эрүүл ахуй
(1 Хуудас)
Ahc хөлс дарагч classic lik 30 мл
The AHC20 classic antiperspirant can be used for all body regions. The activity of the glands is restricted to a natural level without stopping their function. This keeps problem areas dry and you feel comfortable in your skin. Works immediately and is guaranteedEasy to use Notes Do not use on irritated or injured skin. Do not use for children. Avoid eye contact...
33.75 USD
Blink totalcare solution + lc fl 120 ml
Хатуу контакт линзэнд зориулагдсан шинэ төрлийн контакт линз арчилгааны бүтээгдэхүүн болох BLINK TOTALCARE SOLUTION + LC FL 120 ML-ийг танилцуулж байна. Энэхүү цогц шийдэл нь таны линзийг үр дүнтэй цэвэрлэж, халдваргүйжүүлж, нөхцөл байдлыг сайжруулж, өдрийн турш дээд зэргийн тав тух, тунгалаг байдлыг хангана. Хэрэглэхэд хялбар, нүдэнд зөөлөн тусдаг энэхүү шийдэл нь контакт линзэндээ өндөр чанартай арчилгаа авах хүсэлтэй хүмүүст тохиромжтой. Контакт линзний засвар үйлчилгээний хамгийн шилдэг сонголт болох BLINK TOTALCARE SOLUTION + LC FL 120 ML-ийн тусламжтайгаар нүдээ эрүүл, хараагаа хурц байлгаарай...
23.82 USD
Bocoton hygiene cleansing wipe bio btl 20 pcs
Bocoton Hygiene Cleansing Wipe Bio Bag 20 pcs Introducing the Bocoton Hygiene Cleansing Wipe Bio Bag 20 pcs, the perfect solution for maintaining personal hygiene on-the-go. This product is designed to provide a refreshing clean in a fast and efficient way. Each pack contains 20 wipes that are made with high-quality, biodegradable material, making them eco-friendly and safe for the environment. Features: 20-Pack: This product comes with 20 wipes, providing ample supply for daily use or for trips away from home. Biodegradable Material: The wipes are made with a biodegradable material, ensuring that they are safe for the environment. Easy to Use: The wipes are easy to use and convenient. Simply open the pack and pull out a wipe for a quick and effective clean. Soft and Gentle: The wipes are gentle on the skin and won't cause irritation, making them ideal for individuals with sensitive skin. Perfect for On-the-Go: The compact size of the pack makes it perfect for carrying in a purse, backpack, or gym bag, so you can always have a refreshing clean on-the-go. Benefits: Provides a Refreshing Clean: The wipes contain a gentle cleansing formula that effectively cleans and refreshes the skin, leaving you feeling clean and refreshed. Convenient and Easy to Use: The wipes are pre-moistened and ready to use, making them convenient for on-the-go use. Travel-Friendly: The compact size of the pack makes it perfect for travel, so you can maintain personal hygiene wherever you go. Gentle on the Skin: The wipes are gentle on the skin and won't cause irritation, even for individuals with sensitive skin. Eco-Friendly: The wipes are made with biodegradable material, making them safe for the environment and reducing waste. Conclusion: The Bocoton Hygiene Cleansing Wipe Bio Bag 20 pcs is a must-have product for anyone who wants a quick and efficient way to maintain personal hygiene on-the-go. These wipes are made with high-quality, biodegradable material that is gentle on the skin and safe for the environment. With 20 wipes per pack, you'll have ample supply for daily use or for travel. These wipes are also convenient and easy to use, making them perfect for busy individuals who are always on-the-go. Try them today and experience the convenience and benefits of the Bocoton Hygiene Cleansing Wipe Bio Bag 20 pcs!..
5.77 USD
Dettol no-touch handseife nachf honig
DETTOL No-Touch гарын саван Nachf зөгийн балаар гараа цэвэр байлгаж, үр хөврөлгүй байлгаарай. Энэхүү шинэлэг савангийн саван нь зөгийн балны анхилуун үнэртэй бактерийн эсрэг савангаар баялаг хөөсийг автоматаар гаргаж, гарын эрүүл ахуйн үр дүнтэй байдлыг хангана. Хувийн болон сувилахуйн тусламж үйлчилгээний газруудад нэн тохиромжтой энэхүү бүтээгдэхүүн нь гар шахах шаардлагагүйгээр гарын ариун цэврийг сахихыг дэмжин, хөндлөнгийн бохирдлын эрсдлийг бууруулдаг. Савангийн шингэн нь арьсанд зөөлөн боловч нянгийн эсрэг хүчтэй тул байнга хэрэглэхэд тохиромжтой. DETTOL No-Touch Hand Soap Nachf Honey-ээр гарын ариун цэврээ сайжруулаарай...
16.11 USD
Livsane gebissreinigungstabletten 30 stk
Livsane Gebissreinigungstabletten 30 Stk are specifically designed to give you a fresh and clean mouthfeel. This product is a must-have for any denture wearer, as it provides an effortless way of keeping your dentures clean and hygienic at all times. Each packet contains 30 tablets, each of which is formulated to break down stubborn stains, plaque, and bacteria from your dentures. The effective cleaning action of these tablets ensures that your dentures stay free from any unpleasant odors, leaving them looking sparkling clean and fresh. The tablets are easy to use, and it only takes a few steps to achieve great results. Simply place a single tablet into a container with warm water, then immerse your dentures in the solution. Leave them in for a few minutes as the tablet dissolves, then rinse thoroughly and you're done. The ingredients used in Livsane Gebissreinigungstabletten 30 Stk have been carefully selected to ensure optimal results. The active oxygen formula is gentle on your dentures while still providing a deep cleaning action. This product is safe, effective, and suitable for use with any type of denture materials, including metal, acrylic or plastic. With regular use of Livsane Gebissreinigungstabletten 30 Stk, you can maintain your oral health and keep your dentures looking their best. This product is an invaluable addition to your denture care routine, and it can help you maintain a comfortable, healthy, and fresh feeling mouth. So, if you're looking for a reliable and effective way to keep your dentures clean and hygienic, look no further than Livsane Gebissreinigungstabletten 30 Stk. Try it today and enjoy the benefits of maintaining optimal denture hygiene...
6.45 USD
Puressentiel display antibacterial gel 12x80ml french
Puressentiel Display бактерийн эсрэг гель 12x80ml Франц нь янз бүрийн нөхцөлд эрүүл ахуйг сахихад тохиромжтой, үр дүнтэй шийдэл юм. Энэхүү олон багц нь аялалын хэмжээтэй 12 шилтэй бөгөөд тус бүр нь 80 мл бактерийн эсрэг гельээр дүүргэгдсэн байдаг. Хортой нян, бактерийг устгах зорилгоор бүтээгдсэн энэхүү гель нь арьсны шархыг халдваргүйжүүлэх, халдвараас сэргийлэхийн тулд гараа ариутгахад тохиромжтой. Лонх бүрийн авсаархан хэмжээ нь халаас, түрийвч, цүнхэндээ хийж явахад хялбар болгож, хаана ч явсан цэвэр ариун байдлыг хурдан шуурхай авах боломжийг олгоно. Puressentiel бактерийн эсрэг гель ашиглан гар, шархаа цэвэр байлгаж хамгаалаарай...
196.13 USD
Raucotupf хөвөн арчдас мод 15см жижиг хөвөн толгой btl 100 ширхэг
Introducing the Raucotupf Cotton Swab Timber - the perfect addition to your daily hygiene routine! This product is made from high-quality cotton and timber materials, providing both comfort and durability. Measuring 15cm in length and featuring a small cotton head, these swabs are perfect for reaching those hard-to-get-to places, such as the ears, nose, and more. They are versatile and can be used for a variety of purposes ranging from applying ointment to cleaning delicate surfaces. This product comes in a convenient bottle containing 100 pieces, ensuring that you always have a steady supply of high-quality cotton swabs on hand. Whether you?re using them for personal hygiene, beauty treatments or medical purposes, you can rely on the Raucotupf Cotton Swab Timber to deliver excellent results every time. Order your bottle of Raucotupf Cotton Swabs today and experience the comfort and quality for yourself!..
4.25 USD
Sanette дотуур өмд 30 ширхэг
Panty liner, self-adhesive made of pure, fine cotton wool, for daily hygiene, dermatologically tested, fragrance-free, FSC-certified (FSC® C131245). Underwear protection made of pure cotton, without plastic, naturally soft and gentle on the skin. Panty liner, self-adhesive made of pure, fine cotton, for daily hygiene , dermatologically tested, fragrance-free, FSC-certified (FSC® C131245). Underwear protection made from pure cotton wool, without plastic, naturally soft and gentle on the skin. ..
9.41 USD
Trisa ам зайлагч completecare fl 500 мл
Триса ам зайлагчийн шинж чанар CompleteCare Fl 500 млБагц дахь хэмжээ: 1 млЖин: 580г Урт: 40мм >Өргөн: 80мм Өндөр: 220мм Триса ам зайлагч CompleteCare Fl 500 мл-ийг Швейцариас онлайнаар худалдаж аваарай..
8.24 USD
пантасепт халдваргүйжүүлэлт lös fl 1 литр
Professional disinfection for surfaces and objects. Suitable for medical, technical and industrial purposes as well as for household and leisure. Effective against viruses, bacteria and fungi. Application Spray the surface or object generously. Be careful with sensitive surfaces, it is best to test on a non-visible area. Exposure time against bacteria and fungi: At least 5 minutesExposure time against viruses: At least 30 seconds ..
30.65 USD
цэвэр ариутгасан 5 л
Sterillium pure 5 lt This is a top-quality hand sanitizer from Sterillium that is sold in a 5 liter container. Sterillium is a well-known brand when it comes to hygiene and cleanliness. This product is one of the best hand sanitizers on the market that is trusted by health care professionals, laboratory technicians, and anyone in need of a reliable hand sanitizer. Features Highly effective disinfection due to its 85% alcohol concentration. Rapid and sustained antimicrobial effect. Contains skin-protecting ingredients such as glycerine and panthenol. Dries quickly and leaves no residue. Usage This hand sanitizer can be used in hospitals, clinics, laboratories, schools, and public places. It can be applied directly to the hands or a small amount can be poured onto a clean cloth and wiped over the skin. It is suitable for all skin types and has a pleasant fragrance that won't cause any irritation or discomfort. Benefits Helps to reduce the risks of infections and diseases by killing germs and bacteria on the hands. Can be used by anyone, even those with sensitive skin. Easy to use and apply. Affordable and long-lasting, the 5-liter container can be used for several weeks or months depending on the frequency of use. Conclusion In conclusion, the Sterillium pure 5 lt hand sanitizer is an excellent product for anyone who wants to maintain good hygiene and cleanliness. It is highly effective, easy to use, and affordable. It is a must-have for anyone who wants to stay protected against infections and diseases. ..
176.17 USD
(1 Хуудас)