
эрүүл мэндийн эмнэлгийн анги тоглох

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Эмзэг арьсанд зориулагдсан, эрүүл мэндийн ангийн хэллэгийн олон янзын 3м микроприпт силикон наалдамхай гогцоотой гипс бүхий бүтээгдэхүүнийг онцолж, эдгээр плацистууд шарх эдгэрэхийг сурталчлахдаа зөөлөн, өвдөлтгүй наалддаг. Шархын хувцас, бага зэргийн зүсэлт хийхэд тохиромжтой, тэдгээр нь чийг, бактерийн эсрэг амьсгалах боломжтой, гипоалченгерийн хаалт өгдөг. Аливаа анхны тусламжийн хэрэгсэлд зайлшгүй шаардлагатай.
3m micropore силикон наалдамхай гипс 5смх5м

3m micropore силикон наалдамхай гипс 5смх5м

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 6524738

Product Description: 3M Micropore Silicone Adhesive Plaster 5cmx5m The 3M Micropore Silicone Adhesive Plaster is a medical grade plaster that is designed for sensitive skin. It provides gentle adhesion on delicate and fragile skin while promoting wound healing. This plaster is 5cm wide and 5m long, making it perfect for a variety of applications. Features: The silicone adhesive allows for gentle and painless removal Breathable and hypoallergenic, making it perfect for sensitive skin Provides a barrier against moisture and bacteria, reducing the risk of infections Can be used for wound dressings, minor cuts, and scrapes Benefits: The 3M Micropore Silicone Adhesive Plaster is perfect for those who have sensitive skin or have had allergic reactions to other plasters in the past. With the silicone adhesive, it's easy to apply and remove without causing any pain or discomfort. The breathable and hypoallergenic material reduces the risk of skin irritation or allergic reactions. It's ideal for use on wound dressings, minor cuts, and scrapes as it provides a protective barrier against moisture and bacteria. It's an essential item for any first aid kit at home or in the workplace. Order Your 3M Micropore Silicone Adhesive Plaster Now! Get the 3M Micropore Silicone Adhesive Plaster to keep yourself safe from infections and provide gentle protection to your sensitive skin. Order this essential item for your first aid kit now and avail free shipping on orders above $50. ..

20.51 USD

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