шархыг зөөлөн боолт
(1 Хуудас)
Gentiltac зөөлөн силикон интерф 7,5х10см
GentilTac зөөлөн силикон интерфэйс давхарга нь 10 ширхэг ариутгасан савлагаатай шарх арчилгааны дэвшилтэт шийдлүүдийг санал болгодог. Эдгээр 7.5x10 см хэмжээтэй интерфэйсүүд нь нарийн шархыг зөөлөн дэмжиж, боолт солих үед гэмтлийг багасгадаг. Шарх, сувилахуйн нөхцөлд хэрэглэхэд нэн тохиромжтой бөгөөд арьсанд цочрол үүсгэхгүй үр дүнтэй наалддаг. Силикон материал нь хэрэглэх, арилгахад хялбар бөгөөд өвчтөний тав тухыг хангаж, эдгэрэлтийг хөнгөвчлөх болно. Шархыг эмчлэхэд оновчтой үр дүнд хүрэхийн тулд GentilTac зөөлөн силикон интерфэйсийн давхаргаар шархны арчилгааны дэглэмээ сайжруулаарай...
98.12 USD
Mepitel one боолт 12х15см 5 ширхэг
Mepitel One Dressing 12x15cm 5 Pcs The Mepitel One Dressing 12x15cm 5 Pcs is a gentle and effective wound dressing that provides a moist wound healing environment. It is designed to minimize pain and trauma during dressing changes, making it suitable for use on fragile skin and wounds with a low to moderate exudate level. With its transparent design, it allows for easy monitoring of the wound without the need for frequent dressing changes. This dressing is made of a soft silicone adhesive that ensures gentle adherence to the skin without causing pain or damage upon removal. The adhesive also forms a barrier that prevents the dressing from sticking to the wound, reducing the risk of trauma and pain during dressing changes. The Mepitel One Dressing 12x15cm 5 Pcs is highly effective against bacterial contamination, making it a great option for wound care. It is ideal for use on burns, skin grafts, surgical wounds, and other painful or delicate wounds that require effective healing while minimizing trauma and pain. The pack contains five units of Mepitel One Dressing, each measuring 12x15cm. This size is large enough to cover most wounds, reducing the risk of bacteria entering the wound bed. Additionally, the dressing is highly absorbent, making it suitable for use on wounds with low to moderate exudate levels. Overall, if you are looking for a gentle, effective and highly absorbent wound dressing that minimizes pain and trauma during dressing changes, the Mepitel One Dressing 12x15cm 5 Pcs is an excellent option to consider. ..
206.47 USD
(1 Хуудас)