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Glad nacht periodenunterwäsche l stark
GLAD Nacht Periodenunterwäsche L stark GLAD Nacht Periodenunterwäsche L stark is designed to provide you with maximum comfort and protection during your periods. The innovative technology used in this product ensures that you can sleep comfortably and confidently, without worrying about leaks or stains. The super-absorbent material and adjustable waistband of the product make it an excellent choice for those heavy flow nights. Features of GLAD Nacht Periodenunterwäsche L stark Super absorbent material: The GLAD Nacht Periodenunterwäsche L stark is made of high-quality material that can absorb up to two tampons' worth of fluid. The material is also breathable, preventing any kind of irritation or discomfort. Adjustable fit: The product comes with an adjustable waistband, ensuring that you get the perfect fit. It is available in size L, which is ideal for individuals with a hip measurement of 95-105cm. Odor control: The product is designed to control any odor associated with menstrual blood, ensuring that you stay fresh and comfortable throughout the night. Easy to clean: The GLAD Nacht Periodenunterwäsche L stark can be easily washed by hand or machine, making it a convenient and cost-effective option. Durable: The high-quality material ensures that the product is long-lasting and can withstand frequent use and washings. Why choose GLAD Nacht Periodenunterwäsche L stark? With GLAD Nacht Periodenunterwäsche L stark, you can say goodbye to uncomfortable pads and tampons, and confidently embrace your periods. The product provides all-round protection against leaks, stains, and odor, and is ideal for heavy-flow nights. Moreover, the adjustable fit and super-absorbent material ensure that you can sleep peacefully and wake up feeling fresh. The bottom line If you are looking for a comfortable and reliable option for your periods, GLAD Nacht Periodenunterwäsche L stark is the perfect choice. It is designed to provide you with maximum protection and comfort during those heavy flow nights, ensuring that you can sleep soundly and wake up feeling fresh...
74.37 USD
Tadam periodenunterwäsche starke blut m
TADAM Periodenunterwäsche starke Blut M Introducing the TADAM Periodenunterwäsche, designed specifically for those with heavy periods! Our M sized period panties have a clever multi-layered design that provides all-day protection from leaks, stains, and discomfort. The innermost layer is made of soft and absorbent bamboo fiber to quickly wick away moisture and keep you feeling dry. The middle layer is reinforced with a high-tech waterproof membrane that resists leaks and stains, so you can feel confident and secure all day long. But what sets us apart from other period underwear brands is our outer layer made from a breathable and stretchy material to ensure a comfortable, snug fit. Our M size is perfect for those with waist sizes ranging from 72-80cm and hip sizes from 97-105cm, catering to a diverse range of body types. Our period panties are also eco-friendly and cost-effective. With their reusable design, you'll save money and reduce the waste caused by disposable menstrual products. Simply rinse them after use, then toss them in the washing machine, and they're ready to go again. Our period panties can last up to two years if cared for properly, making them a great investment in your period care routine. Choose the TADAM Periodenunterwäsche starke Blut M for peace of mind during your heaviest flow days, without sacrificing style, comfort, or sustainability. ..
47.16 USD
Tadam хугацааны дотуур хувцас их цус алддаг л
Хүнд цус алдалтанд зориулсан TADAM Period L дотуур хувцас Хүнд цус алдалтанд зориулсан TADAM Period дотуур хувцас L нь сарын тэмдгийн үед их цус алддаг эмэгтэйчүүдэд тусгайлан зориулагдсан хувьсгалт бүтээгдэхүүн юм. Энэхүү дотуур хувцасны тусламжтайгаар та сарын тэмдэгээ ямар ч тав тухгүй, тав тухгүй, хязгаарлалтгүйгээр сайхан өнгөрүүлээрэй. Хүнд цус алдалт L-д зориулсан TADAM Period дотуур хувцас нь өдрийн турш маш сайн гүйцэтгэл, тав тухыг санал болгодог. Энэ нь өндөр чанартай материалаар хийгдсэн бөгөөд төгс тохирох боломжийг олгодог. Материал нь чийг шингээх чадвартай, амьсгалах чадвартай тул өмсөхөд эвтэйхэн, эвгүй үнэрээс хамгаална. Үүнээс гадна дотуур хувцас нь харшил үүсгэдэггүй тул арьсыг цочроох талаар санаа зовох хэрэггүй. Хүнд цус алдалтанд зориулсан TADAM Period L дотуур хувцас нь өндөр шингээлттэй тул таныг дээд зэргээр хамгаална. Энэ нь цус алдалтаас сэргийлж, таныг өдрийн турш хуурай, цэвэрхэн байлгана. Сарын тэмдгийн үед тав тухтай байхын тулд үнэтэй дэвсгэр, тампон, сарын тэмдгийн аяга хэрэглэх шаардлагагүй. TADAM Period Heavy Flow L-д зориулсан дотуур хувцастай бол танд хэрэгтэй бүх зүйл байна. Хүнд урсгалтай L-д зориулсан TADAM үеийн дотуур хувцасны өөр нэг давуу тал бол байгаль орчинд ээлтэй байдал юм. Ариун цэврийн цаас, дэвсгэр, тампон эсвэл сарын тэмдгийн аяга бага хэрэглэх шаардлагатай тул та мөнгөө хэмнэж, бохирдлыг бууруулдаг. Энэхүү дотуур хувцас нь угааж, дахин ашиглах боломжтой тул та үүнийг олон удаа ашиглах боломжтой. Энэ нь эмэгтэйчүүдийн хувьд боломжийн, практик, тогтвортой сонголт болгодог. Товчхондоо, TADAM Period underwear for Heavy Flow L нь сарын тэмдгийн үед их хэмжээний цус алддаг эмэгтэйчүүдэд зориулсан маш сайн бүтээгдэхүүн юм. Энэ нь тав тухтай, аюулгүй, шингээгч, байгаль орчинд ээлтэй, хямдхан. Яг одоо захиалж, сарын тэмдэгээ ямар ч хязгаарлалтгүйгээр, таагүй өнгөрүүлээрэй! ..
47.16 USD
Ultra always binding cotton protection night with wings 9 pcs
Ultra Always Binding Cotton Protection Night with Wings 9 pcs Experience the ultimate comfort and protection during your night-time period flow with Ultra Always Binding Cotton Protection Night with Wings 9 pcs. This product is designed to provide maximum comfort and protection for heavy flow. Made with high-quality materials, it offers great absorbency to keep you feeling fresh and dry throughout the night. Ultra Always Binding Cotton Protection Night with Wings 9 pcs features a special 7-layer design that provides superior leak protection and odor control. It uses a specially-designed cotton top-sheet that is gentle on your skin, breathable, and highly absorbent. The wings are extra-long and wide, providing added leakage protection and comfort. They also have a unique shape that helps keep the pad in place, ensuring you have all-night protection. The product has been designed with your ultimate comfort in mind. It is made with soft and smooth materials that are gentle on your skin and prevent irritation. The cotton top-sheet is infused with aloe vera and chamomile extracts to soothe and moisturize your skin, giving you a fresh and clean feeling all night long. The Ultra Always Binding Cotton Protection Night with Wings 9 pcs is individually-wrapped, ensuring that you can carry it discreetly in your purse or handbag. The product is easy to use, with adhesive wings that stick to your underwear and avoid slipping and sliding. You can trust the product to take care of your period needs, no matter how heavy your flow. So, if you are looking for maximum protection, comfort, and freshness during your period, look no further than Ultra Always Binding Cotton Protection Night with Wings 9 pcs. Order now and experience the freedom to move, sleep, and enjoy any nighttime activity, all the while being provided with maximum protection...
10.70 USD
(1 Хуудас)