
сарын тэмдэг

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Сарын тэмдгийн үед тав тухыг хангаж, хамгаалах зорилготой манай сарын тэмдгийн бүтээгдэхүүний нэр төрлийг олж мэдээрэй. Бидний сонголтод OB Tampons ProComfort Super багтсан бөгөөд энэ нь тусгайлан тохируулсан өргөний хувьд өвөрмөц өргөтгөлтэй, хялбар оруулах зориулалттай гөлгөр бөөрөнхий үзүүртэй, гоожихоос сэргийлсэн LeakGuard сүлжихтэй. Хүнд урсгалтай өдрүүдэд тохиромжтой эдгээр тампонууд нь дээд зэргийн тайтгарал, өөртөө итгэх итгэлийг өгдөг. Календула, chamomile зэрэг байгалийн гаралтай орцоор хийсэн зөөлөн, тайвшруулах серум бүхий ариун цэврийн дэвсгэрт наалддаг Бинденд зориулсан Somatoline Refill Kit-тэй танилцана уу. Энэхүү дүүргэгч иж бүрдэл нь арьсны эрүүл мэндийг сайжруулж, үрэвслийн эсрэг үйлчилгээ үзүүлдэг. Циклийн туршид шинэлэг байдал, тав тухыг хадгалахад тохиромжтой. Швейцарь улсын эрүүл мэнд, гоо сайхны цуглуулгаас таны хэрэгцээнд тохирсон сарын тэмдгийн арчилгааны бүтээгдэхүүнийг олоорой.
Ob тампонууд procomfort super

Ob тампонууд procomfort super

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7803180

OB Tampons ProComfort Super OB Tampons ProComfort Super provides maximum comfort and protection during your period. The tampons are designed to expand width-wise for a customized fit and have a smooth, rounded tip for easy insertion. The tampons have a SilkTouch cover for ultimate comfort and a LeakGuard braid to help prevent leaks. Features: Expands width-wise for a customized fit Smooth, rounded tip for easy insertion SilkTouch cover for ultimate comfort LeakGuard braid to help prevent leaks ProComfort tampon design for maximum comfort Super absorbency for heavy flow days How to use: Wash your hands thoroughly before use. Sit or stand comfortably with your legs apart. Hold the tampon by the grip area and remove the outer wrapper. With your index finger, push the tampon into your vagina. Stop when your fingers meet your body. Use your fingers to make sure the tampon is positioned comfortably and correctly. Remove the tampon after 8 hours or sooner if necessary. Wrap the used tampon in toilet paper and dispose of it in the garbage. OB Tampons ProComfort Super is a reliable and comfortable choice for women with heavy flow days. With its unique design and superior features, you can feel confident and secure during your period...

11.61 USD

Somatoline nachfüll-kit für binden refill serum 6 x 70 мл

Somatoline nachfüll-kit für binden refill serum 6 x 70 мл

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7818209

The Somatoline Nachfüll-Kit für Binden Refill Serum 6 x 70 ml is a high-quality refill kit designed to provide women with an effective way to manage their menstrual periods. This product easily attaches to sanitary pads and offers a gentle formula that is perfect for daily use. The serum is made up of a blend of natural ingredients, including extracts of calendula, witch hazel, and chamomile. These extracts help soothe and moisturize your skin, keeping it healthy and hydrated even during your period. The serum also features anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that help fight off bacteria, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. Each refill bottle contains 70 ml of serum, designed to last for up to seven days. This ensures that you always have a fresh and clean pad, helping you feel more comfortable and confident throughout your period. The refill kit comes with six bottles, ensuring that you have enough serum to last you through several periods. Using the Somatoline Nachfüll-Kit für Binden Refill Serum 6 x 70 ml is easy - simply attach the bottle to your sanitary pad using the adhesive strips, and you're good to go. The serum is designed to be discreet and comfortable, so you won't even feel it on your skin. This refill kit is ideal for women who are looking for a natural and effective way to manage their periods. It's perfect for anyone who wants to stay active and comfortable during this time of the month, and it's a great way to take control of your menstrual cycle. ..

94.41 USD

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