
хугарсан хавирга

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Хавирганы гэмтэл, хагалгааны дараа эдгэрч буй хүмүүст үр дүнтэй дэмжлэг үзүүлэх, өвдөлтийг намдаахад зориулагдсан хугарсан хавирганы хаалтуудын сонголттой танилцана уу. GIBAUD Rib Chord Men Gr2 гэх мэт сонголтуудыг багтаасан эдгээр өндөр чанартай хавирганы бүсүүд нь өдрийн турш тав тухыг дээд зэргээр хангах үүднээс амьсгалах чадвартай, уян хатан материалаар хийгдсэн. Хавдар, үрэвсэл, булчингийн агшилтыг эмчлэхэд нэн тохиромжтой бүтээгдэхүүнүүд нь зөөлөн шахалтыг санал болгож, эдгэрэлтийг хурдасгаж, хөдөлгөөнийг илүү таатай болгодог. Мэдрэмтгий арьстай хүмүүст тохиромжтой эдгээр туслах шийдлүүд нь Швейцарь улсын эрүүл мэнд, гоо сайхны дээд зэрэглэлийн бүтээгдэхүүний цуглуулгын нэг хэсэг юм.
Gibaud rib chord men gr2 100-130cm white

Gibaud rib chord men gr2 100-130cm white

Бүтээгдэхүүний код: 1158714

GIBAUD Rib Chord Men Gr2 100-130cm White Introducing the GIBAUD Rib Chord Men Gr2 in White, a top-quality support system designed to alleviate rib pain and discomfort. This product is available in a size range of 100-130cm and is specially crafted to provide the right amount of compression and support, while also ensuring maximum comfort for the user. This support system is made from a high-quality blend of materials, including cotton, polyester, and elastane. These high-quality materials ensure that the product is breathable, lightweight, and flexible, making it comfortable to wear throughout the day. The GIBAUD Rib Chord Men Gr2 in White is perfect for those with sensitive skin due to the gentle, soft texture of the materials used. The GIBAUD Rib Chord Men Gr2 in White is ideal for those recovering from rib injuries or surgeries, as well as those suffering from chronic rib pain. The compression provided by this product helps to reduce swelling, inflammation, and muscle spasm, allowing for more comfortable movement and faster healing. Features Cotton, polyester, and elastane blend materials for a lightweight, breathable, and flexible design Gentle, soft texture for sensitive skin Provides compression to reduce swelling, inflammation, and muscle spasm Perfect for those recovering from rib injuries or surgeries, as well as those suffering from chronic rib pain Available in a size range of 100-130cm Benefits Comfortable to wear throughout the day Alleviates rib pain and discomfort Allows for more comfortable movement Faster healing Overall, the GIBAUD Rib Chord Men Gr2 in White is a top-quality support system that provides powerful relief for those struggling with rib pain and discomfort. If you're looking for a comfortable, effective, and high-quality solution, this product is the perfect choice. ..

62.51 USD

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