амьсгалдаг өвдөгний бэхэлгээ
(1 Хуудас)
3m futuro өвдөгний тулгуур m баруун / зүүн
3M Futuro өвдөгний боолт M баруун/зүүн 3М ФУТУРО? Хажуу талын тулгууртай өвдөгний бэхэлгээ / Дунд зэргийн дэмжлэгийн түвшин / хэмжээ: Жижиг - Дунд - Том Урвуу тогтворжуулагч нь хөдөлгөөний эрх чөлөөг хязгаарлахгүйгээр өвдөгний нэмэлт тогтвортой байдлыг хангана. Өвдөгний хонхорхойг дэмжихийн тулд пателлар нээлхий. Давхар сунгах материалыг оновчтой тохируулна. ФУТУРО юу? Хажуу талын тулгуур бүхий өвдөгний тулгуур нь танд тав тухтай тогтворжилтыг санал болгодог бөгөөд өдөр тутмын хэрэглээнд тохиромжтой шийдэл юм. Энэхүү уян хатан сүлжмэл өвдөгний бэхэлгээг хувцасны доор зүүж болох бөгөөд өвдөгний булчингуудад тав тухтай дэмжлэг үзүүлдэг. Хажуугийн тогтворжуулагч нь өвдөгний хажуугийн хөдөлгөөнийг хязгаарлаж, пателлагийн нээлхий нь нэмэлт тайтгарлыг бий болгодог. Гэмтсэн өвдөгний хажуугийн өвдөгний бэхэлгээний тусламжтай хэрэгтэй зүйлээ өгөөрэй. Шууд шахаж, хажуугийн тогтворжилтыг хангана Хамгийн тохиромжтой: Шөрмөс, шөрмөс зэрэг хамгийн түгээмэл гэмтэлд дэмжлэг үзүүлэх, хэт их хэрэглээ, ерөнхий дэмжлэг Уян материал нь гулсахаас сэргийлдэг Өвдөгний хонхорхойг дэмжихийн тулд пателляр нээгддэг Урваж тогтворжуулагч нь хөдөлгөөний эрх чөлөөг хязгаарлахгүйгээр нэмэлт тогтвортой байдлыг хангадаг < li>Тогтвортой дэмжлэг үзүүлэх зориулалттай анатомийн хэлбэртэй Амьсгалах материал Манай инженер, эмнэлгийн мэргэжилтнүүдээс бүрдсэн шинжээчдийн зөвлөл дэмжинэ Зориулалт: Хатуу, сул эсвэл гэмтсэн өвдөг Зүүн эсвэл баруун өвдөгний үенд тохиромжтой FUTURO? Хажуу талын тулгууртай өвдөгний боолт, S хэмжээтэй, Жижиг (30.5 > 36.5 см) FUTURO? хажуугийн тулгууртай өвдөгний тулгуур, M хэмжээтэй, дунд (36.5 > 43.0 см) FUTURO? Хажуу талын тулгууртай өвдөгний боолт, L хэмжээтэй, Том (43.0 > 49.5 см) ..
51.35 USD
Airloc тогтвортой байдал
AIRLOC Stabilorthese: The Ultimate Support for Your Knee Introducing the AIRLOC Stabilorthese, a knee brace designed to provide maximum support and stability to those who suffer from knee pain, weakness, or instability. Whether you're an athlete recovering from an injury, or someone experiencing chronic knee pain, the AIRLOC Stabilorthese can help you get back on your feet and continue doing the activities you love. What Sets the AIRLOC Stabilorthese Apart? The AIRLOC Stabilorthese is different from traditional knee braces because it uses a patented air-cushion system to provide ultimate support and comfort. This air system is designed to give you the exact amount of compression and stabilization that you need, ensuring that your knee stays protected and pain-free, no matter what you're doing. Benefits of the AIRLOC Stabilorthese Provides unparalleled support and stability to the knee Reduces pain and inflammation associated with knee injuries and chronic conditions Helps prevent further injury to the knee joint Adjustable compression levels ensure perfect fit and comfort for any activity Breathable and lightweight, so you can wear it all day long without discomfort Who Can Benefit from the AIRLOC Stabilorthese? The AIRLOC Stabilorthese is perfect for anyone who needs extra support and stability for their knee, whether due to an injury, chronic condition, or just general weakness. It can be worn during sports activities, everyday tasks, or even while resting, to provide maximum protection and pain relief for your knee. Get Started Today with the AIRLOC Stabilorthese If you're ready to experience the benefits of the AIRLOC Stabilorthese for yourself, order yours today. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so you can be confident that you're making a risk-free purchase. ..
126.84 USD
Bilasto өвдөгний боолт шаргал л
BILASTO Knee Bandage Beige L The BILASTO Knee Bandage is specially designed to provide maximum support and comfort to your knees during physical activities. Made of premium quality materials, this knee bandage is a perfect blend of style, durability, and functionality. This product is ideal for anyone dealing with knee injuries, including athletes, hikers, and fitness enthusiasts. The BILASTO Knee Bandage is made of breathable and stretchable materials. The bandage conforms perfectly to the shape of your knees, providing maximum compression without restricting your movements. It has an anatomical design that helps in reducing pain and stiffness in the knees. The bandage also eases the tension on the quadriceps and patellar tendon, reducing the risk of injury or aggravation of existing injuries. The Beige color of the BILASTO Knee Bandage gives it an elegant look, making it a perfect accessory for anyone looking to make a fashion statement with their fitness gear. This Knee Bandage is a must-have for anyone dealing with knee pain or seeking extra support for their knees during physical activities. It provides unparalleled comfort, support, and protection for your knees. The BILASTO Knee Bandage comes in Large Size (L) and is suitable for people with Knee Circumference of 38-40cm. The product is easy to use and can be adjusted to fit your knees perfectly. The bandage is also easy to clean, and its high-quality materials ensure that it can withstand the rigors of daily use. Overall, the BILASTO Knee Bandage is an excellent product for anyone looking for extra support and protection for their knees. Its comfort and durability make it the go-to choice for anyone who wants to stay active without worrying about knee pain or injury. Order your BILASTO Knee Bandage today and experience unparalleled comfort and support for your knees! ..
36.50 USD
Bilasto өвдөгний боолт шаргал с
BILASTO Knee Bandage Beige S The BILASTO Knee Bandage Beige S is a high-quality compression knee brace designed to provide support and comfort for individuals suffering from knee pain or discomfort. The bandage is made with premium materials that give it durability, elasticity, and a comfortable fit. The Beige S size is ideal for people with small knees as it has a circumference of 32-36cm. The BILASTO Knee Bandage Beige S comes with a unique compression technology that helps to reduce swelling and inflammation in the knee area. The compression also helps to improve blood circulation, which aids in the healing and recovery process. This knee brace is perfect for individuals recovering from knee surgery or those with mild knee injuries such as strains or sprains. One of the standout features of the BILASTO Knee Bandage Beige S is its breathable fabric. This means that you can wear it all day without feeling uncomfortable or sweaty. The bandage also has an adjustable strap that allows you to customize the level of compression you need, ensuring a perfect fit every time. The BILASTO Knee Bandage Beige S is easy to care for and can be hand-washed with mild detergent. It is lightweight, compact, and can easily fit in your bag or purse, meaning that you can take it wherever you go. This knee brace is perfect for athletes, people with active lifestyles, or anyone looking for extra support and comfort for their knees. Experience the comfort and support of the BILASTO Knee Bandage Beige S today and feel the difference it makes in your knee health and well-being. ..
36.07 USD
Genutrain p3 active support gr2 left titan
GenuTrain P3 Active support Gr2 left titan The GenuTrain P3 Active support is designed to relieve pain and stabilize the knee joint, particularly in cases of patellar tracking disorders. This product is available in a left version, in the color titan and is suitable for people with a size of The GenuTrain P3 Active support Gr2 left titan is a high-quality product that provides excellent support while allowing for a full range of motion. Features: Anatomic fit: This product features an ergonomic design that conforms to the shape of your knee, ensuring a comfortable and snug fit. P3 Pad: The P3 Pad is a special insert that helps to stabilize the patella, reducing the risk of misalignment and associated pain. Three-dimensional knit: The GenuTrain P3 Active support Gr2 left titan is made from a high-quality, breathable knit material that provides excellent compression and support. Comfortable fit: This product is designed to be worn for extended periods of time without causing discomfort or irritation. Benefits: Pain relief: The GenuTrain P3 Active support Gr2 left titan helps to alleviate pain and discomfort associated with patellar tracking disorders Stability: The P3 Pad and anatomic fit of this product help to stabilize the patella, reducing the risk of misalignment and associated pain. Improved mobility: This product provides excellent support while allowing for a full range of motion, making it ideal for athletes and active individuals. Breathable: The three-dimensional knit material used in this product is breathable, ensuring that you stay cool and comfortable while wearing it. Conclusion: If you suffer from patellar tracking disorders or knee pain, the GenuTrain P3 Active support Gr2 left titan is an excellent solution. Designed to provide pain relief, stability, and improved mobility, this product is made from high-quality materials and features an ergonomic design that ensures a comfortable and snug fit...
194.88 USD
Genutrain s aktivbandage gr2 нь титаныг холбодог
GenuTrain S Aktivbandage Gr2 links titan Looking for a comfortable and supportive knee brace that lets you stay active? The GenuTrain S Aktivbandage is the perfect solution. Designed specifically for people with mild to moderate knee pain or instability, this knee brace features a unique blend of compression and support that helps you manage your symptoms while still staying active and enjoying your favorite sports and activities. The GenuTrain S Aktivbandage is made from high-quality materials that are comfortable to wear and easy to clean, so you can rely on your brace day in and day out. The open patella design and soft viscoelastic pads provide extra support and cushioning where you need it most, while the breathable fabric helps keep you cool and dry even during intense exercise or activity. With a secure and adjustable fit and a range of sizes to choose from, the GenuTrain S Aktivbandage is perfect for anyone who wants to stay active and comfortable while managing knee pain or instability. So why wait? Order your knee brace today and start enjoying the active lifestyle you deserve. Features: Compression and support for mild to moderate knee pain or instability Comfortable and easy to clean Open patella design and viscoelastic pads for extra support and cushioning Breathable fabric helps keep you cool and dry during activity Secure and adjustable fit for maximum comfort and effectiveness Sizing Chart: Size Thigh Circumference (in cm) 1 34 - 39 2 39 - 44 3 44 - 49 4 49 - 54 5 54 - 59 6 59 - 64 ..
270.32 USD
Genutrain s aktivbandage gr3 rechts titan
Бүтээгдэхүүний тайлбар: GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr3 rechts titan GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr3 rechts titan нь өвдөгний үений өвдөлт, таагүй мэдрэмжтэй хүмүүст үр дүнтэй дэмжлэг үзүүлэх зориулалттай дэвшилтэт өвдөгний тулгуур юм. Энэ нь өвдөгний үеийг дэмжиж, тогтворжуулах зориулалттай өвөрмөц өвдөгний аппарат юм. Ингэснээр та өдөр тутмын үйл ажиллагаагаа эвгүй байдалд оруулахгүйгээр үргэлжлүүлэх боломжтой. Энэхүү өвдөгний бэхэлгээ нь өвдөгний үеийг тав тухтай шахаж, дэмжиж, хавдар, өвдөлтийг намдааж, цаашид бэртэл гэмтлээс урьдчилан сэргийлэх зорилготой юм. Энэ нь удаан эдэлгээтэй, биед эвтэйхэн чанартай материалаар хийгдсэн тул та удаан хугацаанд ямар ч эвгүй байдалд орохгүй. GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr3 rechts titan нь өвдөгний үений остеоартрит, өвдөгний үений тогтворгүй байдал болон өвдөгний бусад өвчнөөр шаналж буй хүмүүс зэрэг өвдөгний үений өвдөлт, таагүй мэдрэмжийг мэдэрдэг хүмүүст тохиромжтой. Өвдөгний аппарат нь амьсгалж чаддаг бүтэцтэй бөгөөд таны арьсыг хуурай, сэрүүн байлгаж, цочролоос сэргийлж, дээд зэргийн тав тухтай байдлыг хангана. Өвдөгний бэхэлгээ нь тохируулах боломжтой оосрын системээр бүтээгдсэн бөгөөд энэ нь хүний биед эвтэйхэн, найдвартай бэхэлгээг хангадаг. Өмсөх, тайлахад хялбар, хөнгөн хийц нь удаан хугацаанд өмсөхөд хялбар болгодог. Өвдөгний бэхэлгээ нь эрэгтэй, эмэгтэй хүмүүст тохиромжтой бөгөөд таны хэрэгцээнд нийцүүлэн баруун, зүүн гэсэн хувилбаруудтай. GENUTRAIN S Aktivbandage Gr3 rechts titan-ийн давуу талыг ашиглаж, өвдөлтгүй, идэвхтэй амьдралын хэв маягийг сайхан өнгөрүүлээрэй. ..
270.32 USD
Genutrain идэвхтэй дэмжлэг gr3 титан
GenuTrain идэвхтэй дэмжлэг Gr3 титан - Таны өвдөгний хамгийн сайн найз Та өвдөгний өвдөлт, тогтворгүй байдлаас залхаж байна уу? GenuTrain идэвхтэй дэмжлэг Gr3 титан нь өвдөгний үеийг дээд зэргээр дэмжиж, тав тухыг хангах зорилготой юм. Та бэртлээсээ эдгэрч байгаа тамирчин ч бай эсвэл ирээдүйд тохиолдох асуудлаас урьдчилан сэргийлэхийг хүсч байгаа эсэхээс үл хамааран энэхүү өвдөгний бэхэлгээ нь төгс шийдэл юм. Гол онцлог: Төгс тохирох шинэлэг 3D сүлжмэл технологи Зорилтот дэмжлэгт зориулсан нэгдсэн титан сегмент Өдрийн турш тав тухтай амьсгалах материал Өвдөгний үений тогтворжилтыг сайжруулж, өвдөлтийг намдаана GenuTrain идэвхтэй дэмжигч Gr3 титан нь зөвхөн өвдөгний бэхэлгээнээс илүү юм. Энэ бол таны дуртай зүйлээ хийхэд шаардлагатай дэмжлэг, тогтвортой байдлыг хангадаг эмнэлгийн чанартай төхөөрөмж юм. Өнөөдөр захиалгаа өгөөд ялгааг мэдрээрэй!..
143.13 USD
Genutrain идэвхтэй дэмжлэг gr5 comfort titan
Description: The GenuTrain active support Gr5 Comfort titan is a high-quality knee brace designed to provide active support and relief for knee pain, inflammation, and injury. This knee brace is made from breathable knit fabric that conforms to the shape of your knee, providing a comfortable and secure fit that promotes optimal range of motion and flexibility. The Gr5 Comfort titan knee brace incorporates a special viscoelastic pad that helps to redistribute pressure around the knee joint, reducing pain and promoting healing. This pad conforms to the contours of your knee and provides targeted compression to key areas, helping to reduce inflammation and swelling while also promoting blood flow and oxygenation to the affected area. Whether you're an athlete recovering from a knee injury or you're simply looking for a comfortable and supportive knee brace to help you manage chronic pain and inflammation, the GenuTrain active support Gr5 Comfort titan is the perfect solution. With its advanced design, breathable fabric, and viscoelastic pad technology, this knee brace is sure to provide the active support and pain relief you need to stay active and comfortable all day long. Features: Designed for active support and relief for knee pain, inflammation, and injury Made from breathable knit fabric that conforms to the shape of your knee, providing a comfortable and secure fit that promotes optimal range of motion and flexibility Incorporates a special viscoelastic pad that helps to redistribute pressure around the knee joint, reducing pain and promoting healing Conforms to the contours of your knee and provides targeted compression to key areas, helping to reduce inflammation and swelling while also promoting blood flow and oxygenation to the affected area Perfect for athletes recovering from a knee injury or for individuals with chronic knee pain and inflammation ..
143.13 USD
(1 Хуудас)