
химийн хорт бодис агуулаагүй

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(1 Хуудас)
Швейцарь улсад үйлдвэрлэсэн химийн хорт бодис агуулаагүй эдгээр эрүүл мэнд, гоо сайхны бүтээгдэхүүнүүд нь таны биед аюулгүй, зөөлөн арчилгаа өгдөг. Athanor Alum Deodorant гэх мэт зүйлсийг багтаасан бидний сонгосон сонголтууд нь синтетик бодисуудтай холбоотой эрсдэлгүйгээр таны сайн сайхан байдлыг хадгалахын тулд байгалийн гаралтай орц найрлагаар бүтээгдсэн. Химийн хорт бодист шаардлагагүй өртөхөөс хамгаалах зорилготой бүтээгдэхүүнээр эрүүл мэндээ нэн тэргүүнд тавьж, өөртөө итгэлтэй, шинэлэг байгаарай.
Athanor alum үнэр дарагч 120 гр

Athanor alum үнэр дарагч 120 гр

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 3089621

Athanor Alum Deodorant 120g Keep yourself fresh and feeling clean all day long with Athanor Alum Deodorant 120g. This product is a high-quality natural deodorant that helps you fight off unpleasant odors caused by sweating. Made from natural ingredients, this deodorant is completely safe for use and free from harmful chemicals that are usually present in other deodorant products in the market. Long-lasting Protection: This deodorant offers you long-lasting protection from sweat and bad odor. It effectively keeps you fresh and dry all day long. Natural Ingredients: Athanor Alum Deodorant is made from natural ingredients such as potassium alum, water, and citric acid. It is free from harmful chemicals such as parabens, alcohol, and other synthetic substances that irritate the skin and can cause damage to your health in the long run. Gentle on Skin: This product is gentle on your skin and does not cause any irritation or discomfort. You can use it on sensitive skin without worrying about any negative side effects. It is also suitable for people who suffer from allergies. Easy to Apply: Athanor Alum Deodorant comes in a convenient roll-on bottle that is easy to use. You can apply it directly to your skin and it will dry quickly, leaving no residue or stains on your clothes. Say goodbye to unpleasant underarm odors and enjoy all-day freshness with Athanor Alum Deodorant 120g. This product is perfect for men and women who want to stay fresh and confident throughout the day without compromising their health. ..

20.42 USD

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(1 Хуудас)
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