
эксудатыг зохицуулах боолт

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Эксудат эмчилгээний боолт нь хөлний шарх, даралтын шарх, халдвартай шарх зэрэг дунд болон өндөр ялгадастай шархыг эмчлэхэд зайлшгүй шаардлагатай. Эдгээр дэвшилтэт боолт нь эксудатыг удирдаж, бактерийн өсөлтийг хянахад тусалдаг тул эдгэрэлтийг хурдан болгодог. Эмзэг, эмзэг арьсанд тохиромжтой, чийглэг эдгээх орчинг бүрдүүлж, эсийн өсөлт, эд эсийн нөхөн төлжилтийг сайжруулдаг. Мөнгөний ион зэрэг халдварын эрсдэлийг бууруулж, өндөр шингээгч далайн замагны ханд агуулсан эдгээр боолт нь үр дүнтэй, зөөлөн байдаг. Эрүүл мэндийн мэргэжилтнүүдэд нэн тохиромжтой бөгөөд тэдгээр нь шархны зардал багатай менежментийг санал болгодог бөгөөд 7 хүртэл хоног ажиллах боломжтой тул ойр ойрхон солигдох хэрэгцээг багасгадаг. Швейцарь улсын эрүүл мэнд, гоо сайхны бүтээгдэхүүнүүдийг "Боолт, компресс, шархны боолт" гэсэн төрөлд сонирхоорой.
Aquacel хөөс хөөс наалдамхай бус боолт 10х10см 10 ширхэг

Aquacel хөөс хөөс наалдамхай бус боолт 10х10см 10 ширхэг

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7807938

AQUACEL Foam Non-Adhesive Foam Dressing 10x10cm 10 pcs The AQUACEL Foam non-adhesive foam dressing is a versatile, multi-layered dressing that provides effective wound management for a wide range of exuding wounds. It is made of a soft, comfortable foam that conforms to the contours of the wound, creating a secure and comfortable fit. The foam absorbs excess exudate, reducing the risk of maceration and promoting a moist wound healing environment. The dressing is made of hydrofiber technology, which consists of tiny fibres that are able to absorb and lock in fluid, creating a gel-like substance that supports the natural healing process. It also contains ionic silver, which has antimicrobial properties that help to reduce the risk of infection and promote faster healing times. The AQUACEL Foam non-adhesive foam dressing is designed to be used alone or in combination with other dressings, depending on the specific needs of the wound. It is ideal for use on wounds that are moderately to heavily exuding, including pressure ulcers, leg ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, surgical wounds, and traumatic wounds. This pack contains 10 AQUACEL Foam non-adhesive foam dressings, each measuring 10x10cm. The dressings are easy to apply and remove, and can be cut to fit the shape and size of the wound. They are suitable for use on both adults and children, and are latex-free to reduce the risk of allergic reactions. ..

148.04 USD

Biatain alginate ag 5x5cm (неу)

Biatain alginate ag 5x5cm (неу)

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7795532

BIATAIN Alginate Ag 5x5cm (neu) The BIATAIN Alginate Ag 5x5cm (neu) is a highly effective wound dressing designed to treat moderate to highly exuding wounds, such as leg ulcers, pressure ulcers and infected wounds. The advanced dressing helps to manage exudate and control bacterial growth, promoting faster healing times. The dressing contains silver ions, which help to inhibit bacterial growth and reduce the risk of infection. This makes it an ideal choice for wounds that are at risk of infection or have already become infected. The BIATAIN Alginate Ag 5x5cm (neu) is made from a natural seaweed extract that forms a soft, highly absorbent gel when it comes into contact with wound exudate. The gel conforms to the wound bed, providing a moist healing environment that promotes cell growth and tissue regeneration. The dressing is also gentle on skin, making it suitable for use on sensitive or fragile skin. It can be left in place for up to seven days, reducing the need for frequent dressing changes and offering cost-effective wound management. The BIATAIN Alginate Ag 5x5cm (neu) comes in a convenient 5x5cm size, making it ideal for use on wounds of various sizes. It is easy to apply and remove, providing a comfortable and efficient wound treatment experience for both patients and healthcare professionals. ..

94.34 USD

Xtrata тунгалаг хальсан боолт 10смx10м

Xtrata тунгалаг хальсан боолт 10смx10м

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 7836484

Introducing the Xtrata transparent film dressing, a versatile and effective wound care solution suitable for a wide range of applications. Measuring at 10cm x 10m, this roll of film dressing is the perfect size for healthcare professionals in need of a reliable, long-lasting dressing that won't let them down. Constructed from a transparent, stretchy material, this film dressing conforms to the shape of any wound site or surgical incision, ensuring a snug and secure fit that won't slip or move around throughout the day. Its non-adherent surface minimizes the risk of skin breakdown, making it ideal for use on fragile or sensitive skin, while its breathable design allows for optimal moisture vapor transmission and wound healing. The Xtrata transparent film dressing also boasts excellent exudate management capabilities, thanks to its absorbent and liquid-repellent properties. Its high-density construction helps create a moisture-free environment that promotes healthy granulation tissue growth and prevents bacterial contamination. Easy to apply and remove, the Xtrata transparent film dressing is a must-have addition to any caregiver's wound care toolkit. Its convenient roll format makes it easy to customize the size of the dressing to suit any wound, while its lightweight and flexible design ensures maximum patient comfort and mobility. Whether you're managing a small cut or a large, complex wound, this film dressing is the perfect choice for superior wound care. Trust in the Xtrata transparent film dressing for all your wound care needs, and experience the ultimate in protection, comfort, and healing...

70.72 USD

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(1 Хуудас)
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