
эмнэлгийн нүдний нөхөөс

1-с 13 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 13
(1 Хуудас)
Нүдний янз бүрийн өвчнийг тайтгаруулах, үр дүнтэй эмчлэхэд зориулагдсан эмнэлгийн нүдний наалтуудын цогц сонголттой танилцана уу. Манай бүтээгдэхүүнүүд, тэр дундаа 3M Opticlude, Ortopad, Pro Ophta зэрэг итгэмжлэгдсэн брэндүүд нь нүдний хараа муудах, мэс заслын дараах хамгаалалтыг хангах, нүдний эмчилгээний аливаа хэрэгцээг хангахад тохиромжтой. Нөхөөс бүрийг арьсанд ээлтэй, амьсгалах материалаар урласан бөгөөд цочролыг багасгаж, бат бөх бэхлэх боломжийг олгодог. Төрөл бүрийн хэмжээ, загвартай эдгээр наалтууд нь хүүхэд болон насанд хүрэгчдэд зориулагдсан бөгөөд нүдний арчилгааны найдвартай шийдлийг баталгаажуулдаг. Бүх бүтээгдэхүүн нь Европт (CE) баталгаажсан бөгөөд Швейцараас онлайнаар худалдан авах боломжтой. Өнөөдөр манай эрүүл мэнд, гоо сайхны бүтээгдэхүүний сонголтоос таны хэрэгцээнд тохирсон нүдний нөхөөсийг олж мэдээрэй.
3m opticlude maxi нүдний боолт 20 x 8x5.7см

3m opticlude maxi нүдний боолт 20 x 8x5.7см

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 680845

3M Opticlude Maxi нүдний боолтны шинж чанар 20 x 8x5.7cmЕвроп CE гэрчилгээтэйХадгалах температур мин/макс 15/30 хэм Багц дахь хэмжээ: 20 ширхэгЖин: 33г Урт: 38мм Өргөн: 58мм Өндөр: 87мм 20 x 8x5.7cm хэмжээтэй 3M Opticlude Maxi нүдний боолтыг Швейцариас онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

21.34 USD

3m opticlude mini eye dressing 6x5cm x 20

3m opticlude mini eye dressing 6x5cm x 20

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 832522

3M Opticlude Mini Eye Dressing 6x5cm x 20 The 3M Opticlude Mini Eye Dressing is a reliable and effective product specially designed to help protect and treat various eye concerns. This product comes in a pack of 20 that measures 6x5cm each, making it ideal for use at home, outdoors, or while traveling. Features Soft and comfortable on the skin Provides a secure and gentle hold on the eye Permeable to air and moisture to prevent skin irritation Allows for easy movement and flexibility Recommended by healthcare professionals Benefits The 3M Opticlude Mini Eye Dressing is an excellent option for those suffering from various eye ailments, such as amblyopia, or those needing protection after surgery. The dressings are designed to fit comfortably and securely over the eye, providing ample protection, while also allowing for air and moisture to flow through so that skin irritation is less likely to occur. The dressings are easy to apply and their flexibility ensures they stay put while providing maximum comfort. How to Use Clean your hands and the area around the eye Peel off the paper backing from the adhesive side of the dressing Place the dressing over the affected eye and smooth out any wrinkles or bumps Ensure that the dressing adheres firmly to the skin If the dressing becomes loose or wet, replace it with a new one The 3M Opticlude Mini Eye Dressing is highly recommended by healthcare professionals and has proven to be effective in treating and protecting various eye concerns. With its soft and comfortable design, it is sure to provide the care and comfort your eyes need...

21.34 USD

Ortolux нүдний боолт l

Ortolux нүдний боолт l

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 1032932

Ortolux нүдний боолтны шинж чанар LЕвропын CE гэрчилгээтэйХадгалах температур мин/макс 15/25 хэмБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1 ширхэг Жин: 5г Урт: 19мм Өргөн: 82мм Өндөр: 187мм Ortolux eye худалдаж аваарай боолт L Швейцараас онлайнаар..

14.52 USD

Ortolux нүдний боолт с

Ortolux нүдний боолт с

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 2916080

Product Description: Ortolux Eye Bandage S The Ortolux Eye Bandage S is a high-quality medical device specifically designed to provide maximum comfort, protection, and support to the eye. This eye bandage is perfect for individuals who are recovering from eye surgery, or those who have injuries or conditions that require them to wear an eye patch or bandage. Made from premium quality materials, the Ortolux Eye Bandage S is soft, breathable, and gentle on the skin. It features a secure, adjustable strap that ensures the bandage stays in place and provides a comfortable fit. The bandage is easy to apply and remove, making it ideal for use at home, at work, or on-the-go. Moreover, this eye bandage provides complete coverage and protection to the eye, shielding it from light, dust, and other irritants that may cause discomfort. Its unique design allows for optimal air circulation around the eye, which helps prevent moisture buildup and reduces the risk of infection. The Ortolux Eye Bandage S is suitable for use on both the left and right eye and comes in a convenient size that fits most individuals. It is also latex-free and hypoallergenic, making it safe for people with sensitive skin. Additionally, the bandage can be easily washed and reused, making it a practical and cost-effective solution for eye protection. If you're looking for a reliable eye bandage that provides optimal comfort and protection to your eye, the Ortolux Eye Bandage S is the perfect choice. Its premium quality, adjustable fit, and breathable design make it a must-have for anyone recovering from eye surgery or dealing with eye injuries or conditions. ..

13.25 USD

Ortopad cotton occlusionspflaster regular girl 4 нас 50 pc

Ortopad cotton occlusionspflaster regular girl 4 нас 50 pc

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 2799384

Product Description: Ortopad Cotton Occlusionspflaster Regular Girl 4 years and 50 pc The Ortopad Cotton Occlusionspflaster is a high-quality medical product designed to assist children in overcoming amblyopia, also known as lazy eye. The Regular Girl version of this occlusion patch is perfect for young girls who want to add a bit of style to their eye-patching routine. With 50 patches in each package, parents and caregivers will have an ample supply of occlusion patches to ensure that their child has a fresh patch each day. The Ortopad Cotton Occlusionspflaster is designed to fit comfortably on the eye, with a soft and breathable cotton material that reduces the chance of skin irritation or discomfort. The occlusion patch is easy to apply, with a gentle adhesive that secures it to the skin without causing pain or discomfort. The Regular Girl version features a fun and colorful butterfly design, which can help children feel more comfortable wearing an eye patch each day. The Ortopad Cotton Occlusionspflaster Regular Girl 4 years and 50 pc package is suitable for children aged between four and eight years old, making it an excellent choice for parents or caregivers with younger children. Designed with the needs of children and parents in mind, this occlusion patch is an essential tool for treating amblyopia and helping children to develop a healthy and strong visual system. If you are looking for a high-quality occlusion patch that offers both comfort and style, the Ortopad Cotton Occlusionspflaster Regular Girl 4 years and 50 pc is an excellent choice. ..

76.65 USD

Ortopad cotton occlusionspflaster дунд зэргийн хөвгүүд 2-4 нас 50 ширхэг

Ortopad cotton occlusionspflaster дунд зэргийн хөвгүүд 2-4 нас 50 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 3203407

Ortopad Cotton Occlusionspflaster medium Boys 2-4 years 50 pcs Ortopad Cotton Occlusionspflaster is designed for young boys age 2-4 to help treat and prevent amblyopia or ?lazy eye?. These cotton patches gently adhere to the skin around the eye, fully covering the affected eye to encourage usage of the non-affected eye. The medium size is perfect for young children with a smaller facial structure, allowing for a comfortable fit and minimal irritation. Each package contains 50 patches, providing ample supply for extended patching use. The cotton material is gentle on the skin and breathable, which helps prevent irritation or discomfort. The adhesive is hypoallergenic and latex-free, making it safe for all skin types including sensitive skin. With these patches, parents can help their child develop strong and healthy vision in both eyes. The bright and colorful designs on each patch make them fun and enjoyable to wear, encouraging children to comply with treatment. The patches are also easy to remove and leave minimal residue, making them convenient for parents to use. Overall, the Ortopad Cotton Occlusionspflaster is an effective and safe product for treating amblyopia or ?lazy eye? in young boys age 2-With its comfortable fit, gentle cotton material, and fun designs, this product makes patching a more enjoyable experience for both parents and children. ..

74.14 USD

Ortopad happy occlusionspflaster junior 50 ширхэг

Ortopad happy occlusionspflaster junior 50 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5548004

Ortopad Happy Occlusionspflaster junior 50 ширхэгийн онцлогЕвропод CE гэрчилгээтэйХадгалах температур мин/макс 15/25 хэмБаглаа боодлын хэмжээ: 50 ширхэгЖин: 90г Урт: 96мм Өргөн: 85мм Өндөр: 97мм Худалдан авах Ortopad Happy Occlusionspflaster junior 50 ширхэг Швейцараас онлайнаар худалдаалагдаж байна..

76.65 USD

Ortopad happy occlusionspflaster дунд 50 ширхэг

Ortopad happy occlusionspflaster дунд 50 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5548010

Ortopad Happy Occlusionspflaster-ийн шинж чанар 50 ширхэгЕвропод CE гэрчилгээтэйХадгалах температур мин/макс 15/25 хэмБагц дахь хэмжээ: 50 ширхэгЖин: 110г Урт: 93мм Өргөн: 93мм Өндөр: 115мм Худалдан авах Ortopad Happy Occlusionspflaster дунд 50 ширхэг Швейцараас онлайнаар худалдаалагдаж байна..

76.65 USD

Ortopad happy occlusionspflaster ердийн 50 ширхэг

Ortopad happy occlusionspflaster ердийн 50 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 5548027

Ortopad Happy Occlusionspflaster-ийн шинж чанар 50 ширхэгЕвропод CE гэрчилгээтэйХадгалах температур мин/макс 15/25 хэмБаглаа боодлын хэмжээ: 50 ширхэгЖин: 123г Урт: 94мм Өргөн: 93мм Өндөр: 115мм Худалдан авах Ortopad Happy Occlusionspflaster ердийн 50ш Швейцараас онлайнаар худалдаалагдаж байна..

76.65 USD

Ortopad occlusionspflaster 4 наснаас эхлэн энгийн арьс 50 ширхэг

Ortopad occlusionspflaster 4 наснаас эхлэн энгийн арьс 50 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 2208041

Ortopad Occlusionspflaster-ийн шинж чанар 4 настай энгийн арьс 50 ширхэгЕвропын CE гэрчилгээтэйХадгалах температур мин/макс 15/25 хэмХэмжээ багцанд : 50 ширхэгЖин: 131г Урт: 94мм Өргөн: 94мм Өндөр: 117мм p>Ortopad Occlusionspflaster 4 настай энгийн арьс 50 ширхэгийг Швейцараас онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

58.72 USD

Pro ophta s нүдний боолт ил тод s 50 ширхэг

Pro ophta s нүдний боолт ил тод s 50 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 2601264

Pro Ophta S нүдний боолтны шинж чанар тунгалаг S 50 ширхэгЕвропод CE баталгаажуулсанХадгалах температур мин/макс 15/25 хэмХэмжээ багцанд : 50 ширхэгЖин: 317г Урт: 150мм Өргөн: 155мм Өндөр: 160мм p>Pro Ophta S нүдний боолтны тунгалаг S 50 ширхэгийг Швейцариас онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..

316.05 USD

Pro ophta s нүдний будагч тунгалаг с

Pro ophta s нүдний будагч тунгалаг с

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 1696311

Pro Ophta S Нүдний боолт Clear S Мэдээ алдуулалт дууссаны дараа мэс засал хийлгээгүй нүдийг дэмждэг тунгалаг, муруй дугуй диск бүхий уян харимхай цагны шил. Properties Цахилгааны шилний холбоо. Нүдийг хамгаалахын тулд тунгалаг, хэмжээст тогтвортой, хагардаггүй линз. Эмийн бэлдмэл хэрэглэх боломжтой. Арьсанд ээлтэй цавуу - урт хугацааны эмчилгээнд тохиромжтой. Ариутгалгүй. ..

9.18 USD

ортопадын бөглөрөлийн гипс 4 наснаас эхлэн ердийн цагаан 50 ширхэг

ортопадын бөглөрөлийн гипс 4 наснаас эхлэн ердийн цагаан 50 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 1618133

Ortopad Occlusion Patches Regular White 4 Years and 50 Pack The Ortopad Occlusion Patches Regular White 4 Years and 50 Pack is an excellent product for occluding an eye due to various vision therapy treatments or a lazy eye. It is designed to adhere to the skin without irritation and provide optimal coverage to the eye, ensuring maximum effectiveness. This product is specifically designed for children who need to wear occlusion patches to improve their vision. These patches are made with a hypoallergenic, adhesive material that is gentle on the skin, causing no discomfort or skin irritation. The patches are breathable to help prevent any build-up of moisture that may cause the patch to fall off. The Ortopad Occlusion Patches Regular White is easy to apply and remove for parents, making it a hassle-free experience for both children and adults alike. The pack contains 50 patches of regular size, perfect for children aged four years and above. The regular size will fit most children's eyeglasses frames to ensure that the patch remains in place, providing ultimate coverage for maximum effectiveness. Moreover, its white color gives the patch an understated and neutral appearance, providing minimal interference with the child's vision while causing no distraction. In conclusion, the Ortopad Occlusion Patches Regular White 4 Years and 50 Pack is an excellent investment for occluding an eye, whether due to vision therapy treatment or a lazy eye. The pack contains 50 patches of regular size, making it ideal for children aged four years and above. The hypoallergenic adhesive material ensures that the patch remains in place without irritating the skin. Its breathable design and ease of application make it a hassle-free experience for both parents and children. So, buy the Ortopad Occlusion Patches Regular White 4 Years and 50 Pack today and improve your child's vision at home!..

58.72 USD

1-с 13 хүртэлх үр дүн. Нийт 13
(1 Хуудас)
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