
өвдөгний тулгуур хэрэгсэл

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Таны идэвхтэй амьдралын хэв маягт нийцүүлэн бүтээсэн Genutrain Active Support Gr7 Titan-ийн тусламжтайгаар өвдөгний үеийг дэмжих онцгой хэрэгслийг олж мэдээрэй. Өвдөгний бэхэлгээний төрөлжсөн сонголтын нэг хэсэг болох энэхүү бүтээгдэхүүн нь Швейцарийн нарийвчлал, шинэлэг загварыг хослуулсан. Цусны эргэлтийг сайжруулж, өвдөгний үений үрэвслийг багасгах эмнэлгийн зориулалттай шахалт, төгс тохирох тохируулгатай оосор, амьсгалж чаддаг, арьсанд ээлтэй материалаар хосгүй тав тухтай байдлыг хангадаг. Удаан эдэлгээтэй, янз бүрийн спортын үйл ажиллагаанд тохиромжтой, биеийн тамирын дасгалыг сайжруулж, гэмтэл бэртлээс урьдчилан сэргийлэхэд тусалдаг. Genutrain Active Support Gr7 Titan-ийг өвдөгний дээд зэргийн хамгаалалтаар сонгоорой. Швейцарийн эрүүл мэнд, гоо сайхны салбарт таны төгс хамтрагч.
Genutrain идэвхтэй gr7 титаныг дэмждэг

Genutrain идэвхтэй gr7 титаныг дэмждэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7750400

Genutrain Active Support Gr7 Titan - Your Perfect Knee Support Partner If you are looking for the best knee support gear for your active lifestyle, the Genutrain Active Support Gr7 Titan is the perfect product for you. It is designed to provide excellent support and protection for your knee while enabling you to move about freely and confidently. Features: Medical-Grade Compression: This knee brace uses medical-grade compression to improve blood flow and reduce inflammation in the knee area. It also enhances proprioception or your body's ability to sense movement and position. Adjustable Wrapping: The Genutrain Active Support Gr7 Titan has a wrap-around design with adjustable straps that make it easy to adjust the fit and compression level for a customized fit. This feature ensures that the brace stays in place, even during intense sports activities. Safe and Comfortable: Made from premium-quality materials, this knee support gear is skin-friendly, breathable, and moisture-wicking, making it comfortable to wear all day long. It is also safe to use, free from harmful chemicals, and has received the Öko-Tex Standard 100 certificate. Durable and Functional: The Genutrain Active Support Gr7 Titan is built to last, thanks to its robust and durable construction. It is machine washable, easy to maintain, and available in various sizes to fit all knee shapes. Ideal for Athletic Performance and Injury Prevention: From running, weightlifting to team sports like football, basketball, and soccer, this knee brace provides excellent support and protection to your joints, allowing you to perform at your best without risking injury. Why Choose Genutrain Active Support Gr7 Titan? Whether you are recovering from a knee injury or looking for a reliable knee support gear for your active lifestyle, the Genutrain Active Support Gr7 Titan is an excellent choice. It combines innovative design, premium-quality materials, and advanced features to ensure that your knee receives the best care and protection. Order your Genutrain Active Support Gr7 Titan today and experience the difference! ..

143.13 USD

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