
өндөр илчлэгтэй коктейль

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Хүмүүст жингээ хялбархан нэмэх эсвэл хадгалахад нь туслах зорилготой өндөр илчлэгтэй коктейлийн төрөлтэй танилцаарай. Манай онцлох бүтээгдэхүүн болох Scandishake Mix PLV Vanilla нь тохиромжтой, тэжээллэг шийдлийг санал болгож, нэг удаад 600 калори илчлэг, өндөр чанартай уураг, амин дэм, эрдэс бодисоор хангадаг. Өвчний улмаас хоол тэжээлийн хэрэгцээ ихэссэн хүмүүст эсвэл булчингийн өсөлтийг сайжруулахыг эрмэлздэг тамирчдад тохиромжтой эдгээр амтат коктейлийг бэлтгэж, амтлахад хялбар байдаг. Үүнийг ус, сүү, эсвэл дуртай ундаатайгаа хольж, хоолоо орлуулах эсвэл хоолны хооронд нэмэлт хоол хийж болно. Өндөр илчлэгтэй коктейлийн үр дүнтэй дэмжлэгээр эрүүл мэнд, эрүүл мэндээ сайжруулаарай.
Scandishake mix plv vanilla 6 x 85 g

Scandishake mix plv vanilla 6 x 85 g

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7800858

Scandishake Mix PLV Vanilla 6 x 85 g Scandishake Mix PLV Vanilla is a specially formulated supplement drink mix that provides extra nutrition and calories to individuals who need to gain weight or maintain a healthy weight. The product comes in a pack of six sachets, each containing 85 grams of vanilla-flavored mix, making it easy to prepare a delicious and nutritious shake anytime, anywhere. One sachet of Scandishake Mix PLV Vanilla provides 600 calories of energy, 19 grams of high-quality protein, and essential vitamins and minerals that support overall health and wellness. The shake mix is easy to digest and absorbs quickly in the body, providing quick energy and promoting muscle growth and recovery. Scandishake Mix PLV Vanilla is ideal for individuals who have difficulty gaining weight due to medical conditions, such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, or malnourishment. The product is also beneficial for athletes and bodybuilders who need to consume extra calories and protein to build and maintain muscle mass. The product is easy to prepare, simply mix the contents of one sachet with 200ml of water, milk, or any other beverage of your choice. The shake can be consumed as a meal replacement or as a supplement between meals. The vanilla flavor provides a delicious taste and can be mixed with other flavors or fruits to create a variety of flavors. Overall, Scandishake Mix PLV Vanilla is an excellent supplement drink mix that provides a convenient and effective source of nutrition and calories. The product is safe, easy to use, and provides excellent results. Try it today and see the difference it can make in your health and wellness!..

72.95 USD

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