Органикийн өглөөний цай
(1 Хуудас)
Jentschura morgenstund' 1000 гр
Jentschura MorgenStund' 1000 гр Шар будааны Сагаган Жимс, үртэй будаа. Бүтэц Шар будаа*; Сагаган*, хатаасан жимс 13.5% (хан боргоцой*, алим*), тосны үр 8.5% (хулууны үр*, наранцэцгийн үр*, амтат бүйлс*), амарант*. *Органик газар тариалангаас... Properties Веган. Элсэн чихэр нэмээгүй (байгалийн хувьд элсэн чихэр агуулдаг). Програм MorgenStund' 3 хоолны халбагыг (ойролцоогоор 35 гр) ойролцоогоор холино. 120-140 мл буцалж буй ус хийгээд 1-2 минут буцалгана. Эсвэл MorgenStund-ийг ойролцоогоор хутгана. Хумсны тусламжтайгаар 160-180 мл ус хийнэ. Холих зуураа буцалгаад бага дулаанаар 1-2 минут буцалгана. Шим тэжээлийн үнэ цэнэ Шим тэжээлийн үнэ цэнэQuantitypro% хэмжилтийн нарийвчлал эрчим хүч 1606 кЖ100 гЭнерги381 ккал100 гӨөх7;30 г td>100 гӨөх; үүнээс ханасан тосны хүчил0;95г100гНүүрс ус62;50г100г нүүрс ус; үүнээс элсэн чихэр12;82 г100 гр эслэг6;80 г100 гр уураг 12;90 г100 г Давс0;04 г100 г тиамин (витамин В1)0;32 мг100 гр пиридоксин (В6 витамин)0;28 мг100 гр tin ..
37.23 USD
Optimys easy өглөөний цай бүйлс, ваниль чиа био батталион 350 гр
Optimys Easy Breakfast Almond and Vanilla Chia Bio Battalion 350 g For those who are always on the go, finding the time to have breakfast can be a challenge. But with Optimys Easy Breakfast Almond and Vanilla Chia Bio Battalion, having a healthy and nutritious start to your day is now easy and convenient. This product is made with organic ingredients, ensuring that you get nothing but the best quality in each serving. It contains a delicious and creamy blend of almond and vanilla flavors, which is then combined with the superfood chia seeds, giving your body the boost it needs to power through the day. Each serving of Optimys Easy Breakfast Almond and Vanilla Chia Bio Battalion contains all the essential nutrients your body needs to start the day off right. It is rich in fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, which help you feel fuller for longer, making it a great option for those who are trying to watch their calorie intake. This product comes in a resealable pouch, making it easy to take with you wherever you go. Whether you?re heading to the office, hitting the gym or going on a road trip, Optimys Easy Breakfast Almond and Vanilla Chia Bio Battalion is the perfect breakfast option for those who live life at a fast pace. Key Features Organic ingredients Delicious almond and vanilla flavor Rich in fiber, protein, and omega-3 Convenient and easy to take on the go Resealable pouch to keep the product fresh Start your day off right with Optimys Easy Breakfast Almond and Vanilla Chia Bio Battalion 350 g...
21.28 USD
Optimys easy өглөөний цай какао, самар органик батальон 350 гр
Optimys Easy Breakfast Cocoa and Hazelnuts Organic Battalion 350 g Looking for a delicious and nutritious breakfast that is quick and easy to prepare? Look no further than Optimys Easy Breakfast Cocoa and Hazelnuts Organic Battalion. This 350 g packet contains a blend of organic oats, cocoa powder, and hazelnuts that can be prepared in just minutes. Simply add hot water or your preferred milk, stir, and enjoy a warm and satisfying breakfast that will keep you full and energized throughout your morning. Not only is this breakfast easy to prepare, but it is also organic, gluten-free, and vegan-friendly. Each serving provides a good source of fiber and protein, as well as essential vitamins and minerals to help you start your day off right. The cocoa and hazelnut flavor is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth, while the natural ingredients will give you peace of mind that you are making a healthy choice. Plus, the convenient resealable bag makes it easy to take on-the-go or store in your pantry for quick and easy breakfasts on busy mornings. Choose Optimys Easy Breakfast Cocoa and Hazelnuts Organic Battalion for a delicious and nutritious start to your day...
21.28 USD
Zwicky bio kollath frühstück 750 гр
Zwicky Bio Kollath Frühstück 750 гр Zwicky Bio Kollath Frühstück нь органик үр тариа, самар, үрээр хийсэн тэжээллэг өглөөний цайны хольц юм. Энэхүү 750 гр багц нь эрүүл саруул, эрч хүчээр дүүрэн өдрийг хайж байгаа гэр бүл эсвэл хувь хүмүүст тохиромжтой. Органик бүхэл үр тариа, самар, үрийн хослол нь уураг, эслэг, эрүүл өөх тосны тэнцвэртэй эх үүсвэрээр хангадаг бөгөөд энэ нь таныг удаан хугацаанд цатгалан, эрч хүчтэй байлгах болно. Энэхүү өглөөний цайны хольц нь завгүй өдрүүд хүлээж байгаа бөгөөд өдөр тутмынхаа үйл ажиллагааг эрчимжүүлэхийн тулд нэмэлт эрчим хүч авах шаардлагатай хүмүүст тохиромжтой. Zwicky Bio Kollath Frühstück нь бэлтгэхэд хялбар бөгөөд янз бүрийн аргаар амтлах боломжтой. Та үүнийг дуртай тараг, сүүндээ нэмж, смүүти болгон хольж, эсвэл зүгээр л шинэхэн жимс, жимсгэнэтэй амталж болно. Боломжууд хязгааргүй юм. Энэ бүтээгдэхүүн нь органик гэдгийг баталгаажуулсан бөгөөд ямар ч хиймэл амт, өнгө, хадгалалтын бодис агуулаагүй болно. Энэ нь мөн веганд ээлтэй, цавуулаг агуулаагүй тул хоолны дэглэмийн тодорхой шаардлага бүхий хүмүүст тохиромжтой. Өнөөдөр Zwicky Bio Kollath Frühstück-ийн багцыг захиалж, өглөөг илүү тэжээллэг, сэтгэл хангалуун болго. ..
11.63 USD
биофермийн жимс шаржигнууртай мюсли нахиа батальон 500 гр
Biofarm Fruits Crunchy Muesli Bud Battalion 500g Get your day started with a healthy breakfast that is tasty and crunchy! Introducing Biofarm Fruits Crunchy Muesli Bud Battalion 500g - a perfect blend of natural ingredients that will boost your energy levels and keep you full for longer periods of time. Made with high-quality oats, nuts, and fruits, this delicious muesli is crafted with care to provide you with a fulfilling breakfast that is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. The Biofarm Fruits Crunchy Muesli Bud Battalion 500g is a premium quality gluten-free breakfast option that is perfect for those who are conscious about their health and well-being. The added benefits of organic ingredients ensure that you are getting the best of nature's goodness in every bite. It is also free from artificial flavors and preservatives, making it a safe and healthy option for everyone. The crunchy texture of this muesli is derived from the combination of nuts and seeds, which are lightly roasted to add a delicious aroma and taste. The addition of dried fruits such as raisins, cranberries, and apple pieces provide a natural sweetness that is sure to satisfy your taste buds. This muesli is versatile and can be enjoyed in various ways. You can add it to your yogurt, smoothies, or simply enjoy it with milk. It is also a great topping for your desserts, cakes, and ice-cream. Biofarm Fruits Crunchy Muesli Bud Battalion 500g is a perfect choice for those who want a healthy and delicious breakfast option that is easy to prepare and provides long-lasting energy. Add it to your shopping cart today and experience the goodness of natural and organic ingredients in your breakfast bowl! ..
13.88 USD
(1 Хуудас)