knee injuries, as it helps in reducing pain and discomfort and providing the necessary support to speed up the healing process. Overall, the Actimove Sport Knee Support L Pad Stabilizing Bars is an essential accessory for anyone who wants to keep their knees healthy and injury-free during physical activities. The support is designed to provide maximum support and stability while still allowing the knee to move naturally. It is a must-have accessory for anyone who is serious about their fitness and wants to stay active and injury-free...

69.24 USD

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