
байгалийн агаар цэвэршүүлэгч

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Амьсгалах орчинг сайжруулах зорилготой газрын тос бүхий байгалийн жам ёсны агаарын цэвэрлэгчийг олж мэд. Эдгээр Швейцарийн эрүүл мэнд, гоо сайхны бүтээгдэхүүн нь 100% байгалийн гаралтай байгалийн найрлагыг ашиглан 100% байгалийн гаралтай найрлагыг ашигладаг бөгөөд хамрын түгжрэл, амьсгалын замын таагүй байдлыг бууруулдаг. Амралт, сайн сайхан байдлыг сурталчлахдаа armoging-ийг баярлуулж, залуужуулах. Ялангу тэрбуралт эсвэл АЛСАСТ, Ялангуяа эхлэн АЛСАСТад АЛУУЛАЛТаа ашиглахаа тохиромжтой, ялангуяа манай өдөр бүр агаарын будаа нь таны байгалийн уур хилэн, тохиромжтой тэшүүрийн системийг нэмэгдүүлдэг.
Puressentiel® үнэртний холимог atemfrei эфирийн тос 30 мл

Puressentiel® үнэртний холимог atemfrei эфирийн тос 30 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5930117

Puressentiel® Fragrance Mixture Atemfrei Essential Oils for Diffusion 30 ml Puressentiel® fragrance mixture Atemfrei essential oils for diffusion is a natural air purifier that helps to eliminate the air pollutants and provide a pleasant scent to your surroundings. This 30 ml bottle contains a blend of 18 essential oils that are specifically formulated to improve air quality, reduce respiratory discomfort and clear nasal congestion. Natural Ingredients This fragrance mixture is made from 100% natural ingredients, free from harmful chemicals and artificial fragrances. It is composed of essential oils such as Eucalyptus Radiata, Niaouli, Ravintsara, Norway Spruce, Pine, Peppermint, Cajeput, and Thyme. These botanical extracts have been carefully selected for their purifying, antiviral, antibacterial, and decongestant properties that help to boost the immune system and enhance breathing. Easy to Use Puressentiel® Atemfrei Essential Oils can be used in any diffuser or burner to create a natural, aromatic and refreshing atmosphere throughout the day. Simply add a few drops of the mixture in the water bowl of your diffuser and let the essential oils diffuse into the air. You can use it at home or in your office, especially during the winter months when the air tends to get dry and stale. The uplifting and rejuvenating scent will help to invigorate your body and mind, boosting your concentration and productivity. Breath Easy If you are prone to respiratory problems, allergies or asthma, Puressentiel® Atemfrei Essential Oils can help to alleviate symptoms such as cough, cold, sinusitis, and congestion. The natural aroma of essential oils also promotes relaxation and stress-reduction, helping to promote better sleep and a general sense of well-being. Product Features: 30 ml bottle of essential oil mixture Contains 18 natural essential oils Free from harmful chemicals and artificial fragrances Purifies air and eliminates pollutants. Reduces respiratory discomfort and clears nasal congestion Improves the immune system Uplifting and rejuvenating aroma Relaxes and reduces stress Puressentiel® fragrance mixture Atemfrei essential oils for diffusion is a must-have for anyone who values natural and organic ways of living. It?s an affordable and convenient way to purify the air around you and promote good health. Buy now and experience the benefits of this fantastic essential oil blend that will help you to breathe easy and feel refreshed. ..

39.70 USD

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