
molicare гар утас 10 xl

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Швейцарийн хамгийн шилдэг шийдэл болох MoliCare Mobile 10 XL-тэй танилцаж, дунд болон хүнд хэлбэрийн шээс задгайрах өвчтэй хүмүүст онцгой тохь тух, аюулгүй байдлыг санал болгож байна. Сайжруулсан шингээгч, амьсгалах материалтай тул 24 цаг хүртэл хуурайших боломжтой. Идэвхтэй амьдралын хэв маягт зориулагдсан, уян харимхай бүс, гоожихоос сэргийлсэн ханцуйвчийн тусламжтайгаар биед эвтэйхэн тохирч, өдрийн турш гоожихгүй найдвартай байдлыг хангана. Арьс судлалын шинжилгээнд хамрагдсан эдгээр бүтээгдэхүүн нь арьсыг зөөлрүүлж, цочрол, үнэрээс сэргийлдэг. MoliCare Mobile 10 XL нь хялбар, эрүүл ахуйн шаардлага хангасан хэрэглээг амлаж, болгоомжтой хамгаалах практик сонголт болгодог.
Molicare mobile 10 xl 14 ширхэг

Molicare mobile 10 xl 14 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7347132

MoliCare Mobile 10 XL 14 pcs Keep yourself feeling comfortable and confident with the MoliCare Mobile 10 XL 14 pcs, specially designed for individuals with moderate to heavy incontinence. This disposable incontinence underwear offers superior dryness and comfort thanks to its flexible materials and absorbent core, which quickly absorbs fluids and locks away wetness for up to 24 hours of protection. Featuring a soft and breathable design, the MoliCare Mobile 10 XL 14 pcs allow for freedom of movement and ease of wear without compromising on leakage protection. Requiring minimal changes throughout the day, this incontinence underwear is perfect for those with active lifestyles who prefer a discreet and effective solution. Its unique, elasticated waistband and anti-leak cuffs provide a snug, secure fit that reduces the risk of leaks and keeps you feeling confident and comfortable all day long. The MoliCare Mobile 10 XL 14 pcs are also dermatologically tested and skin-friendly, preventing unpleasant skin irritation and odors, making it the perfect choice for those who require extra protection and care. Use it at home or on the go, the MoliCare Mobile 10 XL 14 pcs are easy to use, hygienic and convenient. Try out this high-quality incontinence underwear now and enjoy a worry-free day without having to worry about any embarrassing leaks or discomforts. Important features: Flexible materials and absorbent core for up to 24 hours of protection Soft and breathable design for maximum comfort Elasticated waistband and anti-leak cuffs for a secure fit and reduced risk of leaks Dermatologically tested and skin-friendly to prevent skin irritation and odors Easy to use, hygienic and convenient ..

93.55 USD

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(1 Хуудас)
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