
байгалийн фермент чихэрлэг байдал

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(1 Хуудас)
Манай ургамлын гаралтай бүтээгдэхүүний ферментийн өөрчлөлтийг олж авсан байгалийн амтат амтыг олж мэд. Эрүүл мэнд, хоол тэжээл, хоол тэжээл, энэ Швейцарийн бүтээсэн өргөл нь гар урлалын хамгийн өндөр чанар, халамжийг дагаж мөрддөг. Шатахуун дахь чихэрлэг чанарыг тайвшруулна.
сояна швейцарийн үр тариа органик шар будаа тетра 1 л

сояна швейцарийн үр тариа органик шар будаа тетра 1 л

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 2950734

Soyana Swiss Cereal Millet Drink Bio is a delicious, purely plant-based organic drink. It develops its mild sweetness by converting part of the grain starch using natural enzymes. 4 levels of Soyana quality In order to guarantee the highest quality and satisfaction, the Soyana team has defined and implemented a new understanding of food quality and processing. Here are levels 3 and 4: 3: Harmonious: Energy flows within us and in every area of ??our environment. In plants, animals, mountains, buildings, machines. As a pioneer, Soyana also takes this aspect of life into account with the Ojas harmony system and thus creates harmonious energies throughout the company.4: Made with love: What a mother prepares with love tastes better for everyone. For the Soyana team, the daily cultivation of a good awareness is part of the company philosophy. every employee leads a holistic, healthy life with vegetarian diet, exercise, meditation and spiritual music to cultivate balance and joy...

6.15 USD

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